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Junior WAEC 2023 English Questions and Answers

This is for BECE Candidates looking for Junior WAEC 2023 English Questions and Answers. The Use of English paper is compulsory for all candidates regardless of their school. So, here you will get genuine Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers English. Your duty now is to read through them as many times as possible and get ready to smash your English paper.

junior waec 2023 english questions and answers

What are Junior WAEC 2023 English Questions and Answers

Junior WAEC 2023 English Questions and Answers are the questions you should expect in your English paper in 2023 BECE, together with their answers.

It is very important that every candidate preparing to sit for English in the forthcoming 2023 BECE examination should catch a glimpse of these questions.

In so doing, they will know what to expect in the exam hall. Knowing exactly what to expect will boost their confidence and guarantee them a very high score.

Junior WAEC 2023 English Questions and Answers Revealed!

On this page, we shall reveal Junior WAEC 2023 English Questions and Answers for all candidates taking the English Language paper.

How lucky you are to stumble upon this important page!

The questions are genuine and the answers are accurate and all are a product of our passion to see you excel in your BECE and proceed to Senior Secondary School.

In the following sections, you will read the English questions you are to expect in your 2023 Junior WAEC exam as well as their answers. You can use the comments section if you still need clarification over some of the questions. We will give you a more detailed explanation.

BECE is a very serious and important examination. You will answer 50 questions in BECE English 2023 within 2 hours. So it’s important that you pay attention to the information revealed on this page.

Junior WAEC 2023 English Questions and Answers [Numbers 1 – 10]

junior waec candidates in bece hall

In each of questions 1-10, fill the gap with the most appropriate option from the list following the gap.

1. Some smugglers have created a road diversion in order to … the new import duty.
A. circumflex        B. circumscribe
C. circumspect     D. circumvent

2. It happened that our dog is male but … are all females.
A. their’s       B. there’s
C. theirs’       D. theirs

3. We can use the telephone; the lines are all….
A. on        B. off
C. up        D. down

4. Ayayi cashed … our boy’s defensive error to score the equalizer.
A. on         B. in with
C. in on     D. in

5. I heard that Italy’s victory at the world cup ….…the radio.
A. in           B. on
C. over       D. from

6. He travels very often as if he does not know that a car runs … Petrol.
A. with        B. by
C. on           D. in

7. We were all delighted when the lady …… a bouncing baby boy.
A. delivered          B. brought forth
C. gave birth to    D. was delivered of

8. Although the problem was simple ……… students were able to solve it.
A. few          B. a few
C. a lot of    D. little

9. Some students … believed they can succeed in exams without working hard.
A. many a times        B. many at time
C. many a time         D. many at times

10. The defendant claimed that he had been … into making a statement.
A. coarced          B. coaxed
C. coarsed          D. coerced

Answers to English Question Number 1 – 10

1.D    2.D    3.A    4.C    5.B
6.C    7.D    8.A    9.C    10.D

Junior WAEC 2023 English Questions and Answers [Numbers 11 – 20]

In each of questions 11 –  13, choose the word(s) that best complete the meaning in the sentence

11. We watched the woman as she stood up and … herself more comfortably.
A. reseated        C. reseat
B. resat              D. resitted

12. The students……the principal’s appeal for calm and took to the streets.
A. deferred       C. defied
B. differed         D. defined

13. The noise from the record seller’s workshop …on my ears.
A. jeers              B. jars
C. jams              D. jabs

In question 14 – 16, choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) in italics

14. The Military Governor upheld the decision of his cabinet.
A. Held up        B. Abolished
C. Reversed      D. Maintained

15. Chidi is naturally taciturn.
A. Friendly        D. Lively
B. Cheerful        E. Reserved
C. Dumb

16. James is a disco-addict. He takes his studies rather lightly.
A. Humorously       D. Carefully
B. Gloomily            E. Seriously
C. Tediously

In questions 17 – 19 choose the words or phrases which best fill(s) the gap(s)

17. There’s …. ventilation in this room; that’s why you don’t breathe well.
A. few         C. a few
B. little        D. a little

18. Whenever he puts the light on, someone …. to disturb him.
A. came           C. comes
B. has come    D. would come

19. It … be taken for repair after all; it’s working again.
A. couldn’t       C. mightn’t
B. shouldn’t     D. needn’t

In question 15 choose the word that has the same consonant sound as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.

20. Chassis
A. Chip        C. Sharp
B. Cheat      D. Character

Answers to English Question Number 11 – 20

11.A     12.C    13.B     14.E    15.A
16.E     17.B     18.B     19.D    20.C

Junior WAEC 2023 English Questions and Answers [Numbers 21 – 30]

Choose the option that best conveys the meaning of the underlined portion in each of the following sentences.

21. In the match against the Rangers team, the Enyimba boys turned out to be the dark horse.
A. played most brilliantly
B. played below their form
C. won unexpectedly
D. lost as expected

22. He spoke with his heart in his mouth.
A. courageously
B. with such unusual cowardice
C. with a lot of confusion in his speech
D. with fright and agitation

23. The leader in today’s issue of Punch Newspaper focuses on inflation.
A. president      B. headline
C. editorial        D. columnist

24. All his plans fell through.
A. failed
B. were accomplished
C. had to be reviewed
D. were rejected

25. He stared at her.
A. glanced    B. peeped
C. looked      D. gazed

26. As he was a gullible leader, his followers took advantage of him.
A. He was weak and unable to enforce his authority
B. He was partial and unfair in dispensing justice
C. He was simple minded to a fault
D. He was lacking in education and experience in every affairs

27. His summary of the lecture was brief and to the point.
A. careful       B. precise
C. accurate    D. exact

28. Do you have the same aversion as I do for home videos?
A. bitterness       B. dislike
C. criticism         D. indignation

29. I did not think she could be so easily taken in by his pretenses.
A. flattered        B. deceived
C. pregnated     D. overcome

30. The witness was guilty of swearing to a statement he knew to be false.
A. forgery     B. perjury
C. libel          D. slander

Answers to English Question Number 21 – 30

21.C    22.D    23.C    24.A    25.D
26.C    27.B    28.B    29.B    30.B

Junior WAEC 2023 English Questions and Answers [Numbers 31 – 40]

Choose the word/expression which best completes each sentence.

31. The giant hydro-electric project is among the …. of colonial rule in Southern Africa.
A. inheritance    B. remnants
C. legacies         D. evidence

32. During the inaugural address, the president …. the activities of his government for the past eight years.
A. reiterated      B. reviewed
C. restated         D. recited

33. The World Bank team which visited the landlocked country …. a bleak economic future for it.
A. forecast        B. discovered
C. thought of    D. prophesied

34. We traveled all night and arrived …. the Lagos motor park at six o’clock in the morning.
A. by    B. inside    C. in    D. at

35. We ought to stay away from this place …. the robbers come back.
A. provided     B. should in case
C. in case        D. since

36. The principal will be going away on …. In his absence, the vice principal will …. the school.
A. holidays/take over       B. holiday/carry on
C. holidays/care for         D. holiday/look after

37. The new leader has good intentions, but she is unable to ….
A. carry them with him     B. carry them out
C. carry them on               D. carry them well

38. Abuja is not far from here, it is only an ….
A. hour of driving     B. hour’s drive
C. hour by driving    D. hours drive

39. Do you know if the new teacher …. yet?
A. is arrived        B. will be arriving
C. has arrived     D. had arrived

40. Had he known, he …. away.
A. will go
B. will be going
C. will have gone
D. would have gone

Answers to English Question Number 31 – 40

31.C     32.B    33.A     34.D    35.C
36.D     37.B    38.B     39.C    40.D

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So here you have the 40 English Questions you can expect in your 2023 BECE English Language examination. Read them again and again. Ensure that you get very familiar with each of them such that you can readily recognize them any time.

Remember that you can ask for more detailed explanation to any of the above questions in case you don’t fully understand it. Don’t be shy, just scroll down and use the comments section. Drop your questions and expect comprehensive answers as soon as possible.

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See you on the next article.

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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  1. Junior waec

  2. Davina Ekennah-Chima

    Pls I need the theory

  3. good thanks

  4. I need theory to all subject
    Questions and answers

  5. I need theory

  6. Anonymous Anonymously

    How about the Comprehension passage its questions and the literacy questions relating to the BECE books?

    • I need theory of questions and answers in the following subjects 2023 for junior WAEC
      Social studies
      Basic science
      fine art
      civic education
      Business studies
      Home Economics
      Agricultural science

  7. Please I need all the theory for the English question and answers

  8. Are the questions the same for all states

  9. I need the theory

  10. English theory of 2023

  11. I need the theory questions

  12. Sorry ,are these jamb questions because that is what I saw in your conclusion.i need bece 2023 questions and accurate date for this examination.

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