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Civic Education Exam Questions for JSS1 Second Term

You’re welcome to our school exams series where we provide you with termly examination questions in different subjects. In today’s post, we will focus on Civic Education exam questions. We will cover Civic Education exam questions for JSS1 second term with answers. This means that we’ll be providing you with answers to the questions at the end. Also, you will get a few success tips on how to pass Civic Education examinations with flying colors. Remember to use the comments sections if you have questions, and don’t forget to join our Free Online Tutorial Classes on Facebook. (Like and Follow Page)

Civic Education exam questions for second term

Introduction to Civic Education as a School Subject

Civic Education is a school subject that teaches students about their roles, rights, and responsibilities as citizens. It helps them understand concepts like democracy, human rights, national values, and good governance. The subject aims to develop informed, responsible, and active members of society who contribute positively to their communities and the nation.

The subject is offered by students in primary school and Secondary School under National Values Education.

Civic Education Exam Questions for JSS1 Second Term

Civic Education Exam Questions for JSS1 Second Term are divided into two sections:

  • Section A
  • Section B

The second section, namely, Section A is the objective test, and students are expected to attempt all questions in the section. Section B is the theory part, and students are expected to answer four (4) out of the five (5) questions.

SECTION A: Objectives

Attempt All the Questions in this Section by choosing from the options lettered A—D.

1. One of these is a factor that promotes co-operation among people.
A. Common crimes
B. Concern
C. Common goals
D. None of the above

2. Co-operation means working willingly with other people in order to achieve some common
A. crimes           B. goals
C. theft              D. dishonesty

3. An honest person deserves to be __________ in society.
A. challenged        B. condemned
C. harassed           D. reinforced

4. Which of the following is a negative value in society?
A. Cheating           B. Discipline
C. Greeting            D. Honesty

5. A good citizen should be associated with the following EXCEPT
A. crimes               B. law-abiding
C. patriotism         D. nationalism

6. Co-operation means working together with someone or a group of people for a __________ purpose.
A. common           B. complex
C. confident          D. conflicting

7. Which one of the following is NOT a negative value?
A. Honesty              B. Corruption
C. Dishonesty         D. Greed

8. The process whereby an individual desires to acquire the status of a country is __________.
A. acculturation          B. citizen
C. adaptability            D. citizenship

9. One of these is not an attribute of honesty.
A. Integrity        B. Irresponsibility
C. Fairness         D. Boldness

10. __________ is the working together of a group of people to achieve a common goal.
A. Honesty         B. Corporation
C. Integrity         D. Co-operation

11. All are types of citizenship except _________.
A. Birth          B. Nationalization
C. Dual          D. Honorary

12. All of these are types of human rights in Nigeria except _________ rights.
A. political             B. civic
C. economic          D. spiritual

13. One of the following is not included in the geo–political zones in Nigeria.
A. North West          B. South East
C. West North          D. South South

14. The Nigerian National flag was designed by _____________ in the year __________.
A. Taiwo Akinwunmi/1959
B. Kehinde Akinkunmi/1960
C. Taiwo Akindele/1969
D. Taiwo Akinkunmi/1959

15. The Eagle in the Nigerian coat of arms represents the __________ of Nigeria.
A. eye               B. mouth
C. power           D. strength

16. The Nigerian national symbol does not include __________.
A. National currency
B. National paper
C. National pledge
D. The Constitution

17. Those privileges which a citizen have as permitted by law are called __________.
A. Obligations      B. Rights
C. Duties              D. Responsibilities

18. A citizen of two countries at the same time is called
A. dual citizenship
B. renunciation
C. honorary citizenship
D. citizenship by birth

19. Which of these is not a citizen’s right in Nigeria?
A. Right to life
B. Right to fair hearing
C. Rîght to vote
D. Right to infringe other people’s rights

20. Right to vote during the election is a
A. civil right
B. voting right
C. democratic right
D. election right

21. One of these is a negative behavior in the society
A. friendship         B. dishonesty
C. giving               D. discipline

22. How many geo-political zones do we have in Nigeria?
A. 2         B. 4        C. 6        D. 8

23. Citizens can be deprived of their rights during _____
A. democratic regime
B. emergency rule
C. parliamentary debate
D. political campaign

24. Which of the following is an _________obligation of a citizen?
A. adjudicating cases
B. arresting offenders
C. making laws for nations
D. voting during election

25. The role of a citizen in constitutional development is
A. fraudulent             B. nepotism
C. bribery                  D. voting

26. One of the duties of a student at school is ­______
A. to disregard rules
B. to obey rules and regulations  of the school
C. to join bad gangs
D. to be involved in irresponsible acts

27. The twenty naira note shows the picture of _____
A. General Olusegun Obasanjo
B. Gen. Aguiyi Ironsi
C. Gen Muritala Muhammed
D. Gen Sanni Abacha

28. The words “unity and faith” appear in our
A. law books
B. constitutions
C. coat of arms
D. National Symbols

29. Citizenship means ________
A. A person is not recognized by law as a member of a country
B. A person who is recognized by law
C. A person that does not enjoy right at all
D. None of the above

30. Types of citizenship include all the following except
A. By birth           B. By naturalization
C. Registration     D. Immigration

31. One of the following is a financial obligation
A. Due process
B. Citizens are expected to pay taxes to the state
C. Social control
D. Maintain law and order

32. ________ is a disagreement between two or more people of certain issue
A. Unity                 B. Agreement
C. Conflict             D. Cooperation

33. One of the following is a right of a citizen of a country
A. Payment of taxes and levies
B. Not to destroy public properties
C. Ownership of property and protection from deprivation of personal properties
D. Respect of leadership, constituted authorities and national symbol

34. One of the following is a consequence of wasted talent
A. Growth and development in a country
B. Mutual understanding
C. Inability to achieve one’s future ambition or dreams
D. Dual citizenship

35. Rights means one of the following
A. Ability to speak with one voice
B. Freedoms and privileges the law permits
C. Those things that impedes the growth of our qualities
D. What we depend upon in life

36. All of the following will promote National Unity except
A. Federal character
B. National character
C. Corruption
D. Establishment of NYSC

37. The Major ethnic groups in Nigeria are _______
A. Hausa, Ibos and Yoruba
B. Efiks, Yorubas and Hausas
C. Oyos, Ibos and Hausas
D. Tivs, Yorubas and Ibos

38. Some certain privileges that  every citizen enjoys in  a country irrespective of sex,tribe or creed is called _________
A. constitution          B. legislature
C. human right          D. creed

39. Rights of consumer include one of the following
A. they have the right to choose the goods that serves them better
B. they do not have the right to correct wrong actions
C. they have no right to live in  healthy environment
D. all of the above

40. The road sign light that shows red means _________
A. Go             B. Get ready
C. stop           D. drive fast

41. Right attitude to work  refers to ________
A. acceptable way a worker is expected to carry out his or her duty
B. refers to one being lazy
C. make life unpleasant
D. all of the above

42. The government that is closer to the people is
A. federal government
B. state government
C. local government
D. central government

43. _______ is a disagreement or quarrel between two or more people over certain issue
A. Unity                    B. Agreement
C. Cooperation         D. Conflict

44. A follower who obeys the law made  by the  leader  for  the  good  of the  society  is  showing  the  trait  of  A.  diligence           B.  commitment
C.  loyalty               D.  obedience

45. The consequences of non-performance of obligation includes all the following except
A. Slow progress
B. Inability to achieve societal goals
C. Loss of lives
D. Ensures welfare of people

46. Which of the following is not a civic obligation?
A. Registering and voting during elections
B. respect for national symbols
C. Readiness to serve
D. Payment of taxes

47. Duties means
A. Treatment by fellow citizens and the government
B. Tasks citizens are expected to perform for the benefit of all
C. Claims as citizens of a country
D. The legal right to belong to a country

48. _______ is the acts of denial of one’s fundamental human right.
A. Human right
B. Human right abuse
C. Honesty
D. Democracy

49. The following are effects of human right except
A. under developments
B. bad image
C. lack of patriotism
D. development

50. _______ is ability for a citizen to know what’s going on in their country.
A. National peace
B. National consciousness
C. National symbol
D. National identity


INSTRUCTION – Answer only four (4) questions in this section.

1. A. Explain three obligations of citizens.
B. State four consequences of non-performance of obligation by citizens.

2. A. What are human rights?
B. List eight examples of human rights.
C. Identify five importance of rights and duties of citizens in a state.
D. Using a tabular format, give four differences between a citizen’s rights and his/her duties.

3. A. Define citizenship
B. List and explain five types of citizenship.
C. State five process of becoming a citizen

4. A. state the meaning of rights, duties and obligations of a citizen
B. State fives differences right and duties

5. A. State the meaning of the following symbols of the Nigerian coat of arms;
(i) the two white Horses
(ii) the Eagle
(iii) the silver band (Y)
(iv) the black shield
(v) coctus spectabilis
B. State the motto of the Nigerian coat of arms.

Answers to Civic Education Exam Questions for JSS1 Second Term

Answers to Section A (Objective Test)

The following table gives the correct answers to the objective section of Civic Education exam questions for JSS1 second term. If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view.

Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans
1 C 11 D 21 B 31 B 41 A
2 B 12 D 22 C 32 C 42 C
3 D 13 C 23 B 33 C 43 D
4 A 14 D 24 D 34 C 44 D
5 A 15 D 25 D 35 B 45 D
6 A 16 B 26 B 36 C 46 D
7 A 17 B 27 C 37 A 47 B
8 D 18 A 28 C 38 C 48 B
9 B 19 D 29 B 39 A 49 D
10 D 20 C 30 D 40 C 50 B

So here you have the answers to the objective section of Civic Education Exam Questions for JSS1 second term. Use the comments section to let me know if you have any questions you would want me to clarify or discuss further.

Answers to Section B (Theory)

Question 1

A. Three Obligations of Citizens

  1. Obedience to Laws: Citizens are required to respect and obey the laws of their country to ensure peace and order.
  2. Payment of Taxes: Citizens must pay taxes to enable the government to provide public services and infrastructure.
  3. Participation in Elections: Voting during elections helps in choosing leaders and contributing to the democratic process.

B. Four Consequences of Non-Performance of Obligations by Citizens

  1. Loss of Social Order: Disobedience to laws may lead to chaos and insecurity in society.
  2. Poor Governance: Failure to pay taxes reduces government revenue, hindering public services.
  3. Underdevelopment: Lack of citizen participation in elections can result in poor leadership and policies.
  4. Loss of Rights: Citizens may lose privileges such as voting rights or public trust.

Question 2

A. What are Human Rights?
Human rights are the fundamental privileges and freedoms that every individual is entitled to, regardless of nationality, race, or religion, as guaranteed by law.

B. Eight Examples of Human Rights

  1. Rîght to life
  2. Right to freedom of speech
  3. Right to education
  4. Rîght to own property
  5. Right to freedom of religion
  6. Right to vote
  7. Rîght to a fair trial
  8. Right to work and earn a living

C. Five Importance of Rights and Duties of Citizens in a State

  1. Ensures Social Stability: Rights protect citizens, while duties promote social harmony.
  2. Encourages Participation: Citizens engage in governance by fulfilling their duties.
  3. Fosters Unity: Mutual respect for rights and duties promotes national cohesion.
  4. Improves Accountability: Citizens demand transparency when they perform their duties.
  5. Drives Development: Civic participation leads to better governance and societal growth.

D. Four Differences Between a Citizen’s Rights and Duties (Tabular Format)

Rights Duties
Privileges granted by the state Responsibilities expected from citizens
Ensure freedom and protection Promote social and national development
Examples: Right to vote, education Examples: Paying taxes, obeying laws
Not dependent on action by citizens Requires active participation

Question 3

A. Define Citizenship
Citizenship is the legal status granted to an individual, recognizing them as a member of a country, with associated rights and responsibilities.

B. Five Types of Citizenship

  1. By Birth: Acquired when an individual is born within a country or to its citizens.
  2. By Descent: Citizenship inherited from one’s parents, regardless of birthplace.
  3. βy Naturalization: Granted to a foreigner who meets certain legal requirements.
  4. By Registration Acquired through legal processes, often by marriage or long-term residency.
  5. By Honorary Citizenship: Awarded to individuals as a mark of recognition for contributions to a country.

C. Five Processes of Becoming a Citizen

  1. Being born in the country (by birth).
  2. Acquiring citizenship through descent (parents’ nationality).
  3. Applying for and meeting the conditions for naturalization.
  4. Registering with the appropriate authorities as a resident.
  5. Receiving honorary citizenship as recognition by the state.

Question 4

A. Meaning of Rights, Duties, and Obligations of a Citizen

  • Rights: Legal entitlements guaranteed to individuals by law.
  • Duties: Actions or responsibilities expected of citizens for societal benefit.
  • Obligations: Mandatory actions required by law, such as tax payments.

B. Five Differences Between Rights and Duties

Rights Duties
Legal entitlements Legal and moral responsibilities
Citizens are free to enjoy Citizens are required to perform
Examples: Right to life, vote Examples: Paying taxes, obeying rules
Protects individual freedoms Ensures societal development
Cannot be waived without violation Failure leads to penalties or sanctions

Question 5

A. Meaning of Symbols on the Nigerian Coat of Arms

  1. The Two White Horses: Represent dignity and pride.
  2. The Eagle: Symbolizes strength and resilience.
  3. The Silver Band (Y): Represents the meeting of the Niger and Benue rivers.
  4. The Black Shield: Stands for Nigeria’s fertile soil.
  5. Cactus Spectabilis: Reflects the beauty and richness of the Nigerian landscape.

B. Motto of the Nigerian Coat of Arms
“Unity and Faith, Peace and Progress.”

How to Pass Civic Education Exam Questions for JSS1 Second Term

Here are some simple but powerful tips to help you pass your Civic Education exam questions for JSS1 Second term:

  1. Understand the Syllabus: Know the topics covered, such as citizenship, human rights, and national values.
  2. Study Your Notes: Focus on class notes, textbooks, and handouts from your teacher.
  3. Practice Past Questions: Solve past exam questions to familiarize yourself with the format.
  4. Memorize Key Definitions: Learn important terms like citizenship, obligations, and rights.
  5. Answer Questions Clearly: Write short, direct answers in your exams.
  6. Attend Classes Regularly: Pay attention to explanations and ask questions where needed.
  7. Prepare Early: Revise daily to avoid last-minute stress.

Best wishes.

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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