This is for BECE Candidates looking for NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers Pre-vocational Studies, as they call it. But this is Basic Education Certificate Examination by the National Examination Council (NECO) for JSS3 candidates. The Pre-vocational Studies paper is compulsory for all candidates regardless of their schools. So, here you will get genuine NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers for Pre-vocational Studies. Your duty now is to read through them as many times as possible and get ready to smash your paper. Don’t forget to join our Free Online BECE Tutorials on Facebook. (Like and Follow Page)

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What are NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers Pre-vocational Studies?
NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers Pre-vocational Studies are the questions you should expect in your Pre-vocational Studies paper in 2025 BECE, together with their answers.
It is very important that every candidate preparing to sit for in the forthcoming 2025 BECE examinations should catch a glimpse of these questions.
In so doing, they will know what to expect in the exam hall. Knowing exactly what to expect will boost their confidence and guarantee them a very high score.
Note that there are two papers under Pre-vocational Studies:
- Paper 1: Agriculture
- Paper 2: Home Economics
Each of the papers has 60 multiple choice questions and would last for 1 hour.
NECO BECE 2025 Pre-vocational Studies Questions and Answers Revealed!
On this page, we shall reveal NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers for all candidates taking the Pre-vocational Studies paper.
How lucky you are to stumble upon this important page!
The questions are genuine and the answers are accurate, and all are a product of our passion to see you excel in your BECE and proceed to Senior Secondary School.
In the following sections, you will read the Pre-vocational Studies questions you are to expect in your 2025 NECO BECE exam as well as their answers. You can use the comments section if you still need clarification over some of the questions. We will give you a more detailed explanation.
1. Agriculture involves mainly the
A. growing of edible crops
B. management of crops and livestock
C. marketing of crop and animal produces
D. provision of raw materials
E. rearing of farm animals
2. A branch of agriculture that deals with farming of bee is
A. agronomy B. beekeeping
C. entomology D. heliculture
E. pathogy
3. Which of the following industries does not use agricultural produce as a raw material?
A. Beverage B. Brewery
C. Ceramic D. Paper
E. Textile
4. The crop below is classified as legume because it possesses
A. inflorescence on its branch
B. internodes on its stem
C. nodules on its root system
D. numerous prop root system
E. stomata on its leaves
5. Which of the following crops will serve as a good source of carbohydrate?
A. Cowpea
B. Groundnut
C. Guinea corn
D. Lima bean
E. Pigeon and
6. Oil palm and mango are classified as perennial crops because they
A. are cultivated in plantation
B. complete their life cycle in a season
C. mature in more than two years
D. produce fruit in branches
E. require high humidity
7. Which of the following is a draught animal?
A. Dog B. Donkey C. Goat
D. Pig E. Sheep
Use the diagram of the animal below to answer questions 8 and 9.
8. The farm animal is commonly raised in
A. apiaries B. hutch
C. pens D. poultry
E. ranches
9. Based on size and habitat the farm animal is classified as
A. big and terrestrial
B. large and aquatic
C medium and forest
D. micro and aquatic
E. small and terrestrial
10. A rice farmer who wishes to control the infestation of spear grass in his farm before harvesting will practise
A. burning B. cover cropping
C. slashing D. crop rotation
E. hand pulling
11. Which of the following is a characteristic of weeds? They
A. adapt easily to all environment
B. are easy to eradicate
C. do not regenerate fast
D. have inefficient means of propagation
E. produce small quantities of seeds
12. A cultural practice that helps a farmer to prevent the growth of weeds in his farm is
A. hand pulling B. slashing
C. mulching D. ploughing
E. herbicide application
13. Which of the following pests attacks cereals during milk stage and after grain development?
A. Aphids B. Beetle C. Birds
D. Monkey E. Weevils
Use the diagram to answer question 14 and 15.
14. The pest represented in the diagram causes
A. death of seedlings
B. disease infection
C. leaf distortion
D. rottening of fruits
E. twisting of stems
15. Which of the following control measures will you advice a farmer to take in order to avoid further damage on his crops by the pests?
A. Burning of infected plants
B. Hand picking of pests
C. Planting of resistant varieties
D. Regular weeding of farm
E. Using scare crow tools
16. The following are functions of a farm manager except that they
A. assist farm labourers
B. direct farm workers
C. organize farm activities
D. plan farm business
E. supervise farm projects
17. If the length and width of a farmland are 30 m x 40 m respectively, what is the area of the farmland?
A. 1200 m² B. 1800m²
C. 2000m² D. 2400 m²
E. 3200 m²
18. Which of the following types of labour is commonly use in peasant farming?
A. Communal B. Family
C. Hired D. Semi-skilled
E. Skilled
19. The farm structure for storing yams is known as
A. children B. crib
C. rhombus D. force
E. tin
20. The major reason for constructing foot dip in the entrance of animal building is to
A. prevent the attack of animals by predators
B. prevent the entrance of thieves into the farm
C. protect farmers from animal cannibalism
D. reduce the tramping of smaller animals
E. reduce the spread of animal diseases
Use the diagram to answer questions 21 and 22.
21. The building labelled I is a …………… house.
A. farm B. green C. poultry
D. power E. store
22. The structure labelled II is mainly for
A. admitting injured farm attendants
B. keeping farm documents
C. lodging farm expatriates
D. rearing farm animals
E. storing farm produce
23. A crop which is usually propagated sexually is
A. banana B. cowpea
C. ginger D. pineapple
E. sugarcane
24. The following are disadvantages of sexual propagation except that
A. germination may not occur
B. individuals with undesirable quality may result
C. plant vigour is enhanced
D. pollination is highly required
E. there may be no uniformity in maturity
25. Which of the following crops is propagated by the use of sucker?
A. Carrot B. Lemon
C. Mango D. Pineapple
E. Tobacco
26. During cross pollination, pollen grains are transferred from
A. anther to stigma
B. calyx to corolla
C. filament to petal
D. sepal to ovule
E. style to axil
27. The common farm tool used for transplanting is
A. axe B. hand fork
C. shovel D. mallet
E. hand trowel
28. The wastage of agricultural produce during harvest is mainly due to inadequate
A. agricultural education and extension
B. agricultural financing
C. implementation of government policies on agriculture
D. storage and processing facilities
E. transport facilities
29. Seed rate is best described as the amount of
A. infested seeds
B. seedling raised
C. seedling transplanted
D. seeds planted
E. unviable seeds
30. In rice processing, the removal of the husks from the grain is called
A. hulling B. boiling
C. polishing D. threshing
E. winnowing
31. Shell is used in animal feed as a source of
A. calcium B. iodine
C. iron D. sulphur
E. zinc
32. The leftover of crop plants that are gathered after harvest and fed to livestock during dry season is called
A. fodder B. hay C. silage
D. soiling E. straw
33. Forage which has been cut fresh and preserved in a silo is referred to as
A. hay B. molasses
C. silage D. soiling
E. straw.
34. Which of the following is a bacterial disease of farm animals?
A. Coccidiosis
B. Contagious abortion
C. Fowl pox
D. Rinderpest disease
E. Typanosomiasis
35. Which of the following is not a symptom of anthrax in livestock?
A. Difficulty in breathing
B. High fever
C. Lack of appetite
D. Loss of weight
E. Sudden death
36. A cattle rarer who observed that his calves have limb deformity was advised to add oyster shell and bone meal to their feed.
Which of the following diseases was suspected?
A. Bloat B. Ketosis
C. Pellegra D. Ricket
E. Scurvy
37. Which of the following diseases is contacted through mouldy feeds?
A. Aspergillosis B. Mastitis
C. Rinderpest D. Ringworm
E. Trypanosomasis
38. An effective way of ensuring in-built immunity in farm animals is by
A. allowing calves access to colostrums
B. ensuring regular veterinary check-up
C. giving balanced ration regularly
D. observing proper quarantine services
E. vaccinating calves during weaning
39. Which of the following is an ectoparasite?
A. Ascaris B. Bladder worm
C. Face D. Liver fluke
E. Tape worm
40. The use of chemicals to harvest fishes in ponds is banned because
A. it will increase light penetration into the pond
B. the pond water becomes polluted for drinking
C. the chemicals increases the breeding rate of fish
D. the cost of the chemicals are very high
E. the harvested fish is unfit for human consumption
41. Pond inoculation is carried out in order to
A. introduce fingerlings
B. introduce planktons
C. prevent water loss
D. prevent weed growth
E. reduce acidity
42. The difference between dogfish and catfish is that dogfish
A. has scale B. has shell
C. is bony D. is cartilaginous
E. is coloured
43. Which of the following is promoted by the national tree planting campaign?
A. Afforestation
B. Deforestation
C. Operation
D. Forest reservation
E. Taungya farming
44. Mangrove forest in Nigeria are commonly found
A. along coastal creeks
B. around savannah regions
C. in desert areas
D. in middle belt valleys
E. on mountain foot
45. Which of the following is not a forest produce
A. dye B. gum C. oats
D. pulp E. resin
Use the diagram of the equipment below to answer questions 46 and 47.
46. The farm produce commonly packaged in the equipment is
A. coconut B. garden egg
C. hoof D. kola nut
E. table egg
47. The maximum number of produce packaged in the equipment is 30, if 20% broke in transit to the market, how many of the produce will be available for sale?
A. 2 B. 6 C. 15
D. 24 E. 30
48. Which of the following agricultural produce is packaged in a tin?
A. Cotton B. Egg
C. Oil D. Rubber
E. Timber
Use the information below to answer questions 49 and 50.
John-Tela rice mill produced 500 bags of destoned rice at N10,000 000 and planned to sell at N40,000 per bag.
49. Which of the following methods will be most appropriate for advertising the rice in the market?
A. Agricultural shows
B. Bill boards
C. Field trips
D. Newspapers
E. Telephone calls
50. Calculate the profit of the rice mill after the sale
A. N500,000 B. N10,000,000
C. N20,000,000 D. N40,000,000
E. N50,000,000
51. The shortage of agricultural produce in the market may lead to
A. change in taste of consumers
B. increase in price of the produce
C. increase in population of wholesalers
D. increase in cost of production
E. reduction in population of wholesalers
Below is a farm record of Tolu Integrated farm for the year 2022. Use it to answer questions 52 and 53.
Date | Activity | Hired labour | Remark |
15/2/2022 | Clearing of 50 ha | 20 labourers | Work completed |
20/2/2022 | Ploughing | 2 skilled labourers | Work completed in 3 days |
1/3/2022 | Ridging | 3 semi-skilled labourers | 240 ridges completed in 5 days |
8/3/2022 | Planting | 10 unskilled labourers | 200 ridges completely planted |
52. The farm record is an example of
A. farm budget
B. farm diary
C. farm input record
D. farm inventory
E. farm valuation
53. The record will help the farm manager to
A. adopt modern techniques of farming
B. be less dependent and proactive
C. repair their tools and machinery
D. run their farm as a business
E. transport their crop produces to the market
54. In a dairy farm, computer helps the farmer to keep the record of
A. health condition of calves and Cows
B. number of times cows are bred
C. price of the cows in the market
D. quantity of milks produced in a day
E. size of the cows udder
55. The recording of receipts in book keeping should be on the same side as
A. expenses B. grand total
C. net worth D. dirty
E. purchase
56. An amount of money given to a farm manger by the owner of the farm for minor expenses is
A. dividend B. imprest
C. interest D. premium
E. share
57. The function of a broker in a stock exchange market is to
A. arrange for prospective investors in a company
B. connect buyers and sellers representatives
C. purchase and hoard stock when demand is low.
D. sell stocks when there is no public offer
E. verify transactions done in stock market
58. The main activities that takes place in agricultural stock exchange is
A. advertisements of agricultural goods and services
B. buying and selling of agricultural inputs
C. buying and selling of securities
D. disbursement of loans to farmers
E. issuance of certificate of occupancy to farmers
59. Which of the following is a benefit of export promotion organized for Nigerian produce? To
A. advertise agricultural industries
B. attract foreign investment
C. gain access to other countries
D. promote agricultural education in schools
E. reduce local sales of farm produce
60. The major agricultural produce exported from western Nigeria are
A. cocoa, latex and kolanut
B. egg, cod oil and ginger
C. hides, crayfish and wool
D. honey, walnut and cassava
E. sesame, groundnut and sorghum
1. Habitual consumption of products from highly refined grains can lead to
A. good bowel movement
B. low energy level
C. mental alertness
D. rapid growth
E. weight gain
2. A common contaminant of garri is
A. grease B. insects
C. local chalk D. palm oil
E. sand
3. The advantage of bulk buying is that
A. ample space is required for storage
B. expenses is increased
C. frequency of shopping is reduced
D. goods may expire on shelf
E. there is tendency to buy contaminated goods
4. Which of the following agencies is responsible for ensuring national food safety?
A. Centre for disease control and prevention
B. Federal Emergency Management Agency
C. Independent corrupt practices and other related crimes commission
D. Standard organisation of Nigeria
E. World Health Organisation
5. Which of the following is not a reason for food packaging? For
A. easy transportation
B. effective storage
C. minimizing bulkiness of goods
D. minimizing cost of production
E. promotion of sales
6. Consuming canned foods that have exceeded the best before date can cause
A. blurred vision
B. development of blisters on the tongue
C. high blood pressure
D. irritation of digestive tract
E. itchy skin rashes
7. How would a consumer identify stale spinach at the point of purchase?
A. Droopy leaf
B. Firm texture
C. Pleasant smell
D. Pleasant taste
E. Shiny leaf
8. Fresh fish can be preserved for a month by
A. freezing B. refrigerating
C. salting D. spray drying
E. sun drying
9. What is the purpose of cleaning, drying and milling grains before packaging? To
A. ease transportation
B. increase availability
C. increase bulkiness
D. increase palatability
E. prolong shelf life
10. Difficulty in passing faeces is a symptom of
A. constipation B. diarrhoea
C. diphtheria D. hepatitis
E. influenza
11. Which of the following foods is suitable for breakfast?
A. Buns
B. Crackers biscuit
C. Coconut flakes
D. Cookies
E. Omelette
12. Foods eaten in-between meals in small quantities are
A. breakfast B. brunch
C. dinner D. lunch
E. snack
13. Perishable foods differ from non- perishable because they
A. are free from pest infestation
B. can be cooked easily
C. can deteriorate easily
D. do not require pre-heating
E. do not require refrigeration
14. What is the effect of drug abuse on the body?
A. Boosted immune system
B. Damage organs and impaired body functions
C. Decrease risk of heart disease
D. Increase physical strength and endurance
E. Improved memory and concentration
15. Which of the following sensory signs is a warning of spoilt food?
A. Flavour
B. Fresh smell
C. Fuzzy mold
D. Juicy consistency
E. Smooth surface
16. What is the importance of a food safety manager in a restaurant?
A. Developing new recipes and menu items
B. Ensuring timely delivery of food order
C. Handling customer complaints
D. Managing the restaurant’s social media
E. Preventing food borne illness and contamination
17. The removal of air from a container to prevent food spoilage is an act of …………….. food.
A. canning B. drying
C. freezing D. pickling
E. smoking
18. A torn woven fabric can be repaired by ……………… it.
A. thin B. dyeing
C. facing D. patching
E. stitching
19. The length of a measuring tape is …………. inches.
A. 60 B. 70 C. 90
D. 100 E. 150
20. The thread that runs lengthwise of a fabric is
A. bias B. grain C. weft
D. selvedge E. warp
21. Which of the following is a vegetable fibre?
A. Acrylic B. Acetate C. Jute
D. Nylon E. Polyester
22. Canvas should be stored in/on a
A. box B. cupboard C. drawer
D. rack E. wardrobe
23. Which of the following garments can darning be done on?
A. Lingerie B. Petticoat C. Shirt
D. Short E. Sweater
24. A pillow slip is a cover used to protect
A. bedspreads B. blankets
C. bedsheets D. mattress
E. pillows
25. Which of the following is the correct procedure for the preparation and cutting out of a simple apron?
I Draft the pattern pieces
II Transfer all pattern making onto fabric
III Pin the pattern pieces on fabric and cut
IV Lay the fabric on fold
C. III, IV, I and II
D. IV, I, II, and III
E. I, IV, III and II
26. Where is the best place to store jewelleries?
A. Box B. Cupboard
C. Drawers D. Rack
E. Wardrobe
27. The reason for folding parts of fabrics before dyeing is to
A. allow even dye absorption
B. make it lustrous
C. prevent area from absorbing dye
D. prevent colour fastening
E. protect it from chemicals
28. A chemical used to fix dyes on fabric is
A. borax
B. caustic soda
C. glycerine
D. hydrogen peroxide
E. soda ash
29. Drug abuse can be prevented by
A. avoiding negative peer influence
B. being secretive to guardians
C. ensuring adequate intake of balanced meals
D. ensuring regular exercise
E. exercising authority over young ones
30. Which of the following sensory signs indicate a ripe fruit?
A. Dull colour B. Firm texture
C. Rotten smell D. Sour taste
E. Sweet aroma
31. The primary responsibility of a food safety manager towards customers is to
A. ensure timely delivery of food
B. maintain cleanliness and hygiene standard
C. maximize profits for the restaurant
D. promote new menu items
E. serve nutritious and palatable meals
32. Which of the following preservation methods involve adding acid to food?
A. Canning B. Dehydrating
C. Fermenting D. Freezing
E. Pickling
33. What kitchen tool is used to melt solid ingredients such as chocolate?
A. Blender B. Double boiler
C. Hand mixer D. Thermometer
E. Stairs
34. How do you mix the water phase and oil phase together to create a stable pomade?
A. Add the water phase to the oil phase slowly, while stirring vigorously
B. Add the oil phase to the water phase slowly, while stirring vigorously
C. Heat the water phase and add the oil phase
D. Heat both phases together and wait for emulsion to form
E. Use blender to emulsify the two phases together
35. What ingredient gives colour to cosmetics?
A. Fragrance B. Linoleum
C. Pigment D. Preservative
E. Something
36. What is the advantage of using natural cleaning agent? It
A. is environmentally friendly
B. is less expensive than synthetic
C. is less likely to irritate the eyes
D. has better cleaning power
E. yield more during production
37. The function of deodorant is to
A. control body odour
B. cover the sweat ducts
C. kill bacterial
D. prevent cloth stain
E. reduce sweating
38. Which of the following skin conditions can be affected by the use of cosmetics?
A. Acne B. Alopecia
C. Dermatitis D. Melasma
E. Vitiligo
39. Which regulatory agency is responsible for cosmetics quality control in Nigeria?
A. Consumer Protection Council
B. Federal Ministry of Health
C. National Agency for Food and Drug Administration Control
D. National Drug Law Enforcement Agency
E. Standard Organization of Nigeria
40. What tool is used to weigh cosmetic ingredients?
A. Blender B. Double boiler
C. Scale D. Hand mixer
E. Thermometer
41. Water as a cleaning agent is classified as a/an
A. abrasive B. acid C. alkali
D. solvent E. surfactant
42. The main ingredient used in soap production is
A. citric acid B. fatty acid
C. triclosan D. turpentine
E. sodium hydroxide
43. What is the function of emulsifier in pomade making? To
A. add colour to the cosmetic product
B. add lustre to the pomade
C. bind the ingredients together
D. prevent the growth of mold
E. provide liquid base for the mixture
44. What is the purpose of antibacterial agents in deodorant? To
A. kill germs that causes body odour
B. mask body odour
C. preserve the deodorant from spoilage
D. prevent clothe stain
E. reduce body perspiration
45. Which of the following cleaning agents is a solvent?
A. Fatty acid
B. Hydrochloric acid
C. Salt
D. Sodium hydroxide
E. Turpentine
46. Which of the following is the responsibility of a consumer?
A. Being honest always
B. Choosing from alternatives
C. Freedom to make choices
D. Right to information
E. Seeking for redress
47. Things that families are willing to achieve together are referred to as
A. goal B. need C. standard
D. value E. wealth
48. Sexually transmitted disease which can lead to insanity if untreated is
A. chlamydia B. gonorrhoea
C. HIV D. syphilis
E. trichomanniasis
49. Ink stain can be removed from a fabric with
A. common salt B. glycerine
C. lemon juice D. turpentine
E. methylated spirit
50. Constipation is common with children who are ………… fed.
A. bottle B. breast C. well
D. over E. under
51. Drug abuse can be described as the use of legal drugs
A. as prescribed by oneself
B. for cosmetic purposes
C. for curative purpose
D. to control mental disorder
E. to stimulate the nerves
52. What type of human right is violated when a man is given jungle justice? Right to
A. dignity of human person
B. fair hearing
C. freedom of expression
D. private family life
E. peaceful assembly
53. A household that consists of father, mother, children and cousins is called …………. family.
A. blended B. extended
C. foster D. nuclear
E. polygamous
54. Which of the following is not a factor to be considered when buying household equipment?
A. Colour
B. Durability
C. Family size
D. Money available
E. Usefulness
55. Development of breast and the on-set of menstruation in girls are signs of
A. adolescence B. adulthood
C. growth D. puberty
E. womanhood
56. Which of the following protects children against infections?
A. Bottle milk B. Breast milk
C. Drug D. Immunisation
E. Injection
57. Which of the following is an essential asset used to meet family needs?
A. Attitude B. Energy C. Money
D. Skill E. Time
58. Which of the following rights of the consumer helps him to receive compensation for unsatisfactory services? Right to
A. choose B. education
C. live D. redress
E. safety
59. A consumer is a person that purchases goods and services for ……………. use.
A. community B. family
C. general D. official
E. personal
60. An action in which a choice is made between two or more alternatives is
A. decision making
B. evaluation
C. implementation
D. organization
E. strategic planning
Answers to JSS 3 NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers Pre-vocational Studies
Answers to BECE Pre-vocational Studies PAPER 1 (Agriculture)
The following table gives the correct answers to the objective questions in Paper 1 of JSS3 NECO BECE 2025 for Pre-vocational Studies (i.e. Agriculture). If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view. Remember to use the comments section if you need further clarification of any question.
Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans |
1 | B | 2 | B | 3 | C | 4 | C | 5 | C |
6 | C | 7 | B | 8 | C | 9 | E | 10 | C |
11 | A | 12 | C | 13 | C | 14 | C | 15 | A |
16 | A | 17 | A | 18 | B | 19 | B | 20 | E |
21 | C | 22 | E | 23 | B | 24 | C | 25 | D |
26 | A | 27 | E | 28 | D | 29 | D | 30 | A |
31 | A | 32 | E | 33 | C | 34 | B | 35 | E |
36 | D | 37 | A | 38 | E | 39 | C | 40 | E |
41 | B | 42 | D | 43 | A | 44 | A | 45 | C |
46 | E | 47 | D | 48 | C | 49 | A | 50 | C |
51 | B | 52 | B | 53 | D | 54 | D | 55 | E |
56 | B | 57 | B | 58 | C | 59 | B | 60 | A |
Answers to BECE Pre-vocational Studies PAPER 2 (Home Economics)
The following table gives the correct answers to the objective questions in Paper 2 of JSS3 NECO BECE 2025 for Pre-vocational Studies (i.e. Home Economics). If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view. Remember to use the comments section if you need further clarification of any question.
Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans |
1 | E | 13 | C | 25 | E | 37 | A | 49 | E |
2 | B | 14 | B | 26 | A | 38 | C | 50 | A |
3 | C | 15 | C | 27 | C | 39 | C | 51 | A |
4 | D | 16 | E | 28 | E | 40 | C | 52 | A |
5 | D | 17 | A | 29 | A | 41 | D | 53 | B |
6 | D | 18 | D | 30 | E | 42 | E | 54 | A |
7 | A | 19 | A | 31 | B | 43 | C | 55 | D |
8 | A | 20 | E | 32 | E | 44 | A | 56 | B |
9 | E | 21 | C | 33 | B | 45 | E | 57 | C |
10 | A | 22 | D | 34 | B | 46 | E | 58 | D |
11 | E | 23 | E | 35 | C | 47 | A | 59 | E |
12 | E | 24 | E | 36 | A | 48 | D | 60 | A |
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