You’re welcome to our school exams series where we provide you with termly examination questions in different subjects. In today’s post, we will focus on Christian Religious Studies exam questions. We will cover CRS exam questions for JSS1 first term with answers. This means that we’ll be providing you with answers to the questions at the end. Also, you will get a few success tips on how to pass CRS examinations with flying colors. Remember to use the comments sections if you have questions.
Table of Contents
Introduction to CRS as a School Subject
Christian Religious Studies (CRS) is a subject taught in schools to help students understand the teachings of the Bible, the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, and Christian principles. It focuses on moral values, faith, and how to live a godly life. Through CRS, students learn about biblical characters, their roles, and the lessons that can be applied to daily living. The subject also teaches the importance of love, kindness, forgiveness, and obedience to God. It helps shape students’ character, promoting discipline, respect, and a strong moral foundation.
CRS Exam Questions for JSS1 First Term
CRS Exam Questions for JSS1 First Term are divided into two sections:
- Section A
- Section B
The first section, namely, Section A is the objective test, and students are expected to attempt all questions in the section. Section B is the theory part, and students are expected to answer all four (4) questions.
1. God is the Alpha and Omega. This means that God is……
A. the first and last letter of the Greek alphabet
B. the ‘A’ and ‘Z’ of everything
C. the beginning and not the last of all things
D. the beginning and the end, the first and the last of all things
2. God is also known as “I am who l am” by his revelation to Moses at the burning bush. This means that
A. He is ever present and unchangeable
B. He is God of the Jews and not Gentiles
C. He was God, He is God, and will be God
D. He wanted Moses to fear him and deliver the Israelites from Egyptian bondage.
3. The following are the attributes or distinct qualities of God EXCEPT one
A. Sovereignty B. Eternity
C. Immortality D. Dependence
4. The attributes of God are Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresence meaning serially that all God is……
A. all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere
B. all-powerful, all-knowing, and everywhere
C. everywhere, all-knowing, and all-powerful.
D. all-powerful, all-knowing, and everywhere
5. How God created the world shows a sense of……
A. Carefulness B. Carelessness
C. Laziness D. Orderliness
6. The two accounts of creation in the bible can be found in the book of
A. Matthew B. Genesis
C. Numbers D. Exodus
7. In the first account of creation, God created the world in ……. days.
A. 3 days B. 5 days
C. 7 days D. 6 days
8. God created the world by……
A. using materials known to him alone
B. miraculous means
C. the help of man
D. mere spoken words
9. In the second account of creation, man became a living being with…….
A. the light of God
B. the spirit of God
C. the breath of God
D. the touch of God
10. The Garden of Eden can be located in……….
A. Jordan B. Jericho
C. Eden D. Jerusalem
11. The term ‘woman’ means ………
A. helper fit for Adam
B. woe to man
C. taken out of man
D. the mother of all living things
12. The great river which flowed out of the garden of Eden was divided into ……. branches.
13. These rivers were namely …….
A. Tigris and Euphrates
B. Gishon, Tigris, and Pishon
C. the Nile, Jordan, Tigris, Gihon and Pishon
D. Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, and Euphrates
14. God’s reason and purpose for creating man include to ……
A. Worship him
B. Love and serve him
C. know him
D. all of the above
15. God’s sovereignty means …….
A. His mercy
B. His holiness
C. His power and authority
D. His honesty
16. The statement made by Adam when God brought to him a companion was
A. God has answered my prayer
B. God is Jehovah Jireh
C. God has removed my reproach
D. This at last is the bone of my bone and the flesh of my flesh
17. The word creation from the bible means
A. Giving birth to younger ones
B. to manufacture goods
C. bringing something into existence
D. the activities of God to bring into existence things that were not there before by mere spoken words
18. Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave or join unto his ………. and they shall become one flesh.
A. Girlfriend B. Concubine
C. Wife D. Wives
19. One of the authorities God gave man after his creation was …….
A. to eat and enjoy the fruits in the garden
B. Build houses and invent aeroplane
C. increase and multiply and fill the earth
D. eat some of the fruits in the garden
20. Marriage institution originated at the garden of …….
A. Bethel B. Jordan
C. Israel D. Eden
21. One of these is not a type of marriage
A. Sovorate
B. Trial marriage
C. Procreation
D. Same-sex marriage
22. A man marrying a fellow man is called …..
A. Polygamous
B. Marriage by abduction
C. Mixed marriage
D. Same-sex marriage
23. Marriage being legal means ……..
A. It was done according to tradition and custom
B. It was done with the consent of both parents
C. the dowry or bride price was duly paid
D. all of the above
24. The following are some of the functions of marriage EXCEPT ………
A. Companion B. Integrity
C. Abduction D. Procreation
25. Disobedience is a sin because ……..
A. most students disobey
B. Adam and Eve disobeyed
C. it is a more serious offense than others
D. it goes against the divine law
26. The sin of disobedience by Adam and Eve was as a result of ……
A. selfishness and greed
B. hunger
C. pride and discontentment
D. purposeful ignorance
27. Some of the consequences of disobedience of our students are these EXCEPT ……
A. dropping out of school
B. untimely death
C. highly regarded by the society
D. detention at the police station
28. The following are the societal vices or evils common in our society or country EXCEPT ……
A. Child abuse
B. Armed robbery
C. Freedom of worship
D. Child trafficking
29. Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not ……. from it.
A. jump B. return
C. backslide D. depart
30. Disobedience is an act of …….. against God’s commandment and moral principles.
A. war B. challenge
C. regret D. rebellion
31. One of the following ideas that is not related to disobedience is …….
A. defiance B. waywardness
C. unwillingness D. compliance
32. One common element in both civil and religious disobedience is
A. satisfaction B. boldness
C. consequences D. blessings
33. In the story of the fall of Adam and Eve, Satan used ……. as an instrument.
A. a beautiful lady
B. the beast
C. a Serpent
D. wild creature
34. While in the garden of Eden, God said to Adam and Eve, “You shall not eat of the fruits of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, neither shall you touch it lest …….”
A. you will know everything
B. you will surely die
C. you become like animals
B. you become like angels
35. When both of them ate of the forbidden fruit, ……
A. they ran out of the garden
B. their eyes were opened and they knew they were naked
C. a bright light shone around them
D. the garden was filled with darkness
36. God created man in his image means ……
A. to help him create other things
B. he wanted man to be like him
C. he breathed his spirit of holiness and righteousness into him
D. he wanted man to replace him when he dies
37. The following special qualities make man to be different from other creatures EXCEPT
A. Ability to produce new ideas
B. Ability to produce young ones of the same type
C. Ability to choose between good and evil
D. Ability to think and reason logically
38. One of the following is not a characteristic of marriage …….
A. should be respected
B. not compulsory for both man and woman
C. it is bonded by love, unity, and respect for each other
D. can marry today and divorce tomorrow
39. Disobedience means the following EXCEPT
A. unwilling to obey
B. hard to control
C. rebellion
D. none of the above
40. The first disobedience of human beings originated from …….
A. Cain and Abel
B. Adam and Seth
C. Adam and Eve
D. Eve and Serpent
41. God being Omnipotent means …….
A. He is everywhere
B. He knows everything
C. He is All-powerful
D. He is in heaven
42. God is immortal means ……..
A. He is powerful
B. He is a kind God
C. He lives eternally
D. He is all-knowing
43. One of these is not a proper procedure for marriage
A. making inquiry by both families
B. introduction by the groom to the bride’s parents
C. having at least two children before the bride price is paid
D. fulfilling the traditional rites and payment of dowry
44. A Type of marriage that is not legally accepted in our society today is ……..
A. mixed marriage
B. monogamous marriage
C. trial marriage
D. same-sex marriage
45. The full meaning of STDs is ……..
A. Syphilis Transmitted Deficiency Syndrome
B. Students Transmitted Deficiency
C. Some transmitted diseases
D. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
46. The full meaning of STIs is ………
A. Sexually Transmitted Internal Diseases
B. Serious transmitted infections
C. Sexually Transmitted Intensive Diseases
D. Sexually Transmitted Infections
47. The following are invented by man EXCEPT …….
A. television
B. aeroplane
C. building and chairs
D. luminaries
48. Sabbath day according to the creation story means …….
A. the day Jesus was born
B. the day God created man
C. a day God rested and set aside for holy use
D. the day God started the creation of the universe
49. God is the supreme being, the …….. and controller of the universe.
A. founder B. builder
C. creator D. manufacturer
50. One of these is not an evidence of love and service to God.
A. Love for one another
B. Daily prayer and holy life
C. Vengeance
D. Forgiving one another’s offences
SECTION B: (Theory)
Instruction: Answer all questions in this section.
1.a. God created the world sequentially in the first account. State what he Created on the 2nd day, 4th day, and 5th day.
b. …….. was created first in the second account and in the first account ……..was created first.
2.a. State two lessons learned from the creation story.
b. Mention three different things that can be noticed between 1st and 2nd accounts of creation in the book of Genesis.
3.a. Define marriage in the religious sense.
b. State the meaning of the term disobedience.
c. Identify five common acts of disobedience by students.
4a. Mention any two religious importance of marriage.
b. State the four stages necessary for a proper and legal traditional marriage.
c. State five types of marriage you have studied and explain any two of them.
Answers to CRS Exam Questions for JSS1 First Term
Answers to Section A (Objective Test)
The following table gives the correct answers to the objective section of CRS exam questions for JSS1 first term. If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view.
Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans |
1 | D | 2 | A | 3 | D | 4 | B | 5 | D |
6 | B | 7 | D | 8 | D | 9 | C | 10 | C |
11 | C | 12 | 4 | 13 | D | 14 | D | 15 | C |
16 | D | 17 | D | 18 | C | 19 | C | 20 | D |
21 | C | 22 | D | 23 | D | 24 | C | 25 | D |
26 | A | 27 | C | 28 | C | 29 | D | 30 | D |
31 | D | 32 | C | 33 | C | 34 | B | 35 | B |
36 | C | 37 | B | 38 | D | 39 | D | 40 | C |
41 | C | 42 | C | 43 | C | 44 | C | 45 | D |
46 | D | 47 | D | 48 | C | 49 | C | 50 | C |
Here you have the answers to the objective section of CRS Exam Questions for JSS1 first term. Use the comments section to let me know if you have any questions you would want me to clarify or discuss further.
Answers to Section B (Theory)
Answer to Question 1
a. God created the world sequentially in the first account. State what He created on the 2nd day, 4th day, and 5th day.
- 2nd Day: God created the firmament (sky) to separate the waters above from the waters below.
- 4th Day: God created the sun, moon, and stars to give light and mark seasons, days, and years.
- 5th Day: God created sea creatures and birds to fill the waters and the sky.
b. …….. was created first in the second account and in the first account …….. was created first.
- In the second account, man was created first.
- In the first account, light was created first.
Answer to Question 2
a. State two lessons learned from the creation story.
- God is the creator and has ultimate authority over all things.
- God values order and purpose in everything He creates.
b. Mention three differences between the 1st and 2nd accounts of creation in the book of Genesis.
- In the first account, creation was done in six days; the second account does not emphasize time.
- In the first account, creation begins with light; in the second account, creation begins with man.
- The first account describes creation in a systematic order, while the second account focuses on man’s creation and life in the Garden of Eden.
Answer to Question 3
a. Define marriage in the religious sense.
Marriage is a sacred union ordained by God between a man and a woman for companionship, procreation, and mutual support.
b. State the meaning of the term disobedience.
Disobedience is the act of willfully refusing to follow a command, rule, or instruction, especially from God or authority.
c. Identify five common acts of disobedience by students.
- Truancy or skipping classes
- Talking back or arguing with teachers
- Refusing to complete assignments
- Cheating in exams
- Disregarding school rules and regulations
Answer to Question 4
a. Mention any two religious importance of marriage.
- Marriage promotes love, unity, and companionship.
- It fulfills God’s command to “be fruitful and multiply.”
b. State the four stages necessary for a proper and legal traditional marriage.
- Inquiry and agreement between families
- Introduction of the groom to the bride’s family
- Payment of bride price (dowry)
- Performance of traditional rites and blessings
How to Pass CRS Exam Questions for JSS1 First Term
Here are some simple but powerful tips to help you pass your CRS exam questions for JSS1 first term:
- Understand Key Topics: Focus on major topics like creation stories, marriage, and obedience, as they are often emphasized in the exam.
- Read and Review Bible Stories: Be familiar with the stories of creation in Genesis, the attributes of God, and the role of man. Understanding these will help with both objective and essay questions.
- Memorize Key Bible Verses: Certain Bible verses are important in understanding concepts like marriage, obedience, and creation. Practice quoting them correctly.
- Use Simple Language: When answering essay questions, express your ideas clearly and concisely. Stick to the main points.
- Practice Objective Questions: Try to answer as many objective questions as possible to become familiar with the types of questions that may appear.
- Focus on Definitions: Be sure to define key terms like marriage, obedience, and creation properly.
- Revise Regularly: Review your notes, textbooks, and past questions frequently to reinforce what you’ve learned.
- Stay Confident: Approach the exam with confidence. Good preparation will help you stay calm and focused during the test.
Best wishes from yours sincerely, Henry Divine.
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