This is for UTME Candidates looking for Literature in English JAMB Questions and Answers 2024. Especially for those aspiring for Law, Mass communication, English and Literary Studies, and several other art courses. Here you will get genuine JAMB Literature past questions and answers for 2024. Your duty now is to read through them as many times as possible and get ready to smash your Literature paper.

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What are Literature in English JAMB Questions and Answers 2024
Literature in English JAMB Past Questions and Answers 2024 are the questions that appeared in Literature paper in 2024 UTME, together with their answers.
It is very important that every candidate preparing to sit for Literature in the forthcoming JAMB examination should catch a glimpse of these questions.
In so doing, they will know what to expect in the JAMB CBT hall. Knowing exactly what to expect will boost their confidence and guarantee them a very high score.
JAMB 2024 Literature Past Questions and Answers 2024
On this page, we shall give you a genuine compilation of Literature in English JAMB Questions and Answers 2024 for your revision.
In the midst of different JAMB preparatory materials flying around, this genuine and accurate compilation is our effort to see you excel in your JAMB examination and gain admission at last.
In the following sections, you will study the Literature past questions for 2024 JAMB exam as well as their answers. You can use the comments section if you need clarification on some of the questions. We will give you a more detailed explanation.
JAMB Literature Past Questions and Answers 2024 [Numbers 1 – 10]
1. Criticism is a literary activity which seeks to
A. Find faults in a literary work
B. Analyze and evaluate a literary work
C. compare and contrast novels
D. Discover the beauty of a literary work
2. “If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?”
Shelly, ‘Ode to the West Wind’.
The literary device used here is
A. an apostrophe
B. an allegory
C. a poetic license
D. a rhetoric
3. “The woman whose breast I sucked is gone to the worms.” Oculi, Orphan.
These lines illustrate the use of
A. sadism B. sophism
C. satire D. euphemism
4. When a writer deviates from the chronological arrangement of events in a literary piece, he uses
A. Anadiplosis B. Anachrony
C. Chrestomathy D. Anagnorisis
5. …. is used to describe the ‘god of inspiration’ in literature.
A. Muse
B. Premiere
C. Mood
D. Deux Ex Machina
6. The art of using persuasive words in literary works is known as
A. Rhetoric B. Dilemma
C. Parody D. Paronomasia
7. A short poem that expresses an idea in a clever way is called
A. An Epigram
B. A Limerick
C. An Ode
D. A Lyric
8. ‘This thing you are doing is too heavy for you,’ he said. ‘I went to school only a little, but I have killed many many more years in this world than you have.’ Gabriel Okara: The Voice
It can be inferred from the passage above that the
A. listener is a porter
B. listener is wise
C. speaker is a murderer
D. speaker is more experienced
9. A body of imaginative men and women of letters is generally referred to as
A. litterateur B. laureattes
C. literaria D. literati
10. “If I can fasten but one cup upon him with that which he had drunk tonight already, he’ll be as full of quarrel and offence as my young mistress’ dog…”
Shakespeare, Othello
From the statement above, it can be inferred that the speaker is
A. disobedient
B. quarrelsome
C. servile
D. scheming
Answers to Literature Question Number 1 – 10
1.B 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.A
6.A 7.A 8.D 9.D 10.D
JAMB Literature Past Questions and Answers 2024 [Numbers 11 – 20]
11. The overwhelming pride that destroys the tragic hero is called
A. tragedy B. nemesis
C. catharsis D. hubris
12. ‘For seven days it rained that June; A storm half out to sea kept turning around like a dog trying to settle himself on a rug; We were the fleas that complained in his hair.’ ~ John Updike, Wash
The images set in the lines above are of
A. the days of Noah
B. rain and flood in June
C. discomfort and likely destruction
D. an animal, insects and fun
13. The technique in which both the stage and the auditorium are involved in a play production is called
A. theatre of the absurd
B. role-playing
C. audience participation
D. total theatre
14. A novel which focuses on the adventures of a rogue who does not change much in the course of the story is
A. romanesque B. grotesque
C. picaresque D. burlesque
15. Whereat: with blade, with bloody blameful blade,
He bravely broached his boiling bloody best.’
The dominant figure of speech in the lines above is
A. simile B. alliteration
C. assonance D. repetition
16. An inherent quality of the lyric is that it must
A. be sung to a musical instrument
B. be sung by the poet who composes it
C. express the poet’s subjective emotions
D. be simple and successful
17. ‘Here lies our Sovereign Lord the King,
Whose word no man relies on,
Who never said a foolish thing,
Nor ever did a wise one.’
John Wilmot’s Epitaph on King Charles II
The form of the above stanza is an example of
A. praise poem
B. lamentation
C. an epigram
D. satire poem
18. The poetic device in which an idea in a line runs into another is called
A. rhyme scheme
B. enjambment
C. end rhyme
D. pathos
19. An insincere literary work is known as a
A. parody B. paradox
C. satire D. pathos
20. A group of three lyric stanzas in classical Greek poetry is called
A. triplet B. triolet
C. trilogy D. triad
Answers to Literature Question Number 11 – 20
11.D 12.C 13.C 14.C 15.B
16.C 17.D 18.A 19.A 20.C
JAMB Literature Past Questions and Answers 2024 [Numbers 21 – 30]
21. Analogy is the arrangement of two ideas that are
A. opposite B. similar
C. symbolic D. repetitive
22. What is the narrator of a poem called?
A. author B. speaker
C. narrator D. voice
23. Fights by the book of arithmetic.
The figure of speech in the line above is
A. hyperbole B. euphemism
C. litotes D. innuendo
24. A picaresque novel is a
A. work of fiction set in a utopian past recalling the splendour of rural life
B. psychological novel with penetrating analyses of human emotions
C. futuristic novel set in outer space
D. work of fiction tracing the adventures of a scoundrel of low birth
25. The physical setting within which the action of a narrative takes place is the
A. stage B. scene
C. locale D. location
26. “On the broken walls,
Bats hang away from the sun
Shadows of an ancient stranger
Cast their presence over our shoulders
A pathway leads to the abandoned gate.”
Mazisi Kunene: The Fearful Ruin
The dominant mood in the excerpt above is that of
A. exhilaration
B. pleasure
C. rage
D. terror
27. The expression, “The ripest is the saddest encounter” is an example of
A. euphemism B. paradox
C. hyperbole D. metaphor
28. The point of denouement in a literary work is the
A. point at which the major character is shown in his true colours
B. point of disagreement in the narrative
C. point of resolution of the puzzling issues
D. cathartic point in a tragedy
29. “Nightfall! Nightfall!
You are my mortal enemy”
The figurative name for the manner in which Nightfall is directly addressed is
A. allusion B. an ode
C. metaphor D. apostrophe
30. In literary convention, ‘aside’ is used to
A. make a pointed remark
B. emphasize scenes as different from acts
C. distinguish between events
D. gossip about other characters
Answers to Literature Question Number 21 – 30
21.B 22.B 23.D 24.D 25.D
26.D 27.B 28.C 29.D 30.A
JAMB Literature Past Questions and Answers 2024 [Numbers 31 – 40]
31. “When she opens her heart. The Saviour’s image!”
Traditional: Love song
The allusion in the lines above shows
A. that the poet is an Christian
B. that his love had a heart surgery
C. the climax of love relationship
D. anti-climax of love relationship
32. “Hide me now, when night children haunt the earth.”
Wole Soyinka: Night
Night children in the stanza above reflects the consciousness of
A. birds
B. animals
C. armed robbers
D. spirit beings
33. “Why blame her who denies love for the asking
And not the Birds, Moths and Beetles
That after deep draughts from rich nectar wells
Flee the drained petals to virgin flowers.”
The lines above are an indictment of
A. adultery B. gluttony
C. flirtation D. infertility
34. A long story narrating a series of complicated events is called
A. saga B. discourse
C. monologue D. harangue
35. “Lift not the painted veil which those who live call life: though unreal shapes be picture there,
And it but mimic all we would believe
With colours idly spread – behind, lurk fear,”
P.B Shelley, Sonnet.
The stanza above is an example of a
A. quatrain B. couplet
C. free verse D. limerick
36. When a writer deviates from the chronological arrangement of events in a literary piece, he uses
A. Anadiplosis B. Anachrony
C. Chrestomathy D. Anagnorisis
37. A didactic poem, especially such with animals as characters may be distinctively described as a/an
A. Romance B. gothic poem
C. limerick D. apologue
38. “Olu hissed, slammed the door and dashed out screaming.”
The dominant figure of in the above sentence
A. zeugma B. oxymoron
C. hyperbole D. onomatopoeia
39. A complex plot can be described as the plot structure that has
A. multiple scenes
B. strands of events running concurrently
C. well-developed characters
D. an abstract subject and setting
40. A blank verse
A. is a nonsensical verse
B. consists of unrhymed five stress lines
C. is a verse used by the nobility
D. consists of rhyme in the second and fourth line
Answers to Literature Question Number 31 – 40
31.A 32.C 33.C 34.D 35.A
36.B 37.D 38.A 39.B 40.B
Read Also: 10 Most Repeated Topics in JAMB Literature Exams
So here you have the 40 Literature Questions that appeared in 2024 JAMB examination. Read them again and again. Ensure that you get very familiar with each of them such that you can readily recognize them any time. The reason for the advice is that they are likely questions for the forthcoming JAMB exam.
Remember that you can ask for a more detailed explanation of any of the above questions in case you don’t fully understand them. Don’t be shy, just scroll down and use the comments section. Drop your questions and expect comprehensive answers as soon as possible. Don’t forget to join our Free Online Tutorials for JAMB Candidates (Like and Follow Page).
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