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Home Economics Exam Questions for JSS2 Second Term

You’re welcome to our school exams series where we provide you with termly examination questions in different subjects. In today’s post, we will focus on Home Economics exam questions. We will cover Home Economics exam questions for JSS2 second term with answers. This means that we’ll be providing you with answers to the questions at the end. Also, you will get a few success tips on how to pass Home Economics examinations with flying colors. Remember to use the comments sections if you have questions, and don’t forget to join our Free Online Tutorial Classes on Facebook. (Like and Follow Page)

Home Economics Exam Questions for JSS2 Second Term

Introduction to Home Economics as a School Subject

Home Economics is a subject that equips students with essential life skills for managing personal, family, and community resources effectively. It covers areas such as food and nutrition, clothing and textiles, home management, childcare, and consumer education. The subject helps students develop practical skills in cooking, sewing, budgeting, hygiene, and healthy living. By studying Home Economics, learners gain knowledge that promotes self-reliance, good decision-making, and overall well-being in daily life.

The subject is offered by students in Primary school and Secondary School under Prevocational Studies.

Home Economics Exam Questions for JSS2 Second Term

Home Economics Exam Questions for JSS2 Second Term are divided into two sections:

  • Section A
  • Section B

The first section, namely, Section A is the objective test, and students are expected to attempt all questions in the section. Section B is the theory part, and students are expected to answer only four (4) out of seven (7) questions.

Note that what you have below are JSS2 Home Economics Second Term Exam Past Questions made available to assist students in their revision for 2nd term examinations and also teachers in structuring standard examinations.

SECTION A: Objectives

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section by choosing from the options lettered A—D. Each question carries equal marks.

1. The period of time a person matures and moves from childhood to adulthood is known as
A. Adulthood          B. Puberty
C. Adolescence       D. Infancy

2. Puberty is the short span of time which marks the beginning of __________ maturity.
A. Physical             B. Emotional
C. Social                D. Spiritual

3. Syphilis is a disease that spreads from one person to another through
A. Sharing utensils
B. Sneezing and coughing
C. Sexual contact
D. Contaminated food

4. An adolescent who does not want to be guided by his parents is said to be having a __________ problem.
A. Financial            B. Emotional
C. Social                D. Behavioral

5. A condition that brings a turning point when things cease to go on as usual in a family is called
A. Crisis
B. Decision-making
C. Adjustment
D. Recreation

6. The values that help you to achieve a higher value are called
A. Primary values
B. Secondary values
C. Social values
D. Moral values

7. The worth or merit placed on an item is
A. Value           B. Need
C. Utility          D. Preference

8. The monthly flow of blood from the vagina is
A. Menopause          B. Ovulation
C. Menstruation       D. Fertilization

9. The different clothes used in the kitchen for various purposes are called
A. Workwear
B. Kitchen linen
C. Apron set
D. Table cloth

10. The substance used to hide body odor is called
A. Perfume
B. Soap
C. Deodorant
D. Talcum powder

11. The unpleasant smell that comes from the body is called __________.
A. perfume         B. odour
C. smell              D. complexion

12. One of the following has no known cure at the moment.
A. Malaria              B. HIV/AIDS
C. Gonorrhea         D. Syphilis

13. The process where a person prescribes a drug for one self is called self ___________.
A. discipline           B. acceptance
C. injection            D. medication

14. The way of life of a family is their ___________.
A. values             B. goals
C. resources        D. life style

15. Unresolved conflicts can lead to ___________.
A. hostility          B. peace
C. harmony         D. negotiation

16. A situation that marks a turning–point, when things cease to go on as usual in a family is called __________.
A. crisis              B. conflict
C. debate           D. decision

17. All can lead to family crisis except __________.
A. lost of job
B. arrival of new born baby
C. arrival of member of family from London
D. relocation of family

18. The short span of time which marks the beginning of sexual maturation is called __________.
A. adolescence          B. puberty
C. adulthood             D. womanhood

19. The monthly flow of blood of every woman within the child bearing age is called __________.
A. puberty              B. menstruation
C. adolescence       D. adulthood

20. One of the following is not a sexually transmitted disease.
A. Gonorrhea          B. Syphilis
C. HIV                      D. Malaria

21. Conflict in families can arise from any of the following:
A. situations, personality, unity
B. personality, situations, affection
C. situations, personality, power struggles
D. struggles, personality, care

22. Giving in on some points of disagreement and having your ways in others is _________.
A. giving up             B. surrender
C. compromise        D. weakness

23. __________ supply the body with heat and energy
A. Carbohydrates and iron
B. Carbohydrates and fats
C. Carbohydrates and vegetables
D. Proteins and iron

24. One of these characteristics is not common to both adolescent boys and girls
A. start being attracted to the opposite sex
B. feel hungry easily
C. protruding stomach
D. become self-conscious

25. Pattern marks is done with the following except
A. carbon paper
B. tracing paper
C. tracing wheel
D. running stitch

26. Which of the following is not a kitchen cloth?
A. apron
B. hand towel
C. tea towel
D. floor cloth

27. All these are resources that exist within an individual except
A. energy        B. imagination
C. skill             D. money

28. The process of choosing among alternatives is called
A. action taking
B. alternating
C. decision making
D. implementation

29. Voice breaks and become deeper in boys is a sign of
A. adolescence         B. illness
C. manhood             D. puberty

30. Which of the following is not a body change in female during puberty
A. breast development
B. expansion of hips
C. voice becomes deeper
D. menstruation starts

31. Which is not an advantage of commercial pattern
A. made in different styles
B. often require adjustment to fit the user
C. saves time
D. reduces mistakes in garment making

32. The following are guidelines for proper storage and care of clothes except
A. always leave brooch on clothes
B. keep the wardrobe tidy always
C. use good quality hangers
D. remove stains from clothes as soon as they occurred

33. Which of these is not used for taking body measurement?
A. paper
B. tape measurement
C. pencil
D. ruler

34. Which of the following is an instrumental value
A. love                 B. orderliness
C. freedom          D. truth

35. Which of these is not a guideline in conflict resolution?
A. avoid any distraction
B. control your voice
C. keep an open mind
D. use fits, not words

36. The way of life of a family is their ___________
A. values
B. likes and dislikes
C. dos and don’ts
D. lifestyle

37. Hair follicles are found in the __________
A. dermis
B. epidermis
C. sweat gland
D. sweat duct

38. The period between the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood is _________ stage
A. adolescence          B. motherhood
C. spinsterhood        D. physical

39. For the welfare of the family, conflicts are best __________
A. resolved              B. ignored
C. overlooked          D. buried

40. The struggle between two or more people who disagreed is called
A. conflict            B. crisis
C. problem          D. challenge

41. The following are special needs and challenges of adolescent except
A. adjustment        B. status
C. prolonged         D. peer pressure

42. Giving in on some points of disagreement and having your ways in others is __________
A. giving-up           B. surrendering
C. compromise       D. weakness

43. Which of the following factors does not influence family values and lifestyle
A. kindness           B. family
C. education         D. movies

44. Adolescents need special feeding because ______
A. they are foolish
B. they are stubborn
C. it is a period of rapid growth
D. it is a period of schooling

45. Which of these is not a negative effect of conflict in a family set up?
A. quarreling           B. happiness
C. divorce                D. bitterness

46. Conflict in families can arise from any of the following
A. situations, personality, unity
B. situations, power struggles, personality
C. personality, situation, love
D. struggles, personality, and care

47. A girl in her menstruation period should
A. have her bath at least twice daily
B. be careless
C. have her bath once daily
D. use sanitary pad for a long period

48. One of the following has no cure at the moment
A. Malaria         B. Gonorrhea
C. AIDS             D. Syphilis

49. The process where a person prescribes a drug for self is called self
A. discipline            B. acceptance
C. medication         D. injection

50. _________ values are important for their own sake.
A. intrinsic           B. instrumental
C. life                   D. efficiency


INSTRUCTION – Answer only four (4) questions in this section.

1a. Differentiate between value and lifestyle.
b. State five importance of value system to the family.
c. Explain the meaning of menstruation.

2a. List and explain five special needs and challenges of an adolescent.
b. What is puberty?
c. State five general characteristics that are common to adolescent boys and girls.

3a. Mention three signs of puberty in girls and three signs in boys.
b. Explain the guidelines for caring for people with HIV/AIDS.
c. Outline four (4) implications of self-medication.

4a. List and explain four types of family crisis.
b. Mention four factors that influence values and lifestyle.

5a. Outline four guidelines for conflicts resolution.
b. Define hygiene and state three importance of personal hygiene.
c. Outline six factors that enhance the selection of household linen.

6a. State 2 signs of the following diseases: Syphilis and Gonorrhea.
b. Outline five causes of HIV / AIDs.
c. List any 3 ways HIV / AIDs people can be taken care of.

7a. Itemize six ways of preventing body odour.
b. State 3 causes of body odour.

Answers to Home Economics Exam Questions for JSS2 Second Term

Answers to Section A (Objective Test)

The following table gives the correct answers to the objective section of Home Economics exam questions for JSS2 second term. If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view.

Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans
1 C 11 B 21 C 31 B 41 C
2 A 12 B 22 C 32 A 42 C
3 C 13 D 23 B 33 A 43 A
4 D 14 D 24 C 34 B 44 C
5 A 15 A 25 D 35 D 45 B
6 B 16 A 26 D 36 D 46 B
7 A 17 C 27 D 37 A 47 A
8 C 18 B 28 C 38 A 48 C
9 B 19 B 29 D 39 A 49 C
10 C 20 D 30 C 40 A 50 A

So here you have the answers to the objective section of Home Economics Exam Questions for JSS2 second term. Use the comments section to let me know if you have any questions you would want me to clarify or discuss further.

Read Also: Home Economics Exam Questions for JSS1 Second Term

Answers to Section B (Theory)

1a. Difference Between Value and Lifestyle

  • Value: The principles or beliefs that guide a person’s behavior and decisions.
  • Lifestyle: The way a person or family lives, influenced by values, habits, and preferences.

1b. Five Importance of Value System to the Family

  1. Promotes unity and understanding.
  2. Guides decision-making and behavior.
  3. Strengthens family bonds.
  4. Helps in setting priorities and goals.
  5. Instills good morals in children.

1c. Meaning of Menstruation
Menstruation is the monthly discharge of blood and tissues from the uterus through the vagina in females of reproductive age. It occurs when there is no fertilization of the egg.

2a. Five Special Needs and Challenges of Adolescents

  1. Emotional Stability: Dealing with mood swings and self-identity.
  2. Peer Pressure: Influence from friends to adopt certain behaviors.
  3. Educational Challenges: Coping with schoolwork and career choices.
  4. Physical Changes: Growth spurts, puberty, and body image concerns.
  5. Independence: The desire to make personal decisions and resist authority.

2b. Meaning of Puberty
Puberty is the stage of growth and development where an individual attains sexual maturity, marked by physical and hormonal changes.

2c. Five General Characteristics of Adolescents

  1. Rapid physical growth.
  2. Increased self-awareness and self-consciousness.
  3. Development of sexual maturity.
  4. Desire for independence.
  5. Interest in peer relationships.

3a. Three Signs of Puberty in Girls and Boys

  • Girls:
    1. Development of breasts.
    2. Start of menstruation.
    3. Widening of hips.
  • Boys:
    1. Deepening of the voice.
    2. Growth of facial and body hair.
    3. Enlargement of testes and penis.

3b. Guidelines for Caring for People with HIV/AIDS

  1. Provide emotional and psychological support.
  2. Encourage a balanced diet to boost immunity.
  3. Ensure proper hygiene and cleanliness.
  4. Prevent infections by avoiding exposure to germs.
  5. Avoid stigma and discrimination.

3c. Four Implications of Self-Medication

  1. Risk of drug overdose or poisoning.
  2. Development of drug resistance.
  3. Delayed proper diagnosis and treatment.
  4. Possible harmful side effects.

4a. Four Types of Family Crisis

  1. Financial Crisis: Loss of job or sudden financial hardship.
  2. Health Crisis: Severe illness or disability affecting a family member.
  3. Death of a Loved One: Emotional distress due to the loss of a family member.
  4. Divorce or Separation: Disruption caused by parental separation.

4b. Four Factors That Influence Values and Lifestyle

  1. Family upbringing.
  2. Religion and cultural beliefs.
  3. Education and exposure.
  4. Peer influence.

5a. Four Guidelines for Conflict Resolution

  1. Communicate openly and listen actively.
  2. Stay calm and avoid violence.
  3. Focus on finding solutions, not blaming.
  4. Be willing to compromise.

5b. Definition and Importance of Personal Hygiene

  • Hygiene: The practice of maintaining cleanliness to prevent diseases and promote health.
  • Three Importance:
    1. Prevents infections and diseases.
    2. Boosts self-confidence and social acceptance.
    3. Promotes overall well-being.

5c. Six Factors That Enhance Selection of Household Linen

  1. Durability of the fabric.
  2. Ease of maintenance and washing.
  3. Suitability for purpose.
  4. Color and design preference.
  5. Cost and affordability.
  6. Texture and comfort.

6a. Two Signs of Syphilis and Gonorrhea

  • Syphilis:
    1. Painless sores on genitals or mouth.
    2. Skin rash on hands and feet.
  • Gonorrhea:
    1. Burning sensation during urination.
    2. Abnormal discharge from genitals.

6b. Five Causes of HIV/AIDS

  1. Unprotected sexual intercourse.
  2. Sharing of unsterilized needles or sharp objects.
  3. Transmission from mother to child during birth.
  4. Blood transfusion with infected blood.
  5. Contact with infected bodily fluids.

6c. Three Ways to Care for HIV/AIDS Patients

  1. Provide emotional support and encouragement.
  2. Ensure they take prescribed medications properly.
  3. Promote good nutrition and hygiene.

7a. Six Ways to Prevent Body Odour

  1. Bathe at least twice daily.
  2. Use deodorant or antiperspirant.
  3. Wear clean and breathable clothing.
  4. Maintain good oral hygiene.
  5. Shave armpits regularly.
  6. Eat a healthy diet and avoid strong-smelling foods.

7b. Three Causes of Body Odour

  1. Excessive sweating.
  2. Poor hygiene.
  3. Bacterial breakdown of sweat.

How to Pass Home Economics Exam Questions for JSS2 Second Term

Passing your Home Economics exam questions for JSS2 second term requires a combination of preparation, understanding, and strategy. Here are actionable tips to help you excel:

  1. Understand Key Topics: Focus on understanding key areas like puberty, family values, hygiene, and conflict resolution.
  2. Master Definitions and Concepts: Be clear on definitions like menstruation, puberty, and family crisis, as they are often directly tested.
  3. Practice Objective Questions: Review past objective questions to familiarize yourself with how questions are framed.
  4. Focus on Practical Knowledge: Be ready to explain practical concepts like caring for household linen, personal hygiene, and understanding values.
  5. Use Examples: When explaining theories or concepts, use real-life examples (e.g., signs of puberty in boys and girls, causes of HIV/AIDS).
  6. Keep Notes Organized: Maintain concise notes on important points such as factors influencing family values or stages of adolescence.
  7. Review Family and Health Topics: These are commonly tested areas. Review the causes of diseases like syphilis, gonorrhea, and HIV/AIDS, and understand their symptoms.
  8. Stay Calm and Read Questions Carefully: Take your time to read each question carefully before answering, and avoid rushing.
  9. Revise Regularly: Set aside time each day to go over the materials so you don’t cram the night before.

Best wishes.

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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