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Civic Education Exam Questions for SS2 Second Term

You’re welcome to our school exams series where we provide you with termly examination questions in different subjects. In today’s post, we will focus on Civic Education exam questions. We will cover Civic Education exam questions for SS2 second term with answers. This means that we’ll be providing you with answers to the questions at the end. Also, you will get a few success tips on how to pass Civic Education examinations with flying colors. Remember to use the comments sections if you have questions, and don’t forget to join our Free Online Tutorial Classes on Facebook. (Like and Follow Page)

Civic Education exam questions for second term

Introduction to Civic Education as a School Subject

Civic Education is a school subject that teaches students about their roles, rights, and responsibilities as citizens. It helps them understand concepts like democracy, human rights, national values, and good governance. The subject aims to develop informed, responsible, and active members of society who contribute positively to their communities and the nation.

The subject is offered by students in primary school and Secondary School under National Values Education.

Civic Education Exam Questions for SS2 Second Term

Civic Education Exam Questions for SS2 Second Term are divided into two sections:

  • Section A
  • Section B

The second section, namely, Section A is the objective test, and students are expected to attempt all questions in the section. Section B is the theory part, and students are expected to answer five (5) out of the six (6) questions.

SECTION A: Objectives

Attempt All the Questions in this Section by choosing from the options lettered A—D.

1. The principle of one man, one vote in democracy is protected through
A. Political equality
B. Rule of law
C. Separation of power
D. Sovereignty of the masses

2. A major problem of democracy is that it
A. Allows for money politics
B. Allows majority will to prevail
C. Encourages the rule of law
D. Gives power to the constitution

3. Democracy is good because
A. It gives power to the electorates
B. It gives more power to the minority
C. It makes politicians rich suddenly
D. It is less expensive

4. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted on the
A. 10th of December, 1948
B. 10th of November, 1948
C. 10th of October, 1948
D. 10th of January, 1948

5. A type of democracy in which ownership and control of means of production by private individuals is called
A. Privatization      B. Capitalist
C. Socialist             D. Communist

6. The non–engagement of factors of production to earn their rewards is called ___________.
A. unemployment     B. manufacturing
C. employment         D. producer

7. Political parties compete for powers through the following ways except ___________
A. campaign         B. manifesto
C. lorries               D. slogan

8. The feeling of not being interested in the politics of a nation is called ___________.
A. political association
B. political socialization
C. political neutrality
D. political apathy

9. The Nigerian federation started under the council of ___________.
A. Sir Herbert Macaulay
B. Sir Bernard Boudillon
C. Sir Hugh Clifford
D. Sir Lord Luggard

10. The father of Nigerian Nationalism is traceable to ___________.
A. Sir Lord Luggard
B. Sir John Macpherson
C. Chief Olusegun Obasanjo
D. Chief Anthony Enahoro

11. A non-governmental organization that allows independent initiatives of citizens is known as
A. demonization
B. pressure group
C. religious group
D. professional society

12. Which of the following is best way through which citizens can participate in the politics of their country
A. acquisition of degree in political science
B. standing for elective positions
C. learning the art and science of political sagacity
D. undergoing mentorship under prominent political leaders

13. The active involvement of people in the decision making process in a state indicates political
A. indoctrination
B. participation
C. struggle
D. apathy

14. The inalienable rights of citizens of a state can best be protected through
A. an unwritten constitution
B. parliamentary system of government
C. unitary system of government
D. an independent judiciary

15. Drug abuse often leads to
A. sexually transmitted diseases
B. cancerous illness
C. psychiatric disorder
D. incurable ailment

16. _________ is not a way of preserving our customs in Nigeria.
A. greetings            B. dressing
C. food                   D. investment

17. Nigeria is located in the __________ African Sub – Region.
A. South             B. East
C. North             D. West

18. National _________ is the awareness that one is a citizen of a particular nation.
A. identity
B. unity
C. consciousness
D. integrity

19. All are ways of promoting national consciousness, integrity and unity except ____________.
A. intolerance           B. harmony
C. patriotism            D. inter-marriage

20. An economic system in which production of goods, distribution and ownership of labour lie in the hands of private individuals is referred to as ____________.
A. socialism             B. gerontocracy
C. plutocracy           D. capitalism

21. Use of hard drugs could best be curtailed through
A. compensation        B. rehabilitation
C. enlightenment       D. compromise

22. If an individual persist in the use of hard drugs, such individual is likely to exhibit
A. hostile attitude
B. unfriendly towards foreigners
C. oppressive behavior
D. emotional illness and aggression

Use the story below to answer question 23 — 25

Dr. Fayir was the minister of work and urban development in the Ganiba republic. As such he was entrusted with the public fund so that his ministry could construct new roads and rehabilitate the existing ones. Unfortunately, Dr. Fayir embezzled the money entrusted in his care and siphoned some to his foreign accounts. This led to the deplorable condition of roads in the republic. The crime commission arrested and prosecuted him accordingly. He was found guilty and sentenced to 15 years imprisonment with hard labor without the option of a fine. In addition, he forfeited all his ill-gotten wealth to the republic.

23. Dr. fayir cannot exercise some basic rights because he
A. was a suspect in a criminal case
B. was found guilty of a criminal offence
C. failed to comply with court order
D. embezzled public funds

24. According to the above story, the open trial of dr. Fajir and representation by lawyers of his representation lawyers of his choice in a court of competent jurisdiction is an an indication of
A. respect for habeas carpus
B. freedom of expression
C. respect for human right
D. freedom of legal representation

25. Based on the above story which of the following would Dr. Fajir not allowed to do while in prison?
A. voting during elections
B. Engaging in hard labour
C. participating in prison fellowship
D. writing examination

26. Habitual intake of drugs is known as
A. Drug over use
B. Drug habit
C. Drug abuse
D. Overdose

27. The statement “Human Rights belong to every human being in any part of the world” is simply stressing
A. The importance of human rights
B. The universality of human rights
C. The benefit of human rights
D. The power of human rights

28. Fundamental Human Rights include all these except
A. Right to personal liberty
B. Right to violent protest against government
C. Right to life
D. Right to from discrimination freedom

29. Which of these is not a hard drug?
A. Cocaine        B. Heroin
C. Opium          D. Paracetamol

30. All these are forms of popular participation except
A. Voting
B. Embarking on community service
C. Partaking in decision making of the state
D. Protest for scholarship

31. UDHR is an acronym for
A. United Distinction of Human Right
B. Universal Dedaration of Human Right
C. Universal Distinction of Human Laws
D. Universal Declaration of Human Laws

32. Drug abuse can be caused by the following except one
A. personality factor
B. Quest to be responsible
C. peer group influence
D. emotional and psychological stress

33. Which of the following is not a symptom of drug abuse
A. kindness            B. violence
C. depression        D. allergy

34. Drug is classified into ______ and _______
A. legal and illegal
B. good and bad
C. right and wrong
D. white and black

35. ____ are right and freedom all human being are entitled to
A. human liberty
B. human freedom
C. human right
D. human laws

36. Drug law enforcement agencies in Nigeria are not empowered to
A. Execute drug suspects
B. Arrest drug barons
C. Prosecute drug trafficker
D. Rehabilitate drug addicts

37. Which of the following is a consequence of drug abuse?
A. Depression          B. Victimization
C. Inefficiency          D. Cowardice

38. Which of the following is not a means of reducing the incidence of HIV/AIDS in our society is
A. Education and enlightenment programme
B. The use of specially designed cutleries by victims
C. Avoiding pre-marital and extra-marital sex
D. Upholding the value of chastity

39. Fundamental human rights of citizens can be limited through
A. State of emergency
B. Freedom of the press
C. Rule of law
D. Separation of power

40. Which of the following protects the rights of the citizens in a country?
A. Executive and legislature
B. Lawmakers and lawyers
C. Police and court
D. Presidency and senate

Use the dialogue below to answer question 41 – 45

Ada: Wanja, where are you going to in this ungodly hour of the night?
Wanja: I am heading towards my usual joint to enjoy myself.
Ada: Which joint?
Wanja: XYZ night club where I take marijuana and alcoholic beverages. I really want to be high tonight so that when people see me tomorrow they will fear and respect me.
Ada: Remember people who work under the influence of hard drugs and alcoholic beverages are prone to either psychiatric problems or premature death. Softly young man, imbibe good-natured character, you have the world at your feet and a destiny to fulfill. Pray you will not be the architect of your own misfortune.

41. From the above dialogue, it is very likely that Wanja will be exhibiting the following characters excerpt ______
A. disobedience
B. truancy and lateness to school
C. hospitable attitude
D. arrogance and unruly behavior

42. Which of the following may result from Wanja’s habit?
A. humility for elders
B. criminality in the society
C. advocacy for hard drugs by NGOS
D. excellent performance in school

43. From Ada’s admonition, it could be deduced that taking drugs could
A. make people respect the addict
B. lead to insanity of the addict
C. make people to adore the drug addicts
D. ensure courteous behavior by the addicts

44. From the above dialogue, Wanja’s behavior could be curtailed by
A. sending him abroad for further studies
B. financial inducement
C. re-orientation and rehabilitation
D. indulging him with expensive gifts

45. Which of the following governmental agencies is the most capable of controlling the activities of Wanja
A. NAFDAC             B. NOA
C. NEMA                 D. NDLEA

46. A situation where most citizens fail to vote in elections could be described as political
A. Socialization         B. Culture
C. Apathy                  D. Legitimacy

47. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is based on the resolution of the
A. Human Rights Watch
B. United Nations Organisation
C. Amnesty International
D. League of Nations

48. Conflicts are better resolved in the society through
A. Tribunal           B. Litigation
C. Dialogue         D. The court

49. The most popular means through which citizens of a country can participate in politics is by
A. Being members of political parties
B. Engaging in constructive criticisms
C. Engaging in political debates
D. Voting in elections

50. Cooperation between one country and other can be described as
A. Bilateral           B. International
C. Multilateral      D. Multinational

51. NDLEA was established in
A. 2000            B. 1990
C. 1991            D. 1989

52. Which of these is not a method of protecting human rights
A. Media coverage
B. Protest match
C. Hunger strike
D. Street riots

53. Which of these government agencies is in charge of curbing drug trafficking in Nigeria?
A. NAFDAC            B. EFCC
C. NDLEA               D. FAAN

54. Human rights are normally entrenched in the
A. Political party manifesto
B. Constitution
C. Law book
D. Law report

55. Human rights abuse can be prevented through the following except
A. Constitutional means
B. Protest
C. Mass literacy
D. Court of law

56. Citizens can be deprived of their rights during
A. Democratic regime
B. Emergence rule
C. Parliamentary debate
D. Politician campaign

57. In a democracy, lack of press freedom leads to the denial of freedom of
A. Association         B. Expression
C. Movement          D. Voting

58. An individual who finds it difficult to control in-take of drug is known as drug
A. Baron              B. Trafficker
C. Mogul             D. Addict

59. Non-chalant attitude to politics may not be caused by all the following except
A. Economic problems
B. Literacy
C. Exceptional performance of leaders in power
D. Politics without violence

60. A ban on public assembly will limit
A. Right to peaceful assembly and association
B. Right to speak against the government
C. Right to move at odd hours
D. Right to participate in politics


INSTRUCTION – Answer only five (5) questions in this section. Question 1 is compulsory.

a. Define pressure group.
b. State 3 types of pressure group and give 2 examples each.
c. State 3 functions of pressure group.

a. Define popular participation
b. State 3 ways of participating in politics
c. Discuss how popular organization are formed using political party as a reference point.
d. Explain five reasons why people do not participate in politics

a. What is Human Right?
b. Highlight 10 fundamental human rights as stated in Nigeria constitution.
c. State 3 factors/conditions that safeguard/protect fundamental human rights.
d. Explain five limitations of human rights.

a. What is drug and drug abuse?
b. Mention 4 agencies to work to prevent drug abuse.
c. State 3 drugs that can be abused.
d. State 3 symptoms exhibited by drug addicts.

a. Define state of emergency.
b. State three ways of reducing emergency.
c. Explain four effects of emergency period on human rights.

a. What is NDLEA?
b. What is NAFDAC?
c. State 3 functions of each.

Answers to Civic Education Exam Questions for SS2 Second Term

Answers to Section A (Objective Test)

The following table gives the correct answers to the objective section of Civic Education exam questions for SS2 second term. If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view.

Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans
1 A 2 A 3 A 4 A 5 B
6 A 7 C 8 D 9 D 10 D
11 B 12 B 13 B 14 D 15 C
16 D 17 D 18 A 19 A 20 D
21 C 22 D 23 B 24 D 25 A
26 C 27 B 28 B 29 D 30 D
31 B 32 B 33 A 34 A 35 C
36 A 37 A 38 B 39 A 40 C
41 C 42 B 43 B 44 C 45 D
46 C 47 B 48 C 49 D 50 A
51 D 52 D 53 C 54 B 55 B
56 B 57 B 58 D 59 C 60 A

So here you have the answers to the objective section of Civic Education Exam Questions for SS2 second term. Use the comments section to let me know if you have any questions you would want me to clarify or discuss further.

Answers to Section B (Theory)


a. Define pressure group.
A pressure group is an organized body of individuals who share common interests and seek to influence government policies and decisions without directly seeking political power.

b. Types of pressure groups and 2 examples each:

  1. Economic pressure groups:
    • Examples: Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC), Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN).
  2. Religious pressure groups:
    • Examples: Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (SCIA).
  3. Professional pressure groups:
    • Examples: Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Nigerian Medical Association (NMA).

c. Functions of pressure groups:

  1. Influence government policies and decisions.
  2. Represent the interests of their members.
  3. Serve as a watchdog over government activities.


a. Define popular participation.
Popular participation is the active involvement of citizens in the political, economic, and social decision-making processes of their country.

b. Ways of participating in politics:

  1. Voting in elections.
  2. Contesting for elective positions.
  3. Joining political parties or interest groups.

c. How popular organizations are formed using political party as a reference point:
Popular organizations like political parties are formed when a group of individuals with shared ideologies come together to pursue political power. They draft a constitution, define their objectives, and register with the electoral body. These parties serve as a platform for candidates to contest elections and implement their policies.

d. Reasons why people do not participate in politics:

  1. Fear of political violence.
  2. Lack of trust in political leaders.
  3. Illiteracy and lack of political awareness.
  4. Economic hardship or poverty.
  5. Religious or cultural restrictions.


a. What is Human Right?
Human rights are the basic freedoms and entitlements that belong to every individual by virtue of being human, regardless of race, gender, or nationality.

b. Fundamental human rights in the Nigerian Constitution:

  1. Right to life.
  2. Right to dignity of human person.
  3. ℜight to personal liberty.
  4. Right to fair hearing.
  5. Right to freedom of expression.
  6. ℜight to freedom of movement.
  7. Right to peaceful assembly and association.
  8. Right to freedom from discrimination.
  9. ℜight to own property.
  10. Right to privacy.

c. Factors that safeguard/protect fundamental human rights:

  1. An independent judiciary.
  2. The rule of law.
  3. A democratic system of government.

d. Limitations of human rights:

  1. State of emergency.
  2. Public health and safety concerns.
  3. Protection of public order.
  4. Prevention of crime.
  5. Respect for the rights and freedoms of others.


a. What is drug and drug abuse?

  • Drug: A substance used to diagnose, treat, or prevent diseases, or to enhance physical or mental well-being.
  • Drug abuse: The excessive or inappropriate use of drugs for non-medical purposes, which can harm the user.

b. Agencies that work to prevent drug abuse:

  1. National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA).
  2. National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC).
  3. World Health Organization (WHO).
  4. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

c. Drugs that can be abused:

  1. Cocaine.
  2. Heroin.
  3. Marijuana.

d. Symptoms exhibited by drug addicts:

  1. Aggression or hostility.
  2. Depression or withdrawal.
  3. Poor personal hygiene.


a. Define state of emergency.
A state of emergency is a situation in which the government temporarily suspends certain rights and enforces special measures to address a critical situation threatening public safety or national security.

b. Ways of reducing emergencies:

  1. Promoting public awareness and preparedness.
  2. Strengthening security and intelligence agencies.
  3. Ensuring good governance and conflict resolution mechanisms.

c. Effects of emergency periods on human rights:

  1. Restriction of freedom of movement.
  2. Suspension of freedom of assembly.
  3. Increased surveillance and monitoring of citizens.
  4. Possible abuse of power by security forces.


a. What is NDLEA?
NDLEA stands for the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, a Nigerian government agency responsible for curbing drug trafficking and abuse.

b. What is NAFDAC?
NAFDAC stands for the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control, tasked with regulating and controlling the manufacture, importation, and distribution of food, drugs, and other products in Nigeria.

c. Functions:

  1. Arresting and prosecuting drug traffickers.
  2. Preventing the cultivation and distribution of illegal drugs.
  3. Educating the public on the dangers of drug abuse.


  1. Ensuring the quality and safety of food, drugs, and cosmetics.
  2. Regulating the importation and distribution of regulated products.
  3. Conducting inspections and enforcing compliance with regulations.

How to Pass Civic Education Exam Questions for SS2 Second Term

Passing your Civic Education exam questions for SS2 second term requires a combination of preparation, understanding, and strategy. Here are actionable tips to help you excel:

1. Understand the Syllabus

  • Get a copy of the Civic Education syllabus for SS2.
  • Identify the key topics for the second term, such as human rights, drug abuse, popular participation, and pressure groups.

2. Study Smart

  • Focus on important topics likely to appear in the exam.
  • Use your class notes, textbooks, and any recommended study materials.
  • Summarize key points in bullet form for easy revision.

3. Practice Past Questions

  • Solve past Civic Education questions for SS2 second term.
  • Identify recurring questions and master how to answer them effectively.
  • Practice writing concise and well-structured essays for essay questions.

4. Master Definitions and Key Concepts

  • Learn precise definitions for terms like pressure group, human rights, and popular participation.
  • Understand the functions, roles, and limitations associated with these concepts.

5. Focus on Current Affairs

  • Stay updated on recent events related to civic duties and responsibilities.
  • Relate real-life examples to topics like human rights and governance.

6. Create a Study Schedule

  • Dedicate time daily to study Civic Education.
  • Combine reading, writing summaries, and practicing questions.

7. Revise with Friends or Group Study

  • Join a study group to discuss key topics.
  • Teach others what you’ve learned to strengthen your understanding.

8. Prepare for Objective and Essay Questions

  • For objective questions, focus on facts, dates, and terminologies.
  • For essay questions, practice writing clear introductions, detailed points, and strong conclusions.

9. Stay Relaxed and Confident

  • Avoid cramming the night before the exam.
  • Rest well and eat light meals to stay focused.

10. Time Management During the Exam

  • Read all instructions carefully.
  • Start with the questions you know well to boost confidence.
  • Allocate time for both objective and essay sections to ensure you complete the paper.

Read Also: Civic Education Exam Questions for SS1 Second Term

Best wishes.

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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