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How Many Subjects Are Written In JAMB

This post is for candidates preparing to register for the forthcoming 2025 JAMB examination, especially the first timers. Many of them have been asking to know how many subjects are written in JAMB. So, I’m going to take some time to provide insight into that question and also offer some general guides around the UTME examination. Thereafter, I will tell you how many subjects are written in JAMB for Science, Art, Social Science, and Commercial candidates. As well as the compulsory subjects for various courses.

So if you are currently wondering about the number of subjects you will register in JAMB, just relax and read through this post. I will discuss everything you need to know about your JAMB subjects. As usual, you will gain such level of clarity that will boost your confidence at the end. Just tag along with me on this.

how many subjects are written in JAMB


JAMB is a Nigerian entrance examination board responsible for conducting the UTME for prospective candidates seeking admission into tertiary institutions in Nigeria. This includes Universities, Polytechnics, and Colleges of Education.

In case you are meeting these acronyms for the very first time, I will drop the full meaning for you right away. JAMB means Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, while UTME means Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination. Hope you got that? Okay.

Currently, the UTME is a computer-based examination that assesses candidates’ knowledge in various subjects. The subjects that candidates are assessed in depend on their prospective courses. So JAMB assesses candidates going for different courses by administering certain subjects in line with the nature of the courses.

Over the years, JAMB has maintained this pattern and the goal of this post is to provide an in-depth overview and analysis of the subjects written in JAMB.

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JAMB Subjects

Many decades ago, just after its inception, JAMB was fixing only Use of English and Mathematics for candidates who registered for the then UME.

However, in recent years, there have been significant changes to the number of subjects. Currently, candidates are required to write a total of four subjects in JAMB depending on their choice of prospective course.

This is because JAMB now believes that it is not within the scope of global best practices to test candidates on subjects that do not relate to their prospective field of study. For example, many courses in the field of Art and Humanities have nothing to do with Math. And some students who opt for the field do so possibly because they are not good with Math. It would, therefore, amount to injustice to assess them on their math skills and use the outcome as a basis for determining their qualification for admission.

There was a need for JAMB to introduce more subjects into the UTME and as a very responsive body, they did.

Read Also: The Right Social Science Subjects for JAMB UTME

List of All JAMB Subjects

In addition to the initial Use of English and Mathematics, JAMB introduced more subjects. They did so in order to give candidates a fair chance of being assessed purely on the basis of their prospective field of study.

Here is a list of all JAMB subjects currently available for UTME candidates:

  • Use of English
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Geography
  • Economics
  • Government
  • Literature-in-English
  • Commerce
  • Accounting
  • Agriculture
  • History
  • French
  • Music
  • Computer Studies
  • Physical and Health Education

Computer Studies and Physical and Health Education were the last subjects to make it to the list of All JAMB Subjects. Actually, they were introduced less than 5 years ago.

And as JAMB deems fit, they will continue to introduce more new subjects as the years go by. However, candidates must note that the introduction of a new UTME subject does not translate to an increase in the number of subjects written in JAMB.

How Many Subjects are Written in JAMB

how many subjects are written in jamb We have been able to establish the fact that all JAMB candidates will not write the same subjects in their UTME. That is, science students will not sit for the same subjects that art students will sit for. The same goes for candidates aspiring for courses under Humanities, Social Sciences, and so on.

But all JAMB candidates, regardless of their prospective course, will write the same number of subjects.

Now the begging question is, “How many subjects are written in JAMB?”

The total number of subjects JAMB candidates will sit for is four (4). And this is regardless of whether their prospective course falls under the Sciences, Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and so on.

So you will register and sit for only four (4) subjects in your JAMB exam.

What Are the Compulsory Subjects in JAMB

Out of the four subjects candidates are to write in JAMB, only one is compulsory across board. This means that there is one subject every candidate must be assessed on regardless of the course they choose. That subject is Use of English.

So Use of English is the only compulsory subject for all JAMB candidates. The subject assesses the candidate’s ability to use and understand English by testing them on grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and written communication skills. It is usually the first paper in the JAMB exam.

However, if we narrow down to different faculties and courses, there are other compulsory subjects. For example, in addition to Use of English, Literature is compulsory for candidates aspiring for Law; Math is compulsory for candidates aspiring for Engineering; Biology is compulsory for candidates aspiring for Medical Sciences and so on.

Therefore, after registering Use of English, the candidate must also register the subject(s) compulsory for his or her chosen field. Thereafter, they can choose subjects from the electives to complete their four JAMB subjects.

From the example above,

  • the Law aspirant must register: Use of English, Literature, and any other two Arts or Social Science subjects.
  • the Medicine and Surgery aspirant must register: Use of English, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

And so on.

At the end of the day, they must be a total of four (4) subjects.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs


Now I’m going to specifically answer some of the questions I get privately from JAMB candidates. I’m going to restrict the questions I will be answering to the ones related to the subject matter of this post.

What are the Four Subjects in JAMB?

The four subjects for JAMB are the subjects a candidate must register and write in UTME in order to fulfill part of the requirements for admission into tertiary institutions. These subjects are:

  1. Use of English: This is a compulsory subject in JAMB examinations. It assesses the candidate’s proficiency in the English language by testing them on grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing skills.
  2. Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, or Biology: After filling Use of English, science candidates are to also choose three of these science subjects as part of their JAMB subject combination. The choice of the three subjects depends on the candidate’s prospective field of study. For example, candidates who wish to study engineering or physical sciences may choose Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. While those who want to study Medicine, Pharmacy or life sciences may choose Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.
  3. Economics, Accounting, Government, Literature or CRS/IRS: After filling Use of English, Art and Social Science candidates are to also choose three of these subjects as part of their JAMB subject combination. The choice of the three subjects depends on the candidate’s prospective field of study. For example, candidates who wish to study Law or Mass Communication may choose Literature, Government, and CRS/IRS. While those who want to study Economics or Sociology may choose Government, Economics, and CRS/IRS.

How Many Subjects are Written in JAMB for Science Students

Science students would write a total of four subjects in JAMB which must include Use of English. If you are a science student, you should take note of this. You should also endeavor to find out the right four subjects for your prospective course before proceeding for registration.

How Many Subjects are Written in JAMB for Art Students

Art students would write a total of four subjects in JAMB which must include Use of English. If you are an Art student, you should take note of this. You should also endeavor to find out the right four subjects for your prospective course before proceeding for registration. Remember that you are to choose the remaining three subjects according to your dream course.

How Many Subjects are Written in JAMB for Engineering Students

For Engineering students, the number for JAMB subjects remains four just like for every other category of students. These four subjects must include the compulsory Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Any other subject combination apart from this may jeopardize your chances of gaining admission into the faculty of engineering.

How Many Subjects are Written in JAMB for Law Students

For Law students, the number for JAMB subjects is also 4 just like for every other category of students. These four subjects must include the generally compulsory Use of English. However, for Law students, Literature is also compulsory. So the Law student must choose Use of English, Literature, and any other two subjects from CRS/IRS, Government, and Economics. Once you fill according to this guide, you won’t have any issues.

How Many Subjects are Written in JAMB for Nursing Students

The number of subjects Nursing students are to write in JAMB is 4. Of course, the compulsory Use of English must be part of the subjects. The remaining three being Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.

How Many Subjects are Written in JAMB for Medicine Students

Just like every other JAMBite, candidates aspiring for medicine are to register and sit for only 4 subjects. But just like their Nursing counterparts, they are to register the compulsory Use of English, and Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

How Many Subjects are Written in JAMB for Pharmacy Students

Aspirants of Pharmacy are to register a total number of four (4) subjects in JAMB. These four subjects in for Pharmacy must include the compulsory Use of English. The remaining three subjects being Biology, Physics and Chemistry. The faculty of Pharmacy is very strict about subject combination. So ensure that you choose the subjects in this guide.

How Many Subjects are Written in JAMB for Mass Communication Students

For Mass Communication students, the number of JAMB subjects is 4 just like for every other category of students. These four subjects must include the compulsory Use of English and Literature. The candidates are to select the remaining two subjects from Economics, CRS/IRS and Government. Any other subject combination apart from this may jeopardize your chances of gaining admission into Mass Communication.

How Many Subjects are Written in JAMB for Social Science Students

Candidates aspiring for courses under the social science faculty must register and write 4 subjects. As usual, one of these four subjects must be Use of English. The remaining three would depend on the particular course you are going for. You may wish to check my comprehensive list of accurate JAMB subject combination for all courses.


So here’s where we end this very informative article. We trust that it is helpful. Really thanking you for visiting this website. I want to encourage you to bookmark this site on your browser. By so doing, you will be able to access other information without hassle. If you stay in touch with this website, you won’t miss anything.

Also remember that you can use the comments section to ask questions in case there’s something you don’t understand about the number of subjects you will write in JAMB. You may as well drop a comment if you want to find out the exact subject combination for your prospective course. Or just share your thoughts with us.

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See you on the next article.

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This is for both Science and Art Students

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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