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Social Studies Exam Questions for JSS1 Second Term

You’re welcome to our school exams series where we provide you with termly examination questions in different subjects. In today’s post, we will focus on Social Studies exam questions. We will cover Social Studies exam questions for JSS1 second term with answers. This means that we’ll be providing you with answers to the questions at the end. Also, you will get a few success tips on how to pass Social Studies examinations with flying colors. Remember to use the comments sections if you have questions, and don’t forget to join our Free Online Tutorial Classes on Facebook. (Like and Follow Page)

Social Studies exam questions for second term

Introduction to Social Studies as a School Subject

Social Studies is the study of human societies, cultures, and the relationships between individuals and their communities. It integrates knowledge from history, geography, economics, and political science to help students understand the world around them. This subject fosters critical thinking, social responsibility, and an awareness of the issues that shape our lives and global interactions.

Social Studies Exam Questions for JSS1 Second Term

Social Studies Exam Questions for JSS1 Second Term are divided into two sections:

  • Section A
  • Section B

The second section, namely, Section A is the objective test, and students are expected to attempt all questions in the section. Section B is the theory part, and students are expected to answer any five (5) questions.

SECTION A: Objectives

Attempt All the Questions in this Section.

1. Components of social studies include all except _______.
A. chemistry          B. economics
C. geography        D. government

2. The ability to refrain or stay away from all forms of sexual intercourse is called __________.
A. abstain             B. absence
C. astibence         D. abstinence

3. _________ is a skill to apply as regards sexual abstinence.
A. SUAT          B. SMAT
C. TWAS         D. SWAT

4. One of these is not an agent of socialization.
A. Family              B. Peer group
C. Mass media     D. Boko haram

5. Nigeria is a country in ______ African sub-region.
A. East            B. North
C. South         D. West

6. The total ways of life of a group of people that makes them different from others is referred to as ______.
A. Education         B. Social studies
C. Religion            D. Culture

7. The ability of an individual to readily adjust to different conditions is known as ________.
A. reliability          B. dependability
C. acceptance      D. adaptation

8. One of the following is not a type of family.
A. Atomic            B. Nuclear
C. Extended        D. Compound

9. In Nigeria, our cultures differ from one another in various ways except _______.
A. food              B. greetings
C. dressing        D. education

10. The motto of the Nigerian coat of arms does not include _______.
A. progress          B. faith
C. piece               D. unity

11. Lack of cooperation normally leads to _______
A. unity               B. development
C. progress         D. conflict

12. Someone who operates a motorcycles  is called _________
A. Cyclist                B. Okada Rider
C. Motorcyclists     D. Motorist

13. Who needs an helmet?
A. Motorcyclist             B. Pedestrians
C. Young animals          D. Old Man

14. Who is the founder of cultism in Nigeria _____
A. Dr. Sosanya
B. Prof. Jega
C. Prof. Remi Sobande
D. Prof. Wole Soyinka

15. Illegal methods of students to pass an exam is called _______
A. Corruption
B. Malpractice
C. Fraud
D. Examination Malpractice

16. People with dangerous belief are _____
A. Cultist        B. Drug addict
C. Robbers      D. Kidnappers

17. Origin of cultism is traceable to ______
A. Eje Confraternity
B. Ogboni’s
C. Jezebel
D. Pirate Confraternity

18. Forms of sexual practices include all except _____
A. Unnecessary touching
B. Masturbation
C. Writing Christians novel
D. Kissing

19. Culture can be divided into ________
A. 2        B. 4        C. 5      D. 3

20. Nigerian’s encourage polygamy because of ______
A. Increment in Salary
B. Emergency
C. Farming Activities
D. Education

21. Tribal marks helps in ________ people
A. Identifying       B. Loving
C. Meeting          D. Greeting

22. Tuwo is common among the _____
A. Igbo’s            B. Ijaws
C. Hausa’s          D. Yoruba

23. The Major occupation in all Nigerian’s tribe is _______
A. Tailoring       B. Swimming
C. Carpentry        D. Farming

24. Adaptability can be divide into ______
A. 5          B. 2             C. 10      D. 3

25. The major reason for safety is to prevent______
A. misunderstanding
B. sickness
C. loss of life
D. rain

26. Pedestrian bridge is meant for ______
A. a dancer           B. a Singer
C. a walker            D. a driver

27. Seat belt should be worn every time by a _______
A. Motorist              B. Cylist
C. Pedestrians          D. Student

28. Fire extinguishers should be provided in strategic place like ______
A. Laboratories         B. Toilet
C. Field                     D. Libraries

29. The major aim of cultism in Nigeria is to end  __________
A. boko haram
B. friendship
C. exam malpractices
D. tribalism

30. School food should be hygienically prepared and served to avoid ________
A. Too much oil
B. Food Poisoning
C. Scarcity
D. Unwanted Stores

31. The second agent of Socialization is __________
A. Church              B. Mother
C. Father               D. Family

32. At what stage of Socialization does a child acquire acceptable habits and good morals?
A. Primary stage
B. Secondary stage
C. Re-socialization stage
D. Family stage

33. When a child learns under a pre-planned teaching, this can be regarded as __________
A. Pre-planned learning
B. Direct learning
C. Accidental learning
D. Role learning

34. The form of Socialization which takes place in Schools and Religious places is called_________
A. Primary Socialization
B. Childhood Socialization
C. Secondary Socialization
D. Peer group Socialization

35.  __________is the total way of life of a group of people living in a particular environment
A. social group           B. Socialization
C. family                     D. culture

Fill in the appropriate answer to question 36 – 50

36. The full meaning of HIV is _________

37. Culture is dynamic means _________

38. The best way to please God before marriage is _________

39. The full meaning of FRSC is _________

40. _________ and _________ are common social problems in the school environment

41. Social studies is the study of man and his __________ with his environment.

42. There are __________ geo-political zones in Nigeria.

43. _________ has his/her picture inscribed on the one hundred naira note in Nigeria.

44. ________, ________, and ________, are examples of things we can find in our physical environment.

45. Nigeria is composed of _______ local government areas.

46. Aspects of the Nigerian culture include _______ and ________.

47. Apart from the three major ethnic groups in Nigeria, others are called _______.

48. The emotional attachment to a person or group of people as a result of feeling of affection is referred to as _______.

49. A piece of land surrounded by water is referred to as ________.

50. The capital city of Zamfara state is _________.


Answer any five (5) Questions in this section.

1a. Define Safety
1b. State 5 needs for Safety
1c.  Highlight 5 Safety measures that should be put in place at home and explain

2a. What is Socialization?
2b. Give a brief history of RSC
2c. Highlight 5 roles of RSC in socializing the youth

3a. What are Common Social problems
3b. State 5 common social problems in Nigeria and explain 2 in detail
3c. Highlight 3 ways of solving common social problems in Nigeria

4a. Define Abstinence
4b. Give 5 reasons for abstaining from sexual intercourse
4c. Explain 3 benefits of abstaining from sexual intercourse

5a. What is Adaptability?
5b. List and explain the types of Adaptability
5c. Highlight 3 importance of Adaptability

6a. Write out the contents of Nigeria’s national prayer.
6b. State the Nigerian national pledge.

7a. What is culture?
7b. State four uniqueness of the Nigerian cultures.

Answers to Social Studies Exam Questions for JSS1 Second Term

Answers to Section A (Objective Test)

The following table gives the correct answers to the objective section of Social Studies exam questions for JSS1 second term. If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view.

Q.No Ans
1 A. chemistry
2 D. abstinence
4 D. Boko haram
5 D. West
6 D. Culture
7 D. adaptation
8 A. Atomic
9 D. education
10 C. piece
11 D. conflict
12 B. Okada Rider
13 A. Motorcyclist
14 D. Prof. Wole Soyinka
15 D. Examination Malpractice
16 A. Cultist
17 D. Pirate Confraternity
18 C. Writing Christians novel
19 B. 4
20 C. Farming Activities
21 A. Identifying
22 C. Hausa’s
23 D. Farming
24 B. 2
25 C. loss of life
26 C. a walker
27 A. Motorist
28 A. Laboratories
29 D. tribalism
30 B. Food Poisoning
31 D. Family
32 A. Primary stage
33 B. Direct learning
34 C. Secondary Socialization
35 D. culture
36 Human Immunodeficiency Virus
37 It means changeable or adaptable.
38 Abstinence
39 Federal Road Safety Corps
40 Bullying and Examination Malpractice
41 relationship
42 Six
43 Nnamdi Azikiwe
44 Water, Trees, Rocks
45 774
46 Language and Religion
47 Minorities
48 Love
49 Island
50 Gusau

Here you have the answers to the objective section of Social Studies Exam Questions for JSS1 second term. Use the comments section to let me know if you have any questions you would want me to clarify or discuss further.

Answers to Section B (Theory)

1a. Define Safety

Safety is the condition of being protected from harm, danger, or injury.

1b. State 5 Needs for Safety

  1. Protection of life and property.
  2. Prevention of accidents and injuries.
  3. Maintenance of peace and order.
  4. Reduction of health risks.
  5. Assurance of physical and emotional well-being.

1c. Highlight 5 Safety Measures That Should Be Put in Place at Home and Explain

  1. Proper storage of hazardous materials: Keep chemicals, medicines, and sharp objects out of children’s reach to prevent accidents.
  2. Fire safety equipment: Install fire extinguishers and smoke detectors to manage potential fire outbreaks.
  3. Adequate lighting: Ensure proper lighting to prevent trips and falls, especially on stairs.
  4. Safe electrical connections: Use certified wiring and avoid overloading sockets to reduce fire risks.
  5. Emergency exits: Create clear escape routes in case of emergencies like fire or natural disasters.

2a. What is Socialization?

Socialization is the process through which individuals learn and internalize the norms, values, behaviors, and skills necessary for participating in society.

2b. Brief History of RSC

The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is a professional association established in 1841 in the UK, aimed at advancing the chemical sciences through education and professional development.

2c. Highlight 5 Roles of RSC in Socializing the Youth

  1. Promoting science education.
  2. Encouraging youth participation in STEM activities.
  3. Organizing mentorship programs.
  4. Offering scholarships and grants for young scientists.
  5. Supporting community-based environmental projects.

3a. What Are Common Social Problems?

Common social problems are issues that negatively impact the well-being and stability of a society.

3b. State 5 Common Social Problems in Nigeria and Explain 2 in Detail

  1. Corruption.
  2. Unemployment.
  3. Poverty.
  4. Drug abuse.
  5. Insecurity.

Unemployment: This limits opportunities for youth, leading to increased crime rates and poverty.
Corruption: It undermines public trust and hinders economic growth by misallocating resources.

3c. Highlight 3 Ways of Solving Common Social Problems in Nigeria

  1. Enforcing strict laws against corruption.
  2. Creating job opportunities for youth.
  3. Enhancing public education and awareness programs.

4a. Define Abstinence

Abstinence is the voluntary act of refraining from engaging in certain activities, such as sexual intercourse, for personal or health reasons.

4b. Give 5 Reasons for Abstaining from Sexual Intercourse

  1. Prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  2. Avoiding unintended pregnancies.
  3. Preserving cultural or religious values.
  4. Focusing on personal development.
  5. Maintaining emotional and mental stability.

4c. Explain 3 Benefits of Abstaining from Sexual Intercourse

  1. Health benefits: Reduces the risk of STIs and other related infections.
  2. Emotional stability: Avoids emotional stress associated with premature relationships.
  3. Focus on goals: Provides time to concentrate on education or career aspirations.

5a. What is Adaptability?

Adaptability is the ability to adjust effectively to new environments, conditions, or changes.

5b. List and Explain the Types of Adaptability

  1. Cognitive Adaptability: Adjusting thought processes to understand and solve new problems.
  2. Emotional Adaptability: Managing emotions in response to challenging situations.
  3. Behavioral Adaptability: Changing actions or behaviors to suit new circumstances.

5c. Highlight 3 Importance of Adaptability

  1. Enhances problem-solving skills.
  2. Promotes resilience in challenging situations.
  3. Fosters innovation and creativity.

6a. Write Out the Contents of Nigeria’s National Prayer

The national prayer is not officially documented but is often included in ceremonies to invoke peace and unity for the nation.

6b. State the Nigerian National Pledge

“I pledge to Nigeria my country,
To be faithful, loyal, and honest,
To serve Nigeria with all my strength,
Tø defend her unity,
And uphold her honor and glory,
So help me God.”

7a. What is Culture?

Culture is the total way of life of a group of people, encompassing their customs, beliefs, values, norms, language, and artifacts.

7b. State Four Uniqueness of the Nigerian Cultures

  1. Diverse languages (over 500 spoken languages).
  2. Rich traditional attires like the Yoruba Aso Oke, Hausa Babban Riga, and Igbo Isi Agu.
  3. Traditional festivals such as the Argungu Fishing Festival and Osun-Osogbo Festival.
  4. Unique cuisines like Jollof rice, Tuwo, and Egusi soup

How to Pass Social Studies Exam Questions for JSS1 Second Term

Here are some simple but powerful tips to help you pass your Social Studies exam questions for JSS1 Second term:

  1. Understand the Curriculum: Focus on key topics like family, culture, socialization, and safety.
  2. Review Notes and Textbooks: Read your class notes and recommended textbooks thoroughly.
  3. Practice Past Questions: Solve past exam questions to understand the exam pattern.
  4. Use Mnemonics: Create acronyms to remember important points.
  5. Focus on Definitions and Examples: Master definitions and use examples to explain concepts.
  6. Pay Attention in Class: Take notes during lessons and ask questions if unclear.
  7. Create Study Timetables: Allocate specific times for each topic for effective revision.
  8. Revise Regularly: Review what you’ve studied every few days to retain information.
  9. Practice Writing Answers: Write concise, well-structured answers during practice.
  10. Stay Confident and Calm: Stay positive and avoid last-minute cramming.

Best wishes.

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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