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JSS 3 NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers History

This is for BECE Candidates looking for NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers History, as they call it. But this is Basic Education Certificate Examination by the National Examination Council (NECO) for JSS3 candidates. The History paper is compulsory for all candidates regardless of their school. So, here you will get genuine NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers for History. Your duty now is to read through them as many times as possible and get ready to smash your paper. Don’t forget to join our Free Online BECE Tutorials on Facebook. (Like and Follow Page)

NECO BECE Questions and Answers History

What are NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers History?

NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers History are the questions you should expect in your History paper in 2025 BECE, together with their answers.

It is very important that every candidate preparing to sit for in the forthcoming 2025 BECE examinations should catch a glimpse of these questions.

In so doing, they will know what to expect in the exam hall. Knowing exactly what to expect will boost their confidence and guarantee them a very high score.

Note that the History Paper comprises of

  1. Paper I
  2. Paper II

NECO BECE 2025 History Questions and Answers Revealed!

On this page, we shall reveal NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers for all candidates taking the History paper.

How lucky you are to stumble upon this important page!

The questions are genuine and the answers are accurate, and all are a product of our passion to see you excel in your BECE and proceed to Senior Secondary School.

In the following sections, you will read the History questions you are to expect in your 2025 NECO BECE exam as well as their answers. You can use the comments section if you still need clarification over some of the questions. We will give you a more detailed explanation.

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1. The study of past events that pertains to humanity is
A. archaeology             B. government
C. historiography          D. history
E. sociology

2. History is derived from a Greek word “historia” which means learning by
A. asking             B. inquiry        C. observation
D. searching        E. seeing

3. Which of the following sources is easily accessible to an historian?
A. Autobiographies                   B. Biographies
C. Government publications     D. Journals
E. Oral traditions

4. The account of an event in people’s memory passed from one generation to another is
A. archaeological discoveries    B. geographical materials
C. linguistic materials                D. oral traditions
E. written sources

5. Sources of history is classified into …………..broad types
A. five          B. four          C. six
D. three       E. two

6. Which of the following is not an importance of history to individual? It
A. encourages person to have strong attitude
B. helps an individual fit well into the society
C. helps in the understanding of one’s environment
D. serves as reservoir of knowledge
E. trains the mind for logical reasoning

7. Mistakes of the past can be avoided by society with the knowledge of
A. folklore         B. history        C. legend
D. myth             E. story

8. The majority of Tiv ethnic group are located in …………. state of Nigeria
A. Benue           B. Kogi            C. Kwara
D. Niger            E. Plateau

9. Primary sources of history can be found in
A. archival materials       B. magazines
C. newspapers                D. oral traditions
E. textbooks

10. Primary sources of history have the following qualities except
A. dependable     B. factual         C. original
D. reliability         E. thoughtful

11. The traditional title of the ruler of Tiv nation is
A. Adoole          B. Ipoopu          C. Oche
D. Ojila               E. Tor

12. Historical information gathered from an eye-witness is source
A. archaeological          B. empirical
C. linguistic                   D. oral
E. written

13. The highest authority in a non- centralized states are the
A. age grades            B. council of elders
C. family heads          D. village priests
E. village oracles

14. In pre-colonial societies, an example of democratic rulership could be found among the
A. Hausas          B. Igalas         C. Igbos
D. Nupes           E. Yorubas

15. The bond of brotherhood among the Northerners was cemented through
A. culture           B. education       C. farming
D. Islam              E. trade

16. The practice called “royal marriage” in the pre-colonial Nigeria was to promote
A. modern civilisation       B. peaceful coexistence
C. traditional values          D. village culture
E. wealth status

17. The following were factors that promoted interactions among people of pre-colonial era except
A. farming           B. festival          C. marriage
D. trade                E. wars

18. In pre-colonial Nigeria, Igbos communicated with Ijaws on the coast through
A. Asaba river              B. Atlantic ocean
C. Benue basin            D. Lower Niger
E. Upper Niger

19. A major factor that promoted relationship among pre-colonial societies was
A. exchange of products     B. inter-tribal marriage
C. mutual courtship            D. ritual festival
E. royal marriage

20. Which of the following ethnic groups migrated from the Northern part to other regions during the pre- colonial Nigeria?
A. Benins            B. Fulanis        C. Igbos
D. Urhobos         E. Yorubas

21. Nok culture is a transition between ………… age
A. crude and stone          B. silver and stone
C. stone and copper        D. stone and golden
E. stone and iron

22. The Nok terra-cotta was accidentally found in the soil by
A. carvers           B. farmers      C. hunters
D. miners            E. traders

23. A discovery of fire is associated with Acheulian culture of the …………..age
A. bronze              B. early stone
C. iron                   D. late stone
E. middle stone

24. The features of late stone age were the following except the
A. discovery of fire             B. introduction of iron
C. making of pottery         D. use of microliths
E. use of polished stone axe

25. A negative consequence of the discovery of iron was that,
A. it enable the production ornaments
B. it helped in the protection of life against wild life
C. it made hunting expedition easier
D. man could cultivate the ground more easily
E. weapons produced from it made wars more destructive

26. The Yoruba legend Oduduwa, as the founder of
A. Abeokuta         B. Ibadan         C. Ijaiye
D. Ile-Ife               E. Oyo

27. The Ife sculptures shared some resemblance with which of the following cultures?
A. Benin             B. Esie            C. Igbo-Ukwu
D. Nok               E. Nupe

28. Which of the following was not a characteristics of lle-Ife artefacts?
A. A ram’s head
B. Animal horns
C. Beaded neck, wrist and ankles
D. Human heads with hair and facial marks
E. Potsherd pavement

29. The discoveries in Ile-Ife and its environs were made of stone, bronze, copper and
A. aluminium            B. brass       C. diamond
D. gold                      E. iron

30. The title of the king of lle-Ife is
A. Alaafin            B. Obatala        C. Oduduwa
D. Ooni               E. Oranmiyan

31. The casting of art objects in Benin were made of bronze and
A. aluminium            B. brass           C. copper
D. metal                    E. zinc

32. The use of lost wax technique by Binis made their artwork to be
A. affordable to buyers
B. among the best sculptures
C. durable
D. easy to carry
E. strong

33. Benin artworks were mostly in bronze and
A. bead           B. ceramic          C. clay
D. glass           E. ivory

34. The craftsmen in Benin, carved with wood and
A. beads           B. copper          C. glass
D. ivory             E. metal

35. Specialized craftsmen in Benin were been controlled by the
A. Chief           B. lyase           C. Oba
D. Ozama        E. Priest

36. Igbo-Ukwu culture provided the evidence of
A. building style              B. defensive wall
C. carly migration           D. leather work
E. structured economy

37. The first archaeological site of Igbo-Ukwu was Igbo
A. Akulawa           B. Isaiah          C. Jonah
D. Richard             E. Umudege

38. The skull and skeleton believed to be that of an ancient man in Africa were discovered at
A. Afikpo             B. Daima             C. lle-Ife
D. Iwo Eleru         E. Nok

39. The excavation work in Isaiah Anozie compound was carried out by
A. Connah Graham       B. Donald Hartle
C. Leo Frobenious         D. Steve Daniels
E. Thurstan Shaw

40. Igbo-Ukwu town is located in the present day ……………… state
A. Anambra           B. Ebonyi        C. Edo
D. Enugu                E. Osun

41. The source of wealth of Ghana empire was
A. custom duties           B. military might
C. size of land               D. taxation
E. trade

42. Which of the following western Sudanese empires reached its peak of Glory in the 11th century?
A. Benin            B. Ghana            C. Mali
D. Oyo              Ε. Songhai

43. The earliest empire to develop in western Sudan was
A. Ghana        B. Kanem-Borno         C. Mali
D. Oyo            E. Songhai

44. Ghana empire’s political administration was centred on …………….. system
A. centralised               B. decentralised
C. monarchy                D. oligarchy
E. parliamentary

45. Which of the following empires decorated their king with Gold?
A. Ghana        B. Kanem-Borno        C. Mali
D. Oyo           E. Songhai

46. Kumbi Saleh, the ancient Ghana capital was divided into ……………….. township
A. five            B. four           C. six
D. three         E. two

47. Mali became the main supplier of which commodity during the trans- Saharan trade?
A. Copper          B. Diamond          C. Gold
D. Salt                E. Tin

48. The capital of Mali empire was at
A. Djenne            B. Gao          C. Niani
D. Timbuktu        E. Walata

49. Mali empire got to the peak of its prosperity and fame during the reign of Mansa
A. Kankan Musa            B. Sakura
C. Sundiata Keita           D. Sulayman
E. Uli

50. Who among the Mansas was a former slave that rose to prominence in the army? Mansa
A. Keita              B. Musa           C. Sakura
D. Sulayman      E. Uli

51. The majority of tribes in Mali were united under the leadership of Mansa
A. Musa                 B. Sakura           C. Sundiata Keita
D. Sulayman          E. Uli

52. Mali empire is located in ………… Africa.
A. Central           B. East          C. North
D. Southern        E. West

53. Sundiata Keita became the emperor of Mali empire at the age of …………. years
A. 18           B. 19          C. 20
D. 25           E. 30

54. The Songhai empire was divided into provinces for easy
A. administration          B. communication        C. defence
D. tax collection            E. tribal location

55. The last emperor that ruled Songhai empire was Askia
A. Dawud            B. Ishaq          C. Ishaq II
D. Isma’il             E. Musa

56. Members of the Royal families in Songhai empire served as
A. advisers            B. agents        C. bodyguards
D. interpreters       E. spies

57. The administrative capital of Songhai empire was located at
A. Gao              B. Jenne            C. Kukia
D. Timbuktu     E. Walata

58. Sunni dynasty reigned in Songhai came to an end with the overthrow of
A. Ali Kolen                 B. Muhammed Toure
C. Sulaiman Dama       D. Sunni Ali
E. Sunni Baru

59. The geographical factor that gave rise to Songhai empire was its location
A. along the bank of river Niger
B. in a forest zone
C. on a plain savanna
D. on a plateau
E. within desert oases

60. Muhammed Toure was given the title ‘Askia the Great’ in Songhai because, he
A. captured the salt mine in Taghaza
B. conquered Timbuktu from Tuareqes
C. ended the reign of Sunni dynasty
D. had good administrative structure
E. was made the caliph of western Sudan


1. Commercial activities in most centralised states were conducted by the
A. Chiefs          B. Military men          C. Peasants
D. Rulers          E. Ward heads

2. Zazzau, in the 15th century was ruled by a/an
A. Chief          B. Emir           C. Imam
D. King           E. Queen

3. The oldest chieftaincy title in Benin empire was the
A. Ebohon            B. Enogie           C. Iyase
D. Ologbose         E. Uzama

4. The powers of military in most centralised states is based on usage of
A. cavalries           B. machetes          C. slings
D. spears              E. swords

5. The Are-Onakakanfo in old Oyo empire was the leader in charge of the
A. hunters         B. military          C. palace
D. province       E. traders

6. The Aku is a title in Jukun kingdom given to a
A. king             B. palace guard
C. priest           D. prime minister
E. queen

7. Kachallahs in the administration of Kanem-Borno empire were the
A. merchant agents
B. military commanders
C. palace guards
D. religious scholars
E. royal families

8. In pre-colonial Ijaw communities the political system was referred to as
A. age group                    B. canoe house
C. house mentorship       D. house system
E. secret society

9. The new yam festival in Igboland symbolises
A. annual planting season
B. beginning of coronation
C. celebration of peace
D. remembrance of heroes
E. successful planting season

10. The centre of authority in Ebira land was vested on
A. age grade
B. elders of lineages
C. head of clan
D. religious leaders
E. royal family

11. The highest political institution in Idoma society in pre-colonial Nigeria was the
A. Adoole         B. Ipoopu         C. Oche
D. Ojila              E. Ole

12. The title of the traditional ruler in Tiv land is
A. Ichongo          B. Ikyarem         C. Ipusy
D. Orya               E. Tor

13. The highest unit of government in Igboland in pre-colonial Nigeria was
A. age grade              B. chief priest
C. clan assembly        D. head of lineages
E. village assembly

14. The decision making in a non-centralised state rested on
A. age grade                 B. chief priest
C. council of elders       D. eldest male
E. family head

15. In pre-colonial Igbo society, decision making were done by the
A. Eze             B. Igwe            C. Ofo
D. Onowu       E. Ozo

16. Niger Delta people produced palm oil which they exchanged for from the Igbo region
A. coconut           B. kola nut         C. millet
D. salt                  E. yam

17. Which of the following factors encouraged inter-state relationship among communities?
A. Competition               B. Disagreement
C. Intolerance                  D. Marriage
E. Vengeance

18. Oba Eweka of Benin empire was the son of
A. Lamurudu         B. Oduduwa      C. Ologbosere
D. Oranmiyan       E. Osanobuwa

19. The people of Benin kingdom acquired the knowledge of bronze casting from
A. Hausa          B. Ife             C. Igbo
D. Igala            E. Nupe

20. The longest royal family lineage in political history of Nigeria was
A. Eweka            B. Mai           C. Ooni
D. Sultan            E. Tsoede

21. Which of the following names is associated with an origin of the Hausa people?
A. Aisha Bala                    B. Hadiza Mohammed
C. Magajiya Daurama      D. Magira Daud
E. Maryam Usman

22. The British forces bombarded Lagos in
A. 1851           B. 1852           C. 1853
D. 1854           E. 1856

23. The attacks of the Royal Niger Company trading post took place in
A. Abon          B. Akassa         C. Bida
D. Lokoja        E. Warri

24. Samuel Ajayi Crowder missionaries expedition was successful in Bida because, he
A. contributed to the abolition of slave trade
B. gave attention to their culture
C. had the knowledge of Nupe people
D. reached an understanding with the Emir
E. secured the services of the people

25. Slaves captured by British squadron were taken to
A. Gambia            B. Ghana           C. Nigeria
D. Sierra Leone     E. Sudan

26 The Oba Ovonramwen Nogbaisi was sentenced and exiled to
A. Calabar         B. Abeokuta         C. Ghana
D. Lagos            E. West Indies

27. The British in Nigeria used which of the following companies to ensure monopoly of trade?
A. National African Company
B. Niger Coast Protectorate
C. Oil Rivers Protectorate
D. Royal Niger Company
E. United Africa Company

28. The sole aim of European exploration of Nigeria was to
A. introduce their culture
B. promote Christianity
C. propagate education
D. secure the attention of traditional rulers
E. trade in agricultural products

29. Which of the following was not a reason for Berlin treaty?
A. Determining the movement of trade on river Niger
B. Encourage slave trading
C. Possessing the control of African colonies
D. Settling of conflict among Europeans
E. Stopping of slave trade in Africa

30. The last administrative headquarters of Royal Niger Company was in
A. Bida              B. Lagos          C. Lokoja
D. Minna           E. Zungeru

31. The importance of 1914 amalgamation gave Nigerians
A. enough leadership roles to play
B. freedom to form political parties
C. more members to legislative chamber
D. opportunities for self- governance
E. unity under one administration

32. The protectorate of Northern and Southern Nigeria were amalgamated on 1st January,
A. 1912           B. 1913          C. 1914
D. 1915           E. 1916

33. The headquarters of British administration in Northern Nigeria was in
A. Bida               B. Kontagora          C. Lokoja
D. New Bussa     E. Zungeru

34. The Niger protectorate was renamed a protectorate of ……………. Nigeria in January, 1900.
A. Central             B. Eastern         C. Northern
D. Southern          E. Western

35. Which of the following higher institutions was established in 1934?
A Ahmadu Bello Universitsy
B. University of Calabar
C University of Ibadan
D. University of Nigeria
E. Yaba Higher College

36. The Nigerian Youth Movement was founded in 1934 by
A. Ahmadu Bello
B. Anthony Enahoro
C. Herbert Macaulay
D. Nnamdi Azikiwe
E. Obafemi Awolowo

37. The first premier of Northern Nigeria was
A. Ahmadu Bello           B. Aminu Kano
C. Ibrahim Waziri          D. Joseph Tarka
E. Tafawa Balewa

38. The Pan-Yoruba organisation which was known as Egbe Omo Oduduwa was founded by
A. Funmilayo Kuti
B. Ladoke Akintola
C. Moses Majekodunmi
D. Obafemi Awolowo
E. Soroye Adegbenro

39. The first indigenous Governor- General of Nigeria was
A. Ahmadu Bello
B. John Macpherson
C. Nnamdi Azikiwe
D. Obafemi Awolowo
E. Tafawa Balewa

40. The right of people to choose the form of government they wish to be governed is
A. authority         B. democracy         C. independence
D. liberty             E. nationalism

41. The conduct of commercial activities between the North and West Africa was named trade
A. Atlantic        B. Desert       C. Magrib
D. Oases          E. Saharan

42. Commercial interactions during the Saharan trade with North Africa merchants led to
A. large scale labour
B. more incentives to rulers
C. opening of historical sites
D. safeguard of oases
E. wide spread conversion to Islam

43. The major article of trade during the trans-Saharan trade from Africa was gold and
A. beads           B. dates         C. firearms
D. slaves           E. spices

44. The routes of the trans-Saharan trade passes through desert and
A. forest          B. grassland         C. oases
D. orchard       E. savanna

45. Sijilmasa in Morocco at the time of Saharan trade was a starting point of
A. desert oases         B. sand dunes
C. slave deports        D. trade routes
E. trading centres

46. The duties of merchants during trans-Saharan trade was to provide
A. accommodation facilities
B. capital for businesses
C. easy mobility for caravans
D. information to traders
E. security to individuals

47. Which of the following was not a currency used during trans-Saharan trade?
A. Cowries       B. Glassware         C. Gold
D. Salt             E. Slaves

48. Trans-Saharan trade caravans were organised by the
A. Almoravids        B. Arabs        C. Berbers
D. Tuaregs             E. Wangaras

49. North African merchants in Nigeria during the Saharan trade settled in Kano, Katsina and
A. Bama           B. Dikwa           C. Gazargamu
D. Marte          E. Mongunu

50. Trans-Saharan trade lost its importance because of
A. death of their leader
B. low capital
C. rise of coastal trade
D. risk involved
E. shortage of water

51. The first Nigerian community to make contact with European along coastal area was the
A. Asaba           B. Benin       C. Calabar
D. Okrika          E. Warri

52. The British trade interest in the Niger Delta in 1800, was on
A. craft products        B. fishing activities
C. palm oil trade        D. salt production
E. slave trade

53. The positive impact of Europeans contact with Nigerian communities is that, it led to
A. establishment of plantations
B. expansion of health facilities
C. introduction of species of new food crops
D. political activities
E. re-organisation of traditional institutions

54. The first community in Nigeria where trade flourished with Europeans was in
A. Benin           B. Calabar           C. Lagos
D. Oyo             E. Warri

55. The aspect that witnessed highest development during Nigeria’s contact with the Europeans was
A. agriculture          B. craft           C. education
D. health                 E. trade

56. Legitimate trade was introduced to Nigeria by the Europeans after the
A. abolishment of slave trade
B. creation of protectorates
C. discovery of river Niger
D. formation of frontier forces
E. signing of anti-slave treaty

57. The introduction of Christian religion into Nigeria was first accepted by the ruler of
A. Badagry          B. Bonny         C. Brass
D. Kalabari          E. Warri

58. The major article of trade between Nigeria coastal communities and Portuguese was
A. fish              B. palm-oil           C. pepper
D. salt              E. slaves

59. The second European nation to visit Nigeria in the 20th century was
A. America            B. Britain            C. France
D. Germany           E. Spain

60. The earliest activities of Nigeria communities with the European was based on
A. agriculture           B. diplomacy           C. education
D. technology          Ε. trade

Answers to JSS 3 NECO BECE 2025 Questions and Answers History

Answers to BECE History PAPER I

The following table gives the correct answers to the objective questions in Paper I of JSS3 NECO BECE 2025 for History. If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view. Remember to use the comments section if you need further clarification of any question.

Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans
1 D 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 B
6 A 7 B 8 A 9 A 10 E
11 E 12 B 13 B 14 C 15 D
16 B 17 E 18 D 19 A 20 B
21 E 22 B 23 D 24 B 25 E
26 D 27 A 28 E 29 B 30 D
31 B 32 C 33 B 34 D 35 C
36 E 37 A 38 D 39 A 40 E
41 E 42 B 43 A 44 A 45 A
46 A 47 C 48 C 49 A 50 C
51 C 52 E 53 B 54 A 55 D
56 A 57 A 58 D 59 A 60 C

Answers to BECE History PAPER II

The following table gives the correct answers to the objective questions in Paper II of JSS3 NECO BECE 2025 for History. If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view. Remember to use the comments section if you need further clarification of any question.

Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans Q.No Ans
1 A 11 C 21 C 31 E 41 E
2 B 12 E 22 A 32 C 42 E
3 C 13 E 23 D 33 E 43 D
4 D 14 C 24 D 34 C 44 C
5 B 15 D 25 D 35 E 45 D
6 D 16 E 26 C 36 C 46 D
7 B 17 D 27 D 37 A 47 B
8 D 18 D 28 E 38 D 48 C
9 E 19 B 29 B 39 C 49 E
10 B 20 A 30 C 40 B 50 C
11 C 22 A 31 E 41 E 51 C
12 E 23 A 32 C 42 E 52 C
13 E 24 D 33 E 43 D 53 B
14 C 25 D 34 C 44 C 54 B
15 D 26 D 35 E 45 D 55 E
16 E 27 D 36 C 46 D 56 A
17 D 28 E 37 A 47 B 57 B
18 D 29 E 38 D 48 C 58 E
19 B 30 C 39 C 49 E 59 B
20 A 31 E 40 B 50 C 60 E

Best wishes.

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