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How to Score Above 300 in JAMB 2024 (Top JAMB Secret)

This article will show you how to pass JAMB excellently. You will learn how to score High in JAMB using preparation hacks. Also, if your target is to score above 300, you will learn how to score above 300 in JAMB 2024. Furthermore, I will show you top JAMB secret and tips You Need to Know in order to excel. Read this before you Sit for UTME and no JAMB Tricks will Outsmart you.

How to Score Above 300 in JAMB 2024


Every JAMB examination year, when the result is released, a handful of candidates score 300 and above; and the rest wonder how they possibly were able to achieve such a great feat. Such performance looks extraordinary and out-of-this-world simply because many do not know the secrets behind such outcomes. Today, we are here to reveal the secrets so that whosoever is willing can take advantage of them and come out tops in the forthcoming UTME exam.

Listen, what you do before the examination is a major factor that would determine what you will come out with and whether you would finally gain admission to study your dream course in that your dream institution. Many university aspirants do not really understand the role their JAMB scores play on their admission chances. For most schools in Nigeria, the departmental cut-off marks are judged by determining the average of the candidates’ UTME and post-UTME scores. So you stand at a very good advantage if your JAMB score is really very high.

I’m sure you want to get a very high score in this examination – something above 300. If you do, I’d be glad to show you how. So just keep reading.

How to Score Above 300 in JAMB (JAMB Secret)

If you are searching for how to score high in JAMB, the following 10 instructions (or JAMB secret) are for you. Read them thoroughly, apply the lessons and you’ll pass JAMB excellently this year.

  1. Start your preparations early.
  2. Set up a workable timetable for yourself.
  3. Make use of JAMB Syllabuses.
  4. Make use of textbooks recommended by JAMB.
  5. Study past question papers.
  6. Attend UTME coaching.
  7. Identify your weak points and work on improving them.
  8. Seek Help!
  9. Practice more
  10. Pay attention to God-factor

1. Start Your Preparations Early.

This is the first and probably the most important advice any experienced person can offer a JAMBite. The UTME examination is more advanced and technical than what you had in your O’level. More so, it is very competitive as over 1.7 million candidates sit for it every year and less than 45% of that number succeed in getting admission at the end of the year.

It is only a commitment to early preparations, which will make for adequate preparation, that can guarantee a good understanding of the concepts and perfect memorization. Progress is gradual. If you don’t have ample time, you can’t make meaningful progress. You may just end up cramming stuffs into your brain only to be thrown off balance by JAMB’s technical questions.

So start early enough and read both intensively and extensively. Don’t be like people who want to prepare for JAMB within one or two months and expect to score 400 over 400. For a thorough preparation for JAMB, you will have to put in a minimum of 6 – 12 months. This is a top JAMB secret.

2. Set up a Workable Timetable for Yourself.

Many will discourage you from doing this probably because they have tried it and failed to maintain it. But the necessity and benefits of having a personal study time table cannot be over-emphasized. Yes, it takes an awful lot of discipline to sustain but it is worth it. Have days and times for each of your four subjects.

Do not engage friends during those times. Do not play games or watch football matches that fall into those times. Be religious about your study timetable. Read, read and read. Work hard on yourself and on your studies. Every thing in life has a price tag. Pay the price for that 320+ you want to score in JAMB this year and if you do, nothing shall stop you from attaining your desired score.

3. Make Use of JAMB Syllabuses.

This is where many candidates miss it and this is the reason why they perform below their own expectations. Many are not even aware that there is any such thing as JAMB syllabus in all subject. So they just buy JAMB form, tidy up their registrations and start reading (and many just read amiss). Please get this today. JAMB provides their syllabuses for all the subjects they test candidates on and it is very assuring to note that they do not go beyond their syllabus.

No question from a topic that is not in the syllabus will greet you in the exam hall. It’s not possible. So the syllabus is a perfect tool (actually, one of the most important tools) to guide and help navigate your ship through the vast ocean of books. Don’t study without it. Strictly follow the syllabus. If you do, it will both save your precious time and give you the assurance that you are really truly ready for the examination. You can view and download the current JAMB Syllabus through the provided link.

4. Make Use of Textbooks Recommended by JAMB.

Many do not know that there’re such things as JAMB Recommended Textbooks. So they just read any Senior Secondary School Textbook they could lay their hands on and think they are all the same. JAMB, in their wisdom and based on the coverage of their syllabuses, recommends textbooks to enable the candidates grab the required information or knowledge to excel in the UTME examination. So it is akin to foolishness for any serious candidate who has admission as a goal not to make use of recommended textbooks.

You can access the recommended textbooks through this link: Recommended Textbooks for JAMB UTME in All Subjects. Otherwise, just go to the syllabuses. At the very end of each Syllabus, you may find a list of textbooks that will be useful for you! And JAMB provides open access to the textbooks. Remember that you don’t have much time to prepare for JAMB and like I said earlier, the best way to conserve your time and prepare adequately is to take advantage of the resources provided by JAMB itself.

5. Study Past Question Papers.

One of the secrets to passing any examination (whether external or internal) is to discover how the examiner sets his questions and the only way to find that out is to procure the question papers from the previous years. Good enough, JAMB Past Questions are readily available from inception till date, and it may interest you to know that majority of the questions set by JAMB in recent years are just a repetition of questions they’ve set in the past.

So get the past questions and use them to study your subject. They are very good tools for practice and would help you to evaluate and assess your progress from time to time. To get up-to-date JAMB Past Questions in all Subjects, follow the provided link or contact admin.

6. Attend UTME Coaching.

There’s so much to learn from those who are more experienced than you are. With such people, there are certain mistakes you are shielded from and there are instructions, inputs and advice you will receive from them and everything will turn around for the better. It is a very viable idea to attend some UTME classes.

For such an examination as UTME, when you are armed with, not only your knowledge, but with knowledge of other people – you become invincible. You will get better results, increased admission chances and meet other candidates of like passion who may eventually become your study partners. If you find the need, you can join our JAMBites Online Tutorial Group on WhatsApp and Facebook (send a join request to 008060848179). You can as well call our phone line to request for the link to join the Online Coaching and Tutorial Classes.

7. Identify your Weak Points and Work on Improving them.

Don’t be ashamed to admit that you are not very good at a topic or a subject. Accept the fact that you are weak in those areas and device strategies so as to improve. Work on your weak points. Try to develop personal interest in subjects you are not too good at. Get closer to the teachers. Become friends with those who are already excelling in the subject(s) or topic(s). Devote more time and energy to studying those subjects.

Now, while working to improve on your weakest points, do not fall into the trap of neglecting your strengths. Many make this mistake but you don’t have to. It is even much more easier to grow in the area of your strength. So, also keep working on those subjects you find relatively easier till you come to the point where you score 100% every time you take a practice test.

8. Seek Help!

There are over 1.7 million other candidates preparing for this examination. So you are certainly not the only here. Find and connect with other people who are also preparing for the exam. People of like mind and passion. Work with them as a team, use the social media to connect yourselves regardless of how far apart you are geographically.

Working as a team provides the necessary challenge and spur you on to work harder. This makes the preparation process significantly faster. So higher speed, greater coverage.

9. Practice More.

The time available for JAMB preparation is, unfortunately, very short. Your response to that should be more practice. If you are not computer literate, get a training on that and practice on the CBT mode. Learn your way around the environment and get ready for the main exam.

10. Pay Attention to God-factor.

Always bear in mind that the Almighty still rules in the affairs of men. He is the One that determines the eventual outcome of every event in life.

Pursue a relationship with your maker and constantly pray towards the forthcoming UTME exams. Pray that no heart-breaking or unfortunate event will happen to you – you will not fall sick or miss your exam, your system will not misbehave and network will be favorable to you.

More JAMB Secret and Tips you Need to Know

1. JAMB Expo Does Not Exist

Many UTME candidates (especially fresh secondary school graduates) don’t know this. Of course, many of them cheated their way through WAEC and NECO, and are not aware that JAMB is a different ball game. So you find them searching the Internet for JAMB runs (abi runz), JAMB cheat site, JAMB cheat website and all that.

However, you need to know this today. No one can get JAMB questions and answers for you before the exam. Don’t let anyone deceive you. Don’t let anyone scam you and take your money.

I already told you about JAMB Syllabus – the document that tells you what to read and what not to read in each subject. That’s an expo directly from JAMB. And that’s the only expo you need!

2. JAMB Score Upgrading is a Scam

This is a follow-up to the first point above. So it still bothers on cheating.

You must have seen people in Facebook and Whatsapp groups parading themselves as JAMB officials. Such people attach bogus titles like “Dr.” or “Prof.” to their names. They claim they can upgrade your low UTME score to something as high as you can pay for.

Hear me. It’s all scam. They are unscrupulous Internet fraudsters roaming around seeking for aspirants to dupe. Nobody can upgrade your JAMB score. Nobody.

This is the more reason why I’m doing my best to enlighten you. You must work hard for yourself if you desire to score above 300. Any promise outside of hard work and faith in God is likely not to end well eventually.

MORE JAMB SECRETS – Reasons Why Students Fail JAMB

For very obvious reasons, I am not ending this informative article without also showing you the reasons why students fail JAMB every year. You want to know why very few people score above 300 in JAMB nowadays. Is it that JAMB exams have suddenly become very difficult or above the candidates?

Here are some of the reasons:

1. Procrastination

This is one of the main reasons why candidates fail JAMB. They convince themselves that there’s still time. So they relax, study once in a while since JAMB date is still very far away.

Before such people realize, their JAMB exam date is two or three weeks away. Then they will start cramming past questions, looking for expo online and so on.

The antidote to procrastination is early preparation. We already discussed this as one of the strategies to scoring above 300 in JAMB. So, no matter how much time you think you have left, no matter how far you think JAMB exam date is, start preparing already.

There’s so much to cover. And you don’t have to wait till you are in a haste to start. The earlier, the better.

2. Wrong Perception About JAMB

As simple as this may sound, it is one of the reasons why students fail JAMB. There is this wrong perception and impression that candidates have about JAMB. And very sadly, this seems to be passed on from one generation of candidates to another.

Yes, JAMB is a standard external examination of repute. But many candidates simply overrate it and perceive it as one hell of an examination. Even before the examination, many candidates are already asking questions like, “What course can I get if I score below 200 in JAMB?”

For someone to be asking such question for an exam that it marked over 400, it shows that the person is already defeated psychologically.

Although I don’t advise you to underestimate JAMB, you must not overate it either. You must endeavor to accurately perceive it for what it is. Develop the success mindset and prepare to come out tops in the examination.

3. Computer Illiteracy

Sometimes, I wish this is not obtainable among JAMB candidates. But the sad reality is that many candidates are not computer literate. And this is despite the fact that we are in computer age where computers and other related devices are easily accessible.

For many years now, JAMB has been organizing their UTME exams on the CBT mode. The fact that many candidates are not acquainted with computers and how they function is one of the reasons behind the failures we witness yearly.

Friends, if you will write JAMB this year, do yourself a favor by going for computer training. It doesn’t need to be an elaborate training for now. Just few weeks of training will be fine. Learn around the computer. Appreciate the Windows environment and learn the basic navigation.

Later, you can go for a comprehensive computer training.

4. Misinformation

Every year, there are thousands of candidates attempting JAMB for the first time. Since such candidates have no previous experience, they are easily misinformed.

Many candidates fill their heads with myths rather than facts about JAMB examination. More so, there are a lot of misinformation out there about JAMB. Candidates have different conceptions about negative marking, JAMB score upgrading, JAMB expo and so on.

Sadly, most of the things candidates know and believe about JAMB are wrong. That’s why I always counsel JAMBites to be wary of the platforms from which they source information.

One misinformation can cause you terrible damages.

5. Cramming JAMB Past Questions

This is the problem with many JAMB candidates. This problem is basically a result of other issues. For example, when a candidate fails to start preparing for JAMB on time, they will end up cramming the past questions when they feel that they are running out of time.

More so, others cram JAMB past questions because of misinformation with regards to the purpose of past questions. Past questions are there to show you the nature of the exam, the scope, technicalities and level of difficulty of the questions.

You are to study them comprehensively with the help of your syllabuses and textbooks.

6. Poor Study Habit

Many JAMB candidates have a very poor attitude towards their studies. Of course, there are many reasons for this. One of them is the many distractions that currently plague students of this generation some of which are: social media, international football leagues and so on.

Others bank on their belief on expo and other forms of exam malpractice. They believe that what obtained in their SSCE is also obtainable in JAMB. Of course, they get disappointed and come out with results they are not proud of.

If you are preparing for an examination as competitive as JAMB, there is no substitute for studying. You must study and prepare very well. Otherwise, failure awaits you.

Success is never accidental. If you fail to prepare for success, you have already made preparations for failure.

7. Lateness to the Exam Venue

This is another reason why many fail JAMB. They do not arrive their exam venue on time.

Arriving late to the examination venue can unsettle you psychologically. This can, in turn, affect your coordination during the examination.

So do your best to be on time. Be present at your exam venue at least 1 hour before the time on your JAMB slip. Take some time to settle down before they start screening candidates into the exam hall.


This is where we end this very informative article. I trust you found it helpful. If you did, kindly go ahead to also help a friend out there by telling them about this page. You can easily do so by sharing this page with friends on your favorite Social Media platforms. Just scroll down to see the Facebook and Twitter and WhatsApp buttons.

By sharing, you just might be saving someone the pain of staying one extra year at home.

Thank you so much!

It’s still yours sincerely, Henry Divine.

Wishing you the very best.

End here

Now, it doesn’t matter what your heart desire is. Regardless of what you are searching for. You will have benefited from this article. You might be looking to learn tips on how to score 320, 340, 350 in JAMB, or how to score 400 in JAMB, this article has all the JAMB secrets you need to know. Yes, we revealed all the JAMB secrets you need to pass excellently well.

I have heard a candidate say he’s looking for information on how to pass JAMB without studying. Though it sounds crazy, this article is also for you if you are in that category. I have provided sufficient answers to the question, “how can students get 300 plus in jamb 2024?” Please read, recommend and share.

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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  1. this is very well written and very informative, perfect for first-time writers! thank you!

  2. Will I be able to get a notification if it does

  3. Okorodudu•Jahtejiri•Jonathan

    Please can I know when Jamb 2024 starts

    • The schedules for 2024 JAMB registration, examination, etc are not yet out.

      You need to patiently wait for 2023 admission activities to be over.

      You may wish to check this website occasionally for updates.

  4. Please how can I study in a month for jamb

  5. Very helpful article Sir. Thank you so much.

  6. God bless you sir
    This was really helpful…

  7. Thanks for the tips

  8. Pls what are the recommended text books and pass question for jamb students 2023

    • Kindly go through the post. If you do, you will find the links to all JAMB recommended textbooks and past question papers.

  9. Thank you very much

  10. Thanks for this

  11. Please when is jamb 2022 exam starting?

  12. what is the right way to read for jamb when you have only one week and you have not started reading?

    • This is serious.

      Well, it all depends on your level of intelligence and how much you read before you stopped reading. So that’s for you to determine.

      But if you have just one week to prepare for JAMB and you are intelligent enough with a good academic background, get the past questions with accurate solutions. Cover as many years as possible. Your score may not be the highest but you will still pass well.

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