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Agricultural Science Exam Questions for SS2 Second Term

You’re welcome to our school exams series where we provide you with termly examination questions in different subjects. In today’s post, we will focus on Agricultural Science exam questions. We will cover Agric Science exam questions for SS2 second term with answers. This means that we’ll be providing you with answers to the questions at the end. Also, you will get a few success tips on how to pass Agricultural Science examinations with flying colors. Remember to use the comments sections if you have questions, and don’t forget to join our Free Online Tutorial Classes on Facebook. (Like and Follow Page)

Agricultural Science Exam Questions for SS2 Second Term

Introduction to Agricultural Science as a School Subject

Agricultural Science is a key subject that introduces students to the world of farming, livestock management, and the science behind growing food. It teaches us how plants and animals are essential for human survival, while also focusing on sustainable practices. With this knowledge, students gain a deeper understanding of how agriculture shapes our lives, economy, and the environment. Studying Agricultural Science helps students develop skills that are useful in everyday life, whether it’s for personal growth or pursuing a career in farming, research, or agro-business.

The subject is offered by students in Primary school and Secondary School under Prevocational Studies.

Agricultural Science Exam Questions for SS2 Second Term

Agricultural Science Exam Questions for SS2 Second Term are divided into two sections:

  • Section A
  • Section B

The first section, namely, Section A is the objective test, and students are expected to attempt all questions in the section. Section B is the theory part, and students are expected to answer only three (3) out of five (5) questions.

Note that what you have below are SS2 Agricultural Science Second Term Exam Past Questions made available to assist students in their revision for 2nd term examinations and also teachers in structuring standard examinations.

SECTION A: Objectives

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section by choosing from the options lettered A—D. Each question carries equal marks.

1. Which of the following is NOT a form of organic fertilizer?
(a) Compost
(b) Animal manure
(c) Superphosphate
(d) Green manure

2. The most important factor affecting the growth of crops is ________.
(a) Temperature   (b) Soil texture
(c) Rainfall            (d) Humidity

3. Which of the following pests causes damage to stored crops?
(a) Termites         (b) Weevils
(c) Ants                (d) Locusts

4. The presence of nitrogen in the soil can be increased by ___________.
(a) Planting legumes
(b) Irrigation
(c) Using chemical fertilizers
(d) Plowing

5. Which of the following processes will not lead to the loss of nutrients from the soil?
(a) Mulching         (b) burning
(c) erosion            (d) harvesting

6. In the process of recycling carbon in nature, carbon dioxide is used by crops during _______
(a) respiration       (b) photosynthesis
(c) fruiting             (d) burning

7. Which of the following statement is not correct about Micro-Nutrients? They _______
(a) are required in small quantities by plants
(b) are harmful when present in large quantities in a soil
(c) are derived from the parent focus
(d) are the most abundant element in plant leaves

8. When a crop is planted in-situ, it means that the
(a) Crop is planted in a place away from the house
(b) Crop is planted in a place situated near the house
(c) Seed is not raised in the nursery but planted direct into field
(d) Seed in raised in pre-nursery and later transplanted to the field
(e) Seed in raised in nursery and later transplanted to the field

9. A horticulturist who wishes to shade his ear lawn with an ornamental tree will choose a/an
(a) Acalypha             (b) Ashoka
(c) Almond tree        (d) Neem
(e) Royal Palm

10. A florist who intends to grow marigold on commercial purpose should plant its
(a) Leaves directly in the field
(b) Stem in polythene bags
(c) Seeds in horticultural
(d) Rhizome in demonstration farm
(e) Seeds in horticultural plots

11. Which of these is not a reason for producing ornamental plant in Nigeria
(a) Control of desertification
(b) Provision of employment
(c) Control of erosion
(d) Earning of foreign exchange
(e) Landscaping of employment

12. The following are pest of cocoa except
(a) Aphids               (b) Capsids
(c) Leaf worms        (d) Stem borers
(e) Spider mites

13. Which of the following is best used to control mosaic disease of yam
(a) Destroying infected yams
(b) Growing resistant varieties
(c) Practicing bush burning
(d) Treating with fungicides
(e) Early planting of stems

14. Which of the following is a non-leguminous pasture grass?
(a) Lucerne         (b) Ryegrass
(c) Cowpea         (d) Clover

15. The process by which water vapor is lost from plants through pores is known as _______.
(a) Evaporation         (b) Photosynthesis
(c) Transpiration       (d) Respiration

16. Which of the following is a common disease of cassava?
(a) Powdery mildew
(b) Root rot
(c) Leaf spot
(d) Mosaic disease

17. The major role of the root system in plants is to ________.
(a) Absorb water and nutrients
(b) Store energy
(c) Produce seeds
(d) Provide support to the plant

18. A tractor is an example of which type of farm power?
(a) Animal power    (b) Machine power
(c) Wind power       (d) Solar power

19. The practice of planting crops that have similar nutrient requirements together is known as ________.
(a) Crop rotation
(b) Intercropping
(c) Mixed farming
(d) Agroforestry

20. Which of the following is not a principle of crop rotation?
(a) Disease control
(b) Soil conservation
(c) Soil erosion
(d) Weed control

21. The sign of approaching parturition include the following except _____________
(a) Preparation of nest by the dam
(b) Mounting of other animals
(c) Loss of appetite
(d) Swelling of the values

22. The practice by which the farmer keeps only grazing livestock is known as _________
(a) Mixed farming
(b) Pastoral farming
(c) Livestock farming
(d) Crop rotation

23. Lactation is the process of ________________________
(a) Production and secretion of milk by the mammary gland
(b) Formation of blood in the developing foetus
(c) Formation of amniotic fluid around the developing of nests by the dam
(d) Formation of sperms and ova in the reproductive system

24. Control of weeds can be carried out by the following methods except __________
(a) Cutting            (b) Burning
(c) Grazing            (d) Use of herbicide

25. The characteristics of range land include the following except _______________
(a) Large land area
(b) Low rain fall
(c) Mixture of grasses and shrubs
(d) Predominant ever tress

26. Which of the following is not a part of the digestive system of ruminants?
(a) Duodenum          (b) Proventriculus
(c) Omasun               (d) Reticulum

27. Mating in poultry is referred to as __________________
(a) Treading           (b) Laying
(c) Topping            (d) Servicing

28. The interval from the beginning of the heat period to the beginning of another is known is _____________
(a) Gestation period
(b) Fertilization
(c) Ostrus cycles
(d) Heat period

29. Which of the following survey equipment is used in measuring angular distances
(a) Theodolite
(b) Tape
(c) Prismatic compass
(d) Gunter’s chain

30. The following crops belong to the group called spices except ­­­­­­­__________
(a) hot pepper     (b) Onion
(c) carrot              (d) ginger

31. Which of the following groups has a germination period of about 100 days?
(a) Coffee           (b) oil palm
(c) rubber          (d) coconut

32. Which of the following problems will not be considered before installing irrigation equipment in a farm?
(a) High cost of equipment and maintenance
(b) source of power
(c) Availability of water
(d) concentration of salt

33. The removal of excess water from the soil surface and the upper sub soil is known as _______
(a) irrigation
(b) drainage
(c) surface run-off
(d) evaporation

34. A fertilizer that contains more than of the primary element like Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is known as _______
(a) straight fertilizer
(b) simple fertilizer
(c) compound fertilizer
(d) acidic fertilizer

35. The following are control measures for damping-off disease of cowpea except by
(a) Burning infected plants
(b) Dressing seed with fungicides
(c) Practicing crop rotation
(d) Spraying insecticides
(e) Using resistant varieties

36. Which of the following cannot be regarded as an advantage of natural regeneration
(a) It does not involve the formal stages of forest establishment
(b) It is less expensive than establishing new forest
(c) It stabilized the natural ecosystem in the forest
(d) Special management skill is not required foe formation of canopy
(e) Wild animal are exposed and killed while waiting for forest canopy

37. The botanical name for guinea grass is
(a) Centrosema pubescens
(b) Imperata cylindrical
(c) panicum maximum
(d) Compatibility of the species
(e) Direction of prevailing wind

38. The selection of seedlings from nursery bed for transplanting is based on
(a) Colour of leaves
(b) Number of branches
(c) Size of leaves
(d) Vigor of the plant
(e) Number of roots

39. Which of these groups of sources of farm power has proved to be most unreliable in supply
(a) Animals and human
(b) Biogas and machines
(c) Electricity and water
(d) Machines and electricity
(e) Sun and Wind

40. Which of the following vegetation zones is not suitable for nomadic farming
(a) Fresh water          (b) Mangrove
(c) Rainforest            (d) Savannah
(e) Swamp Forest

41. The tool used for making station in farm surveying is ________
(a) A chain         (b) A cross staff
(c) An arrow       (d) A ranging pole

42. One hectare of land is equivalents to ________
(a) 250m2            (b) 10,000m2
(c) 7,500m2         (d) 1000m2

43. The most appropriate farm machinery for breaking soil is the _______________
(a) Harrow          (b) Plough
(c) Ridger           (d) Tractor

44. Which of the following sources of farm power cannot be used effectively for processing agricultural products
(a) Electricity           (b) Sun
(c) Machined          (d) Animals

45. Which of the following is the sources  used by green plants for photosynthesis
(a) Electricity           (b) Wind
(c) Sun                     (d) Water

46. The following conditions will favours taungy farming except ________________
(a) Intensive establishment of industries
(b) A situation of land scarcity
(c) Availability of large area of cultivated land
(d) Overpopulation on the available land

47. Selective exploitation means _______
(a) Random felling of trees
(b) Feeling of trees which meet desired specification
(c) gradual removal of forest trees
(d) Felling of forest trees on selective days

48. The side of effects of the various preventive and control measures of pest and disease of crop include the following except
(a) Environment pollution
(b) Poisoning of wild life
(c) Improvement in the quality of farm produce
(d) exposure of the farmer to health hazards

49. The damage cause by pests on crop result in the following except ___________
(a) Defoliation of crops
(b) Transmission of diseases
(c) Destruction of leaves
(d) Increase in photosynthesis rate

50. The main side effect of the biological method of controlling pests is ____________
(a) Rotating of roots
(b) Scorching of leaves
(c) Imbalance in ecosystem
(d) Yielding of crop

51. Which of the following crop is tolerant to both poor rich friable soils?
(a) Onion           (b) cassava
(c) cocoa            (d) rice

52. Parboiling is carried out in the processing of rice in order to ________
(a) decrease the amount of waste products
(b) improve the taste of rice
(c) facilitating the polishing of rice
(d) reduce percentage of breakage

53. Which of the following factors affect the productivity of pasture?
I Soil fertility
II Climate
III Weeds
(a) I and II only
(b) I and III only
(c) II and III only
(d) I, II and III

54. Pasture crops are best used in preparing silage when they
(a) Have produced flowers
(b) Are liquefied
(c) Are yet to produce flowers
(d) Are producing flowers

55. Forages harvested before flowering and conserved are characterized by
(a) High fibre      (b) High protein
(c) Low energy    (d) Low vitamins

56. Pastures could be improved through
(a) Fertilizer application and irrigation
(b) Rational grazing and uncontrolled burning
(c) Replanting and proper seed selection
(d) Pad docking and overgrazing

57. Which of the following plants is a pasture legume
(a) Panicum maximum
(b) Andropogen gayams
(c) Pueraria phaseoloides
(d) Axonopus Compressus

58. In animals production, disease causing organisms are generally called
(a) Parasites          (b) Pathogens
(c) Pests                (d) Vectors

59. The following are characteristics of a rangeland except that it
(a) Contain grass/legume of high regenerative ability
(b) Contain high quality herbage
(d) Encourages buildup of pests
(d) Usually occupy a vast piece of land

60. Stemborer and leaf hopper are pests of _______
(a) Cowpea            (b) Groundnut
(c) Maize               (d) Rubber
(e) Yam


INSTRUCTION: Answer any three questions

1a i. What is pasture?
ii. State the differences between natural and artificial pasture.
b. Name four ways in which forage crops can be utilized.
C. Name two grasses and two legumes used as pasture crops in Nigeria.

2a. What is a crop disease?
b. State five crop disease and their casual organism.
c. State five crop pests and their control measures

3. a. What is floriculture?
b. List five ornamental flowers.
c. Briefly explain five characteristic of a range land.

4. a. State five characteristic of Natural grassland
b. What is forestry?
c. Describe briefly five management practices adopted on the forest for continuous timber supply.

5. Explain the five management practices adopted on the forest for continuous timber supply stated in 4c.

Read Also: Agricultural Science Exam Questions for JSS2 Second Term

Answers to Agricultural Science Exam Questions for SS2 Second Term

Answers to Section A (Objective Test)

The following table gives the correct answers to the objective section of Agric Science exam questions for SS2 second term. If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view.

Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans
1 C 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 A
6 B 7 D 8 C 9 E 10 E
11 D 12 E 13 B 14 B 15 C
16 D 17 A 18 B 19 B 20 C
21 B 22 B 23 A 24 D 25 D
26 B 27 A 28 C 29 A 30 C
31 C 32 D 33 B 34 C 35 D
36 E 37 C 38 D 39 D 40 E
41 B 42 B 43 B 44 D 45 C
46 A 47 B 48 C 49 D 50 C
51 B 52 D 53 D 54 C 55 B
56 A 57 C 58 B 59 C 60 C

So here you have the answers to the objective section of Agricultural Science Exam Questions for SS2 second term. Use the comments section to let me know if you have any questions you would want me to clarify or discuss further.

Answers to Section B (Theory)

1a i. What is pasture?

Pasture is a land covered with vegetation, especially grasses and legumes, that is used for grazing livestock.

1a ii. State the differences between natural and artificial pasture.

  • Natural pasture: Found naturally in the environment, mainly consisting of native grasses and legumes.
  • Artificial pasture: Created by humans through planting specific grasses and legumes to meet the grazing needs of livestock.

1b. Name four ways in which forage crops can be utilized.

  1. Grazing by livestock
  2. Harvesting for silage
  3. Making hay
  4. Storing for feed during dry seasons

1c. Name two grasses and two legumes used as pasture crops in Nigeria.

  • Grasses: Guinea grass, Napier grass
  • Legumes: Stylosanthes, Cowpea

2a. What is a crop disease?

A crop disease is any condition that negatively affects the health and growth of plants, often caused by pathogens such as fungi, bacteria, or viruses.

2b. State five crop diseases and their causal organism.

  1. Rice blast – Pyricularia oryzae
  2. Cassava mosaic – Cassava mosaic virus
  3. Late blight of tomato – Phytophthora infestans
  4. Cocoa black pod disease – Phytophthora palmivora
  5. Maize rust – Puccinia sorghi

2c. State five crop pests and their control measures.

  1. Aphids – Use of insecticides, biological control
  2. Grasshoppers – Physical removal, insecticides
  3. Termites – Use of termiticides, good soil drainage
  4. Weevils – Proper storage, use of pesticides
  5. Caterpillars – Hand-picking, use of biological control

3a. What is floriculture?

Floriculture is the cultivation of flowers and ornamental plants for decorative and commercial purposes.

3b. List five ornamental flowers.

  1. Rose
  2. Sunflower
  3. Chrysanthemum
  4. Geranium
  5. Orchid

3c. Briefly explain five characteristics of a rangeland.

  1. Large area: Rangelands typically cover vast areas of land.
  2. Low rainfall: They generally have less rainfall compared to other types of land.
  3. Grasses and shrubs: They support a mixture of grasses and shrubs.
  4. Varied vegetation: Vegetation can vary depending on climate and soil.
  5. Support for livestock: Primarily used for grazing animals.

4a. State five characteristics of Natural grassland.

  1. Native grasses: Composed mainly of native grasses.
  2. Seasonal growth: Vegetation grows in specific seasons, often influenced by rainfall.
  3. Low tree cover: Typically has few or no trees.
  4. Rich biodiversity: Supports diverse plant and animal species.
  5. Fertile soil: Often contains fertile soil due to organic matter.

4b. What is forestry?
Forestry is the management and cultivation of forests for the production of timber, fuel, and other forest products, as well as conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems.

4c. Describe briefly five management practices adopted on the forest for continuous timber supply.

  1. Selective logging: Only mature trees are harvested, allowing younger trees to grow.
  2. Replanting: Replanting trees to ensure regeneration of the forest.
  3. Clear-cutting: Removing all trees in a specific area to allow new growth.
  4. Agroforestry: Integrating trees with crops and livestock for sustainability.
  5. Thinning: Removing some trees to reduce competition and promote growth of others.

5. Explain the five management practices adopted on the forest for continuous timber supply stated in 4c.

  1. Selective logging: This practice involves cutting only mature trees and leaving younger trees to grow. It helps maintain the forest structure and prevents over-exploitation.
  2. Replanting: After harvesting, new trees are planted to replace the ones cut down. This ensures that the forest continues to regenerate and supply timber.
  3. Clear-cutting: This involves cutting all trees in a designated area, which provides space for new growth. It is often followed by replanting to maintain forest sustainability.
  4. Agroforestry: This practice involves growing trees alongside crops and livestock, creating a balanced ecosystem that benefits both timber production and agriculture.
  5. Thinning: Thinning involves removing some trees in crowded areas to reduce competition for resources, allowing the remaining trees to grow healthier and more vigorously.

How to Pass Agric Science Exam Questions for SS2 Second Term

Passing your Agricultural Science exam questions for SS2 second term requires a combination of preparation, understanding, and strategy. Here are actionable tips to help you excel:

1. Understand the Syllabus

  • Go through the SS2 second-term Agricultural Science syllabus to know the topics covered.
  • Focus on key areas like soil science, crop production, animal husbandry, and forestry.

2. Study with Past Questions

  • Solve past exam questions to understand the question pattern.
  • Pay attention to frequently repeated topics.

3. Master Key Definitions and Concepts

  • Learn important definitions, examples, and technical terms.
  • Understand differences between related concepts (e.g., natural vs. artificial pasture).

4. Use Diagrams and Practical Examples

  • Practice drawing and labeling diagrams (e.g., farm tools, soil profiles, crop diseases).
  • Relate topics to real-life agricultural practices.

5. Revise Regularly

  • Create a study timetable and review topics daily.
  • Use summary notes and flashcards for quick revision.

6. Engage in Group Discussions

  • Discuss difficult topics with classmates.
  • Ask and answer questions to improve understanding.

7. Practice Objective and Essay Questions

  • Answer both multiple-choice and essay questions.
  • Focus on writing clear, concise answers in essay sections.

8. Seek Help When Needed

  • Ask your teacher or mentor for clarification on tough topics.
  • Use online resources and textbooks for extra support.

9. Prepare for Practical Questions

  • Understand the uses of common farm tools, crop pests, and animal diseases.
  • Be able to explain and identify key agricultural practices.

10. Stay Confident and Manage Time

  • Read questions carefully during the exam.
  • Allocate time wisely between sections to complete all questions.

Best wishes.

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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