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JSS 3 NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers CRS

This is for BECE Candidates looking for NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers CRS, as they call it. But this is Basic Education Certificate Examination by the National Examination Council (NECO) for JSS3 candidates. The Christian Religious Studies paper is compulsory for all candidates in Christian schools. So, here you will get genuine NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers for CRS. Your duty now is to read through them as many times as possible and get ready to smash your paper. Don’t forget to join our Free Online BECE Tutorials on Facebook. (Like and Follow Page)

NECO BECE Questions and Answers CRS

What are NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers CRS?

NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers CRS are the questions you should expect in your CRS paper in 2025 BECE, together with their answers.

It is very important that every candidate preparing to sit for in the forthcoming 2025 BECE examinations should catch a glimpse of these questions.

In so doing, they will know what to expect in the exam hall. Knowing exactly what to expect will boost their confidence and guarantee them a very high score.

Note that there are two papers under CRS:

  1. Old Testament
  2. New Testament

Each of the papers has 60 multiple choice questions and would last for 1 hour.

NECO BECE 2025 CRS Questions and Answers Revealed!

On this page, we shall reveal NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers for all candidates taking the CRS paper.

How lucky you are to stumble upon this important page!

The questions are genuine and the answers are accurate, and all are a product of our passion to see you excel in your BECE and proceed to Senior Secondary School.

In the following sections, you will read the CRS questions you are to expect in your 2025 NECO BECE exam as well as their answers. You can use the comments section if you still need clarification over some of the questions. We will give you a more detailed explanation.

junior waec candidates in bece hall


1. That God is Omnipotent means He is
A. awesome            B. imperfect
C. intelligent           D. powerful
E. sympathetic

2. Man became a living being when God
A. breathed into his nostril
B. created him with dust
C. created him with water
D. gave him a wife
E. made him in His image

3. Which of the following is among the first five books of the Bible?
A. Joshua       B. Judges        C. Leviticus
D. Ruth          E. Samuel

4. The stories of the Bible originally existed in form of
A. oral traditions
B. sacred traditions
C. scrolls
D. tablets
E. written documents

5. God decided to destroy the world with …….. in the days of Noah
A. darkness      B. fire       C. flood
D. snow            E. war

6. God fed the Israelites with manna in the wilderness of
A. Horeb        B. Meribah       C. Shur
D. Sin             E. Sinai

7. Adam named his wife Eve because she would become the mother of all
A. angels           B. creatures
C. demons        D. nations
E. virgins

8. The sin of …………. displaced Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.
A. anger         B. disobedience
C. envy           D. hatred
E. malice

9. Abram’s name was changed by the Lord to Abraham meaning
A. father of hope
B. father of many nations
C. lover of God
D. one after God’s own heart
E. servant of God

10. The major cause of sin from the story of Cain and Abel is
A. adultery        B. anger    C. envy
D. generosity     E. love

11. Jonah was commanded by God to preach to the great city of
A. Canaan         B. Jerusalem
C. Judah            D. Nazareth
E. Nineveh

12. Isaac married Rebekah at the age of
A. fifty          B. forty       C. seventy
D. sixty         E. thirty

13. The statement “Fear not, stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord” was made by Moses at
A. Meribah
B. Mount Horeb
C. Pihahiroth
D. the wilderness of Sin
E. the wilderness of Sinai

14. What is the Yoruba name for God?
A. Abasi                  B. Chineke
C. Olodumare         D. Soko
E. Ubangiji

15. The following are the causes of sin in the world except
A. ambition            B. desires
C. greed                 D. love
E. selfishness

16. Which of the following is a common characteristic of religion?
A. Belief in God
B. Dress code
C. Mandatory donation
D. Specific diet
E. Specific language

17. On arrival in Egypt, Joseph’s family settled in the land of
A. Beersheba          B. Bethel
C. Goshen               D. Horeb
E. Timnath

18. Joseph refused to sleep with Potiphar’s wife because
A. he feared God
B. he was sick
C. her husband would know about it
D. she was not beautiful
E. the house was not secured

19. We are expected to look up to …………… when we are in need or problems.
A. friends       B. God       C. parents
D. pastors      E. relations

20. Joseph’s brothers went to graze their cattle at
A. Arabia         B. Egypt       C. Libya
D. Phrygia       E. Shechem

21. The death of Joseph led to oppression of the Israelites because
A. of their growing population
B. there was change of government
C. there was famine in Egypt
D. they fought the Egyptians
E. they hated the Egyptians

22. The name of Moses’ wife was
A. Hagar           B. Rebekah
C. Ruth             D. Sarah
E. Zipporah

23. The following are ways of effecting reconciliation except by
A. forgiveness
B. quarrelling
C. showing repentance
D. settlement
E. showing remorse

24. The mother of Moses hid him for ………….. months.
A. five         B. four        C. six
D. three      E. two

25. Christian religion teaches man how best to maintain his ………………. with God.
A. aggression         B. annoyance
C. hatred                D. relationship
E. religiosity

26. The sign of the covenant between God and Abraham was the
A. change in the name from Abram to Abraham
B. circumcision of every female child on the eighth day
C. circumcision of every male child
D. occupation of the promised land
E. promise of the birth of Isaac..

27. Which of the following is not considered a major world religion?
A. Buddhism          B. Christianity
C. Hinduism           D. Islam
E. Modernism

28. Generally one of the acceptable reasons for getting married is
A. acquiring wealth from in-laws
B. gaining popularity
C. love and companionship
D. making one responsible
E. the fulfilment of societal moral

29. Which of the following is a gift from God to mankind?
A. Depression         B. Freedom
C. Injustice              D. Justice
E. Oppression

30. The process of making something to exist, or making something new is
A. creation              B. generation
C. recreation           D. procreation
E. procrastination

31. The nuclear family consists of
A. father, mother and children
B. father, mother and grandchildren
C. father, mother and grandparents
D. father, mother, children and uncles
E. father, uncle and aunties

32. Lack of love and unity in the family often lead to
A. humility
B. obedience
C. openness to one another
D. physical confrontation
E. repentance

33. Jacob met with the angels of God at
A. Cannan            B. Haran
C. Pleasant          D. Jabbok
E. Seir

34. The prophet sent by God to condemn David’s act of adultery and murder was
A. Amos            B. Ezekiel
C. Isaiah            D. Jeremiah
E. Nathan

35. Which of the following prophets did God send to anoint Saul as king of Israel?
A. Eli                 B. Elijah
C. Elisha           D. Nathan
E. Samuel

36. When David spared the life of Saul, he took away his
A. bow and arrow
B. bow, arrow and spear
C. royal crown and amulet
D. spear and iron shield
E. spear and jar of water

37. Marriage between one man and one woman is
A. endogamy            B. exogamy
C. monogamy           D. polyandry
E. polygamy

38. How many years did Jacob work for Laban in order to marry Rachel?
A. Fourteen      B. Seven      C. Ten
D. Twelve          E. Twenty

39. Saul’s death was mainly because of
A. disobedience
B. greed
C. impatience
D. pride
E. stubbornness

40. Which of the following caused the misdeed of the sons of Eli?
A. The absence of prophecy in Israel
B. The tempting conditions under which they grew up
C. Their father’s lack of parental responsibility
D. Their lack of religious and moral education
E. Their own stupidity

41. For the walls of Jericho to fall, God instructed Joshua and the priests to march round the city for ……… days.
A. eight        B. forty       C. seven
D. twelve      E. twenty

42. Why was Saul asked to destroy the Amalekites? They
A. had no regard for the prophets
B. opposed Israel on their way from Egypt
C. were doomed for destruction
D. were hostile to the Kenites
E. worshipped idol

43. Solomon obtained favour and wisdom from God because he
A. did not ask for riches and long life:
B. was a chosen generation of God
C. was a handsome and intelligent young man
D. was a man after God’s heart
E. was an heir to the throne of David

44. When Delilah shaved Samson’s hair, his strength left him and he became
A. blind              B. paralysed
C. sick                D. stronger
E. weak

45. The following are causes of conflict in the society except
A. cheating            B. disappointment
C. tribalism            D. faithfulness
E. disobedience

46. The early missionaries who brought Christianity to Africa, also introduced
A. administration        B. banking
C. education               D. farming
E. fishing

47. Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel for his farewell address at
A. Bethel          B. Dothan
C. Jordan         D. Shechem
E. Sinai

48. The messenger of true religion is
A. Amaziah          B. Amos
C. Jeremiah         D. Naomi
E. Obediah

49. The name of Josiah’s mother was
A. Abigail           B. Hannah
C. Jedidiah         D. Maacah
E. Rachael

50. Jonah’s message to the people of Nineveh was on
A. attitude         B. hatred
C. love               D. repentance
E. worship

51. Gideon was also known by the name
A. Eleazar           B. Jerubbaal
C. Joshua           D. Manasseh
E. Sisera

52. We can develop close relationship with God through our
A. friends            B. neighbours
C. parents           D. religion
E. teachers

53. The Christian who called for the abolition of slave trade and put pressure on the English parliament to enforce law against it was
A. George Maclean
B. Henry Edward
C. Lord Lugard
D. Mungo Park
E. William Wilberforce

54. Which of the following is not true about Samuel Ajayi Crowther? He
A. became a catechist and a missionary
B. took part in the three Niger expeditions
C. was born in 1809 in Osogun
D. was converted and educated by the C.M.S
E. was rescued from slavery and taken to Freetown

55. Joshua Ositelu founded …….. church in Ijebu Remo.
A. Prayer
B. Apostolic
C. Celestial Church of Christ
D. Cherubim and Seraphim
E. Christ Army

56. Bishop Desmond Tutu was born in
A. Cameroon             B. Nigeria
C. South Africa          D. Uganda
E. Zimbabwe

57. When was Martin Luther King assassinated for fighting for the sacredness of man in America
A. 4th April, 1960
B. 4th April, 1968
C. 10th May, 1969
D. 12th June, 1970
E. 15th September, 1971

58. The full meaning of C.A.N. is
A. Celestial Association of Nigeria
B. Christ Anointing of Nigeria
C. Christ Apostolic of Nigeria
D. Christian Association of Niger
E. Christian Association of Nigeria

59. The following are the main objectives of C.A.N. except to
A. act as a liaison committee for consultation
B. be a watch-dog of spiritual and moral welfare
C. prepare Christians for baptism and other sacraments
D. promote understanding among the various people in Nigeria
E. propagate the gospel

60. Apartheid policy was an evil system practised against the blacks in
A. Central Africa
B. East Africa
C. North Africa
D. South Africa
E. West Africa


1. The angel that appeared in the temple to announce the birth of John the Baptist was
A. Gabriel           B. Michael
C. Raphael         D. Remiel
E. Uriel

2. Mary, mother of Jesus Christ grew up in the city of
A. Cana           B. Damascus
C. Galilee        D. Judea
E. Nazareth

3. The old man that prophesied when Jesus Christ was brought into the temple was
A. Andrew            B. Paul
C. Peter                D. Simon
E. Zechariah

4. The astrologers, otherwise called the wise men were guided to where Jesus Christ was born by
A. a compass
B. a spaceship
C. a star
D. the Holy Spirit
E. the shepherd

5. Herod wanted to kill Jesus Christ at birth because
A he feared that He would take over his kingdom
B. he opposed Christianity
C. Jerusalem had proclaimed the birth of the new king
D. the Jews celebrated His birth as their new king
E. the Roman emperor instructed him to eliminate the new born king

6. The name Emmanuel means God
A. is good
B. is love
C. is mighty
D. is our refuge
E. is with us

7. Mary’s statement to the servants at the marriage in Cana after the wine finished was
A. ‘draw out wine from the new wine skin’
B. ‘fill the water pot with water
C. ‘gather six water pots’
D. ‘they have no wine’
E. ‘whatever he said unto you, do it’

8. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall
A. be comforted
B. be filled
C. inherit the earth
D. obtain mercy
E. see God

9. When Jesus Christ was brought to Jerusalem to be presented to the Lord, the materials needed for the purification were
A. lamb and two turtle doves
B. lamb and two young pigeons
C. pair of pigeon and one turtle dove
D. pair of turtle doves or two young pigeons
E. young pigeon and a turtle dove

10. What does the temptation of Jesus Christ confirm? It shows that temptation
A. affects righteous individual
B. affects those with strong faith
C. can lead to sin if not resisted
D. is completely unavoidable
E. should be used for spiritual growth

11. According to our Lord Jesus Christ, He did not come to destroy the law and the prophets but to ………. them.
A. apply         B. criticise       C. fulfil
D. introduce   E. reform

12. God gave His only son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to show
A. His love and care for mankind
B. His resurrecting power
C. His supremacy
D. that everybody will die
E. that the world is full of wickedness

13. ‘Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceed out of the mouth of God’. This implies that man must
A. be prayerful
B. eat the bread and wine of holy communion
C. hearken to prophecies from the mouth of God
D. listen to messages in church
E. study the scriptures daily

14. Instead of swearing, Jesus Christ said we should try and be …….. in what we think, say and do.
A. accountable          B. aggressive
C. honest                   D. modest
E. responsible

15. How did Jesus Christ immediately respond when the Pharisees asked Him about the punishment for the woman who was caught in the act of adultery? He
A. advised that she should be stoned as commanded by Moses
B. asked the woman for her excuses
C. commanded the woman to go and sin no more
D. condemned the woman to death by hanging
E. stooped down and wrote with his fingers on the ground as if He did not hear them

16. How did Jesus Christ respond to the Pharisee’s challenge about why His disciples did not fast like they did?
A. Can the children of the bride mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them?’
B. ‘Fasting is of the heart and not to be open
C. ‘When the bridegroom is with them no fasting’
D. ‘Will the children of the bride fast when the bride is with them’
E. ‘Woe onto you, Pharisees for you neglect the law’

16. Nathaniel’s doubt of Jesus Christ Messiahship was dispelled by His remark,
A. ‘before you were formed in your mother’s womb, I knew you
B. ‘behold, the lamb of God”
C. ‘when you were under the fig tree, I saw you
D. ‘you are Nathaniel; upon whom I will build my church’
E. ‘your faith has made you whole’

18. “They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them” This was said in the parable of the
A. kingdom and sower
B. lost coin
C. prodigal son
D. rich fool
E. rich man and Lazarus

19. You are Simon, the son of Jonah, you shall be called Cephas which is interpreted as
A. foundation         B. fountain
C. mountain            D. rock
E. stone

20. One of the festivals of the Jews that was held seven weeks after the feast of the Passover was the feast of the
A. Agriculture          B. Pentecost
C. Restoration          D. Tabernacle
E. Moon

21. The call of Matthew to discipleship implies that Jesus Christ’s ministry is first to the
A. gentiles           B. Jews
C. rich men         D. summers
E. tax collectors

22. Lazarus was the brother of
A. Lydia and Tabitha
B. Martha and Joan
C. Martha and Mary
D. Mary and Elizabeth
E. Mary and Salome

23. To increase the loaves of bread and fishes for the multitudes to eat, Jesus Christ
A. bought some more
B. fasted for more money
C. gave thanks to God
D. prayed for increase
E. reduced the number to be fed

24. Which of the following is not a nature miracle?
A. Feeding the five thousand
B. Feeding the four thousand
C. Healing the leper
D. Stilling the storm
E. Walking on the sea-

25. As soon as the demoniac saw Jesus Christ he
A. attacked Him
B. begged to be his disciple
C. broke down before Him
D. entered into the tombs
E. ran away

26. In the “parable of the Sower” the sower scattered his seeds and the best outcome was from the
A. fertile soil
B. good soil
C. paths
D. rocky ground
E. thorns

27. After the transfiguration experience, Jesus Christ warned the disciples with him not to tell anyone about the vision until after the
A. crucifixion
B. last supper
C. Passover feast
D. resurrection
E. triumphal entry

28. The Jews rejected the Samaritans and called them inferior and unholy people because they were
A. descendants of Abraham
B. Jews who intermarried with foreigners
C. King David’s family
D. Nebuchadnezzar’s descendant
E. the Scribes

29. Before Jesus Christ was presented at the temple, He was first
A. baptised               B. bathed
C. circumcised          D. crucified
E. purified

30. Before the cock crowed once, Jesus Christ was denied three times at His trial by
A. Andrew           B. Bartholomew
C. Luke                D. Mark
E. Peter

31. As the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles, they began to
A. heal the sick
B. pray
C. roll on the ground
D. sing praises
E. speak in other tongues

32. The earliest missionaries visited places like
A. Abeokuta and Ilaro
B. Benin and Warri
C. Absolutely and Ijebu
D. Obudu and Egba
E. Portharcourt and Enugu

33. One of the seven deacons who took the gospel to Samaria was
A. Andrew           B. Philip
C. Simon             D. Thomas
E. Timothy

34. The man that became blind at Paphos when he tried to stop Sergius Paulus the governor from listening to the gospel was
A. Bar-Jesus        B. Silas
C. Simon             D. Timon
E. Timothy

35. Paul separated from Barnabas on the second missionary journey because of
A. John           B. Justus          C. Phillip
D. Silas           E. Timothy

36. The first Christian Council in Jerusalem was held to solve the controversy over the
A. appointment of the seven deacons
B. divided loyalty to the Apostles
C. observance of the Jewish law by non-Jews in the church
D. selection of leaders
E. tradition of the elders

37. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Cornelius and his family showed that it’s for
A. all who seek God
B. disciples only
C. Gentiles only
D. Jews only
E. leaders only

38. Paul earned his living by
A. bricklaying
B. fishing
C. preaching
D. tent-making
E. trading

39. When Paul and Barnabas separated on the second missionary journey, Paul choose ……… to go with him.
A. James           B. Mark       C. Silas
D. Stephen       E. Timothy

40. “Do not harm yourself, we are all here” This was said by Paul to the
A. Centurion         B. Jailer          C. Magician
D. Magistrate        E. Silversmith

41. The last place Paul visited before going to Athens was
A. Cyprus           B. Pamphylia
C. Philippi           D. Rome
E. Thessalonica

42. When Peter was explaining the effect of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles, he quoted Prophet …………….. to buttress his points.
A. Daniel           B. Ezekiel
C. Isaiah            D. Jeremiah
E. Joel

43. Before Stephen was stoned to death, he was accused of speaking blasphemy against
A. Moses and God
B. Moses and the law
C. temple and God
D. the law and temple
E. tradition of the elders

44. After the death of Stephen, Philip one of the seven deacons went to the city of
A. Antioch              B. Caesarea
C. Damascus          D. Judea
E. Samaria

45. At Lydda, Peter cured a paralyzed man whose name is
A. Aeneas        B. Ananias      C. Barnabas
D. Cornelius     E. Simon

46. Apostle Paul studied law at
A. Jerusalem       B. Damascus
C. Samaria           D. Galilee
E. Paphos

47. Which of the following is not among the privileges of a Roman citizen which Paul enjoyed?
A. Could not be executed by crucifixion if condemned to death
B. Has the right to appeal to any tribunal
C. Has the right to appeal to Caesar if a civil case arises
D. Immuned from corporal punishment
E. Is paid huge sums of money yearly

48. While on their first missionary journey Paul and Silas sailed from Selucia to
A. Antioch             B. Cyprus
C. Macedonia        D. Salamis
E. Syria

49. What was Paul’s family occupation
A. Farming                   B. Fishing
C. Mat-making            D. Tailoring
E. Tent-making

50. Caesar Augustus became the first Roman Emperor in
A. 2 AD          B. 3 AD        C. 4 AD
D. 5 AD          E. 6 AD

51. Artemis is a Greek goddess of
A. agriculture       B. fertility
C. love                  D. moon
E. call

52. It was generally known that Paul studied under a great teacher called
A. Agrippa           B. Annas
C. Cornelius         D. Gamaliel
E. Philip

53. The protestant Bible and the Catholic Bible respectively, have ………………… books in the Old Testament.
A. 39 and 46          B. 46 and 39
C. 37 and 43          D. 43 and 36
E. 45 and 34

54. The International Christian Organisation that represents all the protestant churches in the world is called the
A. Catholic Church
B. Protestant Council of Churches
C. Protestant Association of the Universe
D. World Council of Churches
E. World Council of Protestants

55. A church leader and pastor can easily know the problem of the members by
A. inviting them to the church
B. inviting them to the office
C. paying regular visits to members’ homes
D. praying for them
E. preaching to them

56. God wants everybody to be free, because without freedom there can be no
A. humility         B. life        C. love
D. play               E. progress

57. Which of the following is not among the protestant Churches?
A. Anglican           B. Baptist
C. Catholic            D. Methodist
E. Presbyterian

58. The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) was founded in
A. 1955       B. 1960       C. 1970
D. 1976       E. 1980

59. According to Nigeria Christian history, the first set of Nigerian Christians were
A. chiefs              B. elites
C. musicians        D. pagans
E. slaves

60. After the fifteenth century attempt to establish Christianity in Nigeria failed, how many years did it take to finally succeed?
A. 50         B. 100         C. 200
D. 300       E. 400

Answers to JSS 3 NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers CRS

Answers to BECE National Values PAPER 1: Old Testament

The following table gives the correct answers to the objective questions in Paper 1 of JSS3 NECO BECE 2025 for Old Testament. If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view. Remember to use the comments section if you need further clarification of any question.

Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans
1 D 13 C 25 D 37 C 49 C
2 A 14 C 26 C 38 A 50 D
3 C 15 D 27 E 39 A 51 B
4 A 16 A 28 C 40 C 52 D
5 C 17 C 29 B 41 C 53 E
6 D 18 A 30 A 42 B 54 B
7 D 19 B 31 A 43 A 55 E
8 B 20 E 32 D 44 E 56 C
9 B 21 A 33 D 45 D 57 B
10 C 22 E 34 E 46 C 58 E
11 E 23 B 35 E 47 D 59 C
12 B 24 D 36 E 48 C 60 D

Answers to BECE National Values PAPER 2: New Testament

The following table gives the correct answers to the objective questions in Paper 2 of JSS3 NECO BECE 2025 for New Testament. If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view. Remember to use the comments section if you need further clarification of any question.

Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans
1 A 13 E 25 C 37 A 49 E
2 E 14 C 26 B 38 D 50 C
3 D 15 E 27 D 39 C 51 D
4 C 16 A 28 B 40 B 52 D
5 A 17 C 29 C 41 E 53 A
6 E 18 E 30 E 42 E 54 D
7 E 19 D 31 E 43 A 55 C
8 E 20 B 32 A 44 E 56 E
9 D 21 E 33 B 45 A 57 C
10 C 22 C 34 A 46 A 58 D
11 C 23 C 35 A 47 E 59 E
12 A 24 C 36 C 48 D 60 D
Best wishes.

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Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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