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Junior WAEC 2025 Questions Social Studies [Revealed]

This is for BECE Candidates looking for Junior WAEC 2025 Questions and Answers Social Studies. The Social Studies paper is compulsory for all candidates regardless of their school. So, here you will get genuine Junior WAEC 2025 Questions and Answers for Social Studies. Your duty now is to read through them as many times as possible and get ready to smash your forthcoming paper. Remember to use the comments sections if you have questions, and don’t forget to join our Free Online Tutorial Classes on Facebook. (Like and Follow Page)

Junior WAEC 2025 Questions and Answers Social Studies

What are Junior WAEC 2025 Questions and Answers Social Studies?

Junior WAEC 2025 Questions and Answers Social Studies are the questions you should expect in your Social Studies paper in 2025 BECE, together with their answers.

It is very important that every candidate preparing to sit for Social Studies in the forthcoming 2025 BECE examination should catch a glimpse of these questions.

In so doing, they will know what to expect in the exam hall. Knowing exactly what to expect will boost their confidence and guarantee them a very high score.

Junior WAEC 2025 Social Studies Questions and Answers Revealed!

On this page, we shall reveal Junior WAEC 2025 Questions and Answers for all candidates taking the Social Studies paper.

How lucky you are to stumble upon this important page!

The questions are genuine and the answers are accurate, and all are a product of our burning passion to see you excel in your BECE and proceed to Senior Secondary School.

In the following sections, you will read the Social Studies questions you are to expect in your 2025 Junior WAEC exam as well as their answers. You can use the comments section if you still need clarification over some of the questions. We will give you a more detailed explanation.

BECE is a very serious and important examination. You will answer 60 questions in BECE Social Studies 2025 within 2 hours. So it’s important that you pay attention to the information revealed on this page.

junior waec candidates in bece hall

Junior WAEC 2025 Questions and Answers Social Studies [Numbers 1 – 10]

1. Social Studies is best defined as the study of
A. the creation of man
B. the animal world
C. man and his environment
D. science and technology

2. These factors cause population change EXCEPT
A. increase in birth rate
B. immigration
C. increase in death rate
D. census

3. The two opposing teams playing football can rightly be regarded as
A. cooperation
B. competitors
C. violent conflict
D. peaceful conflict

4. A year is made up of
A. 300 days        B. 260 days
C. 350 days        D. 365¼ days

5. Which of these is not an arm of government?
A. Legislative        B. Executive
C. Ministry            D. Judiciary

6. If we want peace, then we must learn to
A. fight it out
B. quarrel
C. cooperate
D. always claim right

7. Trade on _____ is an illegitimate trade.
A. food items
B. wearing materials
C. slaves
D. cooking utensils

8. Organization of African Unity was formed in
A. May 25th 1963
B. June 12th 1963
C. May 25th 1973
D. June 12th 1973

9. Co-operation leads to all these except
A. peace          B. unity
C. conflict        D. progress

10. Man has tried to explain his origin through
A. socialization
B. religious belief
C. scientific evolution
D. myths and legend

Answers to Question Number 1 – 10

1.C     2.D     3.B     4.D     5.C     6.C     7.C     8.A     9.C     10.B

Junior WAEC 2025 Questions and Answers Social Studies [Numbers 11 – 20]

11. The ancient trade between North and west Africa was known as the _______ trade.
A. Trans-saharan      B. all Africa
C. African                 D. West African

12. Science and technology help us in the following ways EXCEPT
A. producing drugs
B. teaching and learning
C. polluting the environment
D. preservation of food

13. People of the world can be grouped according to
A. skin color
B. continental landmass
C. physical characteristics
D. body size

14. The Solar system was discovered by
A. John Dalton    B. Galileo
C. Copernicus     D. Sir Isaac Newton

15. The duties of the young ones in the family include the following EXCEPT
A. fetching water
B. washing plates at home
C. running errands
D. providing money for food

16. The change in the physical size of a child over time can be called
A. development      B. growth
C. maturation          D. physiology

17. A person may NOT be a member of a community
A. if he was born into it
B. when he immigrates into it
C. when he temporarily belongs to it
D. if he trades with the community

18. The concept of the uniqueness of man means that
A. one man was created at the beginning
B. no other animal is like man
C. man can live anywhere in the world
D. man believes in the existence of God

19. The first manned aeroplane was built by
A. Write brothers
B. George Stephenson
C. John Mac Adam
D. Karl Benz

20. One of these minerals is got through the process of drilling
A. mineral oil      B. iron ore
C. limestone        D. coal

Answers to Question Number 11 – 20

11.A     12.C     13.B     14.C     15.D     16.B     17.C     18.B     19.A     20.A

Junior WAEC 2025 Questions and Answers Social Studies [Numbers 21 – 30]

21. Juvenile Courts are set aside to try ________ who commit crime.
A. old people
B. children
C. people from other countries
D. pregnant women only

22. How long does it take the earth to rotate round on its axis?
A. 36 hours          B. 60 hours
C. 366 hours        D. 24 hours

23. Types of co-operative societies include all except
A. producers’ co-operative
B. market co-operative
C. consumer co-operative
D. multi-purpose co-operative

24. One of these is not a problem to farming
A. erosion      B. transhumance
C. drought     D. pests

25. The silver “Y” on the Nigerian Coat of Arms represents
A. Nigerian youths
B. The Yoruba tribe
C. Rivers
D. year of independence

26. The Ekoi and Ibibio ethnic groups can be found in ______ part of Nigeria.
A. north east        B. south east
C. north west       D. south west

27. Which of the following is not a sector of the economy?
A. pre-primary      B. primary
C. secondary         D. tertiary

28. One of these is a religious court
A. Sharia courts
B. Magistrate courts
C. Customary courts
D. Appeal courts

29. Africa is made up of _______ countries.
A. 39     B. 69     C. 49    D. 94

30. Olduvia Gorge is located in
A. Kenya            B. Uganda
C. Zimbabwe     D. Tanzania

Answers to Question Number 21 – 30

21.B     22.D     23.B     24.B     25.C     26.B     27.A     28.A     29.C     30.A

Junior WAEC 2025 Questions and Answers Social Studies [Numbers 31 – 40]

31. The theory of evolution proved that man evolved from
A. homo habilis to homo sapiens
B. homo erectus to homo sapiens
C. homo sapiens to homo habilis
D. homo habilis to homo erectus

32. Marriage made under native law and custom of the people is called ________ marriage.
A. court         B. customary
C. legal          D. family

33. The cultural group leader in Adamawa is called
A. Lamido         B. Obong
C. Igwe             D. Alafin

34. Working collectively with someone or some group of people is called
A. conflict        B. co-operation
C. unity            D. peace

35. The Pygmies are found in
A. America       B. India
C. Australia      D. Africa

36. The institution that deals with the production and use of resources is
A. health       B. economic
C. legal         D. political

37. Which of these is the cheapest means of communication?
A. water         B. air
C. road           D. rail

38. The white race are known as the
A. mongoloids
B. most beautiful
C. negroids
D. caucasoids

39. None of the cultures is better than one because
A. each serves the same purpose to the people who use it
B. each serves different purpose to the people who use it
C. the culture is inferior to the other
D. it damages friendship among people and nations

40. Enugu grew because of the mining of
A. tin          B. columbite
C. gold       D. coal

Answers to Question Number 31 – 40

31.B     32.B     33.A     34.B     35.D     36.B     37.C     38.D     39.A     40.D

Junior WAEC 2025 Questions and Answers Social Studies [Numbers 41 – 50]

41. The highest document containing the laws that govern our country is called
A. constitution
B. bye-law
C. code of conduction
D. rules and regulations

42. The Egyptians invented system of writing called a
A. hieroglyphics
B. cursives
C. printing writing
D. alphabets

43. In Nigeria, tree crops are grown mostly in ______ area
A. savannah         B. sahel
C. forest               D. swamp

44. Two man reasons for building a dam across the River Niger
A. irrigation and fishing
B. irrigation and power generation
C. navigation and fishing
D. fishing and washing clothes

45. The fundamental human right of an individual does NOT include
A. right of life
B. right to vote and to be voted for
C. right to freedom
D. right to be discriminated against

46. ________ are stories of the past that are generally believed but may or may not be true.
A. Fake stories
B. Myths and legends
C. Religious beliefs.
D. Traditional stories

47. The ancient work of art associated with Igbo-Ukwu is the
A. Terra-cotta human head
B. Ivory mask
C. Bronze heads
D. Bronze pot

48. ONE method of reviving our culture is through the building of
A. hospital            B. schools
C. industries         D. museums

49. Fulfude is the language of the
A. Hausa’s         B. Igara’s
C. Ishekiri’s        D. Fulani’s

50. The method used by the British people to rule us, using our traditional rulers is called
A. Igwe-ship
B. amalgamation
C. direct rule
C. indirect rule

Answers to Question Number 41 – 50

41.A     42.A     43.C     44.B     45.D     46.B     47.D     48.D     49.D     50.D

Junior WAEC 2025 Questions and Answers Social Studies [Numbers 51 – 60]

51. The primary sector of our economy is made up of all these EXCEPT
A. farming
B. fishing
C. importation of manufactured goods
D. collecting forest products

52. In socialization, agency refers to the
A. environment
B. People who socialize
C. Individual being socialized
D. Teaching and learning in school

53. Which of these institutions can be used to control others?
A. Economic        B. Teaching
C. Health             D. Legal

54. The laws made at the local government levels are called
A. criminal laws
B. bye laws
C. civil laws
D. native laws

55. ONE of these is a good attitude to work.
A. Laziness
B. Reporting fellow workers
C. Working only when you are paid
D. Punctuality

56. The smallest unit of a community is the a
A. church        B. family
C. man           D. women

57. When the air can take in no more water, we say it is
A. diluted        B. filled
C. saturated    D. humidity

58. The changing condition of the atmosphere around us is called
A. weather       B. temperature
C. climate        D. thermometer

59. Vegetation is part of _____ environment.
A. physical        B. cultural
C. social            D. man-made

60. The first Hominid who made use of fire is
A. Kenyapithecus
B. Zinjanthropus
C. Homo Habila
D. Homo Erectus

Answers to Question Number 51 – 60

51.C     52.B     53.A     54.B     55.D     56.B     57.C     58.A     59.A     60.D


Answer all questions in this section.

1. (a) What is an age grade?
(b) Outline any two (2) functions performed by an age grade.
(c) List any four (4) member of an extended family.

2. (a) Explain the “leadership”.
(b) List any four (4) qualities of a good leader.
(c) Outline any four (4) ways of choosing a leader.

3. (a) Explain the term “manufacturing”.
(b) List any two (2) manufacturing industries located in Enugu state.
(c) Outline any three (3) contributions of manufacturing industries to our National economic life.

4. (a) What do you understand by culture?
(b) Name four (4) cultural groups in Nigeria.
(c) Name four (4) things which we can use to identify these group.

Answers to Section B (Essay) Questions of Junior WAEC 2025 Social Studies

1. (a) What is an age grade?

An age grade refers to a group of people within a society who are born around the same period or within a specific age range. They often share similar responsibilities, duties, and sometimes privileges within the community. Age grades typically play an important role in the social and political structures of many African societies.

(b) Outline any two (2) functions performed by an age grade.

  1. Community Development: Age grades help in community development projects, such as building roads, schools, and other essential structures. They also assist in the maintenance of public spaces.
  2. Social Control: Age grades often help maintain order in the community by enforcing traditional norms and rules. They play a role in resolving conflicts and ensuring that members follow community customs.

(c) List any four (4) members of an extended family.

  1. Grandfather
  2. Grandmother
  3. Uncles
  4. Aunts

2. (a) Explain “leadership”.

Leadership is the ability to guide, influence, and inspire a group of people towards achieving a common goal or objective. It involves making decisions, taking responsibility, and ensuring that the group works harmoniously towards the accomplishment of its objectives. A good leader often serves as a role model and is entrusted with guiding people through challenges and changes.

(b) List any four (4) qualities of a good leader.

  1. Honesty: A good leader should be truthful and transparent in all dealings.
  2. Empathy: A good leader understands and shares the feelings of others, showing compassion and consideration.
  3. Vision: A leader should have a clear vision of the future and be able to plan strategically to achieve long-term goals.
  4. Integrity: A good leader acts ethically, with strong moral principles and fairness.

(c) Outline any four (4) ways of choosing a leader.

  1. Election: Leaders can be chosen through a democratic voting process where members of the community or organization vote for their preferred candidate.
  2. Appointment: In some cases, leaders may be appointed by a higher authority or governing body based on merit or expertise.
  3. Heredity: In some traditional societies, leadership is passed down through family lineage or monarchy.
  4. Selection by Consensus: In some cases, a leader is chosen based on the agreement and consensus of the community or group, often considering the individual’s qualifications and reputation.

3. (a) Explain the term “manufacturing”.

Manufacturing refers to the process of converting raw materials into finished goods through the use of labor, machines, tools, and chemical processes. It involves the production of items on a large scale for sale or use, ranging from simple tools to complex machinery and consumer products.

(b) List any two (2) manufacturing industries located in Enugu State.

  1. Enugu State Brewery Limited: This industry produces various brands of beer and other beverages.
  2. Nigeria Coal Corporation (NCC): Although primarily a mining company, it is involved in the extraction and processing of coal, which is an important industrial raw material.

(c) Outline any three (3) contributions of manufacturing industries to our national economic life.

  1. Job Creation: Manufacturing industries provide employment to a large number of people, from factory workers to managers, thereby reducing unemployment rates.
  2. Economic Growth: These industries contribute to the country’s GDP by producing goods for both local consumption and export, thus boosting national income.
  3. Industrialization: Manufacturing industries foster technological advancement and infrastructure development, leading to the overall industrialization of the country.

4. (a) What do you understand by culture?

Culture refers to the shared beliefs, customs, traditions, practices, values, and social behaviors of a particular group or society. It encompasses aspects such as language, art, music, religion, and rituals, which are passed down from one generation to the next and serve to shape the identity of individuals and communities.

(b) Name four (4) cultural groups in Nigeria.

  1. Yoruba
  2. Igbo
  3. Hausa
  4. Fulani

(c) Name four (4) things which we can use to identify these groups.

  1. Language: Each cultural group has its own distinct language or dialect (e.g., Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, and Fulani).
  2. Clothing/Attire: Traditional clothing varies among cultural groups. For example, Yoruba people wear agbada, Igbo people wear Isiagu, and Hausa people wear babban riga.
  3. Festivals: Different cultural groups celebrate unique festivals, such as the Yoruba’s Osun-Osogbo festival, the Igbo’s New Yam Festival, and the Hausa’s Sallah celebrations.
  4. Art and Craft: The style of art and craft, such as Igbo Ukwu bronzeware or Yoruba beadwork and wood carvings, are distinctive identifiers of cultural heritage

It’s a wrap!

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Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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