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CRS Exam Questions for SS1 Second Term

You’re welcome to our school exams series where we provide you with termly examination questions in different subjects. In today’s post, we will focus on CRS exam questions. We will cover CRS exam questions for SS1 second term with answers. This means that we’ll be providing you with answers to the questions at the end. Also, you will get a few success tips on how to pass CRS examinations with flying colors. Remember to use the comments sections if you have questions, and don’t forget to join our Free Online Tutorial Classes on Facebook. (Like and Follow Page)

CRS exam questions for SS1 second term

Introduction to CRS as a School Subject

Christian Religious Studies (CRS) is a school subject that focuses on teaching students about the Bible, Christian values, and principles. It helps students develop a deeper understanding of God, moral character, and ethical living. CRS also emphasizes lessons from Biblical stories, the life of Jesus Christ, and the teachings of the early church, guiding students to apply these principles in their daily lives.

The subject is offered by students in Primary school and Secondary School as Christian Religious Studies (CRS).

CRS Exam Questions for SS1 Second Term

CRS Exam Questions for SS1 Second Term are divided into two sections:

  • Section A
  • Section B

The first section, namely, Section A is the objective test, and students are expected to attempt all questions in the section. Section B is the theory part, and students are expected to answer four (4) out of the six (6) questions.

Note that what you have below are SS1 CRS Second Term Exam Past Questions made available to assist students in their revision for 2nd term examinations and also teachers in structuring standard examinations.

Read Also: CRS Exam Questions for JSS3 Second Term

SECTION A: Objectives

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section by choosing from the options lettered A—D. Each question carries equal marks.

1. Works are manifested by
A. every Christian
B. anyone
C. religious Christians
D. true  Christians

2. ————— is the end product of any seed
A. fruit                B. deeds
C. attitudes        D. action

3. All but one are talents an individual can possess
A. singing
B. playing of instrument
C. greeting
D. writing

4. —————– comprises of the father, mother and children
A. acquaintance
B. family
C. nuclear the family
D. marriage

5. One of the benefits of salvation is _____________.
A. peace with the world
B. peace with man
C. peace with God
D. joy in the school

6. In making use of individual talents, Bro Paul enjoined Christians to ____________.
A. think soberly according to the measure of their grace
B. act as if they were indispensable
C. contribute their quota in the spirit of pride
D. make others aware of their importance

7. People in authority should ————–
A. serve with military power
B. serve without conscience
C. serve with the fear of God
D. fast

8. Those in authority should be
A. used                B. suspected
C. respected        D. exalted

9. Behaviours that can destabilize a family includes all but
A. love              B. unfaithfulness
C. disregard      D. malice

10. Good citizenship include all but one
A. fulfils civic rights
B. obeys rules of the state
C. respects national symbols
D. embezzles fund

11. ————– can be defined as the attributes, character or behavior of a person.
A. seed              B. fruit
C. lifestyle         D. virtue

12. Which of the following groups represent the gift of the Spirit?
A. Utterance of wisdom and respect for elders
B. Working of miracles and fervent prayers
C. Going to church and fasting
D. Prophecy and interpretation of tongues

13. The fruit of the Spirit include all but one
A. prosperity          B. love
C. joy                     D. peace

14. The general assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the universal declaration of human right in the year
A. 1999                B. 1958
C. 1948                D. 1984

15. All are the purpose of spiritual gifts except ____________.
A. spiritual gifts are given by God
B. it is for the education of the church
C. it should be used for self glorification
D. those with spiritual gifts should not look

16. According to Peter, a Christian should exercise his freedom by ___________.
A. doing what is right
B. claiming his freedom at all costs
C. using it as a pretext for evil
D. enduring pain while suffering

17. Good citizenship also means
A. being hardworking
B. being obedient
C. being patriotic
D. aggressive

18. One of the effects of unforgiveness include
A. God will not forgive us
B. God will applaud us
C. suicide
D. the offended will kill us

19. The results of ones saving faith experienced in Christ can also be referred to as ———–
A. flesh                B. deeds
C. attitudes          D. works

20. Christians can bear the fruit of the Spirit when
A. they are matured
B. they are dead
C. the flesh is crucified
D. the devil is crucified

21. According to Peter, those who resist authority will merit ____________.
A. loss of eternal life
B. judgment of individual conscience
C. judgment and imprisonment
D. expulsion from the Christian community

22. ‘Let everybody be subject to the government authorities’. This statement of Paul implies loyalty to __________.
A. one’s parents
B. one’s friends
C. one’s neighbor
D. one’s leader

23. Onesimus ran away from his master; his ‘master’ here refers to ____________.
A. Timothy            B. Paul
C. Philemon          D. Philip

24. The main Christian virtue taught by Paul in his Epistle to Philemon is _____________.
A. humility           B. hospitality
C. patience          D. forgiveness

25. Good works are produced by ——————
A. a salvation        B. faith
C. hard work         D. The Holy Spirit

26. ————— are the necessary fruits or result of true saving grace.
A. Holy Spirit
B. good works
C. self righteousness
D. works

27. Humility is equal to ——————
A. foolishness
B. lowliness in the spirit
C. overlooking ones right
D. running away from trouble

28. We are not saved by good works but ————–
A. as good works
B. in good works
C. for good works
D. from good works

29. Genuine saving faith can be made manifest through ————-
A. faith                B. works
C. fruits               D. deeds

30. God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble; this teaching of Peter emphasizes _________.
A. steadfastness
B. humility
C. obedience
D. faithfulness

31. According to Peter, which of the following is not an illustration of how Jesus lived a life of imitation?
A. He was sinless
B. He bore the sins of the world in His body
C. when He suffered, He fought back spiritually
D. when mocked, He did not mock in return

32. One of the ways humility  can be  demonstrated include ——————
A. paying of debt
B. greeting people
C. regards to higher authority
D. shedding tears

33. Salvation means —————-
A. confess to father
B. confess to God
C. deliverance from sickness
D. deliverance from sin

34. The Lord’s prayer can be found in which book of the bible?
A. Matthew          B. 1st John
C. Jude                 D. Micah

35. Paul asked Philemon to receive Onesimus back as
A. a slave            B. a son
C. a brother        D. a prisoner

36. ———— also helps to restore a broken relationship.
A. confession        B. Hard work
C. angels               D. forgiveness

37. ———— stole from his master and ran away.
A. Onesimus           B. Philemon
C. Timothy              D. Acan

38. ———– consist of people who are related by blood, marriage or adoption.
A. marriage           B. relation
C. family                D. company

39. Faith without work is —————–
A. questionable          B. fake
C. condemnation        D. somehow

40. ———-is referred to as the manifestations of genuine saving faith.
A. lifestyle            B. attributes
C. works               D. deeds

41. Man original deserves to —————
A. be a slave         B. be a son
C. die                    D. live

42. ———— is the only condition for salvation
A. works             B. faith
C. fasting           D. camping

43. ———— is a biblical term that is used to sum up the nine visible attributes of a Christian life.
A. life style
B. holiness
C. the fruit of the Spirit
D. attribute

44. Talents develop while spiritual gifts
A. advance           B. expand
C. mature             D. enlarge

45. The eternal home of those who work after the bidding of the flesh is
A. Purgatory
B. paradise
C. Abraham’s bosom
D. hell fire

46. Only ———— can be given spiritual gifts.
A. church workers
B. true Christians
C. pastors
D. baptized Christians

47. According to Paul Spiritual gifts can also be —————
A. coveted        B. borrowed
C. stolen           D. envied

48. —————– demonstrated pride in the bible and was debased
A. Solomon
B. Nebuchadnezzar
C. Judas Iscariot
D. Bathsheba

49. ————— is the source and distributor of Spiritual gifts
A. Christians
B. The Holy Spirit
C. the prophets
D. pastors

50. Spiritual gifts are given to individuals by God himself according to —————
A. the need of the church
B. God’s choice
C. Individual’s choice
D. interest

51. The works of the flesh are sponsored by the ——————
A. flesh               B. enemies
C. angels            D. God

52. The fruit of the Spirit are embedded in ——————
A. quietness          B. lukwarmness
C. honesty             D. love

53. The works of the flesh are manifested by ———————
A. sinners              B. Christians
C. demons             D. outcasts

54. Christians should be humble to
A. only elders
B. only God
C. only our parents
D. All

55. As good Christian citizens we should ———— those in authority
A. criticize             B. judge
C. condemn          D. pray for

56. Our spiritual gifts can manifest to the fullest when we
A. toil with it
B. sell it
C. exercise it
D. abandon it

57. One of the consequences of pride include
A. It humbles a person
B. It makes one popular
C. it establishes one
D. it makes one wise

58. Human rights should be ——————
A. denied            B. rubbished
C. caged              D. considered

59. The fruit of the Spirit is produced by
A. Satan
B. spirit
C. The Holy Spirit
D. The Christian

60. ————— can be defined as the system of fundamental principles with which a state, corporation or any organization is governed.
A. law                  B. constitution
C. leadership       D. rules


INSTRUCTION – Answer any Four (4) questions in this section.

1a. Mention three behaviours that can destabilize the family.
1b. Define family and explain the types of family.
1c. Mention two duties each expected of individual members of the family according to Apostle Paul.

2a. Mention three rights of the African Charter on Human Rights and People’s Right.
2b. Mention the duties of a good citizen mentioned by Apostle Peter in 1Pet 2:13-17.
2c. Faith without work is dead. Explain at least in six sentences.

3a. What is faith? In the context of the teaching.
3b. List about five good works that demonstrate the Christian faith.
3c. Quote Eph 2:8-9.

4a. Define forgiveness.
4b. Mention three differences between spiritual gifts and talents.
4c. What are the uses of spiritual gifts?

5a. How can a Christian bear the fruit of the Spirit?
5b. Explain how Onesimus came across Paul.
5c. What was the step taken by Paul to reconcile Onesimus and Philemon?

6a. ‘Humility is not stupidity’. Discuss this theme in relation to the Christian life.
6b. Give four 4 rewards of humility.

Answers to CRS Exam Questions for SS1 Second Term

Answers to Section A (Objective Test)

The following table gives the correct answers to the objective section of CRS exam questions for SS1 second term. If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view.

Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans
1 D 13 A 25 D 37 A 49 B
2 A 14 C 26 B 38 C 50 B
3 C 15 C 27 B 39 B 51 A
4 C 16 A 28 C 40 C 52 D
5 C 17 C 29 B 41 C 53 A
6 A 18 A 30 B 42 B 54 D
7 C 19 D 31 C 43 C 55 D
8 C 20 C 32 C 44 C 56 C
9 A 21 C 33 D 45 D 57 A
10 D 22 D 34 A 46 B 58 D
11 B 23 C 35 C 47 A 59 C
12 D 24 D 36 D 48 B 60 B

So here you have the answers to the objective section of CRS Exam Questions for SS1 second term. Use the comments section to let me know if you have any questions you would want me to clarify or discuss further.

Answers to Section B (Theory)

1a. Behaviours that can destabilize the family

  • Unfaithfulness
  • Disregard for authority
  • Malice

1b. Definition and Types of Family

  • Definition: A family is a group of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption, typically consisting of parents and children.
  • Types:
    1. Nuclear family: Comprises father, mother, and children.
    2. Extended family: Includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives in addition to the nuclear family.

1c. Duties of Family Members (According to Apostle Paul)

  • Husband: Love your wife as Christ loved the church.
  • Wife: Submit to your husband as to the Lord.
  • Children: Obey your parents in the Lord.

2a. Rights of the African Charter on Human Rights and People’s Rights

  • Right to life.
  • ℜight to freedom of expression.
  • Right to education.

2b. Duties of a Good Citizen (1 Pet 2:13-17)

  • Submit to authorities for the Lord’s sake.
  • Honor all people.
  • Fear God and honor the king.

2c. Faith Without Works Is Dead

Faith alone, without actions, cannot produce results. A true Christian faith is shown by good works, such as helping others and living righteously. Faith must be accompanied by deeds of love, compassion, and kindness. A believer who professes faith but lacks good works is hypocritical. James emphasizes that works make faith complete. Good works are the fruits that reflect genuine saving faith.

3a. What Is Faith?

Faith is complete trust and confidence in God, believing in His promises even without physical evidence.

3b. Five Good Works That Demonstrate Christian Faith

  • Helping the needy.
  • Visiting the sick.
  • Sharing the gospel.
  • Forgiving others.
  • Supporting the church.

3c. Ephesians 2:8-9

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”

4a. Definition of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is letting go of resentment, bitterness, or anger towards someone who has wronged you and offering them love and understanding instead.

4b. Differences Between Spiritual Gifts and Talents

  1. Spiritual gifts are given by the Holy Spirit; talents are natural abilities.
  2. Špiritual gifts are for building the church; talents can be used for general purposes.
  3. Spiritual gifts are received at salvation; talents can be innate or developed.

4c. Uses of Spiritual Gifts

  • To build and edify the church.
  • Tø spread the gospel.
  • To help others grow in faith.

5a. How to Bear the Fruit of the Spirit

A Christian can bear the fruit of the Spirit by living in obedience to God, walking in love, crucifying the desires of the flesh, studying the Word, and staying connected to Christ through prayer.

5b. How Onesimus Came Across Paul

Onesimus, a runaway slave, encountered Paul while in prison. Paul led him to Christ and became a spiritual father to him.

5c. Steps Taken by Paul to Reconcile Onesimus and Philemon

Paul wrote a letter to Philemon, asking him to accept Onesimus back, not as a slave but as a brother in Christ. Paul also offered to repay any debt Onesimus owed.

6a. ‘Humility Is Not Stupidity’: Discussion

Humility involves acknowledging one’s dependence on God and treating others with respect. It does not mean being weak or foolish. A humble Christian stands firm in faith, leads by example, and avoids pride. Humility opens doors for blessings and reflects Christ’s character.

6b. Rewards of Humility

  • Favor with God and man.
  • Elevation in due time.
  • Inner peace and contentment.
  • Restoration of broken relationships.

Read Also: CRS Exam Questions for JSS2 Second Term

How to Pass CRS Exam Questions for SS1 Second Term

Passing your CRS exam questions for SS1 second term requires a combination of preparation, understanding, and strategy. Here are actionable tips to help you excel:

  1. Study the Bible passages: Focus on key topics covered during the term.
  2. Review class notes: Pay attention to explanations and teacher’s emphasis.
  3. Practice past questions: Solve questions from previous years to understand patterns.
  4. Understand key themes: Such as forgiveness, faith, humility, and obedience.
  5. Memorize relevant Bible verses: They are often required in essay answers.
  6. Pray for wisdom: Stay calm and confident during the exam.

Best wishes.

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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