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Civic Education Exam Questions for SS3 Second Term [Mock]

You’re welcome to our school exams series where we provide you with termly examination questions in different subjects. In today’s post, we will focus on Civic Education exam questions. We will cover Civic Education exam questions for SS3 second term with answers (i.e. Civic Education mock examination for candidates preparing for WAEC ). This means that we’ll be providing you with answers to the questions at the end. Also, you will get a few success tips on how to pass Civic Education examinations with flying colors. Remember to use the comments sections if you have questions, and don’t forget to join our Free Online Tutorial Classes on Facebook. (Like and Follow Page)

Civic Education exam questions for second term

Introduction to Civic Education as a School Subject

Civic Education is a school subject that teaches students about their roles, rights, and responsibilities as citizens. It helps them understand concepts like democracy, human rights, national values, and good governance. The subject aims to develop informed, responsible, and active members of society who contribute positively to their communities and the nation.

The subject is offered by students in primary school and Secondary School under National Values Education.

Civic Education Exam Questions for SS3 Second Term

Civic Education Exam Questions for SS3 Second Term are divided into two sections:

  • Section A
  • Section B

The second section, namely, Section A is the objective test, and students are expected to attempt all questions in the section. Section B is the theory part, and students are expected to answer five (5) out of the seven (7) questions.

SECTION A: Objectives

Attempt All the Questions in this Section by choosing from the options lettered A—D.

1. One major shortcoming of the Nigeria Public Service is
A. Accountability of the public servants
B. Excessive bureaucracy
C. Low political interference
D. In service training

2. The agent of political socialization that has wider coverage is the
A. Family         B. Mass media
C. School        D. Pressure group

3. The sense of consciousness and service orientation of citizens to the nation is called
A. Nepotism      B. Philanthropy
C. Ethnicity        D. Nationalism

4. The Nigeria House of Representative members in addition with the Senate members is made up of how many members
A. 442            B. 467
C. 469            D. 460

5. Administering Oath of Office to the President of the country is the sole responsibility of the
A. Attorney General of the Federation
B. Chief Justice of the Federation
C. Minister of Justice
D. Senate President

6. The process of bringing awareness to the electorates on political matters is known as
A. Rally                B. Manifesto
C. Campaign       D. Propaganda

7. __________ is not one of the categories of human rights.
A. Civil rights
B. Socio-cultural rights
C. Surrounding rights
D. Socio-economic rights

8. Which of the following is not a characteristic of human rights?
A. They are inalienable
B. They are unlawful
C. They are universal
D. They are indivisible

9. The first formal global set up to define human rights is known as ___________ and was established in ___________.
A. United Nations Organization, 1945
B. League of Nations, 1945
C. United Nations Organization, 1948
D. League of Nations, 1948

10. Why are the statements of human rights in the constitution of Nigeria not absolute?
A. There are specified conditions under which rights may not be enjoyed
B. The government is not sincere to its citizens
C. Nigeria is overpopulated and as such the government cannot adequately ensure all its citizens enjoy their human rights
D. All Nigerians do not know their rights

11. The second legally binding treaty of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is known as ____________.
A. International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
B. Hard rights
C. Basic Fundamental Human Rights
D. League of Nations

12. Popular participation can be defined as ___________.
A. a process of involvement of citizens in the country’s politics at different levels
B. withdrawal of citizens from popular political events occurring in a country
C. a democratic government executing projects effectively
D. the conduct of elections by the government

13. Which of these is not a problem of civil societies?
A. Funding
B. Autonomy
C. Government manipulation
D. Unhealthy competition

14. In Nigeria, both a gun shot and beating of a metal gong in traditional communities are used __________.
A. to alert the people for a meeting at the village square
B. to scare thieves and thugs from the community
C. to escort corpse during traditional burial
D. only by the village chiefs to inform the villagers about a coronation

15. Political awareness and stability are advantages of ____________.
A. political apathy
B. popular participation
C. secret societies
D. civil servants

16. A situation whereby citizens do not show or have interest in the governance or politics of their country is referred to as political ___________.
A. anatomy            B. association
C. appetite             D. apathy

17. A military government or regime rules a country through the use and application of ______________.
A. constitution         B. rule of law
C. degrees               D. decrees

18. The National drug law enforcement agency was established under Decree number __________ of January, 1990.
A. 45               B. 46
C. 47               D. 48

19. Which of the following is not a way of improving public service?
A. Politicization
B. Refresher courses
C. The use of Code of Conduct Bureau
D. Reformation

20. Children that are not cared for are mostly prone to
A. Criminal attitudes
B. Terminal diseases
C. Examination failure
D. Forced migration

21. The most important place for building good value is the
A. Social welfare centre
B. Workplace
C. Family
D. Media house

22. Citizen’s compliance with tenets of the Nigerian National Pledge will enable the county to
A. Receive reciprocal assistance
B. Witness value clarification
C. Get international aid
D. Experience development

23. Which of these is not a reason for political apathy
A. Bad governance
B. Electoral malpractice
C. Free and fair election
D. Ignorance

24. Which of the following political parties has the picture of a cock as its logo?
A. Labour
B. All Progressive Gland Alliance
C. All progressive Party
D. Accord Party

25. Queuing for accreditation and voting is a good manifestation of political
A. Apathy             B. Disregard
C. Passiveness      D. Participation

26. The observance of law and order in the society can lead to the following except
A. Chaos              B. Development
C. Peace               D. Justice

27. Which of these is not an agency responsible for the maintenance of law and order in Nigeria?
A. Federal Road Safety Corps
B. Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps
C. Red Cross
D. Nigerian Police

28. Which of the following does not influence teenagers to drug abuse?
A. Family
B. Peer group
C. Stimulant
D. Thrill seeking tendencies

29. One of these is not a way to preserve our traditions and customs in Nigeria.
A. Harmony            B. Dressing
C. Festivals              D. Greetings

30. National ________ is defined as the act of having sound mind to completely value, cherish and uphold one’s nation.
A. unity            B. consciousness
C. anthem        D. integrity

31. One whose right to vote during election is denied him/her is said to have been _____________ .
A. enfranchised     B. initiated
C. disqualified       D. disenfranchised

32. Characteristics of human rights include all but one of the following:
A. dependability of human rights
B. particularity of human rights
C. inalienability of human rights
D. Relativity of human rights

33. A racist behavior in South Africa is referred to as ____________.
A. racism               B. appetite
C. apathied           D. apartheid

34. Functions of the civil society does not include ____________.
A. they help in building and strengthening democracy
B. they help to limit and control the powers of the state
C. they do not help in developing programmes for the democratic process
D. they help to resolve conflicts

35. __________ is not a type of pressure group.
A. Economic pressure group
B. Promotional pressure group
C. Nigerian Bar Association (NBA)
D. Religious pressure group

36. The following are types of civil societies except _____________.
A. professional associations
B. pro-democracy groups
C. political parties
D. labour groups

37. Action Aid International is an example of a ___________ in Nigeria.
A. civil society
B. civil service
C. cult group
D. political party

38. Which of these is a problem of civil societies?
A. They are conscious of the rights of people
B. Civil societies are usually involved in charity
C. Those in leadership positions embezzle funds gotten for projects
D. None of the above

39. An economic system in which the production of goods and distribution of services lie in both the government and private individuals is referred to as ___________.
A. capitalism        B. monarchy
D. socialism          D. mixed economy

40. “Men are born free, but anywhere I go, I see them in chains.” Who made this statement?
A. Socrates           B. Obasanjo
C. Obama             D. Plato

41. As a factor of production, _________ is the reward for capital.
A. rent                B. wages
C. profit              D. interest

42. Political parties compete for political powers through all these except _____________.
A. manifesto          B. rallies
C. logo                   D. campaign

43. ___________ is not an acceptable societal value/expectation.
A. Disloyalty             B. Empathy
C. Selflessness          D. Sympathy

44. Cultism began in Nigerian schools in the year ___________.
A. 1951               B. 1952
C. 1953               D. 1954

45. All are types of law except __________.
A. tort law
B. criminal law
C. private law
D. farm law

46. The general attitude of government and society towards cultism is that of
A. Affection              B. Sympathy
C. Abhorrence          D. Support

47. Drug abuse can be prevented by
A. Fighting drug addicts
B. Poverty reduction
C. Reducing drugs in circulation
D. Legal sanction

48. A major factor responsible for human trafficking is
A. Hunger          B. Illiteracy
C. Greed            D. Joblessness

49. People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) can be supported by
A. Billing them for anti-retroviral therapy
B. Providing drugs for them at subsidized rates
C. Providing special attires for them
D. Providing accommodation for them in designed locations

50. Drug law enforcement agencies in Nigeria are not empowered to
A. Execute drug suspects
B. Arrest drug barons
C. Prosecute drug traffickers
D. Rehabilitate drug addicts

51. Which of the following is not a means of reducing the incidence of HIV/AIDS in our society?
A. Educating and enlightenment programmes
B. The use of specially designed cutlery by victims
C. Avoiding premarital and extra-marital sex
D. Upholding the value of chastity

52. Youth empowerment promotes
A. Self reliance
B. Youth exuberance
C. Pursuit of higher education
D. Foreign scholarship

53. The Supreme Court in Nigeria helps in law
A. Drafting              B. Application
C. Interpretation     D. Enforcement

54. Democracy thrives mostly where there is
A. Non partisan judiciary
B. Freedom of speech and association
C. Absence of universal suffrage
D. One party system

55. Rule of law is limited by the following except
A. State of emergency
B. Habeas Corpus
C. Illiteracy
D. Immunity

56. Preventive measures of HIV/AIDS do not include
A. Abstinence
B. Screening of blood before transfusion
C. Use of barrier methods
D. Stigmatization of victims

57. One of the reasons leaders fail to protect the interest of their followers is
A. Selfishness
B. Inadequate finance
C. Ignorance
D. Rigid process

58. A group of people united by common decent and ties such as language, beliefs and historical origin is called ___________.
A. a state           B. a society
C. a country      D. a nation

59. __________ is not an acquisition of citizenship.
A. Dual             B. Nationalization
C. Honorary     D. Registration

60. The last Presidential election in Nigeria took place on ____________.
A. Friday, 22nd January, 2019
B. Friday, 22nd February, 2019
C. Saturday, 23rd January, 2019
D. Saturday, 23rd February, 2019


INSTRUCTION – Answer only five (5) questions in this section. Question 1 is compulsory.

a. Define youth empowerment.
b. List three youth empowerment skills.
c. State three efforts of government towards youth empowerment.

a. List five features of the 1999 constitution of Nigeria.
b. Highlight four significance of the 1999 constitution.
c. State three defects of Nigeria 1999 constitution.

a. Explain five causes of road accident in Nigeria.
b. Suggest four possible solutions to road accidents in Nigeria.
c. State three functions of FRSC in Nigeria.

a. Define the term ‘Civil Society’.
b. State three principles of the civil society.
c. Write out eight characteristics of civil society.
d. Explain Five functions of civil society.

a. How is the public service structured in Nigeria?
b. Account for four reasons for the short comings of the public service in Nigeria.
c. Highlight four differences between the civil service and the public service.

a. What is human trafficking?
b. Explain five causes of human trafficking
c. State Five solutions to human trafficking

a. Explain three causes of cultism in Nigeria.
b. Highlight 5 negative effects of cultism to our society.
c. Suggest Five solutions to cultism in Nigeria.

Answers to Civic Education Exam Questions for SS3 Second Term

Answers to Section A (Objective Test)

The following table gives the correct answers to the objective section of Civic Education exam questions for SS3 second term. If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view.

Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans
1 B 2 B 3 D 4 C 5 B
6 C 7 C 8 B 9 C 10 A
11 A 12 A 13 B 14 A 15 B
16 D 17 D 18 C 19 A 20 A
21 C 22 D 23 C 24 B 25 D
26 A 27 C 28 C 29 A 30 B
31 D 32 A 33 D 34 C 35 C
36 C 37 A 38 C 39 D 40 D
41 D 42 C 43 A 44 B 45 D
46 C 47 D 48 C 49 B 50 A
51 B 52 A 53 C 54 B 55 B
56 D 57 A 58 D 59 A 60 D

So here you have the answers to the objective section of Civic Education Exam Questions for SS3 second term. Use the comments section to let me know if you have any questions you would want me to clarify or discuss further.

Answers to Section B (Theory)


a. Define youth empowerment.
Youth empowerment refers to the process of equipping young people with the skills, resources, opportunities, and support needed to become self-reliant, productive, and active contributors to their communities and society.

b. List three youth empowerment skills.

  1. Vocational skills (e.g., tailoring, carpentry)
  2. Leadership and management skills
  3. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills

c. State three efforts of government towards youth empowerment.

  1. Establishment of skill acquisition centers across the country
  2. Implementation of youth-focused entrepreneurship programs (e.g., N-Power)
  3. Provision of grants and loans for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)


a. List five features of the 1999 constitution of Nigeria.

  1. Supremacy of the constitution
  2. Federal system of government
  3. Separation of powers among the executive, legislature, and judiciary
  4. Fundamental human rights
  5. Bicameral legislature

b. Highlight four significances of the 1999 constitution.

  1. Provides a legal framework for governance
  2. Protects the fundamental rights of citizens
  3. Defines the powers and responsibilities of government organs
  4. Promotes unity by maintaining a federal structure

c. State three defects of Nigeria’s 1999 constitution.

  1. Concentration of power at the federal level
  2. Lack of provision for independent candidacy in elections
  3. Ambiguities in resource control and revenue allocation


a. Explain five causes of road accidents in Nigeria.

  1. Over-speeding by drivers
  2. Poor road conditions and lack of maintenance
  3. Drunk driving and substance abuse
  4. Violation of traffic laws and regulations
  5. Mechanical failure of vehicles

b. Suggest four possible solutions to road accidents in Nigeria.

  1. Strict enforcement of traffic laws
  2. Regular maintenance and construction of roads
  3. Public awareness campaigns on road safety
  4. Regular vehicle inspections to ensure roadworthiness

c. State three functions of FRSC in Nigeria.

  1. Enforcing traffic rules and regulations
  2. Educating road users on traffic safety
  3. Conducting roadworthiness checks on vehicles


a. Define the term ‘Civil Society’.
Civil society refers to non-governmental organizations and groups that operate independently to advocate for social, political, and economic issues, and to hold the government accountable.

b. State three principles of the civil society.

  1. Independence from government control
  2. Promotion of democracy and human rights
  3. Commitment to peaceful and lawful advocacy

c. Write out eight characteristics of civil society.

  1. Voluntary participation
  2. Independence from the state
  3. Promotion of public interest
  4. Diversity in membership
  5. Transparency and accountability
  6. Advocacy and lobbying activities
  7. Non-profit orientation
  8. Non-partisan stance

d. Explain five functions of civil society.

  1. Promoting democracy and good governance
  2. Advocating for human rights and social justice
  3. Monitoring government activities to prevent corruption
  4. Providing humanitarian and community services
  5. Facilitating public awareness and education


a. How is the public service structured in Nigeria?
The public service in Nigeria is structured into ministries, departments, and agencies (MDAs) at the federal, state, and local levels. It is organized into administrative units that implement government policies and programs.

b. Account for four reasons for the shortcomings of the public service in Nigeria.

  1. Excessive bureaucracy and delays in decision-making
  2. Political interference in appointments and operations
  3. Corruption and lack of accountability
  4. Inadequate funding and resources

c. Highlight four differences between the civil service and the public service.

Civil Service Public Service
Comprises only government ministries and departments Includes civil service, parastatals, and other agencies
Focuses on policy implementation Encompasses wider service delivery
Limited to permanent staff Includes both permanent and temporary staff
Operates under strict rules and regulations More flexible operations


a. What is human trafficking?
Human trafficking is the illegal recruitment, transportation, or exploitation of individuals for purposes such as forced labor, sexual exploitation, or organ trade.

b. Explain five causes of human trafficking.

  1. Poverty and economic hardship
  2. Lack of education and awareness
  3. Greed and corruption among traffickers
  4. High demand for cheap labor and sexual exploitation
  5. Weak law enforcement and judicial systems

c. State five solutions to human trafficking.

  1. Strengthening laws against trafficking and ensuring strict enforcement
  2. Public awareness campaigns on the dangers of trafficking
  3. Provision of economic opportunities and poverty alleviation programs
  4. Rehabilitation and support for trafficking victims
  5. International collaboration to tackle cross-border trafficking


a. Explain three causes of cultism in Nigeria.

  1. Peer pressure and influence from friends
  2. Lack of proper parental guidance and supervision
  3. Search for protection or a sense of belonging

b. Highlight five negative effects of cultism on society.

  1. Increased violence and insecurity
  2. Decline in educational standards and academic performance
  3. Psychological trauma for victims and families
  4. Loss of lives and property
  5. Stigmatization of institutions with high cult activity

c. Suggest five solutions to cultism in Nigeria.

  1. Strict enforcement of laws against cultism
  2. Sensitization campaigns in schools and communities
  3. Encouraging religious and moral education
  4. Establishment of anti-cult groups in schools
  5. Provision of counseling and support for affected individuals

How to Pass Civic Education Exam Questions for SS3 Second Term

Passing your Civic Education exam questions for SS3 second term requires a combination of preparation, understanding, and strategy. Here are actionable tips to help you excel:

  1. Understand the Curriculum
    Review your scheme of work and syllabus to know the key topics, such as democracy, citizenship, human rights, and government policies.
  2. Study Past Questions
    Practice with past exam questions to identify common topics and familiarize yourself with the question format.
  3. Create a Study Plan
    Allocate time daily to cover all topics. Focus on areas where you’re less confident.
  4. Master Key Definitions
    Learn important terms like democracy, constitution, and human trafficking, as these often appear in exams.
  5. Focus on Functions and Roles
    Pay attention to functions of government agencies (e.g., FRSC, EFCC) and roles of civil society, as they are frequently tested.
  6. Take Notes and Summarize
    Write down key points in concise notes for quick revision before the exam.
  7. Revise with Friends
    Group discussions can help clarify difficult concepts and reinforce your knowledge.
  8. Answer Questions Strategically
    Start with questions you know well to build confidence, then tackle more challenging ones.
  9. Follow Exam Instructions
    Read instructions carefully and ensure you address all parts of the questions.
  10. Stay Calm and Focused
    Manage your time during the exam, and don’t panic if you encounter a tough question—move on and return to it later.

Read also: Civic Education Exam Questions for SS2 Second Term

Best wishes.

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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