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JSS 3 NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers CCA

This is for BECE Candidates looking for NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers CCA (Cultural and Creative Arts), as they call it. But this is Basic Education Certificate Examination by the National Examination Council (NECO) for JSS3 candidates. The Cultural and Creative Arts paper is compulsory for all candidates regardless of their schools. So, here you will get genuine NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers for CCA. Your duty now is to read through them as many times as possible and get ready to smash your paper. Don’t forget to join our Free Online BECE Tutorials on Facebook. (Like and Follow Page)

NECO BECE Questions and Answers Cultural and Creative Arts

What are NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers CCA?

NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers CCA are the questions you should expect in your CCA paper in 2025 BECE, together with their answers.

It is very important that every candidate preparing to sit for in the forthcoming 2025 BECE examinations should catch a glimpse of these questions.

In so doing, they will know what to expect in the exam hall. Knowing exactly what to expect will boost their confidence and guarantee them a very high score.

Note that there are two papers under CCA:

  1. Paper 1: Art and Craft
  2. Paper 2: Music, Drama and Dance

Each of the papers has 60 multiple choice questions and would last for 1 hour.

NECO BECE 2025 CCA Questions and Answers Revealed!

On this page, we shall reveal NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers for all candidates taking the CCA paper.

How lucky you are to stumble upon this important page!

The questions are genuine and the answers are accurate, and all are a product of our passion to see you excel in your BECE and proceed to Senior Secondary School.

In the following sections, you will read the CCA questions you are to expect in your 2025 NECO BECE exam as well as their answers. You can use the comments section if you still need clarification over some of the questions. We will give you a more detailed explanation.

junior waec candidates in bece hall


1. The standard measurement in figure drawing is
A. foot         B. hand       C. head
D. limb         E. palm

2. Effect of depth is created in a drawing by
A. shading             B. shaping
C. sketching           D. texture
E. tracing

3. Composition of inanimate objects is
A. life         B. nature          C. still-life
D. imaginative        E. landscape

4. A rectangular device used in capturing area to be included in drawing is
A. binocular          B. camera
C. projector          D. stereoscope
E. video

5. The art of using dots as shading in an object is
A. blurring            B. cross-hatching
C. hatching           D. pointillism
E. value

6. The drawing of human figure from head to shoulder is
A. bust                 B. diagram
C. marquette       D. picture
E. portrait

7. The distance between two points in a drawing is
A. gap         B. line        C. mark
D. shade      E. shadow

8. The ability to indicate a source of light in a drawn object is
A. design             B. outlining
C. shading           D. sketching
E. texture

9. The following are shading techniques except
A. blurring           B. cross-hatching
C. hatching          D. perspective
E. pointillism

10. A charcoal drawing requires to make it permanent.
A. colour        B. fixative        C. glaze
D. glue           E. oil

11. The material needed in pattern making is
A. beater         B. cardboard paper
C. chisel          D. caustic soda
E. mallet

12. A circle containing the primary, secondary and tertiary colour is
A. colour bar           B. colour chart
C. colour wheel       D. pigment
E. rainbow

13. Which of the following is not considered as a colour?
A. Blue           B. Green         C. Orange
D. Purple        E. White

14. A mixture of red and yellow colours in equal proportion will produce
A. blue          B. green        C. orange
D. purple       E. violet

15. Which of the following views is represented in the drawing below?
A. Arial          B. Back         C. Front
D. Profile       E. Three-quarter

16. Papier-mâché is used in sculpture for
A. carving          B. designing
C. drawing         D. modelling
E. painting

17. Elements of art are line,
A. shape, balance and emphasis
B. shape, value and balance
C. shape, value and colour
D. shape, value and rhythm
E. shape, value, dominance

18. A place where historical materials and artefacts are kept is a/an
A. archive         B. bank       C. gallery
D. museum       E. studio

19. Abeokuta is the home of
A. bronze casting
B. jewellery
C. stone carving
D. tie and dye
E. wood carving

20. Chiaroscuro is a/an …… word.
A. Egyptian       B. German
C. Greek            D. Italian
E. Spanish

21. A type of painting done in one colour is referred to as
A. fresco            B. glazing
C. mural            D. monochrome
E. polychrome

22. Which of the following colours is more appealing to children?
A. Black         B. Brown        C. Green
D. Pink          E. White

23. The colour suitable for transparent painting is
A. crayon         B. oil         C. pastel
D. poster         E. water

24. Which of the following media is suitable for pupils in the primary school?
A. Acrylic        B. Crayon        C. Oil
D. Pastel         E. Poster

25. A method by which sculptural work is built is
A. casting              B. decoration
C. modelling         D. moulding
E. scooping

26. The sketch below is a/an….. drawing.

A. figure          B. imaginative
C. nature         D. object
E. perspective

27. Making of human figure with clay is achieved through
A. casting            B. diagramming
C. modelling       D. pinching
E. shading

28. Art works are displayed in the following places except
A. art studio          B. art theatre
C. gallery               D. market
E. museum

29. A large wall painting is referred to as
A. fresco           B. impasto
C. mosaic         D. mural
E. tempera

30. Which of the following represents the drawing below?

A. Caricature          B. Cartoon
C. Figure                D. Marquette
E. Shape

31. Which of the following materials is mostly used for painting?
A. Brush         B. Feather       C. Foam
D. Grass         E. Wool

32. An oval shaped board in which an artist holds and mixes colours for painting is
A. cup          B. glass        C. palette
D. plate        E. spatula

33. In landscape painting, the artist uses to achieve the colour of vegetation.
A. blue          B. green         C. orange
D. red            E. yellow

34. The person that takes care of a museum is a/an
A. attendant              B. curator
C. museum man        D. sculptor
E. store keeper

35. The shading technique by which an artist used vertical and horizontal strokes in drawing is
A. blurring          B. cross-hatching
C. hatching         D. pointillism
E. spiral

36. The Nigeria war museum is located in
A. Benin           B. Ikeja         C. Jos
D. Owo            E. Umauhia

37. The area marked “A” in the drawing below is

A. back-ground        B. light
C. shade                   D. shadow
E. space

38. Throwing wheel is a machine used by a
A. ceramist               B. painter
C. photographer      D. sculptor
E. weaver

39. The following are aspects of painting except
A. abstract          B. landscape
C. nature            D. seascape
E. smudge

40. Which of the following is not involved in pottery making?
A. Drying         B. Dyeing
C. Firing           D. Glazing
E. Moulding

41. Arrangement of motif in order to achieve rhythm is
A. abstract         B. design
C. pattern          D. repeat
E. shape

42. Another name for colour is
A. hue           B. intensity
C. shade        D. tint
E. value

43. Pit dyeing is predominantly practised in
A. Bida         B. Kaduna        C. Kano
D. Owo         E. Oyo

44. Nok arts were mostly done in
A. bronze          B. ivory        C. stone
D. terra-cotta    E. wood

45. Which of the following media is water base?
A. Crayon        B. Oil         C. Pastel
D. Pencil          E. Poster

46. A drawing of human figure is
A. abstract        B. imaginative
C. life                D. nature
E. still life

47. In the drawing below, the place marked “X” is

A. centre of interest
B. line of horizon
C. line of vision
D. picture plane
E. vanishing point

48. Which of the following media requires only subtractive method?
A. Cement             B. Clay
C. Paper pulp        D. Plaster of Paris
E. Stone

49. A small ornamental projection at the top and bottom of letters is
A. serif          B. shapes        C. strokes
D. style         E. system

50. Drawing teaches students to be very
A. accurate            B. creative
C. imaginative       D. intelligent
E. observant

51. The surface quality of an object is
A. balance             B. contrast
C. proportion       D. shape
E. texture

52. Nok terra-cotta was discovered in the present state.
A. Anambra        B. Edo
C. Kaduna          D. Kwara
E. Osun

53. Which of the following is a branch of fine art?
A. Ceramics           B. Graphics
C. Painting            D. Photography
E. Textile

54. Basket weaving is an aspect of
A. craft             B. graphics
C. mural           D. painting
E. sculpture

55. A technique of applying colours without mixing them is painting.
A. dry            B. fresco        C. impasto
D. tempera   Ε. wet

56. A painting of rocks, shells and is known as nature.
A. bucket      B. insects        C. river
D. sky            E. table

57. Dewaxing is a process of removing wax in
A. batik            B. carving
C. casting        D. moulding
E. weaving

Use the chart below to answer questions 58 to 60.

58. The chart above represents the colours.
A. analogous             B. complementary
C. harmonious          D. primary
E. secondary

59. The outcome of equally proportional mixture of any two colours in the diagram above is
A. complementary       B. neutral
C. primary                   D. secondary
E. tertiary

60. The mixture of red and blue will produce
Λ. black      B. blue       C. brown
D. green     E. purple



1. Music performed during a celebration is
A. educational           B. martial
C. occupational         D. sacred
E. social

2. Chordophones are instruments…..
A. beaten           B. blown
C. plucked         D. shaken
E. stricken

3. What western classification is the instrument below?
A. Brass               B. Keyboard
C. Percussion      D. Strings
E. Woodwind

4. The softness or loudness of sound is
A. duration          B. intensity
C. pitch               D. rhythm
E. timbre

5. The recorder diagram below interprets

A. C         B. D        C. E
D. F          E. G

6. What name is the ledger line indicated by semibreve note below:

A. B        B. C        C. D
D. E        E. G

7. The F clef is same as …… clef.
A. alto          B. baritone
C. bass         D. tenor
E. treble

8. Which major key has two flats as its signature?
A. Bb          B. C         C. Db
D. E            E. F

9. The key signature on the staff below is major.

A. C#         B. D        C. E
D. F#          E. G

10. Which of the following time signatures is ‘cut-time’?
A. 2 2             B. 2 4           C. 3 4
D. 4 4             E. 6 8

11. ‘Staccato’ means…
A. accent displacement
B. moderately loud
C. prolonged sound
D. short and detached
E. slow and steady

12. The expression ‘quick and lively’ is
A. adagio          B. adante
C. allegro          D. accelerado
E. animato

13. Which of the notes below is wrongly stemmed?
A.             B.            C. م
D. J          E. d

14. Identify a minim rest among the following.
A.     B.        C.          D.         E.

15. Complete the asterisked bar below with the appropriate rest sign.
A.         B.        C.         D.          E.

16. How many bars will the monotone rhythm below have?

A. 2        B. 3        C. 4      D. 5       E. 6

17. The 3rd degree of a diatonic scale is
A. dominant         B. mediant
C. octave              D. supertonic
E. tonic

18. What major scale is constructed below?

A. C        B. D        C. E
D. F         E. G

19. The interval below is a

A. 2nd          B. 3rd       C. 4th
D. 5th           E. 6th

20. How many notes does a triad have?
A. 2       B. 3     C. 4       D. 5        E. 6

21. The letter names of the chord below are

A. C, E and G          B. D, F and A
C. E, G and B          D. F, A and C
E. G, B and D

22. The chord progression for plagal cadence is
A. I-V          B. ii-V          C. iii-vi
D. IV-I          E. V-I

23. What will be the new key if a music piece in C major’ modulates to its fifth?
A. B        B. D        C. E
D. F        E. G

24. The performance of a music piece in a key different from the original is
A. instrumentation        B. modulation
C. orchestration            D. transcription
E. transposition

25. The accidental which increases the pitch of a note by a tone is
A. *           B. b          C. ५
D. bb        E. #

26. Identify the appropriate solfa notation for the melody below:

A. f:s:t:lt.l:s:m:f
B. d:r:f:m/f.m:r:t:d
C. m:f:l:s 1.s:firm
D. t:d:m:r | m.r:d:l:t
E. 1:t:r:dr.d:t:s:1

27. The musical era dated 1750-1820 is
A. Baroque              B. Classical
C. Renaissance        D. Romantic
E. Twentieth century

28. Who among the following composers is a violin virtuoso?
A. F..J Haydn          B. G.F Handel
C. J.S Bach             D. R.A Schumann
E. W.A Mozart

29. The popular Nigerian song “Pray for me” is credited to
A. Asake           B. Darey
C. Davido         D. Olamide
E. Waje

30. Who composed Nigeria National Anthem?
A. Benedict Odiase
B. Fela Showande
C. Lazarus Ekwueme
D. Mamman Shatta
E. Taiwo Akinkunmi


31. There are stage. broad division of
A. five         B. four        C. one
D. three      E. two

32. Heroine is a/an…..
A. actress       B. character
C. clown         D. foil
E. villain

33. The origin of drama is traced to the
A. English            B. Greeks
C. Portuguese     D. Romans
E. Spanish

34. Wings in theatre serve as
A. a foyer
B. acting area
C. box office
D. dock for stage decor
E. waiting room for actors

35. A theatrical concept designed to bring meaningful change is drama.
A. creative          B. developmental
C. evolving         D. modern
E. therapeutic

36. Which of the following is a classical playwright?
A. Aristophanes
B. Arthol fugard
C. Henrik Ibsen
D. Niyi Ogundare
E. Wole Soyinka

37. A writer of a dramatic piece is a/an
A. essayist         B. narrator
C. novelist         D. playwright
E. poet

38. The father of modern drama is
A. Euripides
B. Henrik Ibsen
C. Sophocles
D. William Shakespeare
E. Wole Soyinka

39. A mask is used to create a…..
A. character        B. masquerade
C. clown             D. puppet
E. sentry

40. Epilogue is technically referred to as
A. anticlimax         B. climax
C. conflict             D. denouement
E. prologue

41. An unscripted production is the work of a
A. costumier          B. dramatist
C. play director      D. prompter
E. stage manager

42. Female plays male’s role possibly through
A. blocking
B. casting
C. costume designing
D. make up
E. prompting

43. Pick the odd item from the following:
A. Burlesque       B. Caricature
C. Farce              D. Manners
E. Parody

44. When an actor falls, rises, looks round and laughs, the scene is said to be
A. comic        B. exciting        C. sad
D. tragic        E. tragi-comic

45. Scripted and unscripted division is associated with
A. novel           B. anthology
C. play             D. short play
E. short story

46. A form of theatre that involves in animate objects often resembling human and animal figures is
A. caricature        B. cartoon
C. mascot            D. puppetry
E. silhouette

47. Soliloquy is to oneself as aside it to the
A. audience         B. chorus
C. director           D. other characters
E. prompter

48. A group of actors is to a cast as a costumier and props men are to
A. a board of directors
B. a crew
C. artistes
D. audience
E. stagehands

49. Stage décor is the function of a
A. costume designer
B. make-up artiste
C. production manager
D. set manager
E. stage manager

50. The dramatic art of putting a person in character is
A. audition         B. blocking
C. casting          D. prompting
E. rehearsal


51. A choreographer must be knowledgeable in movements and dance
A. blocking          B. designing
C. directing          D. performing
E. prompting

52. Which of the following is not an element of dance?
A. Action           B. Content
C. Energy          D. Space
E. Time

53. The art of designing dance is
A. autobiography
B. biography
C. choreography
D. cinematography
E. epigraphy

54. A type of dance that does not conform with strict dance rule is
A. abstract          B. comic
C. dramatic        D. pure
E. study

55. In …… dance, a multiplicity of movements are employed.
A. abstract           B. comic
C. dramatic          D. pure
E. study

56. A dance instructor is a
A. choreographer     B. costumier
C. dramatist              D. playwright
E. prompter

57. The principal physical feature involved in dance is the
A. arm          B. body        C. head
D. hip           E. leg

58. Which type of dance uses exaggerated movements to evoke laughter?
A. Abstract     B. Comic        C. Dramatic
D. Pure           E. Study

59. A popular dance associated with the Fulani tribe is the ……. dance.
A. atilogwu       B. bata        C. etighi
D. koroso          Ε. sharo

60. A Benin dance to ward off evil is
A. ekombi         B. swange
C. takai              D. ugho
E. ukwata


Draw and paint a football and a boot beside it as placed before you.


  • Poster colour
  • Water colour

Note: To avoid smudging, your painting work must be dried before packaging.

Answers to JSS 3 NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers CCA (Cultural and Creative Arts)

Answers to BECE Cultural and Creative Arts PAPER 1 (Art and Craft)

The following table gives the correct answers to the objective questions in Paper 1 of JSS3 NECO BECE 2025 for CCA (Cultural and Creative Arts) (i.e. Art and Craft). If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view. Remember to use the comments section if you need further clarification of any question.

Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans
1 C 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 D
6 E 7 A 8 C 9 D 10 B
11 B 12 C 13 E 14 C 15 C
16 D 17 C 18 D 19 D 20 D
21 D 22 D 23 E 24 B 25 C
26 D 27 C 28 D 29 D 30 B
31 A 32 C 33 B 34 B 35 B
36 E 37 D 38 A 39 E 40 B
41 C 42 A 43 C 44 D 45 E
46 C 47 E 48 E 49 A 50 A
51 E 52 C 53 C 54 A 55 C
56 C 57 A 58 D 59 D 60 E

Answers to BECE Cultural and Creative Arts PAPER 2 (Music, Drama and Dance)

The following table gives the correct answers to the objective questions in Paper 2 of JSS3 NECO BECE 2025 for CCA (Cultural and Creative Arts) (i.e. Music, Drama and Dance). If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view. Remember to use the comments section if you need further clarification of any question.

Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans
1 E 2 C 3 D 4 B 5 A
6 B 7 C 8 A 9 D 10 A
11 D 12 C 13 E 14 C 15 B
16 C 17 B 18 E 19 C 20 B
21 A 22 D 23 E 24 E 25 E
26 B 27 B 28 E 29 B 30 A
31 D 32 A 33 B 34 E 35 E
36 A 37 D 38 B 39 A 40 D
41 D 42 B 43 D 44 A 45 C
46 D 47 A 48 B 49 D 50 C
51 A 52 B 53 C 54 A 55 E
56 A 57 B 58 B 59 D 60 D

Best wishes

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Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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