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CRS Exam Questions for SS3 Second Term (Mock Exam)

You’re welcome to our school exams series where we provide you with termly examination questions in different subjects. In today’s post, we will focus on CRS exam questions. We will cover CRS exam questions for SS3 second term (WAEC Mock Exam) with answers. This means that we’ll be providing you with answers to the questions at the end. Also, you will get a few success tips on how to pass CRS examinations with flying colors. Remember to use the comments sections if you have questions, and don’t forget to join our Free Online Tutorial Classes on Facebook. (Like and Follow Page)

CRS exam questions for SS3 second term

Introduction to CRS as a School Subject

Christian Religious Studies (CRS) is a school subject that focuses on teaching students about the Bible, Christian values, and principles. It helps students develop a deeper understanding of God, moral character, and ethical living. CRS also emphasizes lessons from Biblical stories, the life of Jesus Christ, and the teachings of the early church, guiding students to apply these principles in their daily lives.

The subject is offered by students in Primary school and Secondary School as Christian Religious Studies (CRS).

CRS Exam Questions for SS3 Second Term

CRS Exam Questions for SS3 Second Term are divided into two parts:

  • Part I
  • Part II

The first part is the objective test, and students are expected to attempt all questions in the section. The second part (Essay or Theory) has three sections, and students are expected to answer four (4) questions in all, choosing one question from each section and the fourth from either section A or B.

Note that what you have below are SS3 CRS Second Term Exam Past Questions (WAEC MOCK) made available to assist students in their revision for SSCE and also teachers in structuring standard examinations.

PART I: Objectives

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section by choosing from the options lettered A—D. Each question carries equal marks.

1. One of the four rivers found in the garden of Eden was
A. Nile             B. Tigris
C. Abana         D. Jordan

2. Joseph was sold to the Midianites by his brothers at
A. Bethel          B. Gilead
C. Dothan        D. Shechem

3. The main reason why the Israelites went to Egypt was because
A. they needed divine protection
B. the Egyptians had colonized them
C. Joseph was in charge of food
D. there was great famine

4. Moses’ Miracles among the Hebrews after his call were meant to
A. encourage rebellion against the Pharaoh
B. reveal Moses’ leadership capabilities
C. convince pharaoh of Yahweh’s supremacy
D. convince Israel of Yaweh’s mission

5. Aaron was chosen to assist Moses in liberating the Israelites because
A. Moses was a stammerer
B. God had lost confidence in Moses
C. the Israelites murmured against Moses’ leadership
D. Moses was old and would soon die

6. The miraculous crossing of the Red sea by the Israelites shows
A. God’s guidance and protection over His people
B. the ill-equipped army of Pharaoh
C. God’s fulfillment of Hid Promises to destroy the Egyptians
D. Moses as a reliable leader

7. To prove the land’s fertility, the spices brought from the valley of Eschol,
A. sycamore, figs and olives
B. pomegranates, citrus and vines
C. grapes figs and pomegranates
D. olives, grapes and sycamore

8. In the battle against Sisera, Deborah’s co – operation with Barak was based on her
A. belief in Barak’s power
B. absolute belief and trust in God
C. reliance on a large army
D. power as a prophetess

9. The sons of Eli treated God’s sacrifices with contempt by
A. laying with women in the tent
B. being ignorant of the sacrificial laws
C. taking raw meat before the fats were burnt
D. limiting themselves to the breast of the animal

10. Samuel’s disagreement with Saul was caused mainly by
A. hatred              B. disobedience
C. intolerance      D. arrogance

11. The consequence of Solomon’s apostasy was
A. the division of the Kingdom of Israel
B. Rehoboam’s inability to sustain and maintain the kingdom of Israel
C. the conspiracy against him by Jeroboam
D. the sudden death of his wives and concubines

12. Joshua’s reforms were influenced by
A. the demise of Assyrian Empire
B. Ahab’s disregard for the law
C. Assyria’s conquest of states
D. the discovery of the law book

13. Josiah defiled Topheth in order to prevent Jews from
A. sacrificing children to Molech
B. offering sacrifices to the god, chemosh
C. worshipping the Babylonian sun god
D. building the Asherah in Hinon

14. “What are these feeble Jews doing? Will they sacrifice?” Sanballat made this statement to
A. scare the Jews
B. attack the Jews
C. ridicule the Jews
D. sanction the Jews

15. The greatest reason why Joseph’s brothers decided to do away with him was because
A. his father made him robes with long sleeves
B. of his pride
C. of the meaning of his dreams
D. he was very handsome

16. Aaron accompanied Moses to Pharaoh because
A. Aaron was a Levite
B. Aaron was bolder than Moses
C. Aaron was appointed by the people
D. Moses was deficient in speech

17. Moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law on mount
A. Gilboa            B. Horeb
C. Nebo              D. Camel

18. The Hebrew midwives refused to kill the Hebrew children because
A. the Hebrew women prevented them from doing so
B. they feared God
C. they were of the same blood with Hebrew women
D. they were bribed by Hebrew men

19. At the time Deborah became a judge in Israel, she was a
A. seer                B. prophetess
C. priestess         D. medium

20. Joshua and Caleb were from the tribe of
A. Judah and Reuben
B. Reuben and Dan
C. Reuben and Ephraim
D. Judah and Ephraim

21. The Lord will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman. This statement was made by Deborah to
A. Lappidoth           B. Jael
C. Barak                  D. Jabin

22. God provided water for the Israelites by asking Moses to strike the rock at the wilderness of
A. Paran             B. Massah
C. Zin                 D. Rephidim

23. The army of Israel led by Barak defeated the Canaanite troops led by
A. Deborah          B. Lappidoth
C. Heber              D. Sisrea

24. The government system in Israel during the period of Judges was
A. an oligarchy
B. a monarch
C. a loose tribal confederacy
D. a theocracy

25. Eli’s lack of parental responsibility led to all of the following except the
A. institution of the monarchy in Israel
B. collapse of Eli’s priestly linage
C. decisive defeat of Israel by the Philistines
D. death of Hophni and phinehas

26. The great enemy of Israel who destroyed the sanctuary at Shiloh and captured the ark of covenant was
A. Ammon            B. Midian
C. Philistine          D. Edom

27. Nehemiah succeeded in building the walls of Jerusalem because
A. he defeated Sanballat and Tobiah
B. Artaxerxes sent troops to protect him
C. God’s hand was with the Jews
D. God sent plagues upon their enemies

28. Which Persian King allowed the Jews to go back to rebuild the temple?
A. Cyrus        B. Nebuchadnezzar
C. Darius       D. Artaxerxes

29. King Darius decreed that men should tremble and fear the God of Daniel because He (God) is the
A. Saving God
B. Living God
C. powerful God
D. loving God

30. That Daniel, who is one of the exiles form Judah, pays no heed to you, o King……. The King being addressed was
A. Nebuchadnezzar
B. Ashurbanipal
C. Cyrus
D. Darius

31. The book of Hosea is meant to illustrate God’s
A. universalism and love
B. Purity and providence
C. love and mercy
D. forgiveness and sovereignty

32. And when he came up out of the water, immediately he saw the heavens opened and the Spirit descending upon him like a dove what was the significance of the descent of the dove? To
A. show that he was the messiah
B. empower him for his ministry
C. isolate him as a distinguished prophet
D. reveal him to the world

33. In the temptation of Jesus, only Mark reported that Jesus was
A. angry with the devil
B. hungry and tired
C. with the wild beasts
D. victorious over the devil

34. The part of the temple which was connected with Jesus’ temptation was the
A. Holy of Holies
B. Pinnacle
C. court of the Gentiles
D. sanctuary

35. And he saw two boats by the lake; but the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. The lake in question was
A. Gennesaret          B. Arabah
C. Jordan                  D. Tiberias

36. The call of Matthew, the tax collector to be one of Jesus’ apostles implied that
A. tax collectors were sinless
B. Christ came to call sinners
C. Matthew was willing to repent
D. all tax collectors had repented

37. Simon peter was reluctant in obeying Jesus’ instruction to fish again because
A. the sea was rough and tempestuous
B. his colleagues had gone home
C. their night’s toil was fruitless
D. the Sabbath day was beginning

38. Jesus taught that the attitude of Christians towards forgiveness should be
A. limitless               B. restricted
C. purposeful          D. conditional

39. Which of the personalities presided over the Jewish trial of Jesus?
A. Caiaphas          B. Herod
C. Gamaliel          D. Pilate

40. When the Chief Priests and Elders heard that Jesus had risen, they offered money to the soldiers so that
A. the soldiers could prepare for a celebration
B. the soldiers would give false report concerning resurrection
C. they would go out to spread the news
D. they could search for the risen Christ

41. Herod’s expectation in receiving Jesus for a trial was to
A. see sign from Jesus
B. become a friend of Pilate
C. set Jesus free
D. punish Jesus

42. Pontius Pilate condemned Jesus to death so that
A. the Jews might be pleased
B. the emperor might honour him
C. justice could be done
D. Barabbas could be freed

43. Joseph of Arimathea expressed his faith in Jesus when he
A. comforted Jesus’ mother
B. supported Jesus’ disciples
C. buried Jesus in his tomb
D. pleaded for Jesus’ release

44. Herod Agrippa killed James in order to
A. offer breathing space to Judaism
B. punish Christians from outside Jerusalem
C. win confidence of the Jews
D. seek revenge for the Herods

45. The fulfillment of the royal law, according to James involves
A. being impartial
B. loving your neighbor as yourself
C. staying away from sin
D. showing kindness

46. Peter expected elders of the Church to lead their flock
A. extraordinarily      B. timelessly
C. selflessly               D. bossily

47. God created man and asked him to dominate all the following except
A. fish of the sea
B. spirits of the earth
C. birds of the air
D. creeping animals

48. Adam called Eve woman because she was
A. a resemble of man
B. a resemblance of man
C. mother of mankind
D. made out of man

49. Which of the following experiences did Joseph not go through? He was
A. sold into slavery
B. sentenced and imprisoned
C. cast into a pit
D. molested and raped

50. Joseph earned his brothers’ hatred because
A. he carried ill report of them to Jacob
B. he was a dreamer
C. Jacob had more love for Joseph
D. he did not join them to shepherd the flock

51. A Joseph revealed himself to his brother, he told them that God allowed him to be sold into slavery so as to
A. stop the famine
B. preserve life
C. punish them
D. seek revenge

52. The parents of Moses belonged to the tribe of
A. Judah           B. Benjamin
C. Levi              D. Ephraim

53. The parents of Moses did the following to ensure his survival except
A. casting him into the river
B. hiding him for three months
C. putting him a padded basket
D. his sister watching over him

54. These are your goals, O Isreal, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt! This statement was a manifestation of Israel’s
A. unfaithfulness         B. immorality
C. adultery                  D. idolatry

55. Deborah, a prophetess who was a judge in Israel was the wife of
A. Barak              B. Lappidoth
C. Joshua            D. Sisera

56. The two Sons of Eli were
A. Hophni and Phinehas
B. Phinehas and Joel
C. Joel and Abijah
D. Hophni and Abijah

57. The sons of Eli were worthless because they
A. stole offering from the Lord’s house
B. treated the Lord’s offering with contempt
C. seized the Lord’s offering from the temple
D. took bribes and prevented Justice

58. It is the Lord, let him do what seems good to him. This statement by Eli shows that God
A. makes the final decision
B. knows everything
C. is impartial
D. is the Alpha and Omega

59. The elders of Israel went to Samuel to request for a King at
A. Jerusalem          B. Gilgal
C. Ramah               D. Ziph

60. The contest between Elijah and the Baal prophets took place on/at
A. Mount Sinai
B. Mount carmel
C. Brook Cherith
D. Brook Kishon

61. He will give his angels charge of you … and on their hands they will bear you up,…. What reply was given on this occasion?
A. You shall not tempt the Lord your God
B. Man shall not live by bread alone
C. You shall worship the Lord your God
D. Only God shall you serve

62. God created the world out of
A. heaven          B. ocean
C. sand              D. nothing

63. The instrument God used in creation was
A. Omniscience       B. Omnipotent
C. Command           D. Breath

64. In the creation account, the job of giving names to all living creatures was done by
A. heavenly beings
B. Eve
C. Adam and Eve
D. man

65. When God said to Solomon, ‘Ask what I shall give you, he requested for
A. the art of governance
B. the art of worship
C. fame and honour
D. long life and prosperity

66. God allowed Rehoboam to retain only one tribe in Israel because
A. his father, Solomon, had shared the tribes among his other brothers
B. he had married many foreign wives
C. the northern tribes had successfully revolted against him
D. of David, who had been faithful to the Lord

67. Which of the following decisions did Solomon take contrary to the will of God?
A. building a temple for God
B. marrying foreign wives who came with their gods to Israel
C. inviting foreign labour for his building projects
D. making Jeroboam take leadership position

68. King Josiah was inspired to reform the worship of God in Judah by
A. Hilkiah the priest
B. Shaphan the king’s secretary
C. the workers repairing the temple
D. the contents of the book of the law

69. As punishment, Amos prophesied that women of Samaria would
A. be exiled
B. become barren
C. be destroyed
D. become harlots

70. Namaan the commander of the Syrian army had his leprosy cured by
A. Elijah             B. Obadiah
C. Ezekiel           D. Elisha

71. The prophet Hosea teaches that repentance and restoration could be attained through
A. regular praying and fasting
B. steadfast love and knowledge of God
C. fasting and witnessing regularly
D. burn offerings and sacrifices

72. The fact that Nehemiah was sad when he heard of the deplorable state of Jerusalem implied that he was
A. patriotic
B. prayerful
C. God-fearing
D. very reliable

73. Naboth was accused of
A. planning to overthrow the king
B. casing a riot in the city
C. cursing the king and God
D. sleeping with the king’s wife

74. Elijah cursed Israel with drought in order to
A. be fed by ravens at brook Cherith
B. protest Ahab’s marriage to Jezebel
C. forced Ahab’s household to worship Yahweh
D. reveal God’s supremacy over Baal

75. The petition Jeroboam led the Northerners to present to Rehoboam at Shechem was that
A. Jeroboam should be made king over the North
B. the Northerners should not accept Rehoboam as king
C. Rehoboam should reduce his father’s-imposed burden
D. the division of the kingdom should be allowed

76. Ezra was a scholar in the study of the
A. history of Persia
B. politics in Persia
C. religious law of Hammurabi
D. Law of Moses

77. When Aaron made the golden calf, he did all the following except
A. erecting an altar for it
B. offering sacrifices to it
C. mounting it on a chariot
D. feasting and dancing before it

78. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were punished because they
A. committed murder in the society
B. regularly worshipped their own God
C. refused to bow to the golden image
D. failed to honour the king

79. John the Baptist preached the baptism of
A. holiness            B. repentance
C. conversion       D. forgiveness

80. For the safety of the infant Jesus, Joseph and Mary had to escape to
A. Cyrene          B. Egypt
C. Syria             D. Ethiopia

81. Which of the following is not a demand of discipleship?
A. prompt response
B. humility
C. ability to fast always
D. commitment

82. At the lake of Gennesaret, Jesus met fishermen who had left their boats to
A. cast their net
B. wash their nets
C. dry their nets
D. mend their nets

83. How did Jesus address Judas when he kissed him?
A. a friend
B. an enemy
C. a traitor
D. a brother

84. The high priest could not find Jesus guilty during the Jewish trial because the witnesses were
A. partial
B. God-fearing
C. not bribed
D. not in agreement

85. The voice that spoke to Saul on his way to Damascus identified himself as
A. God Almighty
B. Jesus
C. the angel of God
D. Elijah

86. According to James, those who endure trials are promised
A. earthly inheritance
B. crown of life
C. wisdom and knowledge
D. a good harvest

87. James taught that pure religion is practiced through
A. studying the scripture
B. preaching the gospel
C. being born again
D. caring for the needy

88. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost day marked the beginning of the apostles’
A. evangelism
B. miraculous works
C. intercessory prayer
D. persecutions

89. According to Peter, Christian liberty should not be used as a
A. cover up for sin
B. pretext for love
C. way of disrespect
D. way of rejecting duties

90. Paul told the Philippians that though Christ Jesus was in the form of God, he did not claim equality with God but was a model of
A. servitude           B. humility
C. glory                 D. honesty

91. Paul considers that spiritual gifts are the benefits of the
A. individual member of the congregation
B. edification of the Lord
C. corporate life of the body of Christ
D. infrastructure of the church

92. According to Paul, the sting of death is
A. life               B. victory
C. poverty       D. sin

93. The seven deacons were appointed to take charge of
A. preaching the gospel to fellow Gentiles
B. administering relief to the widows
C. dialogue with non-Hebrew Christians
D. collecting offerings for the Church

94. In the healing of the leper, Jesus’ words shows that he
A. was angry with men’s expression
B. wanted his miracles to be broadcast
C. respected the Jewish law
D. always allowed people to interrupt his work

95. At the baptism of Jesus, the Spirit descended on Him like a dove and
A. there was heavy rainfall
B. a voice from heaven
C. drove Him into the wilderness
D. a bright light shinned on him

96. On Good Friday, the Christians commemorate the
A. exaltation of Christ
B. crucifixion of Christ
C. ascension of Christ
D. resurrection of Christ

97. “Why do you seek the living among the dead?” This statement was made by the
A. Angels of the Lord
B. disciples of Jesus Christ
C. guards at the tomb
D. Jews who were looking after the tomb

98. For the redemption of the world, Jesus Christ gave his life as a
A. reward           B. price
C. debt               D. ransom

99. David’s respect and  humility for the Lord’s anointed was depicted in
A. his refusal to kill Saul
B. returning Saul’s spear and Jar
C. giving Saul a decent Burial
D. the way Abner was humiliated

100. Which of the following is not a demand of discipleship?
A. prompt response
B. humility
C. ability to fast always
D. commitment


Answer four questions in all, choosing one question from each section and the fourth from either section A or B.


Answer at least one question from this section.

1a. Explain how Saul disobeyed God in the war against Amalek.
1b. State three consequences of Saul’s disobedience.

2a. Discuss the events surrounding the birth of Moses.
2b. Outline any three ways in which Moses’ adoption by Pharaoh’s daughter prepared him for future leadership roles.

3a. State how Hosea’s marital experience influenced his knowledge of God.
3b. Highlight any three ways in which Hosea’s marriage demonstrated God’s love for humanity.

4a. Give an account of the first creation.
4b. State three ways it demonstrated the nature of God.


Answer at least one question from this section.

5a. What demands did Jesus make of the prospective disciplines he encountered?
5b. Identify any three attitudes that true disciples of Jesus Christ must exhibit.

6a. Highlight Jesus call of the twelve disciples.
6b. Identify four good qualities of a Christians leader.

7a. Narrate the story of the resurrection of Jesus Christ according to the gospel of St. Luke.
7b. Identify any three lessons that can be derived from this story


Answer one question from this section.

8a. What did James teach on partiality?
8b. Identify two effects of partiality in the society.

9a. How did Paul deal with the problem of the Corinthians who did not believe in the resurrection?
9b. State any three significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ to the Christians

Answers to CRS Exam Questions for SS3 Second Term

Answers to Section A (Objective Test)

The following table gives the correct answers to the objective section of CRS exam questions for SS3 second term. If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view.

Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans
1 A 2 C 3 B 4 D 5 A
6 B 7 C 8 A 9 D 10 B
11 C 12 A 13 B 14 D 15 C
16 A 17 B 18 C 19 D 20 A
21 B 22 C 23 D 24 A 25 B
26 C 27 A 28 D 29 B 30 C
31 A 32 D 33 B 34 C 35 A
36 B 37 C 38 D 39 A 40 B
41 C 42 D 43 A 44 B 45 C
46 A 47 D 48 B 49 C 50 A
51 B 52 C 53 D 54 A 55 B
56 C 57 D 58 A 59 B 60 C
61 A 62 B 63 D 64 C 65 A
66 A 67 A 68 C 69 B 70 C
71 B 72 A 73 D 74 C 75 D
76 B 77 D 78 C 79 A 80 D
81 C 82 A 83 B 84 D 85 A
86 C 87 B 88 C 89 A 90 B
91 D 92 A 93 C 94 B 95 A
96 B 97 C 98 D 99 A 100 B

So here you have the answers to the objective section of CRS Exam Questions for SS3 second term. Use the comments section to let me know if you have any questions you would want me to clarify or discuss further.

Read Also: Civic Education Exam Questions for SS3 Second Term [Mock]

Answers to Section B (Theory)


1a. How Saul disobeyed God in the war against Amalek
Saul disobeyed God by sparing King Agag of Amalek and keeping the best of the livestock instead of destroying everything as God had commanded through Prophet Samuel. He allowed the people to take plunder, claiming it was for sacrifice to God.

1b. Three consequences of Saul’s disobedience

  1. God rejected Saul as king of Israel.
  2. Saul lost the guidance and favor of God.
  3. His dynasty was not established, and the kingdom was given to David.

2a. Events surrounding the birth of Moses
Moses was born during a time when Pharaoh decreed that all male Hebrew babies should be killed. His mother hid him for three months and then placed him in a basket on the Nile River. Pharaoh’s daughter found and adopted him, unknowingly hiring Moses’ mother to nurse him.

2b. Three ways Moses’ adoption by Pharaoh’s daughter prepared him for leadership

  1. He received an education in Egyptian culture, administration, and leadership.
  2. He had access to resources and the royal court, which gave him exposure to governance.
  3. His upbringing instilled courage and boldness in him, later used to confront Pharaoh.

3a. How Hosea’s marital experience influenced his knowledge of God
Hosea’s marriage to Gomer, a promiscuous woman, helped him understand God’s enduring love for unfaithful Israel. Despite Gomer’s unfaithfulness, Hosea continued to love and forgive her, reflecting God’s covenant love.

3b. Three ways Hosea’s marriage demonstrated God’s love for humanity

  1. It showed God’s willingness to forgive despite human unfaithfulness.
  2. Ît emphasized God’s steadfast love and mercy.
  3. It revealed God’s readiness to restore a broken relationship.

4a. Account of the first creation
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth in six days and rested on the seventh day. He created light, sky, land, vegetation, celestial bodies, sea creatures, birds, animals, and finally, humans in His image to have dominion over the earth.

4b. Three ways the first creation demonstrated the nature of God

  1. It showed God’s omnipotence as He created everything by His word.
  2. Ît reflected God’s creativity in the variety of life forms.
  3. It demonstrated God’s orderliness in creating everything systematically.


5a. Demands Jesus made of prospective disciples

  1. They must deny themselves and take up their cross daily.
  2. Thëy must forsake all material possessions and family ties if necessary.
  3. They must commit fully to following Him without looking back.

5b. Three attitudes true disciples of Jesus Christ must exhibit

  1. Obedience to God’s commands.
  2. Sacrificial love and service to others.
  3. Total faith and trust in God’s provision.

6a. Jesus’ call of the twelve disciples
Jesus prayed all night before choosing twelve men to be His disciples. He called them by name, commissioning them to preach the gospel, heal the sick, and cast out demons. The twelve included Peter, James, John, Andrew, and others.

6b. Four good qualities of a Christian leader

  1. Humility in serving others.
  2. Faithfulness to God and His Word.
  3. Compassion and love for people.
  4. Integrity in all dealings.

7a. Story of the resurrection of Jesus Christ according to St. Luke
On the first day of the week, women went to Jesus’ tomb and found the stone rolled away. Angels appeared and told them that Jesus had risen. They reported this to the disciples, who initially doubted until Jesus appeared to them later.

7b. Three lessons from the resurrection story

  1. Jesus’ resurrection proves His victory over death.
  2. Believers have hope for eternal life.
  3. It reinforces the faithfulness of God’s promises.


8a. James’ teaching on partiality
James condemned partiality, especially in treating the rich better than the poor. He emphasized that all people are equal before God and showing favoritism is sinful and contrary to God’s law of love.

8b. Two effects of partiality in society

  1. It causes divisions and promotes injustice.
  2. It leads to resentment and feelings of inferiority among the marginalized.

9a. How Paul dealt with the Corinthians who doubted the resurrection
Paul argued that Christ’s resurrection is the foundation of Christian faith. He explained that if Christ had not risen, their faith would be futile. He also described the resurrection body and the ultimate victory over death through Christ.

9b. Three significances of Jesus’ resurrection to Christians

  1. It guarantees believers’ resurrection and eternal life.
  2. Ît confirms Jesus as the Son of God.
  3. It gives Christians victory over sin and death.

How to Pass CRS Exam Questions for SS3 Second Term (WAEC Mock Exam)

Passing your CRS exam questions for SS3 second term requires a combination of preparation, understanding, and strategy. Here are actionable tips to help you excel:

  1. Understand the Syllabus
    • Review all the topics outlined in the WAEC CRS syllabus for SS3 second term. Focus on key themes like creation, the call of prophets, Jesus’ ministry, parables, and the early church.
  2. Study Past Questions
    • Practice past WAEC CRS questions to identify commonly tested topics and understand the exam pattern.
  3. Master Biblical References
    • Familiarize yourself with Bible passages relevant to the syllabus and be able to explain them clearly. Use simplified notes to memorize key events and lessons.
  4. Answer in Points
    • Write answers in clear, numbered points. Avoid long, wordy responses.
  5. Time Management
    • Practice answering questions under timed conditions. Spend more time on essay questions with higher marks.
  6. Focus on Key Stories and Lessons
    • Know key events (e.g., creation, Moses’ leadership, resurrection of Jesus) and their spiritual or moral lessons.
  7. Pray and Stay Confident
    • Commit your studies to God, trust in your preparation, and stay calm during the exam.

With focus and consistency, you can excel

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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