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Mass Communication Courses, Outlines and Descriptions

This post is about mass communication courses. So I will give you the mass communication course outlines and descriptions.

mass communication courses

Table of Contents

What is Mass Communication?

Mass Communication is a field of study that focuses on the communication of information to large audiences. This is done through various mediums, such as television, radio, print, and the internet.

As you will discover, mass communication courses are designed to teach students journalism, advertising, public relations and media production. They are also taught about the importance of understanding the roles that social, cultural and political contexts play in communication.

As a student in a Mass Communication program, you will take classes in writing, research, media theory and media ethics. Depending on where you run your program, you may also have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience through internships or participation in student-run media outlets.

Mass Communication B.Sc Degree Programme

A Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Mass Communication is an undergraduate degree programme that trains students in mass communication.

The primary aim of the program is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the field of mass communication. Of course, this would include its history, theory and practical applications.

For a B.Sc programme, Mass Communication courses are designed to cover the following topics and more:

  • Writing for mass media
  • Media ethics and law
  • Media research and analysis
  • Advertising and public relations
  • Journalism
  • Television and radio production
  • New Media and digital communication
  • Media and society
  • Media management

Mass Communication Courses for B.Sc Degree Programme

Year One: 100 Level Mass Communication Courses


Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
MAC 101 Introduction to Mass Communication I 2
MAC 111 Introduction to Reporting and News Writing 2
MAC 121 History of Nigerian Mass  Media 2
MAC 161 English for Mass Communication I 2
GSS   101 Use of English I 2
GSS   104 History and Philosophy of Science 2
GSS   107 Nigerian Peoples And Culture 2
GSS   109* Basic Igbo Studies I 2
SOC  101 Introduction to Sociology I 2
PSY  101 Introduction to Psychology I 2
LAW 243 Nigerian Legal System I 2
Total Number of Units 20

* Basic Igbo Studies is a required University-wide course but does not add to the student’s credit load.


Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
MAC 102 Introduction to Mass Communication II 2
MAC 122 African Communication System 2
MAC 162 English for Mass Communication II 2
MAC 172 Introduction to Online Journalism/New Media 2
GSS 102 Use of English II 2
GSS 103 Logic and Philosophy of Science 2
GSS 109* Basic Igbo Studies II 2
SOC 113 Introduction to Sociology II 2
PSY 102 Introduction to Psychology II 2
LAW 244 Nigerian Legal System II 2
ENG 131 Basic English Composition 2
  Total Number of Units 20

* Basic Igbo Studies is a required University-wide course but does not add to the student’s credit load.

Year Two: 200 Level Mass Communication Courses


Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
MAC 201 News Editing 2
MAC 211 Critical Writing and Reviewing 2
MAC 221 Theories of Mass Communication 2
MAC 231 Community Media 2
MAC 241 Principles of Broadcasting 2
MAC 251 Principles of Public Relations 2
MAC 261 Introduction to Graphics 2
MAC 281 Speech Communication 2
PSC  101 Introduction to Political Science I 2
CSC 101 Computer Programming and Language I 3
FRE 101 Elementary French 2
Entrepreneurial Studies* 2
  Total Number of Units 23

* Entrepreneurial Studies is a required University-wide course but does not add to the student’s credit load.


Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
MAC 212 Writing for the Mass Media 2
MAC 222 Media and Society 2
MAC 242 Radio/TV Script Writing 2
MAC 252 Principles of Advertising 2
MAC 262 Graphics of Mass Communication 2
PSC 102 Introduction to Political Science II 2
CSC 102 Computer Programming and Language II 3
FRE 102 Intermediate French 2
PSY 253 Social Psychology 2
ECO 263 Economic Problems of Nigeria 2
Total Number of Units 21

Year Three: 300 Level Mass Communication Courses


Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
MAC 301 Specialised Reporting 2
MAC 311 Feature and Magazine Article Writing 2
MAC 321 Mass Media and Politics 2
MAC 331 Newspaper Editing and Production 2
MAC 341 Radio/TV Programme Writing 2
MAC 351 Public Relations Copy and Media 2
MAC 361 Introduction to Photojournalism 2
MAC 371 Advertising and Public Relations Research 2
PSY 311 Social Statistics I 2
Total Number of Units 18


Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
MAC 312 Editorial Writing 2
MAC 322 Public Opinion and the Mass Media 2
MAC 332 Magazine Editing and Production 2
MAC 342 Business/Organisational Communication 2
MAC 352 Advertising Copywriting and Layout & PRAD Practicals 2
MAC 362 Film Theory and Aesthetics 2
MAC 372 Communication Research 2
MAC 382 International Communication, Popular Culture and Globalisation 2
MAC 392 Print Media Organization and Management 2
PSY  312 Social Statistics II 2
Total Number of Units 20

Year Four: 400 Level Mass Communication Courses


Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
MAC 411 Investigative and Interpretative Reporting 2
MAC 421 Development Communication 2
MAC 431 Advanced Newspaper Production & Print Journalism Practicals I 2
MAC 441 Broadcast Library 2
MAC 451 International Public Relations 2
MAC 461 Ethics of Mass Communication 2
MAC 481 Advanced Radio/TV Production 2
MAC 491 Station Management and Operations & Broadcast Practicals 2
  Total Number of Units 18


Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
MAC 432 Advanced Magazine Production and Print Journalism Practicals II 2
MAC 442 Broadcast Seminar 2
MAC 452 Multinational Advertising 2
MAC 462 Mass Communication Law 2
MAC 472 Research Project 6
MAC 482 Documentary Film Production 2
MAC 492 Organization and Management of Adverting and PR Agencies 2

Read Also: JAMB Brochure for Mass Communication And Media Technology

Mass Communication Courses Specifications and Description

100 LEVEL Mass Communication Courses Specifications and Descriptions

MAC 101 & 102: Introduction to Mass Communication

This is primarily designed as one of the foundation courses on which the Mass Communication discipline is anchored. Consequently, the course is an introduction to the basic concepts in Mass Communication. The purpose is for the course to serve as an introductory background for media education by demystifying the mass media for students by providing them with a basic understanding of what the mass media are and the way they operate.

The course also reflects much of the rapid development that is taking place in the field of Mass Communication. Introduction to Mass Communication equally exposes students to fundamental knowledge of major issues in Communication, such as Gender Issues, as well as how gender-sensitivity can be cultivated in language use.

MAC 111 & 112: Introduction to Reporting and News Writing

This course examines the various definitions of News, as well as the structure of the news story as distinct from other journalistic genres. This is a practical-oriented course designed to enable students to become proficient in preparing publishable copy to meet deadlines. Students are assigned beats, primarily on campus, to cover stories for publication. Elements of the journalistic style, interviewing, coverage of major news events also form part of the course content. 

MAC 121: History of Nigeria Mass Media

This is an examination of the history of the mass media in Nigeria from 1859 till date. The course also looks at major trends in the development of the media, as well as their contributions to political, religious, economic and social development.

MAC 122: African Communication System

This course exposes students to African oral traditional communication (Oramedia): its structure, variety and content. It entails a survey of past and present media systems as influenced by African political culture, and examines the continued relevance of these media forms.

MAC 161 & 162: English for Mass Communication

English for Mass Communication equips the student with the knowledge and skills required for the effective use of the English language in the practice of Journalism. Emphasis is placed on the understanding of fundamental concepts in the English language, such as the parts of speech, sentence structure, rules of concord/agreement, punctuation, syntax etc. This practical-oriented course also schools students in the writing of various essay types, particularly from a journalistic perspective.

MAC 172: Online Journalism/New Media

This course introduces students to the Online Communication by x-raying the evolution of the New/Social Media and their indispensable role in modern Journalism practice. The interface between Online Journalism and Traditional Journalism is also examined to establish the challenges faced by traditional mass media and their coping mechanisms, for instance through Convergence.

200 LEVEL Mass Communication Courses Specifications and Descriptions

MAC 201:  News Editing

Here, the student is guided to master the process of editing the news story: checking the reporter’s story for errors in grammar, spelling, fact, usage, style etc. The ultimate goal is to spot these errors and effectively correct them, and to recognize potentially libelous statements and inconsistencies in stories.

The course also provides guidance on working to maintain a medium’s credibility, learning how to work with pictures and graphics to design eye-catching news pages, as well as how to craft attention-grabbing headlines. Thus, students are taught how to judge news values and keep abreast with current affairs at both local and international levels. A basic knowledge of the law and ethics of journalism also forms part of the course, in addition to basic skills in modern computer-based editing. 

MAC 211:  Critical Writing and Reviewing

The course examines the nature of criticism and the place/role of critical writing in Mass Communication. It also looks at the types of reviews, the format of the critical review, the different genres in Literature and the characteristics/elements of each genre.

MAC 112 is practical-oriented; in addition to teaching the theory, the practice of reviewing the lively arts for daily newspapers and other media is also part of the course. Consequently, a lot of practical work is done in writing of reviews of novels, plays, movies, radio/television programmes, music, paintings, sculpture and other creative productions. Practical work also involves the analysis of the Literary/Review pages of selected Nigerian newspapers and magazines.  

MAC 221: Theories of Mass Communication

The content of this course includes: exploration, categorization and analysis of theories of mass communication, as well as an examination of the relevance of specific theories to contemporary Mass Communication research and practice. Major theorists and their contributions to our understanding of the mass media, the industry and media audiences are also looked at. In addition, the course appraises the relationship between theory and research, and the relevance of the latter to the former.   

MAC 231: Community Media

This course exposes students to the relevant theories that underpin the concept and practice of community media. It also demonstrates how participant communication theories could be used in the management of Community Radio and in the production of radio programme content for the community and by the community. MAC 231 is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills to work in and/or manage Community Radio stations, for example the Department’s FM Radio station.

MAC 241: Principles of Broadcasting

The course involves an overview of the physical, technical and societal basis of Radio and Television broadcasting. Its historical perspective includes an understanding of the law of nature that makes broadcasting possible, and the scientists who exploited it. MAC 241 also provides an understanding of the principles of wave propagation and of programming. It familiarizes students with the individual items and equipment used in Radio and Television broadcasting, and surveys the diverse environment of broadcasting stations and networks.

MAC 261 & 262: Graphics of Mass Communication

This course provides students with a hands-on knowledge of the importance of graphics in the production of publication materials like newspapers, magazines, books etc; the theory and practice of designing captions for TV programmes; variety of types, typefaces and paper quality; different types of layouts and designs; as well as principles and techniques of graphic production. The practical aspects of the course also include preparation of articles and photographs in photo-editing for newspaper/magazine publication.

MAC 251: Principles of Public Relations

The definition, concepts, theories, and practice of Public Relations and public affairs are at the centre of this course. It also looks at: the evolution of Public Relations globally and in Nigeria; the scope and functions of Public Relations; relationship between Public Relations and related disciplines; the importance of Public Relations in either profit or non-profit organizations etc. Public Relations research and the different models of Public Relations are also components of the course.

MAC 281: Speech Communication

This course teaches students to develop skills for effective communication with various audiences, including business and professional associates. Specifically, the course is based on the study of communication theory as it  applies to a variety of public speaking situations and social interactions.

The goal is to improve students’ capacity to speak in public before a variety of audiences; to listen to and analyze speeches; to interact more effectively interpersonally; and to increase awareness of the role of communication in our complex society. The course content bases on the theory of Rhetorics, which exposes students to different speech situations and theories that deal with public speaking.

MAC 212: Writing for the Mass Media

The content of this course revolve around instruction and practice in writing for the Mass Communication media, with major emphasis on development of the journalistic style; proficiency in grammar and usage; achieving clarity through sensitivity to English language by avoiding clichés, jargon, slang and superfluous words.

All this is anchor on the student’s understanding of the basic characteristics of the various mass media and the techniques for writing for each medium. The course also teaches professional media writing in the age of the New Media, as well as the legal and ethical considerations in writing for the mass media.

MAC 222: Mass Media and Society

The course is an examination of the mass media of communication as a social institution, with particular attention to pertinent sociological concepts, theories, themes and problems. It also looks at the roles of the mass media vis-à-vis major social institutions, and the media’s relationship with these institutions. MAC 222 also focuses on the sociology and professionalism of mass media communicators, in addition to mass media content and the issue of cultural imperialism and media dependency.

It also examines the internal dynamics and control of media organizations in the light of the interface between Mass Communication and politics and the principles of State control. The course content equally includes the role of communication in development and the issue of communication and rights: human rights, women’s rights, children’s rights etc. Patterns of media ownership and control are also part of the course; so are the characteristics of the Nigerian Press and Comparative Media Systems.

MAC 242: Radio and TV Script Writing

The content of the course includes: understanding basic programme types in Radio and Television; acquisition of the necessary skills for correct preparation of scripts for Radio and Television broadcasting; differentiating between writing for Radio and writing for Television; explaining the format for scripting for each medium, as well as for drama, documentary, sports etc. The course also involves practice in scripting for any of the programme types. Initial back-grounding includes:

  • Reasons/why it is necessary to  write a script; types of Radio and Television scripts
  • Knowledge of attributes/characteristics of the broadcast media.
  • Script formats for Radio and Television.
  • Contents of each column on Radio and Television script formats. 

MAC 252: Principles of Advertising

The course focuses on general review of the fundamental principles and tenets of the Advertising discipline, history of Advertising and the different classifications of Advertising, as well as the role of Advertising in society.

MAC 252 also involves an overview of the Advertising field; surveys the operational principles and fundamental practice of Advertising, which include Advertising theories, marketing elements and their relationship to Advertising. The course also examines are the relationship between the New Media and Advertising, and the increasing use of Internet Advertising within the contemporary Nigerian Advertising scene.

300 LEVEL Mass Communication Courses Specifications and Descriptions

MAC 301: Specialised Reporting

The course content revolves around an understanding of the advance principles and practice in writing News stories, with emphasis on in-depth reporting techniques. Specialised reporting is design to provide instruction in the techniques of reporting specialised subjects such as the Economy, Agriculture, Medicine, Religion, Sports, Labour, Science, Technology, Politics, the Environment, the Courts, the Arts etc. (with emphasis on Science and Technology reporting).

The course offers an understanding of the basic literature as well as outstanding examples of reporting of these issues. MAC 301 also educates the student on the use of Journalese (language of the different spheres of specialised reporting), the role and use of ICTs and the New Media in reporting, and Citizen Journalism.

MAC 311: Feature and Magazine Article Writing

MAC 311 offers an insight into: the importance and need for the Feature article and the Magazine Article; research and other fact-gathering processes; structure of the Articles; different types of Feature and Magazine Articles; styles in Article writing, freelancing, and market for Articles.

The course also looks at: characteristics of all kinds of Magazine Article writing; different styles of Magazine Article writing; the role of research in Magazine Article writing; and basic elements of good writing. Being practical-oriented, the course also includes intensive writing exercises/practical work in writing good Magazine Articles.

MAC 321: Mass Media and Politics

This is a course on the linkages between Mass Communication and the political institution. It examines the opinion function of the mass media; mass communication and the formation of public opinion; agenda-setting function of the mass media; Mass Communication and status-conferral; concept of political power and freedom in society.

MAC 321 also contains an examination of the political theories of the press; a review of the general principles of State control of the mass media; in-depth analysis of Mass Communication and Politics in Nigeria, including a look at the Nigerian Constitution and its provisions for the role of the media in the Nigeria society; propaganda and the mass media, involving the different forms of propaganda; the law of public communication, including public/national interest and national security.

MAC 331 & 332: Newspaper/Magazine Editing and Production

At the centre of this course is the understanding of the design and make-up of a newspaper/magazine. It teaches the meaning/definition and importance of copy editing in newspaper production; quality of good editing; editing concepts (of accuracy, clarity, coherence, conciseness etc) and practice in editing copy to achieve each of these, in addition to picture editing.

The content of MAC 331 also includes an understanding of slugs for newspaper and magazine stories; the importance and utility of house style; editing and proofreading symbols; the organisational structure of a typical newspaper/magazine establishment; various techniques of newspaper and magazine production.

Class activity involves newspaper layout design as it relates to objectives of newspaper page planning – aesthetics, balance, contrast, unity. Students go on excursion to witness practically how a newspaper is produced and circulated. Preparation of dummy sheet and production techniques are also part of the course content.

MAC 341: Radio/Television Programming and Programme Writing

The course content comprises a comprehensive analysis of the writing process as it pertains to Radio and Television; analysis and evaluation of Radio and Television scripts; production of Talk, Interview, Discussion and Magazine programmes. The practical aspects of the course involve intense writing exercises.

Students further learn how to design and schedule programmes for Radio and Television broadcasting in line with modern day non-stop 24-hour broadcasting. A formal programme writing format is adhered to, to ensure that students follow the essay-writing technique in all programme writing formats – a good introduction, a progressive middle (content) and a good summary (conclusion).

MAC 351: Public Relations Copy and Media

MAC 351 teaches the roles of the mass media as Public Relations (PR) channels; knowledge/definition of the nature of PR copy; preparation of PR copy for different mass media; understanding of the layout and writing procedures of different types of PR copy for different media; the nature of press releases, newsletters, house organs, annual report etc.

The course content also includes an understanding of the organization of PR functions/special events and production of copy from them (press conferences, press briefings, press visits, open houses, fairs, conventions etc); knowledge of the characteristics of the various mass media, as well as those of the target audience(s) for whom the copy is packaged, to most appropriately achieve the PR goals/objectives. This will clearly show why the Radio (not the Newspaper), the Television (and not the Magazine) will do the job better, or why a mix-grill of media may prove more effective.

MAC 361: Photojournalism

This is a course that offers an understanding of photography as a communication tool; the anatomy of the camera; the nature and solutions of photo-technical problems etc. Emphasis is on pictures that communicate with aesthetics as well as technical skills.

MAC 371: Advertising and Public Relations Research

This course explores the importance of research in Advertising and Public Relations practices; examines the various methods, steps, and techniques in conducting PR and Advertising research; investigates the problems associated with marketing research. It also involves in-depth analysis of the trends and prospects of Advertising and Public Relations research in Nigeria. 

MAC 312: Editorial Writing

The course content includes: definition and structure of the Editorial viz: introduction, body and conclusion; comparison of the structure of an Editorial with those of other kinds of journalistic writings such as straight news, features, interviews etc; theories of persuasion relevant to journalism; role of persuasion in commentaries and editorials; strengths and limitations of persuasion in commentaries and other forms of Editorials; distinction between persuasive editorials and other forms: expository, narrative, argumentative editorials etc; trends in editorializing; functions of editorials; distinction between the Editorial as opinion expression and non-opinion-type journalistic writings.

The course also looks at the audience for editorials, including the impact of editorials, and evaluates the effectiveness of editorials in Nigeria.

MAC 322: Public Opinion and the Mass Media

This course involves the analysis of people’s beliefs; issues of public concern; definition of public opinion and the historical evolution of public opinion; processes of opinion formation, as well as techniques, procedure and importance of public opinion polls.

The course also examines: the role of the mass media in the processes of public opinion formation, sustenance and change; theories and role of propaganda in public opinion; the relationship between public opinion and propaganda and the role of the mass media in shaping this relationship. Practical activities by students will involve conducting a mini opinion poll.

MAC 342: Business/Organizational Communication

This course introduces students to the different organizational structures and systems, and explores the factors that affect harmony in the workplace, including the different communication models for effective organizational practices.

The course is designed to provide students with a clear understanding of the environment in which an organization operates; it also examines the fundamental issues relating to organization management and the role of communication in effective organizational management.

MAC 352: Advertising Copy Writing and Layout

MAC 352 is designed as an exposé of the principles of copy writing and layout, within the framework of Graphics of Advertising. The course content embodies the need to develop students’ creative talent and style in producing advertisements for different media. Students are also exposed to different copy techniques: writing classified advertising, copy writing, and layout techniques.

The course is practical-oriented and includes intensive practical writing exercises to equip students with the skills to produce creative advertising copy and layout designs. Overall, the course is intended to provide grounding for students to produce academic insights and industry applications related to concepts of advertising creativity, production, management and planning.

MAC 362: Film Theory and Aesthetics

This is a study of the principles and processes of the production of Film as a medium of electronic communication. The course examines the concept of film as a work of art and looks at the various aesthetic elements and theories that are useful in the analysis and review of films and film productions.

It also includes a study of different film production techniques and the parameters governing film production. The course should acquaint students with the necessary skills for appreciating Film as a work of art, in line with existing principles and theories of aesthetics. Practical appreciation of films as works of art should form a major aspect of the course.

MAC 372: Communication Research

This course provides an understanding of the nature, function and utility of scientific research, as well as the relationship between theory and research. It also involves the identification of research problems and concepts; definition of variables (conceptual and operational); clarification of such fundamental research concepts as population, research questions, hypothesis, sampling, types of sample and sampling procedures/techniques etc.

The content of MAC 362 also includes types of research and the research process: qualitative, quantitative, content analysis, historical research, legal research, and observation (participant or otherwise). Concepts of reliability and validity are equally looked at, in addition to the use of SPSS for data analysis.

MAC 382: International Communication, Globalization and Popular Culture

This is an overview of the world’s press systems, with focus on the unidirectional flow of information between the industrialised and ‘Third World’ nations, including an examination of how ideology, culture, economy and international market culture have all contributed either in hindering or advancing international communication.

A thorough knowledge of the politics and nature of international communication is at the core of the course. MAC 382 is also structured to expose students to the current debates in globalization and popular culture. It addresses issues of importance in the fields of globalization, media ownership concentration, and discussions on important concepts and theories that inform globalization and global journalism practice. Students are to learn to critically analyse emerging trends in popular culture, such as music and theatre.

By the end of the course, students are expected to have understood the framework of globalization, impact of globalization on the media, impact of popular culture and trends on developing cultures, context of global communication and future of globalization. 

MAC 392: Print Media Organization and Management

This is a study of the nature of management principles and roles, and their application to the effective organization and management of print media establishments. It looks at the organizational structure and operation of the various departments and personnel involved in newspaper and magazine production; mobilization and motivational strategies for enhanced productivity among print media personnel/staff; analysis of the sequential journey of news from the reporter to the news-stand; effective management of print media organizations; management theories; leadership and leadership qualities.

A visit to a print media outfit in a partial fulfillment for the requirements of the course, is also part of the course content.

400 LEVEL Mass Communication Courses Specifications and Descriptions

MAC 411: Investigative and Interpretative Reporting

Starting with the definition of investigative reporting (uncovering what someone wants to keep secret), MAC 411 examines the qualities of the investigative reporter; sources of ideas for investigative reporting; the process of investigative  reporting; writing the investigative report; dangers in investigative reporting; as well as ethics of investigative reporting.

Similarly, the course defines interpretative reporting, identifies the qualities required of an interpretative reporter and discusses types of interpretative reporting. Writing investigative and interpretative reports forms the practical aspects of the course.

MAC 421: Development Communication

The course content revolves around an understanding of the role of communication in national development. It therefore involves an extensive coverage of the general role of the media in society, with special reference to promoting social change and socialization. A thorough understanding of the concept of ‘Development’ and the participatory nature of ‘Development Communication/Behaviour Change Communication’ is the overall goal of the course, as a pre-requisite for effectively ‘Doing Devcom’. 

MAC 431: Advanced Newspaper Production

This is the practical application of the processes of newspaper editing and production. Students should produce the Department’s training newspaper to gain practical experience in every stage of the production process – from reporting, through editing to circulation. The course offers the students the opportunity to put into practice all the knowledge they have acquired over the years in news gathering, editing, production, editorial writing etc. The Editorial Board of the newspaper comprises the students who are assigned various editorial roles.

MAC 441: Broadcast Library

This course equips students with knowledge of the fundamentals of library use in relation to broadcasting. It includes an understanding of various categories of repository broadcast materials suitable for individual programme contents; a working knowledge of the nature and content of the broadcast library; an appreciation of the broadcast library as the backbone of effective programming; and knowledge of methods of research and library use in relation to the production of quality programmes.

To ensure that students properly appreciate this course, they are deployed to the University Library on a one-day study visit where the staff of the University Library guide and expose students to the various sections of the library, the activities of these sections and the duties of the University Library staff. This equips the students with the skills to compile various broadcast materials e.g. fillers for broadcast, records, CDs for request programmes etc.

MAC 451: International Public Relations

This comprises an analysis of trends, issues and problems confronting Public Relations departments in multinational corporations and other organizations involved in international trade and business. The course also entails an overview of how International Relations (International Affairs) and International Public Relations (IPR) dovetail in many ways, for effective understanding of the interface of the two courses.

This will widen the understanding of who the publics of IPR are and how international organizations conclude agreements at global conventions, and how these world bodies influence the practice of IPR and dictate its pace.

MAC 461: Ethics of Mass Communication

The content of this very core course includes: an understanding of general ethical and moral standards and their application to Mass Communication; ethical theories and systems; ethical responsibilities of individuals, groups and organizations engaged in message construction, transmission or consumption, particularly in the field of news and public affairs; ethical problems in society and their relationships to ethical issues in Mass Communication; and mechanisms for maintaining ethical standards in Journalism. 

MAC 481: Advanced Radio/Television Production

The course is focuses on coverage of complex news events and other events for Radio and Television, such as sports, ceremonies, parades etc. It provides thorough understanding of a good number of concepts and techniques: the principles and techniques of instant news and other programme analysis; advanced preparation and delivery of Radio and Television newscasts and other programmes; current legal and ethical problems of broadcasting; film and tape editing; the importance of location pre-visits (survey) to the site; identification of outside broadcast Radio and Television equipment; and conducting programme research.

The initial grounding in this course entails knowledge of the following:
  • Production stages in Radio and Television.
  • Production team, staff and crew, as well as their roles in the four stages of production.
  • Operation of various equipment and technical facilities in the studios
  • Studio and field recording of Radio and Television programmes
  • Interviewing on Radio and Television (studio interview and location interview techniques and microphone handling)
  • Sound, microphones and functional types
  • Light, camera and visual composition.
  • Editing of radio and television programmes
  • Group production of a 30-minute Radio or Television programme.

MAC 491: Station Management and Operations and Broadcast Practicals

This a practical course that focuses on the practical daily management of Radio/TV stations, involving programme planning/schedule, traffic control, personnel management, planning and directing of special outside broadcasts and simulated transmissions or live broadcasting. It is closely related to MAC 481.s

MAC 432: Advanced Magazine Production

This is the practical application of the principles and processes of magazine editing and production.  The Department’s training magazine (UNIZIK Comet Magazine) should be produced by the students. The course entails intensive practical work in all aspects of the production process, from reporting to circulation. It offers the students the opportunity to put into practice all the print media knowledge gathered over the years from all the courses relating to news gathering, editing, production, graphics, feature writing, article writing etc.

MAC 442: Broadcast Seminar

From this course, students acquire an understanding of contemporary issues and developments in the communication industry, with specific focus on broadcasting. This entails: an identification and analysis of topical issues so as to empower students with the methods and skills of problem-solving of issues like ethics and responsibilities, professionalism, regulation and freedom of information, access and participation, decentralization and democratization, management, best professional practices in broadcasting etc.

The course also provides knowledge of the rudiments of seminar writing and presentation and skills for the writing and presentation of seminar papers. The role of broadcasting in developing countries is also looked at, in terms of how broadcast media can help: promote development and morality; alleviate poverty; instill the spirit of industry in people as a philosophy; improve productivity and curb consumerism tendencies; encourage more equitable distribution of amenities and bridge the gap between the haves and have-nots. In all this, the ultimate goal is to make our broadcast information fare more development-oriented. 

MAC 452: Multinational Advertising

The course examines the mass media as vehicles of international advertising. The course content is therefore comprised of the following fundamental components: the exportation, importation and adoption of foreign advertising programmes and their economic and social consequences; an exploration of the different advertising techniques suitable for internal markets; development of global advertising campaign techniques targeted at consumers in individual foreign countries; and an examination of the different schools of thought on international marketing developments and processes.

Students are also exposed to different academic insights regarding advertising in different countries.

MAC 462: Mass Communication Law

This is the study of the legal framework within which the mass media operate. It examines the development and constitutional growth of freedom of expression, and the privileges and restraints affecting the mass media. The nature and variety of Press laws are also looked at, including the laws of Libel, Sedition, Privacy, Contempt, Obscenity, Copyright etc, as well as Government regulation through these laws. Other control measures (extra-legal measures against the Press and self-regulatory mechanisms like the Press Council) are also examined.

MAC 482: Documentary Film Production

The content of this course comprises the survey of the evolution and pioneers of the documentary film, in addition to an analysis of the creative, political, anthropological and journalistic environments of the documentary design. It also involves pre-production planning, intensive field work, production and subsequent evaluation of individual documentary projects. Knowledge of film and video editing is a pre-requisite.

This course is the climax of the students’ Radio/Television production courses and the practical aspects of the course require students to go to the field, record audio and video actualities which they use in producing different kinds of documentary programmes. To actualise this, students are assign to groups to produce sample documentary film programmes of not more than 25 minutes duration which are assessed. This practical content carries a score of 60%, while the written examination is scored 40% for the semester work.

MAC 492: Organization and Management of Advertising and Public Relations Agencies

The course provides effective guidelines for starting an enterprise in Advertising or Public Relations. It also looks at the organization and management of the various departments of a full-service AD or PR Agency. The course content also includes the discussion of different types of Advertising agencies; differences between agency functions and duties; differences between in-house Public Relations departments and consultancy; and role of regulatory bodies in Advertising and Public Relations practice (with case studies of APCON and NIPR).

MAC 472: Research Project


Read Also: Law Course Outline and Content for L.L.B Degree Programme


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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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