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Social Studies Exam Questions for JSS3 Second Term

You’re welcome to our school exams series where we provide you with termly examination questions in different subjects. In today’s post, we will focus on Social Studies exam questions. We will cover Social Studies exam questions for JSS3 second term with answers. This means that we’ll be providing you with answers to the questions at the end. Also, you will get a few success tips on how to pass Social Studies examinations with flying colors. Remember to use the comments sections if you have questions, and don’t forget to join our Free Online Tutorial Classes on Facebook. (Like and Follow Page)

Social Studies exam questions for second term

Introduction to Social Studies as a School Subject

Social Studies is the study of human societies, cultures, and the relationships between individuals and their communities. It integrates knowledge from history, geography, economics, and political science to help students understand the world around them. This subject fosters critical thinking, social responsibility, and an awareness of the issues that shape our lives and global interactions.

The subject is offered by students in primary school and Junior Secondary School under National Values Education.

Social Studies Exam Questions for JSS3 Second Term

Social Studies Exam Questions for JSS3 Second Term are divided into two sections:

  • Section A
  • Section B

The second section, namely, Section A is the objective test, and students are expected to attempt all questions in the section. Section B is the theory part, and students are expected to answer all the four (4) questions.

SECTION A: Objectives

Attempt All the Questions in this Section by choosing from the options lettered A—D.

1. The type of marriage performed according to the tradition and custom of group of people is __________ marriage.
A. Court                 B. Customary
C. Religion             D. Securities

2. The method of storing things in a refrigerator is known as __________
A. Killing               B. Smoking
C. Salting              D. refrigeration

3. One of the following is NOT a primary role of the family?
A. Ensure continued existence of the community
B. Involve in child trafficking
C. Provide for the need of Family
D. Take care of the young ones

4. A person is said to be a __________ when he cannot live without a particular drug of substance.
A. Drug abuse        B. Drug baron
C. Drug addict        D. Drug trafficker

5. One of these is not a stage in man’s evolutionary concept.
A. Sapiens        B. Habilis
C. Sabi             D. Erectus

6. Africans belong to a race called ________.
A. cacausoid           B. australoid
C. Mongoloid         D. negroid

7. ________ is not a factor responsible for human trafficking.
A. wealth          B. ignorance
C. greed           D. urban life

8. Harmful traditional practices include all but one of the following.
A. Late marriages    B. Tribal marks
C. Taboo                  D. Superstitions

9. __________ is the process of providing appropriate solutions to most situations in life.
A. Decision allowance
B. Decision buying
C. Decision taking
D. Decision making

10. The total number of persons living in a country at a particular period of time is called ___________.
A. census             B. counting
C. enumerator     D. population

11. A technique used in measuring goals is termed _________.
A. SWAT               B. SWEAT
C. SMEART           D. SMART

12. Ape-man could also be referred to as __________.
A. Homo sapien
B. Homo erectus
C. Homo sabi
D. Homo habilis

13. OFN stands for ___________
A. Open for Nigeria
B. Operation for Nigeria
C. Obasanjo farm of Nigeria
D. Operation feed the Nation

14. The group of people related by blood is called __________
A. Family          B. Organization
C. Member       D. Father

15. The process by which government sells its shares in companies to individual and group is __________
A. Commercialization
B. Deregulation
C. Import Trade
D. Privatization

16. The buying and selling of goods and service in order to satisfy human want is called?
A. Farming            B. Manufacturing
C. Marketing         D. Trading

17. The two system of Farming are __________
A. Livestock and  Arable farming
B. Mixed and dairy farming
C. Poultry and Fishing farming
D. Tradition and Mechanized farming

18. The conflict between Modakeke and Ife is __________ type of conflict.
A. Inter Communal
B. Inter nation
C. Inter Ethnic
D. International

19. __________ refer to the connection that exist between individual and group of society
A. Community member
B. Social environment
C. Social organization
D. Organization society

20. The habit of self medication is __________.
A. Drug abuse
B. Drug baron
C. Drug addict
D. Drug trafficking

21. A place where teaching and learning takes place called __________
A. Hospital          B. Kitchen
C. Market            D. School

22. The following are problems of census in Nigeria EXCEPT
A. Good town planning
B. Inflation of figures
C. Transportation problem
D. Low level literacy

23. __________ is a low land between two hills?
A. Delta              B. Hill
C. Lake               D. Valley

24. There are __________ and __________ classification of settlement.
A. region and urban
B. remote and rural
C. rural and rural
D. rural and urban

25. Cotton is common in which of these States?
A. Delta                 B. Enugu
C. Kano                 D. Oyo

26. A situation in which a woman has more than one husband is __________
A. endogamy          B. monogamy
C. polyandry           D. polygamy

27. Love, loyal and willingness to serve one’s country is called __________.
A. bravery             B. Citizenship
C. Patriotism         D. Warmth

28. __________ is the major reason for the amalgamation of southern and northern Nigeria.
A. Coat of Arm
B. National Anthem
C. National Flag
D. National pledge

29. __________ is an emblem which shows the unity of the country and stands for authority and powers?
A. Formal and Informal education
B. Junior and Senior School
C. Primary and Secondary School
D. 6-3-3-4 and 6-5-4

30. There are __________ types of environment.
A. One                 B. Two
C. Three               D. Four

31. Friendship could be defined as __________.
A. a state of being cruel to others
B. a state of being emotionally attached to someone you like
C. a state of fighting one another
D. a state  of loving one only things are good

32. A saying that “culture is dynamic” means __________
A. Culture has a lot of powers
B. Culture is a kind of dynamism
C. Culture does not remain the same
D. Culture and Dynamism are related

33. We can prevent HIV/AID by __________
A. Eating balance diet
B. Not playing together
C. Sharing sharp object
D. Use of screened blood

34. __________ is a way of improving friendship?
A. Disagreeing with each other
B. Exchange of gifts
C. Making trouble
D. Quarreling

35. The following factors could destroy friendship EXCEPT __________.
A. Betrayal of trust
B. Gossiping
C. Honesty
D. Selfishness

36. Permanent separation of husband and wife is called__________
A. Companionship           B. Divorce
C. Monogamy                  D. Polygamy

37. The following are sources of population data EXCEPT__________.
A. Birth rate           B. Census
C. Death rate         D. Wealth rate

38. Agents of socialization does not include __________
A. Mass Media
B. Peer Group
C. Police
D. Religion Institution

39. The institution responsible for the teaching of value and moral in our society is the __________ institution
A. economic            B. political
C. legal                    D. religious

40. The Nigeria economy is dominated by the export of __________ product.
A. chemical              B. crude oil
C. agriculture           D. engineering

41. The process by which a child acquires language value and belief is known as.
A. specialization          B. integration
C. socialization            D. civilization

42. Which of the following option shows similarity in our religion?
A. Unity
B. Holy land
C. Symbols
D. Mode of worships

43. From the option below, indicate one advantage of a mono company.
A. Diversification          B. Deregulation
C. Industrialization       D. Specialization

44. Choose from the following one that is NOT a main economic activity.
A. Industry                 B. Education
C. Export                    D. Farming

45. From the alternatives, select one skill necessary when seeking help.
A. Passiveness           B. Manipulation
C. Assertiveness        D. Shyness

46. Identify from the underlisted, one that is NOT an effect of gender stereotype.
A. Kill initiative
B. Promote gender equally
C. Cam limit achievement
D. Encourage unnecessary rivalry

47. Indicate from the alternatives three voluntary organizations found in schools.
A. Girls guide, Rotary club, Inner Wheel
B. Boys brigade, Girls Brigade and Red cross
C. Man O’ war, Pirates, and Sheriff guards
D. Red cross, Boys scout and Black axe

48. The Ibibio in the south-south region of Nigeria call God __________.
A. Osalobua             B. Tamara
C. Oghene                D. Abasi

49. Choose from the following one that is NOT a characteristic of a good goal.
A. Achievable
B. Measurable
C. No time limit
D. Realistic

49. Living peacefully with people of different religions is called religious __________.
A. tolerance              B. difference
C. Intolerance           D. faith

50. Who wrote the second constitution in Nigeria
A. Richard                 B. Clifford
C. Macpherson         D. Lyhleton

51. Economic Rights means
A. Right to vote
B. Right to worship
C. Right to work in order to earn a living
D. right to worship

52. One of the following is a social right
A. Right to worship
B. Right to Education
C. right to own properties
D. right to work

53. The rule of law means
A. ability to be above the law
B. supremacy of the Law
C. the law that is not supreme
D. all of the above

54. Voting means
A. The act of voting
B. The act of electing representatives of the people in government
C. the use of force to cast vote
D. How election takes place

55. One of the sources of Nigeria Constitution is
A. People’s parliament
B. Act of parliament
C. Constitutional development
D. Constitutional Conference

56. The Nigeria Constitution is
A. Written            B. Unwritten
C. Strong             D. Weak

57. __________ is a good example of federation.
A. Yobe                 B. Lagos
C. Nigeria             D. Ogun

58. Kin relationship that could be traced to father lineage is known as__________
A. partridge              B. lineage
C. partlineal              D. percentage

59. From the following, indicate one that is NOT a challenge in Marriage.
A. Death                B. Faithfulness
C. Quarrels            D. Separation

60. Which of the following is NOT one of the causes of corruption?
A. poverty            B. insecurity
C. greed               D. contentment


INSTRUCTION – Answer all the questions in this section.

1. a. Define Conflicts.
1. b. Mention 4 examples of conflicts and explain each.

2. a. Highlight five (5) ways of promoting peace in our society.
2. b. State five (5) characteristic of low self esteem and explain.

3. a. State five (5) group of cult in our society.
3. b. Mention five (5) cause of cultism in Nigeria and explain.

4. Expatiate five (5) consequence of Harmful Tradition Practice.

Answers to Social Studies Exam Questions for JSS3 Second Term

Answers to Section A (Objective Test)

The following table gives the correct answers to the objective section of Social Studies exam questions for JSS3 second term. If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view.

Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans
1 B 13 D 25 C 37 D 49 C
2 D 14 A 26 C 38 C 50 D
3 B 15 D 27 C 39 D 51 C
4 C 16 D 28 D 40 B 52 B
5 C 17 A 29 A 41 C 53 B
6 D 18 A 30 B 42 A 54 B
7 A 19 C 31 B 43 D 55 D
8 A 20 A 32 C 44 B 56 A
9 D 21 D 33 D 45 C 57 C
10 D 23 D 34 B 46 B 58 C
11 D 24 D 35 C 47 B 59 B
12 B 22 A 36 B 48 D 60 D

So here you have the answers to the objective section of Social Studies Exam Questions for JSS3 second term. Use the comments section to let me know if you have any questions you would want me to clarify or discuss further.

Answers to Section B (Theory)

Number 1

1. a. Define decision making.

Decision making is the process of selecting the best course of action among several alternatives to solve a problem or achieve a goal.

b. List four (4) factors that influence decision making.

  1. Personal values
  2. Available resources
  3. Cultural norms
  4. Peer pressure

Number 2

2. a. List four (4) factors responsible for human trafficking.

  1. Poverty
  2. Ignorance
  3. Greed
  4. Unemployment

b. List four (4) examples of harmful traditional practices.

  1. Female genital mutilation
  2. Early marriage
  3. Tribal marks
  4. Widow inheritance

Number 3

3. a. Define harmful traditional practices.

Harmful traditional practices are cultural or social customs that negatively affect the well-being, health, and rights of individuals.

b. List four (4) ways to prevent harmful traditional practices.

  1. Public awareness campaigns
  2. Education on human rights
  3. Enforcing laws against such practices
  4. Encouraging cultural reformation

Number 4

4. a. Expatiate on the word ‘SMART’ as in characteristics of goal setting.

‘SMART’ refers to goals that are:

  • Specific: Clearly defined and focused
  • Measurable: Quantifiable or trackable
  • Attainable: Realistic and achievable
  • Relevant: Aligned with broader objectives
  • Time-bound: Set within a specific timeframe

b. List three (3) effects of achieving goals.

  1. Increased self-confidence
  2. Motivation to pursue higher goals
  3. A sense of fulfillment

c. Define National economy.
National economy refers to the economic activities and resources of a country that contribute to the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

How to Pass Social Studies Exam Questions for JSS3 Second Term

Here are some simple but powerful tips to help you pass your Social Studies exam questions for JSS3 Second term:

  1. Understand the Curriculum
    Go through your Social Studies syllabus for the second term. Ensure you are familiar with the key topics like family roles, harmful traditional practices, human rights, drug abuse, and the economy.
  2. Study Regularly
    Avoid cramming at the last minute. Schedule regular study sessions to cover all topics thoroughly. Use your class notes, textbooks, and any recommended materials.
  3. Focus on Key Areas
    Pay special attention to areas often emphasized in exams, such as:

    • Decision making and problem-solving
    • Human trafficking and its prevention
    • Characteristics of a good goal (SMART)
    • Social roles and responsibilities
  4. Practice Past Questions
    Get past question papers and practice them. This helps you understand the question format and how answers are expected to be presented.
  5. Create Study Notes
    Write concise notes on each topic. Use bullet points for easy recall during revision.
  6. Memorize Definitions and Lists
    Exams often require concise definitions and lists. For example:

    • Definition of harmful traditional practices
    • Factors influencing decision making
    • Ways to prevent drug abuse
  7. Use Mnemonics and Acronyms
    For topics like SMART goals or effects of achieving goals, use mnemonics to make memorization easier.
  8. Discuss with Peers
    Join a study group where you can share ideas and clarify doubts. Teaching others can also improve your understanding.
  9. Be Time Conscious During Exams
    Practice time management by allocating time to each question. Start with questions you are confident about.
  10. Seek Help When Needed
    If you are struggling with a topic, ask your teacher, parent, or tutor for guidance.

Best wishes

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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