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Agric Science Exam Questions for SS3 Second Term (WAEC Mock)

You’re welcome to our school exams series where we provide you with termly examination questions in different subjects. In today’s post, we will focus on Agricultural Science exam questions. We will cover Agric Science exam questions for SS3 second term (WAEC Mock Exam) with answers. This means that we’ll be providing you with answers to the questions at the end. Also, you will get a few success tips on how to pass Agricultural Science examinations with flying colors. Remember to use the comments sections if you have questions, and don’t forget to join our Free Online Tutorial Classes on Facebook. (Like and Follow Page)

Agricultural Science Exam Questions for SS3 Second Term

Introduction to Agricultural Science as a School Subject

Agricultural Science is a key subject that introduces students to the world of farming, livestock management, and the science behind growing food. It teaches us how plants and animals are essential for human survival, while also focusing on sustainable practices. With this knowledge, students gain a deeper understanding of how agriculture shapes our lives, economy, and the environment. Studying Agricultural Science helps students develop skills that are useful in everyday life, whether it’s for personal growth or pursuing a career in farming, research, or agro-business.

The subject is offered by students in Primary school and Secondary School under Prevocational Studies.

Agricultural Science Exam Questions for SS3 Second Term

Agricultural Science Exam Questions for SS3 Second Term (Mock Exam) are divided into two parts:

  • Part 1
  • Part 2

The first part, namely, Part 1 is the objective test, and students are expected to attempt all questions in the part. Part 2 is the theory part, and comprises of four sections i.e. Sections A, B, C and D. Students are expected to answer one question only from each section.

Note that what you have below are SS3 Agricultural Science Second Term Exam Past Questions (WAEC MOCK) made available to assist students in their revision for WAEC cum 2nd term examinations and also teachers in structuring standard examinations.

SECTION A: Objectives

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section by choosing from the options lettered A—D. Each question carries equal marks.

1. The achievement of agricultural extension programmes can be assessed by stakeholders at the ________ stage.
A. development         B.  evaluation
C. identification         D.  implementation
E. planting

2. Which of the following farm accounts can be used to access the net worth of a farm?
A. Balance sheet
B. Cash analysis account
C. Income statement account
D. Profit and loss account
E. Purchase account

Use the following information to answer questions 3 and 4

Government bought maize seed at N100/kg and sold at N80/kg to framers during planting seasons.

3. The intention of the government is to give ________ to the farmers.
A. Bonus            B.  Credit
C. Grant             D.  Loan
E. Subsidy

4. Calculate the percentage reduction given to farmers.
A. 20%              B. 30%
C. 40%              D. 50%
E. 60%

5. When a farmer lists farm inputs to be purchased in order of priority, he said to have drawn a
A. choice list
B. demand schedule
C. resource list
D. scale of preference
E. supply schedule

6. The problem associated with selection in animal improvement is that
A. Desirable traits of some parents are excluded
B. It emphasizes reduction in spread of disease
C. It is based on naturally available animals
D. Only best preformed animals are selected
E. Risk of morality is minimally reduced

Use the information below to answer questions 7 and 8

An experiment involving poultry birds conducted in Kano was replicated in Yenagoa in March 2016 under similar management practices. It was however observed that the birds in Yenagoa consumed significantly more feed than those raised in Kano

7. Which of the following was possible with the birds raised in Kano?
A. Bird huddling
B. Feeding on mouldy feed
C. Heat stress
D. High mortality
E. Optimum production

8. What could have led to the high feed consumption by the birds raised in Yenagoa?
A. Feed and water were served ad libitum
B. Feed was available in the area
C. High relative humidity
D. There was high relative temperature
E. The area had moderate wind velocity

9. In order to ensure that honey productions bees are not disturbed from time to time, it is advised that a farmer should
A. Never put warning symbols at apiaries
B. Place the location of apiaries far from human dwelling
C. Put warning symbols far from apiaries
D. Set smokers away from apiaries
E. Wear protective coverings to the apiaries

10. Which of the following additives should be used in the preparation of ensiled grasses and legumes to aid its palatability to the animals?
A. calcium  bicarbonate
B. molasses
C. premix
D. salt lick
E. sodium chloride

Use the information below to answer questions 11 and 12

Animal husbandman harvested pasture grasses for his lactating cow instead of allowing it to graze directly on the field. He later observed that the animal developed swollen, distended stomach and was very uncomfortable when touched.

11. The method of feeding embarked upon by the husbandman is referred to as ________ grazing.
A. continuous        B. paddock
C. pastoral             D. strip
E. zero

12. Which disease is responsible for condition observed on the cow?
A. Bloat             B. Ketosis
C. Milk fever     D. Osteomalacia
E. Perosis

13. During the process of exhalation in farm animal, which of the following takes places within and around the lungs? The ________
A. Diaphragm contracts
B. Diaphragm forms a dome shape
C. Intercostal muscles contracts
D. Stemum moves forward
E. Volume of thoracic cavity increases

14. A farmer who administered iron dextran injections to his piglets intends to prevent
A. Anaemia
B. Hemorrhage
C. Nervous disorder
D. Night blindness
E. Sterility

15. The purpose for which an animal is kept should be considered as a factor in feed formulation in order to
A. Increase intake of feed by the animal
B. Increase the palatability of feed
C. Maximize the cost of production
D. Meet the nutrient requirement of the animal
E. Reduce the quality of feed to produce

16. The part  of the digestive system of a pig which functions in the same way as the rumen of a goat is
A. caecum               B.  colon
C.  duodenum         D.  pancreas
E. rectum

Use the information below to answer questions 17 and 18.

Mr. Ameen resides in the rainforest zone. He observed that the very tall perennial grasses, tuffed in large clumps, with high yield, have a very high level of drought resistance among the grasses that grew in his pasture land which is located close to his house.

17. The grass observed by him is __________ grass.
A. Bahama             B. Carpet
C. Elephant            D. Guinea
E. Spear

18. What is the botanical name of the grass he observed?
A. Axonopus compressus
B. Cynodon plestostotachyum
C. Imperata cylindrical
D. Pancium maximum
E. Pennisetum purpureum

19. Black pod disease of cocoa is caused by
A. Bacterium            B. Fungus
C. Nematode           D. Protozoa
D. Virus

20. The disease of cocoa that is characterized by swelling of branches, malfunction and premature defoliation of leaves is commonly transmitted by
A. Infected tools     B. Mealy bugs
C. Rain splash         D. White fly
E. Wind

21. Weed control is important in rangeland management because
A. Animals do not graze on weeds
B. Most weeds stop light penetration
C. Some weeds are poisonous to animals
D. Weeds help in soil nutrient recycling
E. Weeds prevent pests infestation

22. Yield of crop are affected by weeds because the weeds
A. Control erosion on the farm
B. Decay to form organic manure
C. Decrease the cost of production
E. Serve as alternative host for disease
E. Serve as mulching material

Use the information below to answer questions 23 and 24.

A cassava farm was observed to have leaves eaten by variegated grasshopper and tubers eaten by rodent.

23. Which of the following methods will be inappropriate to control the rodents?
A. Fencing of the farm
B. Setting farmland on fire
C. Setting of traps
D. Shooting with guns
E. Use of rodenticides

24. What preventive measure would have been taken by the farmer to avoid the damage done by variegated grasshopper?
A. Spaying of leaves with fungicides
B. Timely planting at right spacing
C. Treating the planting materials before planting
D. Use of natural enemies
E. Use of rodenticides

25. Chlorosis in crops can be corrected by the application of
A. Basic slag
B. Gypsum
C. Muriate of potash
D. Urea
E. Wood ash

26. In water cycle, the land receives water through
A. Evaporation            B. Infiltration
C. Putrefaction            D. Respiration
E. Transpiration

27. An alkaline soil can be found mainly in ________ area.
A. Arid
B. Fresh water swamp
C. Guinea savannah
D. Mangrove
E. Tropical rain forest

28. Which of the following edaphic factors causes toxicity to plants and animals? Soil
A. Fertility             B. pH
C. structure          D. texture
E. type

29. An example of secondary rock mineral is
A. Hematite        B. Hornblende
C. Limonite         D. Oxide of metals
E. Pyroxene

30. The most important benefit that can be derived from agriculture in West Africa is the provision of
A. Food
B. Shelter
C. Raw material
D. Foreign exchange
E. Building material

31. The land tenure system that allows for individual ownership is the
A. Leasehold          B. Freehold
C. Tenancy             D. Pledge
E. Rent

32. An agricultural system that makes the use of farm machines difficult is
A. Mono cropping         B. Monoculture
C. Mixed cropping         D. Alley cropping
E. Mixed farming

33. Which of the following chemicals is used for liming soils?
A. Ammonium hydroxide
B. Copper oxide
C. Calcium oxide
D. Sodium hydroxide
E. Potassium hydroxide

34. The ecological zone of west Africa which best support ruminant production is the
A. Mangrove swamp
B. Evergreen forest
C. Guinea grassland
D. Deciduous forest
E. Sahel savannah

35. Land rotation is the modified form of
A. Pastoral farming
B. Crop rotation
C. Shift cultivation
D. Mixed farming
E. Mono cropping

36. Organic waste from a farm was accidentally spilled into a river. One effect that the spillage would have on the river is to decrease in
A. Its turbidity and pH
B. The number of bacteria present
C. Its oxygen concentration
D. The amount of sea weed
E. The amount of silt

37. Determine the ratio of nutrients in NPK 5 – 10 – 15
A. 1 : 2 : 3            B. 1 : 2 : 2
C. 1 : 3 : 1            D. 2 : 1 : 3
E. 3 : 2 : 1

38. The method of fertilizer application that is most appropriate for supplying micro-nutrients to crops is
A. Foliar application
B. Side dressing
C. Broadcasting
D. Drilling
E. Forecasting

39. Sprinkler irrigation is the example of
A. Micro-irrigation
B. Overhead irrigation
C. Sub-surface irrigation
D. Basin irrigation
E. Natural irrigation

40. Wood ash is usually added to the soil in order to
A. Increase the organic matter content
B. Increase soil acidity
E. Increase soil pH
D. Increase soil moisture
E. Reduces parent material

41. An advantage of animal traction over the use of tractor is that animal traction
A. Increase soil acidity
B. Minimizes hardpan formation
C. Enhances environmental cleanliness
D. Improves soil texture
E. Improves soil water holding capacity

42. A characteristic of solar energy in West Africa is that it
A. Needs very little servicing
B. Has a low output
C. Is abundant in supply
D. Is expensive to harness
E. Inadequate in supply

43. The scythe is a farm tool used for
A. Grinding maize
B. Planting crops
C. Sowing seeds
D. Harvesting grains
E. Gathering trash

44. The tank of the knapsack is usually made of plastic in order to
A. Minimize temperature fluctuation
B. Facilitate compression of the chemical
C. Decrease droplet size
D. Prevent corrosion
E. Prevent theft

45. The type of regulation control of diseases in crop production is
A. Rouging
B. Quarantine
C. Crop rotation
D. Soil sterilization
E. Mixed cropping

46. The main reason for mulching soil is to
A. Conserve soil water
B. Improve soil structure
C. Protect soil micro-organisms
D. Improves soil aeration
E. Prevent erosion

47. A plot of land where fruit trees are cultivated is called a/an
A. Garden            B. Orchard
C. Nursery           D. Meadow
E. Paddock

48. An appropriate chemical control method for cocoa mirids is by spraying with
A. Rodenticides         B. Fungicides
C. Herbicides            D. Insecticides
E. Uproot and burn

49. Seed producer grow their seeds in isolation in order to
A. Prevent damage by birds
B. Improve crop yield
C. Maintain genetic purity
D. Promote early maturity
E. To prevent spread disease

50. The gestation period of ewes is
A. 336 days           B. 280 days
C. 145 days           D. 114 days
E. 120 days

51. Billy kids that are not to be kept for breeding purpose should be
A. Isolated            B. Quarantined
C. Disbudded       D. Notched
E. Castrated

52. Nervous disorder in farm animals could result from a deficiency of
A. Sodium          B. Calcium
C. Zinc               D. Potassium
E. Phosphorus

53. The Part of an incubator that holds the eggs in place is the
A. Thermometer          B. Felt tray
C. Hydrometer             D. Water tray
E. Thermostat

54. The average gestation period of a cow is
A. 114 days             B. 145 days
C. 210 days             D. 280 days
E. 240 days

55. An example of secondary rock mineral is
A. Hematite
B. Hornblende
C. Limonite
D. Oxide of metal
E. Pyroxene

56. An alkaline soil can be found mainly in ___________ area.
A. Arid
B. Fresh water swamp
C. Guinea savannah
D. Mangrove
E. Tropical rain forest

57. A mill that processes flour for making bread will need __________ as its major raw material.
A.  maize            B. millet
C. Rice               D. sorghum
E. wheat

58. The farming system that allows mutual interaction between its ecological components is
A. Continuous cropping
B. Mixed cropping
C. Mixed farming
D. Mono cropping
E. Sole cropping

59. Which of the following edaphic factors causes toxicity to plants and animals? Soil
A. Fertility           B. pH
C. structure         D. texture
E. type

60. In water cycle, the land receives water through
A. Evaporation          B. Infiltration
C. Putrefaction         D. Respiration
E. Transpiration


INSTRUCTION – There are four sections in this part. Answer one question only from each section. All questions carry equal marks.

Section A

1a. Mention four role of government in the development of agriculture in your country.
b. Enumerate three roles of science and technology in agricultural development under the following Headings:
i. Animal breeding
ii. Soil science
c. State three reasons why farm mechanization is not widely practiced in West Africa.
d. Give three advantages of manual labour over the use of machine in farm operation.

2a. State three problems of agricultural development in West Africa.
b. Enumerate three benefits of commercial farming.
c. List two farm machinery and two farm implement.
d. Describe how the Gunter’s chain is used.

Section B

3a. Distinguish between macro-nutrient and micro-nutrients.
b. Mention three factors that influence the available of nutrients in the soil.
c. State four ways by which each of the following factors affects land availability for agriculture in your country:  i. communal land tenure system
ii. soil types
iii. Leasehold tenure system
d. Mention three problems associated with drainage systems on farms.

4a. Mention four biotic factors that affect agricultural production.
b. State four negative effects of each of the following farming practices on the soil:
i. continuous grazing
ii. overgrazing
c. Give two advantages and two disadvantages of surface drainage.

Section C

5a. Discuss the cultivation of maize under the following headings:
i. climatic requirement;
ii. soil requirement;
iii. cultural practices;
iv. processing and storage;
v. diseases;
b. State four benefits of forests to the economic development of your country.
c. Mention two effects of diseases on crops.

6a. Name six cereal crops grown in your country.
b. state two advantages and disadvantages of afforestation.
c. i. List the three major groups of insect-pests of crops on the basis on their mouth parts.
ii. Give two examples of each of the insect-pests of crops in the groups listed in 6 C. (i) above.

Section D

7a. List two intensive systems of poultry management.
b. State one advantage and one disadvantages of each of the systems listed in 7A..
c. State two functions of each of the following nutrients in the diet of farm animal:
I. Vitamins;
II. Proteins;
III. Carbohydrates.
d. Enumerate four signs of heat in farm animals.

8.a. List two viral and two protozoan diseases of livestock.
b. State three sanitation practices that help to prevent the outbreak of diseases on Livestock farms.
c. Define each of the following terms as used in animal reproduction:
I. Ovulation;
II. Lactation.
d. List three classes of animal feeds based on their nutrient composition.

e. Mention two methods of improving local breeds of farm animals.

Read Also: Agricultural Science Exam Questions for SS2 Second Term

Answers to Agricultural Science Exam Questions for SS3 Second Term

Answers to Part 1 (Objective Test)

The following table gives the correct answers to the objective part of Agric Science exam questions for SS3 second term. If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view.

Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans
1 B 2 A 3 E 4 A 5 D
6 A 7 E 8 C 9 B 10 B
11 E 12 A 13 A 14 A 15 D
16 A 17 C 18 D 19 B 20 B
21 C 22 E 23 B 24 D 25 D
26 B 27 A 28 B 29 C 30 A
31 B 32 C 33 C 34 E 35 B
36 C 37 A 38 A 39 B 40 C
41 B 42 C 43 D 44 D 45 B
46 A 47 B 48 D 49 C 50 C
51 E 52 B 53 B 54 E 55 C
56 A 57 E 58 B 59 B 60 B

So here you have the answers to the objective section of Agricultural Science Exam Questions for SS3 second term (aka WAEC Mock Examination). Use the comments section to let me know if you have any questions you would want me to clarify or discuss further.

Answers to PART 2 (Theory)

Section A

1a. Four roles of government in agricultural development:

  • Provision of subsidies and financial support.
  • Establishment of agricultural research institutes.
  • Development of rural infrastructure (roads, electricity, water).
  • Implementation of favorable agricultural policies.

1b. Three roles of science and technology in agricultural development:

i. Animal breeding:

  • Development of improved livestock breeds.
  • Artificial insemination for better reproduction.
  • Disease-resistant breed production.

ii. Soil science:

  • Soil fertility improvement through fertilizers.
  • Development of erosion control techniques.
  • Soil testing and analysis for better crop production.

1c. Three reasons why farm mechanization is not widely practiced in West Africa:

  • High cost of farm machinery.
  • Lack of technical know-how.
  • Small land holdings due to land tenure systems.

1d. Three advantages of manual labor over machines in farming:

  • Suitable for small-scale farming.
  • Lower maintenance cost.
  • Reduces soil compaction and erosion.

2a. Three problems of agricultural development in West Africa:

  • Poor infrastructure and storage facilities.
  • Low investment and financial support.
  • Pest and disease outbreaks.

2b. Three benefits of commercial farming:

  • Large-scale food production.
  • Employment generation.
  • Increased foreign exchange through exports.

2c. Two farm machinery and two farm implements:

  • Farm machinery: Tractor, combine harvester.
  • Farm implements: Plow, hoe.

2d. Use of Gunter’s chain:

  • A measuring tool used for land surveying.
  • Consists of 100 links, each 0.66 feet long.
  • Used to measure and divide farmland accurately.

Section B

3a. Difference between macro and micro-nutrients:

  • Macronutrients are needed in large amounts (e.g., nitrogen, phosphorus).
  • Micronutrients are needed in small amounts (e.g., zinc, iron).

3b. Three factors influencing nutrient availability in soil:

  • Soil pH levels.
  • Organic matter content.
  • Microbial activity.

3c. Four ways the following factors affect land availability:

i. Communal land tenure system:

  • Restricts individual ownership.
  • Limits investment in land improvement.
  • Causes disputes over land rights.
  • Results in underutilization of land.

ii. Soil types:

  • Sandy soils drain quickly but lack nutrients.
  • Clay soils retain moisture but may be waterlogged.
  • Loamy soils are best for farming.
  • Saline soils reduce crop yields.

iii. Leasehold tenure system:

  • Encourages temporary land use.
  • Limits long-term investments.
  • Leads to exploitation of land resources.
  • Causes frequent land disputes.

3d. Three problems of drainage systems on farms:

  • Waterlogging in poorly drained areas.
  • Erosion due to improper drainage.
  • High cost of maintenance.

4a. Four biotic factors affecting agriculture:

  • Pests.
  • Diseases.
  • Weeds.
  • Soil microorganisms.

4b. Four negative effects of farming practices:

i. Continuous grazing:

  • Soil compaction.
  • Reduced soil fertility.
  • Erosion.
  • Loss of vegetation cover.

ii. Overgrazing:

  • Decreased soil organic matter.
  • Increased desertification.
  • Reduced biodiversity.
  • Exposure of topsoil to erosion.

4c. Two advantages and two disadvantages of surface drainage:


  • Prevents waterlogging.
  • Improves soil aeration.


  • Can cause soil erosion.
  • Requires regular maintenance.

Section C

5a. Cultivation of maize:

i. Climatic requirement: Warm temperatures (20-30°C) and moderate rainfall.
ii. Soil requirement: Well-drained loamy soil with pH 5.5-7.0.
iii. Cultural practices: Land preparation, planting, weeding, fertilization.
iv. Processing and storage: Drying, shelling, storage in airtight containers.
v. Diseases: Maize smut, rust, and maize streak virus.

5b. Four benefits of forests to economic development:

  • Source of timber and wood products.
  • Provides employment in forestry-related industries.
  • Helps in carbon sequestration and climate regulation.
  • Supports tourism and biodiversity conservation.

5c. Two effects of diseases on crops:

  • Reduced crop yield.
  • Poor quality of harvested produce.

6a. Six cereal crops grown in your country:

  • Maize, rice, wheat, sorghum, millet, barley.

6b. Two advantages and two disadvantages of afforestation:


  • Prevents soil erosion.
  • Increases biodiversity.


  • Requires long-term investment.
  • Can reduce land available for farming.

6c. Three major groups of insect pests (based on mouthparts) and examples:

i. Biting and chewing insects: Grasshoppers, caterpillars.
ii. Piercing and sucking insects: Aphids, whiteflies.
iii. Boring insects: Stem borers, weevils.

Section D

7a. Two intensive poultry management systems:

  • Deep litter system.
  • Battery cage system.

7b. One advantage and disadvantage of each:

Deep litter system:

  • Advantage: Allows birds to move freely.
  • Disadvantage: Higher risk of disease spread.

Battery cage system:

  • Advantage: Easier egg collection.
  • Disadvantage: Restricts bird movement.

7c. Two functions of nutrients in farm animals:

i. Vitamins: Boosts immunity, aids metabolism.
ii. Proteins: Builds body tissues, promotes growth.
iii. Carbohydrates: Provides energy, supports digestion.

7d. Four signs of heat in farm animals:

  • Restlessness.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Mounting other animals.
  • Clear vaginal discharge.

8a. Two viral and two protozoan livestock diseases:

Viral diseases: Foot-and-mouth disease, Newcastle disease.
Protozoan diseases: Coccidiosis, Trypanosomiasis.

8b. Three sanitation practices to prevent disease outbreak:

  • Regular cleaning of animal shelters.
  • Proper disposal of animal waste.
  • Disinfection of farm equipment.

8c. Definitions:

i. Ovulation: Release of an egg from the ovary.
ii. Lactation: Production of milk by female mammals.

8d. Three classes of animal feeds (based on nutrient composition):

  • Energy feeds (e.g., maize, cassava).
  • Protein feeds (e.g., fish meal, soybean meal).
  • Mineral feeds (e.g., bone meal, salt lick).

8e. Two methods of improving local farm animal breeds:

  • Crossbreeding with improved breeds.
  • Selective breeding of high-performing animals.

How to Pass Agric Science Exam Questions for SS3 Second Term

Passing your Agricultural Science exam questions for SS3 second term requires a combination of preparation, understanding, and strategy. Here are actionable tips to help you excel:

  1. Understand the Syllabus – Focus on key topics like soil science, crop production, animal husbandry, and farm mechanization.
  2. Study Past Questions – Go through previous WAEC and mock exam questions to identify common topics and question patterns.
  3. Master Agricultural Terminologies – Learn important definitions and key concepts, as examiners often test basic knowledge.
  4. Use Mnemonics & Diagrams – Memorize key points using acronyms and draw labeled diagrams where necessary (e.g., farm tools, crop pests).
  5. Practice Calculations – Be familiar with simple farm calculations, such as stocking rate, yield estimation, and profit analysis.
  6. Revise Practical Aspects – Understand soil types, livestock breeds, and crop diseases with their symptoms and control measures.
  7. Answer Questions Smartly – Start with questions you know, write clearly, and support answers with examples.
  8. Manage Time Wisely – Allocate time per question and avoid spending too much time on one question.
  9. Stay Updated on Current Trends – Be aware of modern farming techniques, agricultural policies, and sustainable farming practices.
  10. Stay Healthy & Confident – Get enough rest, eat well, and approach the exam with confidence.

Best wishes.

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Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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