This is for BECE Candidates looking for NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers English Language, as they call it. But this is Basic Education Certificate Examination by the National Examination Council (NECO) for JSS3 candidates. The English Language paper is compulsory for all candidates regardless of their school. So, here you will get genuine NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers for English Language. Your duty now is to read through them as many times as possible and get ready to smash your paper. Don’t forget to join our Free Online BECE Tutorials on Facebook. (Like and Follow Page)

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What are NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers English Language?
NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers English Language are the questions you should expect in your English Language paper in 2025 BECE, together with their answers.
It is very important that every candidate preparing to sit for in the forthcoming 2025 BECE examinations should catch a glimpse of these questions.
In so doing, they will know what to expect in the exam hall. Knowing exactly what to expect will boost their confidence and guarantee them a very high score.
Note that the BECE English Studies paper also covers
- Spoken English
- Literature in English
- Essay
NECO BECE 2025 English Language Questions and Answers Revealed!
On this page, we shall reveal NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers for all candidates taking the English Language paper.
How lucky you are to stumble upon this important page!
The questions are genuine and the answers are accurate, and all are a product of our passion to see you excel in your BECE and proceed to Senior Secondary School.
In the following sections, you will read the English Language questions you are to expect in your 2025 NECO BECE exam as well as their answers. You can use the comments section if you still need clarification over some of the questions. We will give you a more detailed explanation.
Read the passages below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate of the options lettered A to E (Nos 1–10).
Agriculture is the main occupation of people in Nigeria, especially those in the rural areas. It plays a major role in the lives of the people.
Agriculture provides employment. Many people depend on it to make a living. More than 65% of strong and healthy people in the country practice one type of agriculture or the other such as farming, fishing, poultry, and keeping animals.
Apart from this, agriculture provides food for the large population of the country. Everybody needs food whether one is a farmer, doctor, teacher, scientist or a preacher. Whatever profession one belongs to, one must eat, and, food comes from agriculture. Food supplied by agriculture includes: yams, beans, plantain, guinea corn, beef, fish, chicken etc.
Different industries produce the goods we use with materials gotten from agriculture. Textile industries use cotton to make clothes, Industries that produce tyres make use of rubber, soap making industries depend on palm oil, while shoe industries rely on the skin they get from animals Therefore, agriculture provides raw materials for industries.
Furthermore, agriculture provides money for government. When farmers export crops like cocoa, groundnuts and yams to other countries, they pay taxes to government. At times, big farmers and businessmen import agricultural materials like fishing nets, fertilizers, tractors and drugs for treating fish, fowls and other animals Government collect taxes on all of these.
1. The main livelihood of most Nigerians according to the passage is
A. agriculture B. cattle tearing
C. farming D. fishing
E. poultry
2. Many people depend on agriculture because it
A. determines how successful people will be
B. is a major physical exercise for people
C. is the only source of income of the people
D. plays a significant role in the lives of the people
E. promotes the existence of people
3. According to the passage, which of the following is not true?
A. Agriculture is the main occupation of people in Nigeria
B. Agriculture provides food for the large population in the country
C. Agriculture provides money for government
D. Different industries produce the goods we use with materials gotten from agriculture
Ε. Large scale farmers and businessmen export agricultural materials like fishing nets
4. The word “healthy” as used in the passage is
A. a noun B. a verb
C. an adjective D. an adverb
E. an interjection
5. The word that can replace “main” as used in the passage is
A. alternative B. major
C. minor D. only
E. secondary
Friendship is one of the greatest bonds anyone can ever wish for. Lucky are those who have friends they can trust. Friendship is a devoted relationship between two individuals, who both feel immense care and love for each other. Usually a friendship is shared by two people who have similar interests and feelings.
You meet many people along the way of life but only some stay with you forever Those are your real friends who stay by your side through thick and thin Friendship is the most beautiful gift you can present to anyone It is what stays with a person forever.
A person is acquainted with many persons in their life. However, the closest ones become our friends You may have a large friend circle in school but you know you can only count on few people with whom you share true friendship.
Most importantly, true friendship stands for a relationship free of any judgement. In a true friendship, a person can be themselves completely without fear of being judged. It makes one feel loved and accepted. This kind of freedom is what every human strives to have in their lives.
In short, true friendship is what gives us reason to stay in life. Having a loving family, you also need true friendship to be completely happy. Some people don’t even have families but they have friends who are like their family. Thus, having true friends means a lot to everyone.
6. According to the passage, true friendship is
A. being kind to one another
B. having family members you can trust
C. having many acquaintances that make you happy
D. having someone who you share mutual feelings with
E. paying visits to your friends
7. “… thick and thin” as used in the passage is
A. a figure of speech
B. a part of speech
C. a phrasal verb
D. a proverb
E. the idiom
8. One of the following statements is not true according to the passage
A. All friends are trustworthy
B. Friendship is a relationship between two individuals
C. Friendship is between people who share similar feelings
D. Happiness is derived from true friendship
E. Some friends are as good as family
9. Another word that can replace “immense” as used in the passage is
A. deep
B. enormous
C. are insignificant
D. minute
E. trivial
10. The aim of the passage is to
A. analyse B. appraise
C. criticise D. educate
E. entertain
Complete each of the following sentences with the most appropriate of the options lettered A to E (Nos 11–25).
11. The monks take a …… of silence yearly.
A. bond B. pledge
C. posture D. vote
E. vow
12. My aunt’s daughter who is my ……. visited me.
A. cousin B. nephew
C. niece D. relationship
E. sibling
13. The accident ………. were rushed to the intensive care unit.
A. convicts B. culprits
C. inmates D. suspects
E. victims
14. She took the ……. of allegiance as the new chairperson.
A. bond B. oath
C. pledge D. promise
E. vow
15. My dad is……., he discovers new places.
A. a biologist B. a missionary
C. a scientist D. an explorer
E. an inventor
16. The divorced ……. has not started receiving any alimony.
A. bride B. couple
C. groom D. man
E. woman
17. James was……. into the army.
A. co-opted B. employed
C. enlisted D. seconded
E. transferred
18. The students were advised to always use the …… when crossing the road.
A. direction B. pedestrian
C. railway D. traffic
E. walkway
19. After the day’s work, the manager returned the cash to the…….
A. bulk room B. cabinet
C. piggy box D. store
E. vault
20. We requested for the menu at the…….
A. airport B. castle
C. museum D. restaurant
E. border
21. Lucy went to see a dermatologist for her……… disease.
A. eye B. hair
C. kidney D. nose
E. skin
22. The cook ……… the butter before frying the fish.
A. crumbled B. dissolved
C. grilled D. melted
E. whipped
23. The doctor kept the patient under close…….
A. inspection B. monitoring
C. observation D. restriction
E. supervision
24. James went to the……… to record his new album.
A. hall B. stage
C. station D. studio
E. theatre
25. The firm organised …….. to showcase different artworks
A. a conference B. a lecture
C. a symposium D. and audition
E. an exhibition
In the passage below, the numbered gaps indicate missing words. Against each number in the list below the passage, five options are offered in columns lettered A to E. Fill each numbered gap with the most appropriate of the options (Nos 26–35).
– 26- grow amongst -27- crops and their growth interfere with the -28- growth and – 29 – of crops. They constitute problems in agriculture in different ways. Weeds compete with cultivated crops for the -30- in the soil.
Weeds grow rapidly, crowd and cover young cultivated -31- and in this way prevent them from growing well. Some weeds have very broad – 32 – with which they shade the cultivated crops. When this happens, there is very little – 33 – for the crops to grow successfully.
Other weeds produce chemicals in the -34- which kills – 35-.
S/N. | A | B | C | D | E |
26. | Cannabis | crops | grasses | plants | weeds |
27. | cultivated | cultured | genetic | improved | ploughed |
28. | active | lively | healthy | normal | rapid |
29. | advancement | crossbreeding | development | flowering | transplanting |
30. | food | nutrients | minerals | supplements | vitamins |
31. | flowers | fruits | herbs | plants | vegetables |
32. | branches | leaves | roots | shrubs | trees |
33. | rain | shade | space | sunlight | water |
34. | ground | land | plot | soil | territory |
35. | crops | grains | seeds | trees | tubers |
Complete each of the following sentences with the most appropriate of the options lettered A to E (Nos 36—65).
36. A ……. of sailors were drowned last week.
A. band B. crew
C. group D. team
E. troop
37. Kunle kept the cat……… the table
A. above B. between
C. over D. round
E. under
38. Of the two sisters, Oge is………. brilliant.
A. more
B. most
C. most more
D. much more
E. much
39. You may take the…….. of the oranges.
A. more smaller
B. most smallest
C. small
D. smaller
E. smallest
40. It rained …….. yesterday.
A. carefully B. heavily
C. loudly D. rapidly
E. seriously
41. She was singing …….. I arrived.
A. and B. as
C. because D. to
E. when
42. The prefix ……. can be added to “lead” to form a new word.
A. in- B. mis-
C. for- D. re
E. a-
43. Chike ……. the palm nuts.
A. break. B. has break
C. have broken D. is breaking
E. is broken
44. The snake ……. Robert yesterday.
A. bit B. bite
C. bitten D. had bitten
E. has bitten
45. He has ………. the correct spelling of his name.
A. forget B. forgets
C. forgetting D. forgot
E. forgotten
46. Passive Voice: The wood has been cut by him. Active Voice: Не …….. cut the wood.
A. had B. has
C. have D. will
E. would
47. To ……. did he give the book?
A. which B. who
C. who’s D. whom
E. whose
48. Femi is as fair as……
A. her B. I
C. me D. them
E. us
49. The driver took the …….. to a lonely route.
A. parsengers B. passengers
C. passengars D. passengers
E. passingers
50. Direct Speech: “I will go to the supermarket early tomorrow,” said Olu. Indirect Speech: Olu said that he
A. will go to the supermarket early the next day
B. will go to the supermarket early tomorrow
C. would go to the supermarket early the next day
D. would go to the supermarket early the previous day
E. would go to the supermarket early tomorrow
51. He is wealthy …… he lives in a rented apartment.
A. and B. as
C. but D. since
E. So
52. Active Voice: I am entertaining the visitors.
Passive Voice: The visitors….. entertained by me.
A. are being B. have been
C. is being D. was being
E. were being
53. None of them played a major role in the movie, ……they?
A. did B. didn’t
C. do D. don’t
E. would
54. Neither Jane nor her twin sister …..trousers.
A. are wearing B. is wearing
C. was wearing D. wear
E. wears
55. Each of the graduands ….. a copy of the program.
A. are having B. has
C. have D. were having
E. would have
56. Indirect Speech: The pupils told Lizzy that they were waiting for her there.
Direct Speech: “We ………. ,” the pupils said to Lizzy.
A. are waiting for her there
B. are waiting for you here
C. are waiting for you there
D. were waiting for her here
E. were waiting for you there
57. I bought a….. of meat yesterday.
A. bunch B. bundle
C. grams D. kilogram
E. pack
58. James gave Ayo and …… free tickets to the forthcoming concert
A. I B. me
C. she D. them
E. they
59. My roommate is too secretive and…..
A. possessive B. posessive
C. posserssive D. possesive
E. possessive
60. The strangers were surprised ….. my attitude towards them.
A. about B. at
C. by D. or
E. with
61. Which of the following words can be used with the suffix ‘- age’ to form a new word?
A. bag B. break
C. lick D. mug
E. save
62. Jane could not participate in the just concluded exercise ….. she was heavily pregnant.
A. although B. because
C. since D. So
E. yet
63. …….ladies we met at the pool party are my neighbours.
A. Some B. That
C. These D. This
E. Those
64. Parents ….. discipline their children.
A. may B. might
C. should D. will
E. would
65. My aunt and the founder of the orphanage home …. colleagues.
A. are B. had been
C. has been D. is
E. was
Choose from the options lettered A to E the one that contains the given phonetic symbol (Nos 66-80).
66. /ʒ/
A. cage B. decide
C. leisure D. rush
E. sink
67. /∂/
A. about B. bet
C. meet D. mouth
E. want
68. / Ʊ∂ /
A. dear B. foil
C. pear D. pure
E. staring
69. /ʧ/
A. class B. clothes
C. judge D. rush
E. touch
70. /e/
A. bread B. dew
C. people D. real
E. say
71. /aʊ/
A. black B. bound
C. bowl D. laundry
E. read
72. /f/
A. happy B. have
C. page D. photo
E. ghosts
73. /ɜ:/
A. break B. ear
C. land D. learn
E. left
74. /k/
A. ache B. branch
C. knee D. knit
E. speech
75. /u:/
A. book B. deep
C. good D. new
E. road
76. /æ/
A. calm B. cart
C. fame D. family
E. girl
77. /j/
A. hide B. liquid
C. right D. view
E. wise
78. /h/
A. hold B. honest
C. hour D. them
E. whale
79. /ɔɪ/
A. air B. coin
C. court D. rod
E. sure
80. /s/
A. casual B. cheap
C. cycle D. shut
E. zip
1. A genre of literature that deals with story narration is
A. drama B. novel
C. novelettes D. poetry
E. prose
2. A literary term which defines events that make up a story is
A. conflict B. mood
C. plot D. setting
E. toes
3. A literary device that is used to express something opposite from the literal meaning is
A. hyperbole B. irony
C. metaphor D. onomatopoeia
E. simile
4. The expression “Ayo is my beautiful enemy” exemplifies the use of
A. hyperbole B. irony
C. metaphor D. paradox
E. oxymoron
5. A word that sounds like what it names is
A. alliteration B. assonance
C. onomatopoeia D. rhyme
E. rhythm
6. “The judge addressed the bar” is an example of
A. alliteration B. metonymy
C. oxymoron D. paradox
E. synecdoche
7. An indirect comparison of two different objects using the word “like” or “as” is
A. euphemism B. hyperbole
C. irony D. metaphor
E. simile
8. Literary work that uses animals as characters is
A. animation B. cartoon
C. fable D. fiction
E. parable
Adetutu Adeyeye: Sacrilege
9. The youngest queen of King Adelegan is
A. Abeke B. Adebisi
C. Fabunmi D. Funke
E. Omowunmi
10. Princess Adetutu is killed at the
A. king’s palace B. market square
C. Ogbun river D. Ogbun shrine
E. village square
11. King Adelegan is the cause of his downfall because he
A. did not verify Adetutu’s information
B. married two wives
C. paid the guards heavily
D. shared his secret with Baba Fagbemi
E. was good to the palace chiefs
12. The desecration of Ogbon’s shrine by King Adelegan brings ……… to the town.
A. breakthrough B. headache
C. peace D. prosperity
E. woes
Akeem Ajibade: The Thinking Head
13. The play begins in…….. house.
A. Baby Adegbite’s
B. Baby Femi’s
C. Baby Tunde’s
D. Mr Kolapos
E. Mrs Ajanis
14. Mrs Ajani is the ………. of F.F.A.P.
A. Chairman
B. General secretary
C. Public relations officer
D. Publicity secretary
E. Treasurer
15. The play can be described as a
A. comedy B. farce
C. melodrama D. tragedy
E. tragic comedy
16. The following are characters in the play except
A. Babalola B. Femi
C. Jejelola D. Jensimi
E. Koroo
Nicole Bertram: Addiction
17. Which of the following is not a danger of substance abuse? It
A. boosts the immune system
B. can collapse the veins and blood vessels
C. causes addiction
D. causes liver damage
E. leads to intoxication
18. Esther promises hell on Israel because
A. he chooses his work over the family
B. he does not send money to her
C. he refuses to divorce Doris
D. she claims he hides her from his family
E. they don’t spend more time together
19. The following are themes in the text except
A. cultism
B. drug abuse
C. family irresponsibility
D. friendship
E. peer pressure
20. “…as blind as bat will take only a glance at me…” The underlined phrase is an example of
A. euphemism B. irony
C. metaphor D. personification
E. simile
Samson O. Shobayo: Stigma
21. “Life is too short to laze around…” This statement is made by …….. to………
A. Lanre, Nkiru
B. Nkiru, Tiwa
C. Ola, Nkiru
D. Tiwa, Chuks
E. Tiwa, Nkiru
22. “Curiosity is killing the cat..” is a/an
A. idiom
B. metaphor
C. personification
D. proverb
E. simile
23. Tiwa and Nkiru are both given birth to at
A. Ahmad Bello University Teaching Hospital
B. Jos University Teaching Hospital
C. Lagos State University Teaching Hospital
D. Lagos University Teaching Hospital
E. University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital
24. The text teaches …….. for people living with HIV.
A. acceptance and stigma
B. diagnosis and care
C. hatred and love
D. love and care
E. test and treatment
Chigbo Ugwuoke: Somayina: The Little Smart Orphan
25. The novelist employs………. narrative technique.
A. dialogue
B. first person
C. omniscient
D. second person
E. stream of consciousness
26. “Good-night, Sempe! Good-night Supepe!” These salutations are for twin
A. babies B. cows
C. goats D. lambs
E. rams
27. “The little boy stood still, watching the dancing trees” is an example of
A. hyperbole
B. metaphor
C. personification
D. pun
E. simile
28. The main reason for the return of Somayina to Udokamma is
A. for a relief
B. the request of Egonna the grandmother
C. to be enrolled into school
D. to prepare for Port-Harcourt trip
E. to see Clement his blind father
Ngozi Chima-Uzosike: The Clock
29. “The village square had become a beehive of story lovers” means a
A. hiding place for bee lovers
B. meeting place for storytellers
C. meeting place of bee lovers
D. place story-lovers reside
Ε. square where the villagers meet to gossip
30. Mgbafor’s school daughter fulfils her dreams by becoming a/an
A. doctor B. engineer
C. entrepreneur D. lawyer
E. nurses
31. Mama Nwankwo is treated at St. ……… Specialist Hospital.
A. Joseph’s B. Maria’s
C. Monica’s D. Paul’s
E. Peter’s
32. “The clouds racing swiftly” is an example of
A. metaphor B. personification
C. pun D. simile
E. synecdoche
33. The term “mechanical parrot” in Jacob Ajaye’s ‘Mechanical Drum’ means
A. generator
B. grinding machine
C. motorcycle
D. musical drum
E. talking drum
34. The expression, “… sand and sound” in Niyi Osundare’s ‘Lokoja’ is an example of
A. alliteration B. assonance
C. metre D. rhyme
E. rhythm
35. The theme of G.O. Kayode’s ‘Modernity’ is ………. change.
A. economic B. environmental
C. political. D. societal
E. technical
36. “The fearful and sweet one” in Rahila J. Diji’s ‘Wind’ is an example of
A. metaphor B. oxymoron
C. paradox D. pun
E. simile
37. “Who dare shake those cold hands?” in Andrew Oiwona’s ‘Death’ is an example of ……….. question.
A. direct B. indirect
C. leading D. objective
E. rhetorical
38. The tone in Ajepe Olusegun’s ‘The Determined Miner’ is that of
A. anger
B. disappointment
C. exhaustion
D. fear
E. harshness
39. The mood in Chigbo Ugwuoke’s ‘Diversity’ is that of
A. anger B. caution
C. hope D. pity
E. sorrow
40. The theme in the ‘The Nation’s Paradox’ by Abdullateef Ishowo is
A. contentment
B. empowerment
C. failed nation
D. glorious nation
E. heaps
Answer both questions 1 and 2. Your answer to each question should not be less than 200 words. You are free to use the hints below each question and/or any other ones you like.
Each question carries fifteen (15) marks
1. Your parents are unable to pay your school fees and other requirements due to the hardship they are passing through. Write a letter to the principal of your school explaining the situation
(i) Address/Salutation
(ii) Introduction
(iii) Explain your situation
(iv) Conclusion
2. You are the chief speaker in a debate topic: Parents are to be Blamed for the Misconduct of their Children.
Write your argument for or against the motion.
(i) Introduction
(ii) Vocative
(iii) Body
(iv) Conclusion
Answers to JSS 3 NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers English Language
Answers to PAPER I
The following table gives the correct answers to the objective questions in Paper I of JSS3 NECO BECE 2025. If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view.
Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans |
1 | A | 2 | D | 3 | E | 4 | C | 5 | B |
6 | D | 7 | E | 8 | A | 9 | B | 10 | D |
11 | E | 12 | A | 13 | E | 14 | B | 15 | D |
16 | E | 17 | C | 18 | E | 19 | E | 20 | D |
21 | E | 22 | D | 23 | C | 24 | D | 25 | E |
26 | E | 27 | A | 28 | C | 29 | D | 30 | B |
31 | D | 32 | B | 33 | D | 34 | D | 35 | A |
36 | B | 37 | E | 38 | A | 39 | D | 40 | B |
41 | E | 42 | B | 43 | D | 44 | A | 45 | E |
46 | B | 47 | D | 48 | C | 49 | B | 50 | C |
51 | C | 52 | A | 53 | A | 54 | B | 55 | B |
56 | B | 57 | D | 58 | B | 59 | E | 60 | B |
61 | E | 62 | B | 63 | A | 64 | D | 65 | C |
66 | E | 67 | B | 68 | A | 69 | D | 70 | C |
71 | D | 72 | E | 73 | A | 74 | C | 75 | B |
76 | D | 77 | E | 78 | C | 79 | A | 80 | B |
Answers to PAPER II
The following table gives the correct answers to the objective questions in Paper II of JSS3 NECO BECE 2025. If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view.
Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans |
1 | E | 2 | C | 3 | B | 4 | E |
5 | C | 6 | B | 7 | E | 8 | C |
9 | D | 10 | D | 11 | A | 12 | E |
13 | C | 14 | D | 15 | E | 16 | E |
17 | A | 18 | D | 19 | A | 20 | E |
21 | E | 22 | A | 23 | D | 24 | D |
25 | C | 26 | E | 27 | C | 28 | C |
29 | B | 30 | C | 31 | C | 32 | B |
33 | E | 34 | A | 35 | D | 36 | B |
37 | E | 38 | C | 39 | C | 40 | C |
Answers to PAPER III
Question 1: Letter to the Principal Explaining Financial Hardship
Plot 34, Real Estate,
New York.
26 January, 2026
The Principal
Celestial Abode Academy,
Dear Sir/Madam,
Request for Consideration Due to Financial Hardship
I hope this letter meets you in good health and high spirits. My name is Emerald Oko, a student in Grade 5 of this esteemed school. I am writing to humbly explain my family’s current financial situation and request your understanding regarding the payment of my school fees and other requirements.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, my parents are currently facing severe financial challenges. My father’s business has suffered significant setbacks, and my mother, who used to support the family, has also been struggling to find work. This has made it difficult for them to meet some of our family’s basic needs, including my educational expenses.
I am deeply committed to my studies and would not want this situation to affect my academic performance. I kindly seek your intervention and support in granting me a grace period for the payment or any other assistance the school can provide to ensure I continue my education without interruption.
Hopefully, my parents will overcome this phase with time, and we will fulfill our obligations to the school. I appreciate your understanding and support during this difficult time.
Thank you for your attention and kindness.
Yours faithfully,
Emerald Oko
Grade 5
Question 2: Debate: Parents are to Be Blamed for the Misconduct of Their Children (For the Motion)
Good day, Mr. Chairman, Panel of Judges, Accurate Timekeeper, Co-debaters, and my esteemed audience. I stand here as the Chief Speaker for the motion: Parents are to Be Blamed for the Misconduct of Their Children.
Parents are the primary influencers in a child’s life. From infancy, children observe and learn from their parents’ actions, attitudes, and decisions. When children misbehave, it often reflects the upbringing they have received. If a parent fails to teach basic values like honesty, respect, and responsibility, the child is likely to lack these qualities.
Furthermore, many parents neglect their responsibilities due to excessive focus on careers or personal interests. In such cases, children may feel neglected and seek attention or validation through inappropriate behavior. Additionally, some parents condone bad behavior by failing to discipline their children appropriately. This permissiveness breeds disrespect and a lack of accountability.
Moreover, children mirror their environment. A home filled with constant arguments or unethical practices will likely produce children with similar tendencies. For example, a child exposed to domestic violence may grow up thinking aggression is acceptable.
In conclusion, while external factors like peer pressure and societal influence play a role, parents remain the foundation of a child’s development. If parents instill the right values and monitor their children’s activities, most cases of misconduct can be avoided. Therefore, parents are to be blamed for the misconduct of their children.
Thank you.
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