You’re welcome to our school exams series where we provide you with termly examination questions in different subjects. In today’s post, we will focus on Social Studies exam questions. We will cover Social Studies exam questions for JSS3 first term with answers. This means that we’ll be providing you with answers to the questions at the end. Also, you will get a few success tips on how to pass Social Studies examinations with flying colors. Remember to use the comments sections if you have questions, and don’t forget to join our Free Online Tutorial Classes on Facebook. (Like and Follow Page)
Table of Contents
Introduction to Social Studies as a School Subject
Social Studies is the study of human societies, cultures, and the relationships between individuals and their communities. It integrates knowledge from history, geography, economics, and political science to help students understand the world around them. This subject fosters critical thinking, social responsibility, and an awareness of the issues that shape our lives and global interactions.
The subject is offered by students in primary school and Junior Secondary School under National Values Education.
Social Studies Exam Questions for JSS3 First Term
Social Studies Exam Questions for JSS3 First Term are divided into two sections:
- Section A
- Section B
The first section, namely, Section A is the objective test, and students are expected to attempt all questions in the section. Section B is the theory part, and students are expected to answer all the four (4) questions.
SECTION A: Objectives
Attempt All the Questions in this Section by choosing from the options lettered A—D.
1. What is the full meaning of AIDS?
A. After Immorality Sentence
B. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
C. Acquired Immune Deficiency Sickness
D. Analysis in Death Surgery
2. The carrying of hard drugs from where they are produced to where they are consumed is called _____
A. Drug trafficking
B. Drug agents
C. Drug management
D. Drug contract
3. The following are reasons for drug trafficking EXCEPT ____
A. Poverty B. Unemployment
C. Education D. Greed
4. The followings are agencies that will see the arrest of people that are involved in drug trafficking EXCEPT ______ A. EFCC B. ICPC
5. The President is to a country as ______ is to a State.
A. Chairman B. Commissioner
C. Director D. Governor
6. Number one citizen in Lagos State is called ____
A. Oba of Lagos
B. Council Chairman
C. Governor
D. Commissioner
7. The state of being poor is referred to as _____
A. Poverty B. Disgrace
C. Greed D. Social
8. The act of exporting drugs such as heroine, cocaine is called _____
A. Drug abuse
B. Drug law
C. Drug traffic
D. drug trafficking
9. The followings are causes of bribery and corruption EXCEPT _____
A. Poverty
B. Lack of contentment
C. Good government
D. Bad shape of the economy or nation
10. A person whom one knows, likes, and trust is referred to as _________
A. Friend B. Opponent
C. Enemy D. Husband
11. There are ______ types of social group.
A. 4 B. 2 C. 3 D. 5
12. ______ is the total way of life of a people.
A. Nature B. Belief
C. Caution D. Culture
13. What is the full meaning of STDs?
A. Sexually Transportation Divisions
B. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
C. Sex Trading Departments
D. Sexually Transfer Department
14. ________ can be defined as freedom from injuries.
A. Accidents B. Safety
C. Protection D. Health
15. ______ means working together for a common purpose in order to achieve a particular result
A. Connection B. Co-operation
C. Correction D. Friendship
16. The following are benefits of cooperation EXCEPT ________
A. Harmony
B. Goal attainment
C. Progress
D. Failure
17. ______ is the way of worshipping God or goddesses.
A. Religion B. Islam
C. Christianity D. Traditional
18. Which of the following gives the best definition of friendship?
A. Friendship is opportunity to acquire the experience
B. It is a pleasurable experience
C. It is a warm and intimate relationship with someone you like and trust
D. It is standing by what you believe in
19. A body of water surrounded by land is called _______
A. Island B. Highland
C. Lake D. Upland
20. Which of these social issue does not require force to resolve?
A. Insurgency
B. Armed robbery
C. Pipe vandalism
D. Unemployment
21. If there is cordial relationship between the leaders and followers, there will be ___
A. mutual understanding
B. Lack of understanding
C. Lack of respect
D. Selfishness
22. _____ is an example of a leader by election.
A. A military governor
B. Vice chancellor
C. Principal
D. Executive governor
23. One common identity for all black people all over the world is _____
A. Food B. Housing
C. Height D. Skin colour
24. The two aspects of culture are _________
A. Physical and social culture
B. Seen and unseen culture
C. Material and non-material culture
D. Science and technology
25. Conflict can lead to all but ONE of the following______
A. Disunity
B. Riots
C. Lack of peace
D. Development
26. Man influences his environment through the aid of______
A. valleys and mountains
B. technical experts
C. science
D. science and technology
27. A group of people whose members are large with elaborate structures and functions is called
A. primary group
B. peer group
C. secondary group
D. school mates
28. Which of these is NOT an importance of goal setting?
A. it drives one forward
B. it is an effective tool for making progress
C. it makes you accountable
D. it does not encourage individuals
29. An increased in the number of goods and services
A. Achievement B. Development
C. Surplus D. Growth
30. All these are significance of socialization EXCEPT ________
A. It promotes the spirit of hard work
B. It helps in making people responsible in a society
C. It prepares the new entrant to know and participate in the culture of the society
D. It does not allow individuals to play their roles effectively
31. All the these are factors of production EXCEPT ______
A. Equipment B. Companionship
C. Labour D. Land
32. The followings are characteristics of friendship EXCEPT _______
A. Trust B. Hatred
C. Love D. Respect
33. The types of social group which consists of a small group is referred to as _______
A. Tertiary social group
B. Secondary social group
C. Primary social group
D. Nursery social group
34. One of the following is NOT an importance of Social Studies.
A. It equips man with the basic understanding of his environment
B. It trains us to be good citizens
C. It trains us to be disobedience students
D. It teaches us to know our rights
35. Which of the following is NOT a social problem in Nigeria ______
A. Courtship B. Corruption
C. Cultism D. Kidnapping
36. When population of a country is less than available resources is known as ______
A. Optimum population
B. Population density
C. Over population
D. Under population
37. Disagreement or quarrel between two or more people over a certain issue is called ________
A. Confusion B. Confession
C. Conflict D. Conference
38. A person whom one knows, likes, and trust is referred to as _________
A. Friend B. Opponent
C. Enemy D. Husband
39. ________ can be defined as freedom from injuries
A. Accidents B. Safety
C. Protection D. Health
40. _______ can be described as the study of Man in his physical and social environments.
A. Social Studies
B. Economic Studies
C. Biology Studies
D. Geography Studies
41. The following are problems of census in Nigeria EXCEPT
A. Good town planning
B. Inflation of figures
C. Transportation problem
D. Low level literacy
42. Census is done in every _______ years
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 10
43. An example of a traditional means of communication
A. Fax B. Gong
C. Telephone D. Radio
44. What is Social Studies?
A. It is the study of physical things in the environment
B. It is the study of animals and where they live
C. It is the study of man’s history and geography
D. It is the study of man in relation to his social and physical environment
45. Which of the following are measure on how to prevent children and women trafficking in Nigeria EXCEPT
A. Advocacy
B. Crusade against the perpetrator
C. National awards to traffickers
D. Public enlightenment
46. Examples of physical environment are____
A. Orange, paper, and biro
B. Shoe, machine and motto
C. Land, rainfall and winds
D. Dam, bridge and fridge
47. Which of these is NOT an economic activity
A. Bribery B. Farming
C. Fishing D. Trading
48. Petrol, kerosene and diesel are processed from the _____
A. Cocoa B. Land
C. Rubber D. Crude oil
49. The following are components of farming
A. Cropping B. Poultry
C. Fishing D. Dredging
50. A family that consists of father, mother, and their children is referred to as _______ family.
A. Extended B. Exclusive
C. Logistic D. Nuclear
51. People who bring in illegal items into the country are called
A. Armed robbers
B. Smugglers
C. Thieves
D. Fast guys
52. Living together peacefully is a sign of _____ and _______ in a community
A. Conflict and Resolution
B. Unity and Disunity
C. Unity and Integration
D. Peace and Conflict
53. The process of bringing goods produced into our country is known as
A. Import B. Export
C. Transfer D. Exchange
54. EFCC is an acronym that stands for
A. Economic and financial crimes commission
B. Ecumenical Florida communication crime
C. Economic free computer Centre
D. Economic and financial cooperative commission
55. Which of the following is NOT an example of mineral resources?
A. Crude oil B. Gold
C. Coal D. Rice
56. One of the following is NOT an importance of Social Studies.
A. It equips man with the basic understanding of his environment
B. It trains us to be good citizens
C. It trains us to be disobedience students
D. It teaches us to know our rights
57. Which of following is NOT a scope of Social Studies?
A. Government B. Mathematics
C. Sociology D. Political Science
58. Which of the following is NOT an objective of Social Studies?
A. To understand the importance of the Social Studies and physical environment
B. To understand the importance of hard work and
C. Failure of the Nigerian nation
D. To understand the ways of people from our own area only
59. What is a secondary group?
A. A group of people who are related by blood
B. A group of elders in the community
C. A group of people who may be involved in various interests, but whose members are not necessarily related by blood
D. A group of people who go to know each other in the Church
60. Physical environment can be classified into two namely ______
A. wind and water
B. man-made and natural
C. people and animal
D. potholes and traffic
INSTRUCTION – Answer all the questions in this section.
1. a. Define decision making.
b. List four (4) factors that influence decision making.
2. a. List four (4) factors responsible for human trafficking.
b. List four (4) examples of harmful tradition practices.
3. a. Define harmful traditional practices.
b. List four (4) ways to prevent harmful traditional practices.
4. a. Expatiate on the word ‘SMART’ as in characteristics of goal setting.
b. List three (3) effect of achieving goals.
c. Define National economy.
Answers to Social Studies Exam Questions for JSS3 First Term
Answers to Section A (Objective Test)
The following table gives the correct answers to the objective section of Social Studies exam questions for JSS3 first term. If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view.
Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans |
1 | B | 2 | A | 3 | C | 4 | C | 5 | D |
6 | C | 7 | A | 8 | D | 9 | C | 10 | A |
11 | B | 12 | D | 13 | B | 14 | B | 15 | B |
16 | D | 17 | A | 18 | C | 19 | C | 20 | D |
21 | A | 22 | D | 23 | D | 24 | C | 25 | D |
26 | D | 27 | C | 28 | D | 29 | D | 30 | D |
31 | B | 32 | B | 33 | C | 34 | C | 35 | A |
36 | D | 37 | C | 38 | A | 39 | B | 40 | A |
41 | A | 42 | D | 43 | B | 44 | D | 45 | C |
46 | C | 47 | A | 48 | D | 49 | A | 50 | D |
51 | B | 52 | C | 53 | A | 54 | A | 55 | D |
56 | C | 57 | B | 58 | C | 59 | C | 60 | B |
Here you have the answers to the objective section of Social Studies Exam Questions for JSS3 first term. Use the comments section to let me know if you have any questions you would want me to clarify or discuss further.
Answers to Section B (Theory)
1. a. Define decision making.
Decision making is the process of selecting the best course of action among several alternatives to achieve a specific goal.
b. List four (4) factors that influence decision making.
- Values and beliefs
- Information and knowledge
- Peer pressure
- Emotional state
2. a. List four (4) factors responsible for human trafficking.
- Poverty
- Unemployment
- Lack of education
- Greed
b. List four (4) examples of harmful traditional practices.
- Female genital mutilation
- Early child marriage
- Widow inheritance
- Tribal marks
3. a. Define harmful traditional practices.
Harmful traditional practices are cultural practices or customs that negatively impact the health, well-being, and rights of individuals, often perpetuating inequality and harm.
b. List four (4) ways to prevent harmful traditional practices.
- Public education and awareness campaigns
- Enforcing laws against harmful practices
- Empowering women and girls
- Engaging community leaders to advocate for change
4. a. Expatiate on the word ‘SMART’ as in characteristics of goal setting.
‘SMART’ stands for:
- Specific: Goals should be clear and well-defined.
- Measurable: Goals should include criteria to track progress.
- Achievable: Goals should be realistic and attainable.
- Relevant: Goals should align with priorities and objectives.
- Time-bound: Goals should have a deadline for completion.
b. List three (3) effects of achieving goals.
- Boost in self-confidence
- Improved productivity
- Greater sense of purpose
c. Define National economy.
The national economy refers to the economic system of a country, encompassing the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services within its boundaries.
How to Pass Social Studies Exam Questions for JSS3 First Term
Here are some simple but powerful tips to help you pass your Social Studies exam questions for JSS3 First term:
- Understand the Syllabus
Start by reviewing your Social Studies syllabus for the first term. Focus on key topics like family, social issues, leadership, culture, and resources. Knowing the scope of the exam will guide your study. - Study Your Notes and Textbooks
Go through your class notes and recommended textbooks. Highlight important points, definitions, and examples. Pay attention to areas your teacher emphasized in class. - Practice Past Questions
Solve past Social Studies exam questions to understand the question patterns and practice answering them correctly. This helps in improving your speed and accuracy. - Create a Study Plan
Allocate specific times for studying Social Studies daily. Break the topics into smaller sections and cover them systematically. Include time for revisions and practice tests. - Understand Key Terms
Social Studies often involves specific terms like “decision-making,” “leadership,” and “resources.” Learn their definitions, examples, and applications to answer questions effectively. - Engage in Group Discussions
Study with friends or classmates. Group discussions can help clarify difficult concepts and provide fresh perspectives on key topics. - Memorize Facts and Lists
Be prepared to recall important lists like types of resources, harmful traditional practices, or effects of human activities on the environment. Use mnemonics or summaries for easy recall.
Best wishes.
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