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Civic Education Exam Questions for JSS3 Second Term

You’re welcome to our school exams series where we provide you with termly examination questions in different subjects. In today’s post, we will focus on Civic Education exam questions. We will cover Civic Education exam questions for JSS3 second term with answers. This means that we’ll be providing you with answers to the questions at the end. Also, you will get a few success tips on how to pass Civic Education examinations with flying colors. Remember to use the comments sections if you have questions, and don’t forget to join our Free Online Tutorial Classes on Facebook. (Like and Follow Page)

Civic Education exam questions for second term

Introduction to Civic Education as a School Subject

Civic Education is a school subject that teaches students about their roles, rights, and responsibilities as citizens. It helps them understand concepts like democracy, human rights, national values, and good governance. The subject aims to develop informed, responsible, and active members of society who contribute positively to their communities and the nation.

The subject is offered by students in primary school and Secondary School under National Values Education.

Civic Education Exam Questions for JSS3 Second Term

Civic Education Exam Questions for JSS3 Second Term are divided into two sections:

  • Section A
  • Section B

The second section, namely, Section A is the objective test, and students are expected to attempt all questions in the section. Section B is the theory part, and students are expected to answer five (5) out of the seven (7) questions.

SECTION A: Objectives

Attempt All the Questions in this Section by choosing from the options lettered A—D.

1. The quality of not giving up despite obstacles or difficulties is
A. preservation           B. perspective
C. professionalism      D. perseverance

2. To be a model for the youth means
A. living an exemplary lifestyle
B. to be careful in dealing with people
C. to forgive and forget
D. to be guilty all the times

3. One of these integrity people listed below is a SAN
A. Chief Obafemi
B. Abdulsalami
C. Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe
D. Gani Tawehinmi

4. The acronym SAN means
A. Senior Advance Nation
B. Senators Association of Nigeria
C. Secondary Association of Nigeria
D. Senior Advocate of Nigeria

5. Which of these is NOT a benefit of disciplined behaviour
A. progress
B. peaceful co-existence
C. jealousy
D. respecting school authorities

6. ___________ is one of the consequences of indiscipline on the individual.
A. disorderliness      B. commitment
C. dedication           D. contentment

7. ___________ is one of the consequences of indiscipline in the society.
A. disrupts social harmony
B. brings development
C. brings peace
D. bring development

8. ___________ is the quality in a person which makes him or her overcome fear or obstacles in the achievement of a goal.
A. Fear               B. Anxiety
C. courage         D. Boldness

9. Trust is associated with
A. confidence         B. integrity
C. love                    D. religion

10. Which of these is not a negative behavior?
A. Bunkering
B. Forgery
C. African time mentality
D. Transparency

11. Dishonesty is manifested through the following except
A. Impersonation
B. Examination malpractice
C. Constructively criticizing the government
D.  Embezzlement of public funds

12. One of these is a characteristic of honesty
A. Fraudulence          B. Truthfulness
C. Disloyalty              D. Love of money

13. Which of these is very important for cooperation in the society
A. Selfishness           B. Unity
C. Dishonesty           D. Love of money

14. Which of these is a form of dishonesty?
A. Fighting in the public
B. Cheating in examination
C. Disobedience to parents
D. Failure to help others

15. The rule of law can be strengthened through
A. Independence of judiciary
B. High cost of litigation
C. Prolonged prosecution of offenders
D. Immunity clause in the constitution

16. Relationship can end due to all these except
A. Death of partner
B. Separation
C. Divorce
D. Unconditional love

17. All these are attributes of right attitude to work except
A. Punctuality
B. Commitment
C. Regularity
D. Independent of judiciary

18. All these would help in making the rule of law to work except
A. Fair trial of suspects
B. Practice of separation of powers
C. Delayed justice
D. Independent judiciary

19. All these show lack of modesty except
A. Flamboyant dressing
B. Extravagant life style
C. Love for one-in-town mansions
D. Simple lifestyle

20. A follower who obeys the law made by the leader for the good of the society is showing the trait of:
A. Diligence        B. Commitment
C. Loyalty            D. Obedience

21. Which of these is not a method of protecting human rights?
A. Media coverage
B. Protest match
C. Hunger strike
D. Street riots

22. Which of these indicates the true practice of rule of law in a democratic setting?
A. Independent of the judiciary
B. Violation of human rights
C. Arbitrary arrest of opposition party members
D. Non existence of separation of power.

23. All these are associated with honesty except
A. Fair of God
B. Loyalty
C. Being reliable
D. Misuse of funds

24. Loving our nation more than other nations is termed
A. Nepotism         B. Patriotism
C. Fraternity          D. Favouritism

25. One of these is a negative behavior in the society
A. friendship          B. dishonesty
C. giving                D. discipline

26. Democracy originated from
A. Greece              B. USA
C. Ghana               D. Japan

27. The first elected Nigeria president was
A. Nnamdi Azikiwe
B. Tafawa Balewa
C. Obafemi Awolowo
D. Shehu Shagari

28. Lagos state was created in
A. 1960                  B. 1967
C. 1970                  D. 1979

29. The two attributes of integrity are
A. hatred and contentment
B. goodwill and justice
C. principle and integrity
D. probity and honesty

30. Nigeria is located in the ________ African Sub Region.
A. North                   B. East
C. South                   D. West

31. The electoral body in Nigeria is headed by ___________.
A. president               B. counselor
C. director                  D. chairman

32. The first ever storey building is located in ___________ and ____________.
A. Lokoja/Kogi
B. Lafia/Nasarawa
C. Jos/Plateau
D. Badagary/Lagos

33. The right of a citizen to exercise his or her voting right during election is ___________.
A. electorate              B. francis
C. francais                  D. franchise

34. In the Nigerian National Assembly, while the House of Senate has _________ members, the House of Representatives is composed of ________ Members respectively.
A. 360/109             B. 901/630
C. 109/306             D. 109/360

35. The manipulation of the electoral process by the electoral commission or candidates is referred to as electoral __________.
A. warfare              B. cage
C. college               D. malpractice

36. ________ is not a type of citizenship.
A. Birth              B. Nationalization
C. Dual              D. Registration

37. _________ entitles an individual to enter and exit different countries.
A. Passport             B. Certificate
C. Permission          D. Visa

38. Democracy as a concept originated from _________.
A. Rome             B. USA
C. France            D. Greece

39. A citizen from Denmark is referred to as __________.
A. Daniel             B. Denmarkian
C. Dens               D. Danish

40. The willingness to work hard and give your energy and time to a job or activity is called
A. spiritual            B. commitment
C. brave                D. hard work

41. Which of these is not true about values?
A. they dictate our behavior to others
B. they influence our goals in life
C. they make us unhappy and unfulfilled
D. they promote good relationship in the society

42. The rule of law is
A. supremacy of the law over every citizen in a country
B. human right protection
C. supremacy of the law over the rich
D. securing lives and properties of the citizens

43. Democracy is
A. a system of government which all people in a country can vote to elect their representatives in government
B. a group of people who are looking for job
C. an individual who makes final use of goods and services
D. none of the above

44. ___________ is the manipulation of electoral process by the candidates, political parties and electoral commission
A. electoral malpractices
B. Forms of election
C. consequences of election
D. none of the above

45. The institution that is responsible for the prosecution of drug traffickers and drug abuse is called?
A. EFCC                 B. ICPC
C. NECO                D. NDLEA

46. The symbols of authority for the legislative arm of government are ___________ and ___________
A. mace and gravel
B. coat of arms and national flag
C. wig and scale of justice
D. constitution and Bible

47. Who propounded the theory of the rule of law?
A. Obafemi Awolowo
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Professor A.V Dicey
D. Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe

48. The form of electoral malpractices include the following except
A. free and fair election
B. election rigging
C. thuggery
D. bribery and corruption

49. The body which has the responsibility to organize and conduct election in Nigeria is
A. political parties
B. pressure group
C. democratic institutions
D. Independent National Electoral Commission

50. Nigeria became a republic in the year
A. 1960                  B. 1962
C. 1963                  D. 1964

51. ___________is a document that contains the rules and regulation governing a country
A. convention               B. manifesto
C. institution                 D. constitution

52. Which of the arms of government is responsible for interpretation and application of the law
A. Executive                  B. Legislature
C. Judiciary                   D. Governors

53. The main function of the police is?
A. to fight war
B. to maintain law and order in the society
C. to collect bribe block traffic movement

54. Being a citizen of two countries at the same time is called
A. dual citizenship
B. renunciation
C. honorary citizenship
D. citizenship by birth

55. Lord Lugard amalgamated the Northern and Southern protectorates of Nigeria in
A. 1950                 B. 1941
C. 1914                 D. 1960

56.The abduction of over 200 girls in Nigeria occurred in which town?
A. Benin                  B. Sapele
C. Usen                   D. Chibok

57. The right attitude will lead to
A. high attitude
B. wrong attitude
C. high altitude
D. low attitude

58. Census figure can be used for all the following except
A. knowing a country population size
B. planning for the budget
C. knowing the number of a political party
D. getting aids from international bodies

59. Positive behavior can be encouraged by
A. stealing public funds
B. rigging elections
C. displaying good leadership
D. promoting materialism

60. An official trained purposely to count the number of people during population census is
A. counter               B. countillor
C. demophy            D. demographer


INSTRUCTION – Answer only five (5) questions in this section. Question 1 is compulsory.

a. What is election?
b. What is free and fair election?
c. Highlight five criteria for conducting a free and fair election in Nigeria
d. State five functions of election
e. Write briefly on:
(i) Primary election
(ii) Bye Election
(iii) Primary election
(iv) Indirect election

a. What is a constitution?
b. State four functions of the Nigerian constitution.

a. Define Right attitude to work.
b. State six attributes and four importance/rewards of right attitude to work.

a. What do you understand by the term ‘Communal services?’
b. While defining Negative behavior, who is a deviant?
c. What are the effects, if any of negative behavior in the Nigerian society?

a. Discuss convincingly on ‘drug abuse’.
b. List and explain five effects of drug abuse.
c. What is examination malpractice? State four forms of examination malpractice.

a. Write exhaustively about the concept ‘rule of law’.
b. Why is the constitution of Nigeria supreme?

a. Define community service.
b. Highlight five reasons for participating in communal service.

Answers to Civic Education Exam Questions for JSS3 Second Term

Answers to Section A (Objective Test)

The following table gives the correct answers to the objective section of Civic Education exam questions for JSS3 second term. If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view.

Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans
1 D 2 A 3 D 4 D 5 C
6 A 7 A 8 C 9 A 10 D
11 C 12 B 13 B 14 B 15 A
16 D 17 D 18 C 19 D 20 D
21 D 22 A 23 D 24 B 25 B
26 A 27 D 28 B 29 D 30 D
31 D 32 D 33 D 34 D 35 D
36 C 37 A 38 D 39 D 40 B
41 C 42 A 43 A 44 A 45 D
46 A 47 C 48 A 49 D 50 C
51 D 52 C 53 B 54 A 55 C
56 D 57 C 58 C 59 C 60 D

So here you have the answers to the objective section of Civic Education Exam Questions for JSS3 second term. Use the comments section to let me know if you have any questions you would want me to clarify or discuss further.

Answers to Section B (Theory)


a. What is election?
Election is a formal process where eligible citizens vote to choose individuals to represent them in government or leadership positions.

b. What is a free and fair election?
A free and fair election ensures that voters can cast their votes without coercion, intimidation, or manipulation, with transparency and fairness in the process and results.

c. Highlight five criteria for conducting a free and fair election in Nigeria:

  1. Independence of the electoral commission.
  2. Availability of unbiased security personnel.
  3. Voter education and awareness.
  4. Transparent and accountable vote counting.
  5. Absence of vote buying or intimidation.

d. State five functions of election:

  1. Allows citizens to choose their leaders.
  2. Promotes accountability among public officials.
  3. Ensures peaceful transfer of power.
  4. Legitimizes government authority.
  5. Provides a platform for citizen participation in governance.

e. Write briefly on:
(i) Primary Election: A preliminary election where political parties select their candidates for a general election.
(ii) Bye Election: An election conducted to fill a vacant position due to death, resignation, or disqualification of an officeholder.
(iii) General Election: A nationwide election to select leaders for all positions of governance.
(iv) Indirect Election: An election where representatives are chosen by an electoral college or selected group, not directly by the general populace.


a. What is a constitution?
A constitution is a set of fundamental principles or established precedents that govern the organization, functions, and powers of a state or organization.

b. State four functions of the Nigerian constitution:

  1. Provides the legal framework for governance.
  2. Guarantees the fundamental rights of citizens.
  3. Defines the separation of powers among the arms of government.
  4. Ensures checks and balances to prevent abuse of power.


a. Define Right Attitude to Work:
Right attitude to work refers to a positive and disciplined approach to duties, emphasizing responsibility, diligence, and ethical behavior.

b. State six attributes of right attitude to work:

  1. Punctuality.
  2. Commitment.
  3. Honesty.
  4. Accountability.
  5. Team spirit.
  6. Dedication.

c. Four importance/rewards of right attitude to work:

  1. Increased productivity.
  2. Career growth and recognition.
  3. Improved workplace relationships.
  4. Personal satisfaction and fulfillment.


a. What do you understand by the term ‘Communal Services?’
Communal services involve voluntary contributions or activities undertaken by individuals or groups to improve the welfare and development of their community.

b. While defining negative behavior, who is a deviant?
Negative behavior refers to actions that violate societal norms and expectations. A deviant is a person who consistently engages in such actions.

c. What are the effects of negative behavior in the Nigerian society?

  1. Increase in crime rates.
  2. Erosion of societal values.
  3. Loss of trust among citizens.
  4. Economic stagnation due to corruption.
  5. Breakdown of law and order.


a. Discuss convincingly on ‘drug abuse’:
Drug abuse refers to the misuse of drugs for non-medical purposes, leading to physical, emotional, and psychological harm. It often results in dependency and social issues.

b. List and explain five effects of drug abuse:

  1. Health Issues: Damage to vital organs such as the liver and brain.
  2. Addiction: Dependence on substances that disrupt normal functioning.
  3. Crime: Increased involvement in theft, violence, and other crimes.
  4. Family Problems: Strained relationships due to erratic behavior.
  5. Poor Academic/Work Performance: Loss of focus and productivity.

c. What is examination malpractice? State four forms of examination malpractice:
Examination malpractice is any form of cheating or unethical behavior during an exam to gain an unfair advantage.

  1. Impersonation.
  2. Use of unauthorized materials (e.g., cheat sheets).
  3. Copying from other candidates.
  4. Bribing invigilators for favors.


a. Write exhaustively about the concept ‘rule of law’:
The rule of law is the principle that everyone, regardless of status, is subject to the law. It ensures fairness, justice, and equality, protecting individual rights while promoting accountability.

b. Why is the constitution of Nigeria supreme?
The Nigerian constitution is supreme because it is the ultimate legal document that governs all individuals, institutions, and government bodies, ensuring no one is above the law.


a. Define community service:
Community service involves voluntary efforts by individuals or groups to improve societal well-being, often without financial compensation.

b. Highlight five reasons for participating in communal service:

  1. Promotes unity and social harmony.
  2. Encourages personal growth and development.
  3. Improves community infrastructure and resources.
  4. Helps address societal issues collectively.
  5. Fosters a sense of responsibility and belonging.

How to Pass Civic Education Exam Questions for JSS3 Second Term

Here are some simple but powerful tips to help you pass your Civic Education exam questions for JSS3 Second term:

1. Understand the Syllabus

  • Go through the topics covered in the syllabus.
  • Focus on areas like democracy, rule of law, human rights, national values, and citizenship.

2. Study Effectively

  • Use your class notes, textbooks, and past questions to study.
  • Summarize each topic in simple points for easy recall.
  • Pay attention to definitions, examples, and functions.

3. Practice Past Questions

  • Solve past Civic Education questions to get familiar with the exam pattern.
  • Time yourself to improve speed and accuracy.

4. Learn Key Terms and Concepts

  • Master definitions like democracy, constitution, citizenship, and leadership.
  • Understand national values like honesty, respect, discipline, and hard work.

5. Focus on Essay and Objective Questions

  • For essay questions, practice writing clear and concise answers.
  • For objectives, read all options carefully and eliminate wrong answers.

6. Attend Classes and Ask Questions

  • Pay attention during lessons.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask your teacher for clarification on topics you find difficult.

7. Revise Regularly

  • Revise every day, even if it’s just for 30 minutes.
  • Focus on areas where you’re weak and strengthen your understanding.

8. Stay Calm and Confident

  • Get enough rest before the exam day.
  • Read instructions carefully during the exam and manage your time wisely.

Best wishes.

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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