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National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) Releases Travel Safety Tips for Prospective Corps Members

National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has published travel safety tips for Prospective Corps Members (PCMs) traveling across the length and breadth of the country to their various NYSC Camps.

NYSC Mobilization

The NYSC has divided its system of mobilization of corp member into three batches with each batch having two streams. So they have batch 1, streams 1 and 2; batch 2, streams 1 and 2 and batch 3, streams 1 and 2. This means that all the batches and streams head to the various orientation camps when mobilized.

The implication of this is that Prospective Corps Members (PCMs) travel across the length and breadth of the country to the various NYSC Camps for the exercise.

Read Also: List of NYSC Orientation Camps in Nigeria, Locations and Addresses

NYSC Travel Safety Tips for Prospective Corpers

So considering the current security situation in the country, the NYSC thought it wise to publish a safety guideline for prospective corpers. However, this guide is mainly targeted to their safety as they travel to the various orientation camps across the nation.

The PCMs are, therefore, advised to read through and adhere strictly to the safety guidelines and tips.

1. Every successful journey starts with a travel plan. PCMs are enjoined to make adequate travel preparation before setting out on the journey. Therefore, you must ensure and crosscheck that you’ve packed all the relevant documents that will be requested at the point of registration. This is to guard against the danger of being asked to go back home and fetch the forgotten documents. Doing so will overexpose you to our roads fraught with so many risks. So, it is highly recommended that you See the List of Items you Should Take to NYSC Camp.

2. Research your destinations thoroughly before leaving.

3. On no account, should you board a vehicle by the roadside because of the seemingly attractive cheap fare. It is the highway to calamity. So many have fallen preys to armed robbers, kidnappers and ritualists due to such indiscreet action. You should board vehicles only from recognized parks.

4. Please, be conscious of your travel time. Journeys must be arranged in such a way that you arrive at your destination latest by 6 pm. Note that if it’s not possible to arrive at your destination at the aforesaid time, please, break the journey.

5. Avoid unnecessary argument/discussion bordering on politics and religion, among others. You may unwittingly cause offence. Keep your views to yourself.

Read Also: Jobs you can Start as a Youth Corper Doing NYSC in Nigeria

6. Be courteous, but don’t trust people too quickly. Don’t be loud while answering telephone calls, so as not to unknowingly divulge information that may place you in harm’s way.

7. Watch your drinking habit. Alcohol dulls your senses. So you must always be sober.

8. Take only what you need for the journey. Don’t overburden yourself with loads.

9. Dress normal. Don’t overdress. Conversely, don’t dress shabbily, since either way, you unduly stand out.

10. Please, keep a very close watch over your personal effects. It is advisable that you carry your vital documents (certificates, International passport etc) with you.

11. Don’t put valuables in your back pocket for that’s always the pickpocket’s first point of call. It’s safer to use your front pocket.

12. Keep your family and trusted friends updated on your itinerary.

We wish you travel mercies, as you proceed to your respective camps in obedience to the clarion call to serve the Nation for one calendar year.

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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