This is for BECE Candidates looking for Junior WAEC 2024 Past Questions and Answers Business Studies. The Business Studies paper is compulsory for all candidates regardless of their school. So, here you will get genuine Junior WAEC 2024 Past Questions and Answers for Business Studies. Your duty now is to read through them as many times as possible and get ready to smash your paper.

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What are Junior WAEC 2024 Past Questions and Answers Business Studies?
Junior WAEC 2024 Past Questions and Answers Business Studies are the questions that appeared in Business Studies paper in 2024 BECE, together with their answers.
It is very important that every candidate preparing to sit for Business Studies in the forthcoming BECE examination should catch a glimpse of these past questions.
In so doing, they will know what to expect in the exam hall. Knowing exactly what to expect will boost their confidence and guarantee them a very high score.
Junior WAEC 2024 Business Studies Questions and Answers Revealed!
On this page, we shall reveal Junior WAEC 2024 Past Questions and Answers Business Studies for all candidates taking the Business Studies paper.
How lucky you are to stumble upon this important page!
The questions are genuine and the answers are accurate, and all are a product of our passion to see you excel in your BECE and proceed to Senior Secondary School.
In the following sections, you will read the Business Studies past questions for 2024 Junior WAEC exam as well as their answers. You can use the comments section if you still need clarification over some of the questions. We will give you a more detailed explanation.
BECE is a very serious and important examination. You will answer 60 questions in BECE Business Studies within 2 hours. So it’s important that you pay attention to the information revealed on this page.
Junior WAEC 2024 Past Questions and Answers Business Studies [Numbers 1 – 10]
1. A large loop written in the same direction as the S circle represents the
A. sway B. Ster
C. Swear D. Steer
2. …. is the act of giving information about a product to the public.
A. Business B. Communication
C. Commerce D. Advertising
3. The major parts of a business letter are
(I) The closing
(II) The opening
(III) The body
(IV) The heading
A. I and II only B. II only
C. I, II and III D. all of the above
4. Commercial banks operate two main deposits
A. open deposit and saving
B. circle deposit and saving
C. fixed deposit and saving
D. bank statement
5. Detailed information about quantities of good supplied or carried into the storeroom could be found in the
A. requisition form
B. stock record card
C. delivery note
D. stock balance
6. A cheque drawn by a bank on itself and made payable to a named person at any bank in the town of the person to whom it is payable is called
A. cash B. cheque
C. money D. draft
7. In order to avoid awkward joining “T” is written …………….. before “m”
A. upward B. downward
C. horizontal D. vertical
8. …………… paragraph is a style of paragraphing in which the first line is started five spaces in, from the left margin
A. block B. indented
C. hanging D. line
9. Which of the advertising media has the following characteristics: “oldest form of advertising, most popular and cheapest”?
A. Television B. Radio
C. Newspaper D. Magazine
10. Which of the following is NOT a type of market?
A. auction B. shops
C. stalls D. open market
Answers to Question Number 1 – 10
1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.A
Junior WAEC 2024 Past Questions and Answers Business Studies [Numbers 11 – 20]
11. In a balance sheet, the amount of debt that must be paid is represented by
A. loan B. liabilities
C. assets D. stock
12. The four double vowels in Pitman’s shorthand “i” “oi” “ow” and U are called
A. phrasing
B. double consonants
C. diphthongs
D. prefixes and suffixes
13. During typing the display of information both horizontally and vertically in columns is known as
A. stencil cutting B. speed
C. accuracy D. tabulation
14. In which of the following is the final result of the trader’s operations for the period ascertained?
A. Trading account
B. Profit and loss
C. Balance sheet
D. trial balance
15. Most often, manufactured goods get to the final consumers through
A. manufacturer B. retailer
C. wholesaler D. distributor
16. ………… is a current asset?
A. Building B. Planting
C. Goodwill D. Stock
17. Frequently occurring words represented by a stroke or outline is called
A. phrase B. frequency
C. short form D. long form
18. A correction sign ‘U’, ‘C’ means
A. close up B. insert comma
C. lower case D. upper case
19. At the end of the trading period, the net profit or net loss is transferred by journal entry to the
A. trial balance B. trading account
C. balance sheet D. capital account
20. A method of trading through the post is called
A. postage stamp B. telegram
C. mail order D. delivery note
Answers to Question Number 11 – 20
11.B 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.B 16.D 17.C 18.D 19.D 20.C
Junior WAEC 2024 Past Questions and Answers Business Studies [Numbers 21 – 30]
21. A balance sheet is essentially a statement of the ……. at a particular date.
A. assets and liabilities
B. income and expenditure
C. profit and loss
D. records and valuation
22. The art of writing words without lifting of the pen is called
A. shorthand B. diphthong
C. phrasing D. joining
23. In typing long and legal work, you use a paper size of
A. FCP/fullscap
B. A4
C. A5
D. A6
24. From which of the following documents does the trader prepare his sales day book?
A. way bell B. cash receipt
C. invoice D. credit note
25. In some offices, callers who wish to see an officer are asked to complete a
A. visitor’s book
B. request form
C. business card
D. telephone message pad
26. This is not reflected in the trading profit and loss account
A. income
B. asset
C. net profit or loss
D. expenses
27. To file documents, a …….. is needed to punch holes on the papers to be filed.
A. perforator B. pin
C. stapler D. filing cabinet
28. The warning bell at the end of the line indicates that you have ……. letters to type before you get to the right hand margin.
A. 2 B. 3
C. 4 D. 5
29. One of the functions of advertising is the provision of
A. information B. interest
C. money D. goods and services
30. All mails received in or within an organization are received in a ………… book.
A. cash B. dispatch
C. inward D. outward
Answers to Question Number 21 – 30
21.A 22.C 23.A 24.C 25.B 26.B 27.A 28.D 29.A 30.C
Junior WAEC 2024 Past Questions and Answers Business Studies [Numbers 31 – 40]
31. The proof of the quality of debit and credit in ledger is called
A. bookkeeping B. journal
C. trial balance D. balance sheet
32. The vowel sounds in a word determines
A. writing position
B. vowel sound
C. nature of outlines
D. all of the above
33. The home keys are found on the …….. row of the keyboard.
A. first B. second
C. third D. fourth
34. To prepare invoice, usually …………. copies are produced.
A. two B. three
C. four D. five
35. A room in an organization set aside for clerical activities of the organization is called
A. store B. school
C. company D. office
36. The original amount given to a petty cashier is called
A. till B. imprest
C. cash D. interest
37. The business capital in the balance sheet can be increased by
A. gross loss B. gross profit
C. net loss D. net profit
38. The word ‘fat’ is the last word you are to type but you had already typed fa at the end of the line, to type the remaining t, you use the
A. margin release lever
B. tabulator key
C. carriage return lever
D. line space regulator
39. Manufacturers grant trade discount as a means of encouraging customers to
A. pay promptly
B. buy in bulk
C. like manufacturers
D. behave well
40. The department which is in charge of buying all materials equipment needed in the organization is called
A. personnel B. sales
C. purchasing D. accounts
Answers to Question Number 31 – 40
31.C 32.D 33.B 34.C 35.D 36.B 37.D 38.A 39.B 40.C
Junior WAEC 2024 Past Questions and Answers Business Studies [Numbers 41 – 50]
41. Payments for …….. is a function of the petty cash.
A. wages B. salaries
C. contracts D. stationary
42. When R begins a word
A. downward R is used
B. upward R is used
C. the R outline is written sideways
D. none of the above
43. The inside address is typed at the
A. right topside of the paper
B. left topside of the paper
C. margin two clear spaces from the date
D. middle of the paper
44. Gross profit is determined by total sales minus
A. sales returns
B. sales discount
C. closing stock
D. cost of goods sold
45. The department that is concerned with all matters about staff welfare, training, transfer, recruitment, promotions and evaluation is known as
A. Planning B. Sales
C. Personnel D. Purchasing
46. The letter ‘C’ placed in the folio column of the cash book represents ……. entry.
A. credit B. cash
C. contra D. caution
47. The K, G, M, N, NG consonants are written
A. horizontally B. perpendicularly
C. circularly D. caution
48. To type the name of the writer you turn ………. single line after the complementary closing.
A. three B. five
C. seven D. nine
49. The third column in the three column cash book shows
A. discount B. cash
C. bank D. contra-entry
50. The outlines, which are written above the line, are usually regarded as …… vowels.
A. first place B. important position
C. second place D. AW and O
Answers to Question Number 41 – 50
41.D 42.B 43.C 44.D 45.C 46.C 47.A 48.B 49.A 50.A
Junior WAEC 2024 Past Questions and Answers Business Studies [Numbers 51 – 60]
51. An A5 paper is equivalent of
A. half of A4 paper
B. one-quarter of A4 paper
C. one-third of A4 paper
D. two-third of A4 paper
52. Assets which are acquired without a view of selling them in the near future but for retention in the business are normally called …….. assets.
A. floating B. current
C. fixed D. liquid
53. A diphthong is a union of ……… vowel sounds to form a single sound.
A. one B. two
C. three D. four
54. The sign at the margin means
A. insert space B. close up
C. run on D. let it stand
55. While typing, your eyes must always be on the
A. typewriter B. chalk board
C. teacher D. copybook
56. At the end of a particular period (weekly or monthly), all transactions that have been recorded in the journals will now be transferred to the
A. ledger B. cashbook
C. diary D. petty cashbook
57. When the ribbon selector is set at neutral, the ribbon is said to be
A. engaged B. disengaged
C. engagement D. disengagement
58. This is NOT an office equipment
A. typewriter
B. stock of goods
C. filing cabinet
D. perforator
59. The …… book is a ledger account
A. sales B. purchase
C. cash D. sales returns
60. Production services can be divided into two categories
A. extraction and manufacturing
B. manufacturing and construction
C. construction and extraction
D. commercial and direct
Answers to Question Number 51 – 60
51B. 52.C 53.B 54.A 55.D 56.A 57.D 58.B 59.C 60.C
1. (a) Briefly explain four duties of the personnel department
(b) Briefly explain each of the following insurance
(I) Vehicle (II) Burglary (III) Fire (IV) Marine
2. Transcribe into shorthand
(a) He will come to see us today
(b) Have you seen the book?
(c) Ede has no book to write
(d) Thank you for the food
3. (a) What is petty cash book?
(b) Enter the following transaction in a petty cash book using appropriate expenditure column
The amount of the imprest is N160.00
1st Jan. Postage stamps N20
2nd Jan. Stationery N30
3rd Jan. Traveling expenses N40
4th Jan. A. obi N50
4. (i) Explain briefly the general functions of a wholesaler.
(ii) Briefly explain the following terms:
(a) Assets (b) Double Entry (c) Stock (d) Gross Profit (e) Loan (f) Double line spacing (g) Carriage (h) Pitman’s
So, above are the 60 objective Questions that showed up in 2024 BECE Business Studies examination. The essay questions are also given. Read them again and again. Ensure that you get very familiar with each of them such that you can readily recognize them any time.
Remember that you can ask for more detailed explanation to any of the above Junior WAEC 2024 Past Questions and Answers Business Studies in case you don’t fully understand it. Don’t be shy, just scroll down and use the comments section. Drop your questions and expect comprehensive answers as soon as possible.
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