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JSS 3 NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers Business Studies

This is for BECE Candidates looking for NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers Business Studies, as they call it. But this is Basic Education Certificate Examination by the National Examination Council (NECO) for JSS3 candidates. The Business Studies paper is compulsory for all candidates regardless of their schools. So, here you will get genuine NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers for Business Studies. Your duty now is to read through them as many times as possible and get ready to smash your paper. Don’t forget to join our Free Online BECE Tutorials on Facebook. (Like and Follow Page)

NECO BECE Questions and Answers Business Studies

What are NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers Business Studies?

NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers Business Studies are the questions you should expect in your Business Studies paper in 2025 BECE, together with their answers.

It is very important that every candidate preparing to sit for in the forthcoming 2025 BECE examinations should catch a glimpse of these questions.

In so doing, they will know what to expect in the exam hall. Knowing exactly what to expect will boost their confidence and guarantee them a very high score.

Note that there are two papers under Business Studies:

  1. Paper 1: Commerce and Bookkeeping
  2. Paper 2: Office Practice and Keyboarding

Each of the papers has 60 multiple choice questions and would last for 1 hour.

NECO BECE 2025 Business Studies Questions and Answers Revealed!

On this page, we shall reveal NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers for all candidates taking the Business Studies paper.

How lucky you are to stumble upon this important page!

The questions are genuine and the answers are accurate, and all are a product of our passion to see you excel in your BECE and proceed to Senior Secondary School.

In the following sections, you will read the Business Studies questions you are to expect in your 2025 NECO BECE exam as well as their answers. You can use the comments section if you still need clarification over some of the questions. We will give you a more detailed explanation.

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1. The primary purpose of establishing a business is to
A. create employment
B. generate revenue for the government
C. make profit
D. provide goods and services
E. sell goods at discounted price

2. A product that needs demonstration can be advertised through
A. catalogue             B. handbill
C. newspaper           D. radio
E. television

3. The account operated by customers of commercial banks which requires the use of cheque is account
A. current           B. deposit
C. domiciliary     D. salary
E. savings

4. The following are rights of a consumer except the right to
A. be informed        B. choose
C. fix prices              D. safety
E. healthy environment

5. The aid to trade that provides finances for individuals and organisations to carry out their business activities is
A. advertising           B. banking
C. insurance              D. tourism
E. warehousing

6. When a customer informs a manufacturer of dissatisfaction with his products, this is known as
A. challenging           B. communication
C. complaint             D. interaction
E. reporting

7. The reward of capital as a factor of production is
A. commission         B. interest
C. profit                   D. rent
E. salary

8. Sole proprietorship is a business that is owned by
A. an individual
B. employees
C. shareholders
D. the government
E. the public

9. The internal environment of a business offers
A. opportunities and threats
B. strength and weaknesses
C. threat and strength
D. threat and weaknesses
E. weaknesses and opportunities

10. Obtaining natural resources from the land or sea is categorised under occupation
A. commercial        B. constructive
C. extractive           D. manufacturing
E. service

11. Which of the following is an advantage of road transport? It
A. has standard rate of charge
B. is suitable for carrying fragile goods
C. is the fastest means of transportation
D. is usually affected by traffic congestion
E. offers door-to-door services

12. A businessman who buys goods from Japan and sells them in Nigeria is involved in trade
A. entrepot         B. foreign
C. home             D. multilateral
E. retail

13. The process of creating goods and services to satisfy human wants is referred to as
A. commerce          B. marketing
C. occupation         D. production
E. trading

14. The financial institutions that reduce risks associated with business are called
A. commercial banks
B. discount houses
C. insurance companies
D. microfinance banks
E. pension administrators

15. Which of the following is not part of the procedures of writing a business plan?
A. Analysing the strength and weaknesses of competitors
B. Carrying out market analysis
C. Designing the organisational structure
D. Determining discount to be granted
E. Writing a business proposal

16. Production is said to be complete when goods produced reach the
A. consumer          B. distributor
C. retailer               D. warehouse
E. wholesaler

17. The rules and standards which practitioners must follow in the discharge of their professional duties are called
A. culture            B. ethics
C. morals            D. norms
E. values

18. Bricklaying is categorised under occupation
A. commercial        B. constructive
C. extractive           D. manufacturing
E. service

19. Which of the following qualities is required of a businessman in dealing with customers?
A. Honesty             B. Indolence
C. Nonchalant        D. Obedience
E. Strictness

20. The process of sending and receiving information in business is
A. advertising          B. communication
C. distribution          D. marketing
E. production

21. A trader who buys goods in small quantity and sells in units to consumers is a/an
A. agent             B. producer
C. retailer           D. supplier
E. wholesaler

22. The principle of insurance which states that the insured should be compensated at the event of a loss is
A. contribution
B. indemnity
C. insurable interest
D. proximate cause
E. subrogation

23. When a manufacturer and a dissatisfied customer discuss on how to resolve a matter peacefully, this is a way of seeking redress by
A. arbitration          B. confrontation
C. dialogue             D. intervention
E. meditation

24. Which of the following aids delivery of goods in business?
A. Advertising         B. Insurance
C. Marketing           D. Production
E. Transportation

25. Chemicals must be properly to give adequate information to users
A. diluted           B. kept
C. labelled          D. sourced
E. stored

26. Influencing a potential buyer to purchase a product explains advertisement
A. competitive         B. direct
C. informative          D. mass
E. persuasive

27. Purchasing a product without planning for it explains
A. impulse buying
B. pre-sale service
C. rational purchase
D. seasonal prevalence
E. window shopping

28. Which of the following business organisations raises capital through sale of shares?
A. Cooperative society
B. Partnership business
C. Private limited company
D. Public limited company
E. Sole proprietorship

29. The right channel of distribution of goods is
A. consumer retailer wholesaler manufacturer
B. consumer retailer agent manufacturer
C. manufacturer wholesaler retailer consumer
D. producer wholesaler retailer → consumer
E. wholesaler producer → retailer consumer

30. Which of the following is not a modern means of communication?
A. Email                   B. Internet
C. Talking drum       D. Television
E. Text message


31. Goods unsold at the end of a trading year is
A. closing stock
B. cost of goods available
C. cost of goods sold
D. net purchases
E. opening stock

32. The act of buying and using goods and services is known as
A. business          B. consumption
C. marketing       D. purchases
E. trading

33. The following are found on the debit side of a trial balance except
A. building
B. furniture
C. motor vehicle
D. return outwards
E. salaries

34. A petty cashier is given a cash float of ₦20,000 for the month, out of which he spent ₦17,500. How much is to be refunded?
A. ₦4,000           B. ₦3,500
C. ₦3,000           D. ₦2,500
E. ₦2,000

35. Living within one’s income is
A. budgeting        B. choice
C. demand           D. modesty
E. need

36. The column that records reference number of transactions in a ledger is
A. amount          B. date
C. discount         D. folio
E. particular

Use the following information to answer questions 37 and 38.
Capital ₦5,000
Creditors ₦1,500
Stock ₦2,500
Cash at bank ₦3,000

37. What is the amount of debtors?
A. ₦3,000           B. ₦2,500
C. ₦2,000           D. ₦1,500
E. ₦1,000

38. What is the balance on the credit side of the trial balance?
A. ₦6,500           B. ₦5,000
C. ₦4,500           D. ₦3,000
E. ₦1,000

39. A trial balance is prepared on a entry basis
A. contra           B. double
C. journal          D. ledger
E. single

40. The left hand side of a balance sheet shows
A. current and fixed assets
B. fictitious and liquid assets
C. income and expenses
D. liabilities and capital
E. profit or losses

41. The main purpose for preparing profit or loss account is to ascertain
A. gross profit or loss
B. gross sales
C. net profit or loss
D. net purchases
E. net sales

42. Which of the following is found on the credit side of a trial balance?
A. Building
B. Furniture
C. Motor vehicle
D. Return outwards
E. Salaries

43. The amount of money used to start a business is
A. capital           B. gain
C. grant             D. loan
E. profit

44. Mr James bought stationery for ₦1,000 by cash The double entry is
A. Cr Mr James and Dr Cash
B. Cr Stationery and Dr Cash
C. Dr Cash and Cr James
D. Dr Purchases and Cr Cash
E. Dr Stationery and Cr Cash

45. The person who takes care of minor expenses in an organisation is the
A. counter cashier
B. office clerk
C. petty cashier
D. secretary
E. treasurer

46. Financial position of a business is determined at the end of the year by preparing
A. balance sheet
B. cashbook
C. profit or loss account
D. trading account
E. trial balance

Use the following information to answer questions 47 and 48.

The following is a summary of petty cash transaction of Ada Ltd for the month of November, 2020.

  • November 1: Received from Accounts ₦60,000 as cash floats
  • November 2: Bought postage stamp ₦3,000
  • Nøvember 4: Bought petrol for delivery of ₦6,000
  • November 7: Paid cleaners ₦5,000
  • November 11: Paid ₦2,000 for travelling expenses
  • Nøvember 16: Bought petrol ₦1,200
  • November 20: Paid for postage ₦1,500
  • November 24: Settlement of Segun account ₦1,300
  • Nøvember 29: Sundry expenses ₦200

47. How much of stationery was bought?
A. ₦4,700          B. ₦4,500
C. ₦3,500          D. ₦3,000
E. ₦2,500

48. What is the amount used for transportation?
A. ₦10,500          B. ₦9,400
C. ₦9,200            D. ₦8,000
E. ₦7,200

49. When a chief cashier gives out money to a petty cashier, the chief cashier will
A. credit capital account
B. credit cash book
C. credit purchases account
D. debit capital account
E. debit cash book

50. The full meaning of “TAP” in bookkeeping means transparency, and probity
A. accountability       B. accountancy
C. accountant            D. accounting
E. accuracy

51. When goods are sold for 100,000 by cash, the double entry is
A. credit cash and credit sales
B. credit sales and debit cash
C. debit purchase and debit cash
D. debit sales and credit cash
E. debit sales and debit cash

52. Balance sheet can be used to determine the following except
A. current account
B. financial position of the business
C. total current assets
D. total fixed assets
E. working capital

53. Which of the following expenses is recorded in petty cashbook?
A. Insurance          B. Postage
C. Rent                  D. Salaries
E. Wages

54. Which of the following transactions is recorded in the cashbook?
A. Accrual            B. Bad debt
C. Cash sales       D. Credit sales
E. Prepayments

55. The day to day transactions of a business is recorded in book
A. cash            B. ledger
C. pass            D. purchases day
E. sales day

Use the following information to answer questions 56 and 57.

Trading Account
Opening stock 9,000 Sales 60,000
Add Purchases 21,000
= 30,000
Less closing stock 6,000
x x x
x x x
Gross profit 60,000 60,000

56. The amount of gross profit is
A. ₦45,000          B. ₦36,000
C. ₦27,000          D. ₦21,000
E. ₦15,000

57. What is the cost of goods sold?
A. ₦60,000          B. ₦36,000
C. ₦30,000          D. ₦24,000
E. ₦21,000

58. Which of the following assets is temporary in nature?
A. Cash at hand
B. Furniture and fittings
C. Land and building
D. Machinery and equipment
E. Motor vehicle

59. Trading account is prepared to ascertain
A. gross profit or loss
B. gross sales
C. net profit
D. net profit or loss
E. net sales

60. Which of the following is not a source of personal finance?
A. Borrowing from friends and relations
B. Grant from world bank
C. Loan from cooperative societies
D. Personal savings
E. Wages and salaries from occupation



1. The plan of a journey is called
A. itinerary
B. locomotive
C. movement calendar
D. official movement
E. route

2. The maximum number of people that a small office can accommodate is
A. 5           B. 8          C. 10
D. 20         E. 25

3. Personal letters can be referred to as letters
A. business         B. company
C. formal            D. impersonal
E. informal

4. Which of the following is a job quality of a clerical staff?
A. Ability to use initiative
B. Courteous in dealing with visitors
C. Good appearance at work
D. Readiness to cooperate with others
Ε. Sound health of mind

5. An officer responsible for handling incoming and outgoing mails is
A. clerical staff
B. director
C. executive secretary
D. management staff
E. manager

6. A place set aside to receive and welcome visitors into an organisation is
A. boardroom          B. classroom
C. hall                      D. reception
E. staffroom

7. The attributes of a clerical staff are usually categorised into parts
A. five        B. four         C. six
D. three     E. two

8. Arriving at the place of work on time means
A. commitment         B. consistency
C. punctuality            D. regularity
E. reliability

9. If an organisation is to succeed in a competitive environment, its information should be
A. kept confidential
B. posted at the notice board
C. posted on the social media
D. published on the dailies
E. release to the press

10. A situation whereby a worker responds positively to his work is termed
A. devotion to duty
B. motivation
C. punctuality
D. regularity
E. right attitude

11. The following are attributes of punctuality and regularity except
A. commitment       B. consistency
C. interest               D. promptness
E. truancy

12. The running of day-to-day activities of an organisation is the function of department
A. accounts           B. administrative
C. research            D. sales
E. transportation

13. Procuring right quality and quantity of raw materials in an organisation is the responsibility of department
A. marketing          B. personnel
C. planning            D. production
E. purchasing

14. A telephone message pad is used to
A. answer calls outside the country
B. present speech on behalf of a superior officer
C. record voice note for an officer who is not in the office
D. state the organisational mission statement
E. take the proceedings of meeting

15. An office in charge of students’ career needs is the office
A. administrative           B. bursar’s
C. general                      D. matron’s
E. counsellor’s

16. A place where clerical and administrative activities are carried out is a/an
A. office
B. school’s store
C. staff room
D. strong room
E. warehouse

17. An internal control mechanism adopted to check the way of performing task in an organisation is office
A. communication         B. design
C. layout                        D. procedure
E. staff

18. A device used to perform various activities in an organisation is office
A. equipment            B. layout
C. planning               D. procedure
E. staff

19. Logistics needs of an organisation is handled by department
A. administrative        B. personnel
C. production             D. research
E. transportation

20. A device used to sort documents in an office is
A. collator             B. computer
C. laminator          D. perforator
E. shredder

21. The machine used to make holes on documents is
A. collator            B. duplicator
C. perforator        D. shredder
E. stapler

22. Dispatch book is used for
A. recording inward letters
B. recording minutes
C. recording outgoing mails
D. storing mails
E. visitors’ records

23. The most common way of making payments through the internet is by
A. automated teller machine
B. bank draft
C. cash
D. point of sale
E. teller

24. A place where financial records of the school are kept is office
A. bursar’s              B. counsellor’s
C. director’s            D. principal’s
E. registrar’s

25. The following are importance of office procedure except that it
A. brings orderliness in the activities of the organisation
B. facilitates easy reference to business transactions in the future
C. increases friction and conflict among staff
D. makes the activities of the organisation to be uniform
E. spells out duties and responsibilities

26. Mr Yahaya bought goods from a supermarket The evidence that shows he has made payment is
A. credit note
B. debit note
C. proforma invoice
D. quotation
E. receipt

27. A financial report of transactions between a buyer and seller for a specific period of time is
A. credit note
B. debit note
C. price list
D. statement of account
E. statement of indebtedness

28. Organisations receive e-mail by
A. hand delivery
B. internet
C. postal order
D. proxy
E. rider

29. The sales document that gives detailed information about the goods and value of transaction is
A. delivery note      B. invoice
C. price list             D. quotation
E. receipt

30. Incoming mails are registered in book
A. dispatch      B. inward       C. outward
D. posting        E. sales


31. The act of producing printed characters by manipulating the keyboard on a computer is
A. calibration           B. keyboarding
C. photography       D. phrasing
E. stencilling

32. Keyboarding is associated with producing printed characters by manipulating fingers on the of a computer
A. carriage release        B. keys
C. paper grip                D. knob
E. plates

33. The keys used to send special commands to the central processing unit of a computer are
A. alphabetic        B. alphanumeric
C. cursor               D. function
E. numeric

34. The computer numeric keys are made up of 0 to
A. 9               B. 8              C. 6
D. 5               E. 3

35. The second row of a computer keyboard contains the key(s).
A. alphabetic        B. cursor movement
C. function           D. numeric
E. space bar

36. The application of a wrong cleaning agent on the computer will life span its
A. enhance       B. enrich      C. improve
D. increase       E. jeopardise

37. Which of the following items is not used for taking care of a computer?
A. Engine oil
B. keyboard cover
C. Long-handled soft brush
D. Soft duster
E. Stiff bristle brush

38. The computer keyboard consists of rows of keys
A. 7            B. 6            C. 5
D. 4            E. 3

39. Computer keyboard can be manipulated by a/an touch
A. aggressive      B. hard        C. little
D. slow                E. soft

40. Which of the following is the correct arrangement of the computer home keys at the left hand side? A, S, D and
A. F          B. K         C. L
D. P          E. T

41. Letter ‘T’ is struck by left finger
A. baby          B. index          C. middle
D. ring           E. thumb

42. The part of computer keyboard that consists of alphabets and numbers is keys
A. alphabetic       B. alphanumeric
C. function          D. numeric
E. special

43. Documents typesetted are made mailable with the aid of
A. calibration
B. computer
C. frequency of phrases applied
D. paper used
E. punctuation marks

44. After using brackets, space(s) is given clear
A. 7           B. 5          C. 3
D. 2           E. 1

45. Manuscript sign ‘trs’ used in a text means
A. change to capital letters
B. change to italics
C. change to lower case
D. insert space
E. interchange words

46. ‘L.C’ as correction sign means
A. change to capital letter
B. change to italics
C. change to small letter
D. insert comma
E. interchange words

47. When ‘ﻵ’ appears on the margin of a text, it instructs the typist to
A. create new paragraph
B. delete
C. insert space
D. move to left
E. transpose

48. When an initial line in a text is followed by other lines with three spaces indentation, it is known as paragraph
A. hanging       B. main        C. shoulder
D. side              E. sub

49. When all the typing lines in a text begin at the left hand margin, it is referred to as display
A. block                B. hanging
C. indented          D. paragraph
E. semi-block

50. Documents are said to be justified when the edges of the paragraphs are flushed with the margin
A. bottom       B. left        C. right
D. top              E. vertical

51. The command keys to paste a text on a computer are Ctrl +
A. B           B. C        C. J
D. P           E. V

52. A brief and short official notice written and received by workers of the same organisation is
A. agenda        B. bulletin       C. report
D. minutes        E. to remember

53. The format of a memorandum includes the following except
A. date                 B. from
C. reference         D. salutation
E. subject

54. Between the main heading and the first paragraph, clear line space(s) should be given
A. 5            B. 4          C. 3
D. 2            E. 1

55. Which of the following computer parts is an input device?
A. CPU              B. Keyboard
C. Printer          D. Speaker

56. How many number keys are on the computer keyboard?
A. 14              B. 12            C. 10
D. 9                E. 8

57. An electronic device that is used to accept, process and analyse data is
A. computer             B. perforator
C. photocopier         D. scanner
E. typewriter

58. The computer command that opens up a new page is Ctrl +
A. B           B. J           C. N
D. S           E. V

59. Which of the following symbols instructs the typist to insert new paragraph?
A. #      B. ﬦ       C. ى       D. //       E. Stat

60. In word processing, columns and rows are created using key
A. control        B. delete       C. enter
D. shift             E. tab

Answers to JSS 3 NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers Business Studies

Answers to BECE Business Studies PAPER 1 (Commerce and Bookkeeping)

The following table gives the correct answers to the objective questions in Paper 1 of JSS3 NECO BECE 2025 for Business Studies (Commerce and Bookkeeping). If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view. Remember to use the comments section if you need further clarification of any question.

Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans
1 C 2 E 3 A 4 C 5 B
6 C 7 B 8 A 9 B 10 C
11 E 12 B 13 D 14 C 15 D
16 A 17 B 18 B 19 A 20 B
21 C 22 B 23 C 24 E 25 C
26 E 27 A 28 D 29 C 30 C
31 A 32 B 33 D 34 B 35 A
36 D 37 C 38 C 39 B 40 D
41 C 42 D 43 A 44 E 45 C
46 A 47 D 48 A 49 E 50 A
51 B 52 A 53 B 54 C 55 A
56 B 57 D 58 A 59 A 60 B

Answers to BECE Business Studies PAPER 2 (Office Practice and Keyboarding)

The following table gives the correct answers to the objective questions in Paper 2 of JSS3 NECO BECE 2025 for Business Studies (Office Practice and Keyboarding). If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view. Remember to use the comments section if you need further clarification of any question.

Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans
1 A 2 C 3 E 4 A 5 C
6 D 7 D 8 C 9 A 10 A
11 E 12 B 13 E 14 E 15 E
16 A 17 D 18 A 19 E 20 A
21 C 22 C 23 D 24 A 25 C
26 E 27 D 28 B 29 B 30 B
31 B 32 B 33 D 34 A 35 D
36 E 37 A 38 B 39 E 40 A
41 B 42 B 43 B 44 E 45 C
46 C 47 A 48 A 49 A 50 C
51 E 52 B 53 D 54 C 55 B
56 C 57 A 58 C 59 B 60 E

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