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Agricultural Science Exam Questions for JSS2 Second Term

You’re welcome to our school exams series where we provide you with termly examination questions in different subjects. In today’s post, we will focus on Agricultural Science exam questions. We will cover Agric Science exam questions for JSS2 second term with answers. This means that we’ll be providing you with answers to the questions at the end. Also, you will get a few success tips on how to pass Agricultural Science examinations with flying colors. Remember to use the comments sections if you have questions, and don’t forget to join our Free Online Tutorial Classes on Facebook. (Like and Follow Page)

Agricultural Science Exam Questions for JSS2 Second Term

Introduction to Agricultural Science as a School Subject

Agricultural Science is a key subject that introduces students to the world of farming, livestock management, and the science behind growing food. It teaches us how plants and animals are essential for human survival, while also focusing on sustainable practices. With this knowledge, students gain a deeper understanding of how agriculture shapes our lives, economy, and the environment. Studying Agricultural Science helps students develop skills that are useful in everyday life, whether it’s for personal growth or pursuing a career in farming, research, or agro-business.

The subject is offered by students in Primary school and Secondary School under Prevocational Studies.

Agricultural Science Exam Questions for JSS2 Second Term

Agricultural Science Exam Questions for JSS2 Second Term are divided into three sections:

  • Section A
  • Šection B
  • Section C

The first section, namely, Section A is the objective test, and students are expected to attempt all questions in the section. The second section is sub-objectives where the students are to simply write the correct answers in the spaces provided. Section C is the theory part, and students are expected to answer only four (4) out of six (6) questions.

Note that what you have below are JSS2 Agricultural Science Second Term Exam Past Questions made available to assist students in their revision for 2nd term examinations and also teachers in structuring standard examinations.

SECTION A: Objectives

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section by choosing from the options lettered A—D. Each question carries equal marks.

  1. ______________ are edible materials that are fed to farm animals to contribute energy and other nutrients to their diet.
    (a) Ration (b) Feeds (c) Succulent (d) Foods
  2. Which of the following is not a basal or energy-giving feed?
    (a) Millet (b) Vitamin A (c) Maize (d) Cassava
  3. One of the following is not a dry roughage:
    (a) Hay (b) Straw (c) Fresh forage (d) Chaff
  4. Concentrates that are high in carbohydrates are called _____________ concentrates.
    (a) Protein (b) Energy (c) Body-building (d) Forage
  5. ___________ is the sum total of feeds needed by an animal in a day.
    (a) Ration (b) Nutrient (c) Straw (d) Fibre
  6. Which of the following is an example of fodder?
    (a) Straw (b) Bone meal (c) Fish meal (d) Limestone
  7. Which of the following animals does not feed on hay?
    (a) Cattle (b) Goat (c) Horse (d) Poultry birds
  8. The type of ration that contains all the essential nutrients needed by animals in the right proportion is called __________ ration.
    (a) Maintenance (b) Balanced (c) Production (d) Dietary
  9. The following are feeding tools except:
    (a) Feed scoop (b) Feeding trough (c) Drinking trough (d) Fork
  10. The removal of plant stumps and roots from the soil is called:
    (a) Stumping (b) Plotting (c) Ploughing (d) Harrowing
  11. The process of making a seedbed is known as:
    (a) Ploughing (b) Stumping (c) Ridging (d) Plotting
  12. The lifting of seedlings from the nursery and planting them in their permanent plot or field is called:
    (a) Nursery (b) Sowing (c) Seed rate (d) Transplanting
  13. The replacement of seeds that fail to germinate is called:
    (a) Supplying (b) Thinning (c) Mulching (d) Weeding
  14. The amount or quantity of planting materials required for planting one hectare of land is called:
    (a) Staking (b) Pruning (c) Trimming (d) Seed rate
  15. A _________________ is an abnormality in health.
    (a) Pest (b) Disease (c) Supplement (d) Ration
  16. Staking is usually done for:
    (a) Cassava (b) Maize (c) Rice (d) Yam
  17. Layers are fed with ______________ mash to enhance egg production.
    (a) Growers (b) Broilers (c) Layers (d) None of the above
  18. ___________ refers to the stage of the animal in production.
    (a) Nutritive value (b) Physiological state (c) Species of the animal (d) Growth
  19. The following are basal feeds except:
    (a) Maize (b) Rice (c) Bone meal (d) Millet
  20. The following are common symptoms of diseases in farm animals except:
    (a) Abortion (b) Increased food consumption (c) Loss of appetite (d) Loss of weight
  21. Anthrax is an example of a _____ disease in farm animals.
    (a) Bacterial (b) Fungal (c) Viral (d) Protozoan
  22. ____________ diseases affect animals through physical contact with infected animals or materials.
    (a) Viral (b) Contagious (c) Infectious (d) Bacterial
  23. Animals can contract contagious diseases through the following except:
    (a) Contaminated feeds (b) Animal droppings (c) Infected feeding materials (d) None of the above
  24. Which of the following is not a feed supplement?
    (a) Hay (b) Groundnut cake (c) Soya beans (d) Bone meal
  25. Trypanosomiasis is a common disease of:
    (a) Cattle (b) Goat (c) Pig (d) Poultry
  26. The following are economic importance of livestock diseases except:
    (a) Poor growth of animals (b) Poor feed utilization (c) Low yield of products (d) High income for farmers
  27. ____________ is not a poultry disease.
    (a) Foot rot (b) Coccidiosis (c) Fowl typhoid (d) Fowl cholera
  28. Any organism that lives in or on another organism is called a _________.
    (a) Pathogen (b) Host (c) Parasite (d) Disease
  29. Tsetse fly is a parasite that infects __________.
    (a) Rabbit (b) Fish (c) Cattle (d) Fowl
  30. __________ is an endo-parasite.
    (a) Tapeworm (b) Tick (c) Lice (d) Tsetse fly

Section B: Fill in the Blanks

(Write the correct answers in the spaces provided.)

  1. Concentrates that are high in carbohydrates are called ________________.
  2. Concentrates that are high in protein are called ________________.
  3. The type of ration that contains all the essential nutrients needed by an animal in the correct proportion is ________________ ration.
  4. ______________ ration is the amount of feed needed to keep the animal’s live weight constant.
  5. Another name for dry roughages is ___________________.
  6. Two examples of feed supplements are ______________________ and ____________.
  7. Containers used for giving water to farm animals are called __________.
  8. Growing animals are fed with more ________________ than other feeds to enhance proper growth.
  9. Parasites that live inside the body of the host are called _______________.
  10. The husk separated from grains during threshing is called ______________.

Section C: Theory

INSTRUCTION – Answer only four (4) questions in this section.

Explain the following types of farm structures and buildings.
(i) Production structure
(ii) Processing structure
(iii) Farm office
(iv) Maintenance structure
(v) Farm building

a. Explain the factors to be considered before deciding animal feeds. At least three (3) factors.
b. List four (4) forms of animal feeds.

Explain the following:
(i) ration
(ii) production ration
(iii) balanced ration
(iv) maintenance ration
(v) hay

a. Define farm animal diseases and pests.
b. State four{4} ways of preventing animal diseases.

Write a short note on the following.
(i) Virus
(ii) Trypanosomiasis
(iii) Tsetse fly
(iv) Three ways of controlling trypanosomiasis
(v) Helminthes

Describe the farm animal disease “Anthrax” under the following headings:
(iii) SYMPTOMS (at least three):
(iv) CAUSES:

Read Also: Agricultural Science Exam Questions for SS1 Second Term

Answers to Agricultural Science Exam Questions for JSS2 Second Term

Answers to Section A (Objective Test)

The following table gives the correct answers to the objective section of Agric Science exam questions for JSS2 second term. If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view.

Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans
1 B 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 A
6 A 7 D 8 B 9 D 10 A
11 C 12 D 13 A 14 D 15 B
16 D 17 C 18 B 19 C 20 B
21 A 22 B 23 D 24 A 25 A
26 D 27 A 28 C 29 C 30 A

The above are the answers to the objective section of Agricultural Science Exam Questions for JSS2 second term. Use the comments section to let me know if you have any questions you would want me to clarify or discuss further.

Answers to Section B

31. Concentrates that are high in carbohydrates are called energy concentrates.

32. Concentrates that are high in protein are called protein concentrates.

33. The type of ration that contains all the essential nutrients needed by an animal in the correct proportion is balanced ration.

34. Maintenance ration is the amount of feed needed to keep the animal’s live weight constant.

35. Another name for dry roughages is roughage.

36. Two examples of feed supplements are bone meal and fish meal.

37. Containers used for giving water to farm animals are called drinking troughs.

38. Growing animals are fed with more concentrates than other feeds to enhance proper growth.

39. Parasites that live inside the body of the host are called endo-parasites.

40. The husk separated from grains during threshing is called chaff.

Answers to Section C (Theory)


(i) Production Structure: These are structures designed for the primary purpose of growing crops or raising animals, such as barns for housing livestock, greenhouses for growing plants, and silos for storing grains.

(ii) Processing Structure: These structures are used for processing farm products into consumable goods, like mills for grinding grain or dairies for processing milk.

(iii) Farm Office: This is a building used for administrative tasks, record keeping, and managing farm operations. It is the central location for decision-making and planning.

(iv) Maintenance Structure: These are buildings or areas used for the repair and upkeep of farm equipment and machinery, such as workshops or tool sheds.

(v) Farm Building: These are any structures found on a farm, including barns, sheds, silos, storage units, and shelters for animals.


a. Factors to Consider Before Deciding Animal Feeds:

  1. Nutritional Value: The feed must provide the necessary nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals for the animal’s growth and production.
  2. Cost of Feed: The cost must be affordable to ensure the economic viability of the farm.
  3. Availability of Feed: The feed must be readily available locally or through suppliers to avoid delays or shortages.

b. Four Forms of Animal Feeds:

  1. Concentrates
  2. Roughages
  3. Fodder
  4. Supplementary Feeds


(i) Ration: A ration is the daily supply of feed given to an animal, ensuring it receives the right amount of nutrients.

(ii) Production Ration: This is a ration formulated to support animal production, such as milk or eggs, by providing energy and nutrients for optimal growth and production.

(iii) Balanced Ration: A balanced ration contains all the essential nutrients in the right proportions to meet the animal’s nutritional requirements.

(iv) Maintenance Ration: This is the amount of feed required to maintain an animal’s body weight and keep it healthy without gaining or losing weight.

(v) Hay: Hay is dried grass or legumes used as feed for animals, providing fiber and nutrients.


a. Farm Animal Diseases and Pests:

  • Animal Diseases: These are health conditions that affect farm animals, often caused by pathogens like bacteria, viruses, or parasites.
  • Animal Pests: These are organisms that cause harm to animals by feeding on them or transmitting diseases, like ticks and lice.

b. Four Ways of Preventing Animal Diseases:

  1. Vaccination: Immunizing animals to prevent infections.
  2. Quarantine: Isolating new or sick animals to prevent the spread of disease.
  3. Proper Sanitation: Keeping animal housing clean and free from disease-causing organisms.
  4. Good Nutrition: Ensuring animals receive balanced diets to strengthen their immune systems.


(i) Virus: A virus is a microorganism that causes various diseases in animals and plants by infecting cells and multiplying inside them. Examples include foot-and-mouth disease in livestock.

(ii) Trypanosomiasis: A parasitic disease caused by protozoa of the genus Trypanosoma, transmitted by tsetse flies. It causes fever, weakness, and often leads to death in infected animals.

(iii) Tsetse Fly: A blood-sucking insect that transmits Trypanosoma parasites to animals, causing trypanosomiasis. It is found in tropical regions of Africa.

(iv) Three Ways of Controlling Trypanosomiasis:

  1. Control of Tsetse Fly Population: Using insecticides or traps to reduce the fly population.
  2. Use of Animal Treatments: Administering drugs like suramin to treat infected animals.
  3. Livestock Movement Control: Restricting the movement of animals in areas with high fly populations.
    (v) Helminthes: Helminths are parasitic worms, such as roundworms or tapeworms, that infect animals and cause diseases like internal parasite infections.


Farm Animal Disease: Anthrax

(i) Causative Organism: Bacillus anthracis, a bacterium.
(ii) Animals Affected: Mainly cattle, sheep, goats, and sometimes horses and pigs.
(iii) Symptoms:

  • Sudden death
  • High fever
  • Difficulty breathing or swelling of the neck
    (iv) Causes: Animals ingest or inhale spores from contaminated water, soil, or plants.
    (v) Parts Affected: Internal organs, especially the liver and spleen.
    (vi) Effects: Death of animals, especially if untreated; loss of production and economic damage.
    (vii) Treatments: Treatment with antibiotics like penicillin can be effective if administered early.
    (viii) Prevention/Control:
      1. Vaccination: Vaccinate livestock against anthrax.
      2. Proper Disposal: Incinerating infected carcasses to prevent the spread of spores.
      3. Regulated Movement: Restricting the movement of livestock from infected areas.

Best wishes

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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