This post is about NDA Courses. So you will get a complete list of the courses offered by the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) with the general requirements, compulsory credits and relevant credits for admission.
The Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) is not an institution where admitted candidates only undergo military training. Admitted students also undergo sound academic training as Officer Cadets for a duration of 5 years.
Upon completing training, graduates will earn a university first degree (BSc, BEng, BA) and a commission into the Armed Forces of Nigeria.
Before we look at the list of courses offered by NDA and their full requirements, let me take some space to answer one or two questions.
Table of Contents
Does NDA Accept Second Choice Candidates for Admission?
No, NDA does not accept second choice candidates for admission. If you want to be admitted into the academy, you must make it your first choice institution in your UTME. Only first choice candidates are given consideration.
Does NDA Pay School Fees?
The question about NDA school fees has been a bit controversial, especially among people who are not well informed. Many assume that the government takes full responsibility for the fees while the students study on scholarship. Others think that the government subsidizes the fees and there are no standard fee paid by students. But all these are speculations as there are standard tuition fees paid by students of the academy yearly.
Is Mobile Phone Allowed in NDA Campus/Hostel?
No, mobile phones and other such communication and information dissemination gadgets are strictly prohibited in NDA campus.
Does Everyone who Graduates from the NDA Continue as an Officer?
You hardly get anything 100% in life. But largely speaking, most cadets who graduate from the NDA end up as officers in the Armed Forces. After successfully passing through NDA, the cadets go to respective service academy for further training. Such service academies include the Indian military academy, the naval academy or the air force academy.
Can I study Medicine in NDA?
No, you cannot study medicine and many other courses closely related to medicine in NDA. If you keep reading this post, you will see a full list of all the courses offered at NDA and their entry requirements.
Do NDA Cadets Get Laptops?
The management gives a laptop to every cadet at the NDA. But these laptops are not functional in the real sense. The NDA makes available a LAN connection in each and every room, but the sad twist is that most of the websites you want to visit have been disabled by the academy.
Is it Compulsory to Cut your Hair in the NDA?
Long and stylish hair are not allowed in the NDA. All the lady cadets are required to trim their hair as their male counterparts. But if you want to keep long hair, then you will need to keep it in a tight bun, every day. i.e. you must wear the hair in such a way that it does not protrude past the bottom of the collar, and is not below the eyebrows.
Now let’s get into the main reason for this post. Please read on.
Read Also: NDA School Fees
NDA Courses and Requirements
Below are the courses being offered at NDA.
Note to Mobile users: Scroll to the side to view all the contents in the table below:
S/N |
COURSE | General Requirement | Compulsory Credits | Relevant Credits (Waiver Remarks) |
1. | BSc Biology | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry. | Any one of the listed subjects: Physics, Further Mathematics Agricultural Science, Geography, Health Education. |
2. | BSc Biotechnology | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry. | Any one of the listed subjects: Physics, Further Mathematics, Agricultural Science, Geography, Health Education. |
3. | BSc Chemistry | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics. | Any one of the listed subjects: Biology or Further Mathematics, Agric Science. |
4. | BSc Mathematics | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, Mathematics and Physics. | Any two of the listed subjects: Chemistry, Further Mathematics and Biology, Computer Science, Technical Drawing, Basic Electronics, Basic Electricity. |
5. | BSc Physics | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. | Any One Of The Listed Subjects: Biology, Further Mathematics and Technical Drawing and Agricultural Science Basic Electronics, Basic Electricity. |
S/N | Course | General Requirement | Compulsory Credits | Relevant Credits (Waiver Remarks |
1. | BSc Security and Intelligence Science | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, Physics and Mathematics. | Economics/Geography Chemistry/Biology, Computer Studies, Basic Electronics, Basic Electricity and Further Mathematics. |
2. | BSc Military Science | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, Physics and Mathematics. | Economics/Geography Chemistry/Biology. Computer Studies, Basic Electronics, Basic Electricity and Further Mathematics. |
3. | BSc Computer Science | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, Mathematics and Physics. | Any two of the listed subjects: Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Biology/Agric Science and Computer Studies, Basic Electronics, Basic Electricity. |
4. | BSc Cyber Security | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, Physics and Mathematics. | Economics/Geography Chemistry/Biology. Computer Studies, Basic Electronics, Basic Electricity and Further Mathematics. |
S/N | Course | General Requirement | Compulsory Credits | Relevant Credits (Waiver Remarks |
1. | B Eng Civil Engineering | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics. | Technical Drawing, Further Mathematics, Biology, Geography, Building Construction, Agric Science, Wood Work, Metal Work, Computer Studies. |
2. | B Eng Electrical and Electronics Engineering | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics. | Technical Drawing, Further Mathematics, Biology, Geography, Electronic, Computer Studies and Basic Electricity. |
3. |
B Eng Mechanical Engineering | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics. | Technical Drawing, Further Mathematics, Biology and Geography, Auto Mechanics, Wood Work, Metal Work, Computer Science. |
4. | B Eng Mechatronics | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics. | Technical Drawing, Further Mathematics, Biology and Geography, Auto Mechanics, Wood Work, Metal Work, Computer Science. |
S/N | Course | General Requirement | Compulsory Credits | Relevant Credits |
1. | BSc Economics | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, Economics and Mathematics. | Financial Accounting, Commerce, Government, Cimc Education, Geography and History, French, Literature in English CRK/IRK. |
2. | BA French | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, French and Mathematics. | Economics, Geography, Government, Civic Education, History, Arabic, CRK/IRK Commerce, Financial Accounting, Literature in English, Home Management and any Nigerian Languages. |
3. | BSc Geography | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, Geography and Mathematics. | History, Economics, Government, Civic Education, Physics, Chemistry and Biology/ Agric Science, Visual Arts, Further Mathematics Physics, Physical Education, Health Education, Technical Drawing, Food Nutrition, Home Management (preference will be given to those having credits in Social Science Subjects). |
4. |
BA History and War Studies | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, History or Government and Mathematics. | Arabic, Citric Education, Economics, Geography, Commerce, French, Literature in English, CRK/IRK and any Nigerian Languages. |
5. | BSc Political Science and International Relations. | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, Government / Civic Education and Mathematics. | History, Economics, French, Arabic, Geography, Financial Accounting Literature in English, CRK/IRK, Home Management, Commerce and any Nigerian Language. |
6. | BSc Defence and Security Studies | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, Government / Civic Education and Mathematics. | History, Economics, French, Arabic, Geography, Financial Accounting Literature in English, CRK/IRK, Home Management, Commerce and any Nigerian Language. |
7. | BSc Psychology | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, Biology and Mathematics. | Economics, Government, Civic Education, Chemistry, Geography, Health Education, Biology/Agric Science, Lit in English, Commerce Financial Accounting Home Management and Agric Science. |
8. | BA Arabic | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Math. | English Language, Arabic and Mathematics. | Economics, Geography, Government, Civic Education, History, French, IRK, Commerce, Financial Accounting, Literature in English, Home Management and any Nigerian Languages. |
S/N | Course | General Requirement | Compulsory Credits | Relevant Credits |
1. | BSc Accounting | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, Financial Accounting and Mathematics. | Commerce, Government, Civic Education, Geography History and Economics, Literature in English. |
2. | Logistics and Supply Chain Management | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, Economics and Mathematics. | Chemistry, Government, History, Geography, Accounting, Commerce, Food and Nutrition, Home Management, Physics, Biology, Agric Science, Visual Arts, Technical Drawing. |
3. | BSc Management Sciences | 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics. | English Language, Mathematics, Economics and any of one social science subject. | Economics, Accounting, Business Method, Commerce, Government, Geography and Statistics. |
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