This post is about WAEC Recommended Textbooks for Biology 2025. So I will show you all the recommended text books for WAEC Biology and the importance of preparing with them. I will also give you the link to download WAEC Recommended Textbooks for Biology PDF. Join our Free WAEC Tutorial Classes on Facebook (Like and Follow Page).

The Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) conducted by WAEC is the examination that marks the end of secondary education. In other words, it is the final examination that secondary school students write usually towards the end of their SS 3.
The success rate of students taking part in this examination keeps declining with every passing year. There are many reasons responsible for this outcome.
But one of the reasons is that most of the candidates do not prepare well for the examinations. Many just depend on the lesson notes from their classes. Others read just any textbook they can lay their hands on. They fail to realize that it is not all textbooks that provide a complete coverage of the syllabuses of WAEC subjects.
The essence of this post is to enlighten you on WAEC recommended textbooks for Biology.
But I’m also going to drop the following links for you here:
- NECO recommended text books for Biology examination.
- Link to WAEC syllabus for Biology.
- List of subjects offered in senior secondary school.
Table of Contents
Biology is one of the most important subjects for science students. It is one of the five core subjects for science students; the other four being English, Math, Physics and Chemistry. A credit pass in Biology is a must for any candidate who wants to further their studies in courses under the medical, pharmaceutical and biological sciences. Even those who intend to study Psychology are required to obtain a credit pass in Biology. So Biology is that important.
In view of the above, every candidate offering Biology wants to get a high grade. But this is only possible through strenuous preparation, making use of WAEC syllabus for Biology, the recommended textbooks and your lesson notes.
Like you already know, my focus on this post is WAEC recommended textbooks for Biology. But as you learn about the textbooks and purchase them, do not neglect your teachers’ lesson notes. They are experienced summary of the key points you would find in your textbooks.
WAEC Recommended Textbooks For Biology 2025
WAEC recommended textbooks for Biology are textbooks that WAEC examiners have taken time to go through and determined that they provide the best coverage, approach and explanations of the topics in Biology syllabus.
This is one of the several reasons why WAEC is a standard external examination body. They provide their candidates with both syllabuses and recommended textbooks.
The syllabuses state the scope of the subjects and the learning objectives. The recommended textbooks are the ones that cover the syllabuses adequately using the best teaching approach.
WAEC expects every SSCE candidate who desires to ace the examinations to make use of both the syllabuses and recommended texts in their preparation.
Importance of Studying with WAEC Recommended Textbooks for Biology
Every year, when WAEC results are released, a few students are celebrated as the best performers. These students may not necessarily be the smartest or the best students. It might just be that they prepared better with the right textbooks.
So it is very important to study and prepare for your SSCE with WAEC recommended textbooks. Here are some of the reasons:
1. WAEC examiners recommend them because they provide a complete coverage of Biology syllabus in line with the learning objectives.
2. Reading those Biology textbooks will help you to focus on what is important for the exam you are preparing for.
3. They help you to avoid reading unnecessary, extraneous details and ending up poorly prepared.
4. You also save time reading WAEC recommended textbooks for Biology.
5. Finally, reading WAEC recommended textbooks for Biology helps you to prepare both efficiently and effectively.
WAEC Recommended Textbooks for Biology (SSCE)
The table below contains the list of textbooks recommended by WAEC for candidates preparing to write Biology in this year’s SSCE.
Get at least two of these textbooks and commit yourself to reading them. If you do, you are already many many steps ahead of other candidates. With them, you will train yourself to give the examiner answers to their questions just the way they want it.
Here is a table showing the list of WAEC Recommended Textbooks for Biology.
Comprehensive Certificate Biology | Ambonu Sunday et al. | University Press |
Modern Biology for SSS | Kucy I. Aunwa et-al | African First Pubs |
Exam Focus Biology | A. Egunyomi et-al | University Press Ibadan |
Essential Biology for SSS | M.C. Michael | Tonad Pubs. |
S.S.C. Practical Biology | S. Ukeji | Learn Africa |
We have come to the end of this article. I trust that you found it both informative and helpful.
If you have any questions with respect to WAEC recommended textbooks for Biology, feel free to scroll down and drop them in the comments section below. You will get a response as soon as possible.
Apart from questions, you can always share your thoughts with us. We’d like to hear from you.
Remember that you don’t necessarily have to cheat or indulge in examination malpractice in order to make an A or B in your Biology. You can make a distinction if you say no to immediate gratifications and work hard towards your exams.
Just purchase the recommended textbooks and make use of your syllabus as you study.
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See you in the next post.
Read Also: WAEC Recommended Textbooks for Agriculture this Year
For information WAEC as an examination body, visit the Board’s Official Website
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