You’re welcome to our school exams series where we provide you with termly examination questions in different subjects. In today’s post, we will focus on Agricultural Science exam questions. We will cover Agric Science exam questions for JSS1 second term with answers. This means that we’ll be providing you with answers to the questions at the end. Also, you will get a few success tips on how to pass Agricultural Science examinations with flying colors. Remember to use the comments sections if you have questions, and don’t forget to join our Free Online Tutorial Classes on Facebook. (Like and Follow Page)
Table of Contents
Introduction to Agricultural Science as a School Subject
Agricultural Science is a key subject that introduces students to the world of farming, livestock management, and the science behind growing food. It teaches us how plants and animals are essential for human survival, while also focusing on sustainable practices. With this knowledge, students gain a deeper understanding of how agriculture shapes our lives, economy, and the environment. Studying Agricultural Science helps students develop skills that are useful in everyday life, whether it’s for personal growth or pursuing a career in farming, research, or agro-business.
The subject is offered by students in Primary school and Secondary School under Prevocational Studies.
Agricultural Science Exam Questions for JSS1 Second Term
Agricultural Science Exam Questions for JSS1 Second Term are divided into two sections:
- Section A
- Section B
The first section, namely, Section A is the objective test, and students are expected to attempt all questions in the section. Section B is the theory part, and students are expected to answer all the four (4) questions.
Note that what you have below are JSS1 Agricultural Science Second Term Exam Past Questions made available to assist students in their revision for 2nd term examinations and also teachers in structuring standard examinations.
SECTION A: Objectives
Instruction: Answer all questions in this section by choosing from the options lettered A—D. Each question carries equal marks.
1. The process of growing different crops on the same piece of land is called _____
A. Mixed cropping
B. Crop rotation
C. Mono cropping
D. Agroforestry
2. The process of removing harmful pests from farm crops is called _____
A. Irrigation
B. Weeding
C. Pest control
D. Fertilization
3. The method of farming that involves the use of irrigation and fertilizers is known as _____
A. Traditional farming
B. Organic farming
C. Commercial farming
D. Modern farming
4. The part of the plant responsible for making food through photosynthesis is _____
A. Root B. Stem
C. Flower D. Leaf
5. Which of these is a characteristic of monocot plants?
A. Reticulate venation
B. Two seed leaves
C. Parallel venation
D. Thick woody stem
6. The process by which plants make their food using sunlight is called _____
A. Germination
B. Photosynthesis
C. Respiration
D. Transpiration
7. A farm tool used for digging and turning the soil is called _____
A. Hoe B. Cutlass
C. Spade D. Rake
8. Which of these is a non-renewable resource in agriculture?
A. Water B. Soil
C. Fossil fuel D. Sunlight
9. The reproductive method that involves the use of seeds is known as _____
A. Asexual reproduction
B. Sexual reproduction
C. Budding
D. Cutting
10. The method of planting crops in rows with space between them is known as _____
A. Broadcasting
B. Drilling
C. Clumping
D. Transplanting
11. A soil that retains too much water and does not drain well is called _____
A. Sandy soil
B. Clay soil
C. Loamy soil
D. Saline soil
12. The practice of planting different types of crops together to maximize land use is called _____
A. Intercropping
B. Mono cropping
C. Mixed farming
D. Crop rotation
13. The term “farming system” refers to _____
A. The types of crops grown
B. The tools used in farming
C. The combination of crop and livestock production on a farm
D. The type of irrigation system used
14. Which of these animals is considered a ruminant?
A. Pig B. Horse
C. Cow D. Chicken
15. The process of moving farm produce from the farm to the market is known as _____
A. Distribution
B. Harvesting
C. Marketing
D. Transportation
16. The following are examples of renewable farm resources EXCEPT _____
A. Water B. Sunlight
C. Soil D. Fossil fuel
17. Which of the following animals is commonly raised for wool production?
A. Goat B. Sheep
C. Cow D. Pig
18. An example of a seasonal crop is _____
A. Cocoa B. Mango
C. Wheat D. Rice
19. The most important factor affecting the growth of crops is _____
A. Soil pH B. Temperature
C. Water D. Sunlight
20. Which of the following is a benefit of crop rotation?
A. Increased soil fertility
B. Reduced pest infestation
C. Soil erosion prevention
D. All of the above
21. A plant that grown in a place it is not wanted is called _____
A. Crop B. Beans
C. Weed D. Rice
22. The gestation period of a cow is ____
A. 8 month B. 9½ month
C. 15 month D. 309 month
23. One among the following has herbaceous stem
A. Coffee B. Rubber
C. Maize D. Cocoa
24. Which among the following is the reproductive organs of the plant
A. Leaf B. Root
C. Flower D. Shoot
25. All of the following are functions of the root EXCEPT
A. Hold the plant firmly in the soil
B. Take in water and mineral salt up to the stem
C. Hold the leaves and branches in position to receive air and sunlight
D. Store food for the plant
26. Examples of beverage are the following EXCEPT
A. Coffee B. Cocoa
C. Tea D. Kola nut
27. Which of these animal has high deposit of fats
A. Cattle B. Pig
C. Sheep D. Dog
28. The most important factors affecting animal and crop production in Nigeria is _____
A. Climate B. Land use
C. Soil type D. Topography
29. Plants found on land are called ____
A. aquatic plant
B. atmospheric
C. terrestrial plant
D. common plant
30. Which of the following is not a cultural method of controlling weeds?
A. Burning
B. Crop rotation
C. Flooding
D. Hoeing
31. A plant that grows where it is not wanted is referred to as a ______
A. Weed B. Fodder
C. forage D. Pasture
32. The practice of growing only one crop on a piece of land is _______
A. Mixed crop
B. Crop rotation
C. Mono cropping
D. Pastoral farming
33. Which of the following crops does not posses tap root
A. Carrot B. Cowpea
C. Melon D. Sorghum
34. Fish and Fish product are sources of the following EXCEPT ______
A. Carbohydrate B. Oil
C. Protein D. Vitamin
35. Legumes are good sources of _____
A. Carbohydrate
B. Fat and oil
C. Protein
D. Vitamin
36. Which of the following is NOT a monogastric animal
A. Cattle B. Duck
C. Horse D. Pig
37. Crop which take more than two years to develop from seed to maturity include the following EXCEPT
A. Citrus B. Cocoa
C. Mango D. Rice
38. Which of the following is NOT a biennial crop
A. Cassava B. Cocoyam
C. Cotton D. onion
39. Which of the following groups comprise only oil crop
A. Groundnut, coconut, and cotton
B. Melon, kolanut, and sisal
C. Sunflower, rubber, and ginger
D. Soybean, palm, and olive
40. Agriculture is best define as ________ and _______
A. Crop, Animal
B. Farm animal, domestic animals
C. Fisheries, aquatic animals
D. Flowers, tree crop
41. The following crops are sources of carbohydrate EXCEPT ______
A. Cocoyam B. Millet
C. Rice D. Spinach
42. Weed are beneficial to the farmer EXCEPT that they ______
A. Harbor crop disease
B. Prevent soil erosion
C. Protect the soil from direct sunlight
D. Serves as medicinal herbs
43. The following are examples of annual crops EXCEPT _______
A. Cotton B. Cowpea
C. Maize D. Pineapple
44. Cereals are good sources of ______
A. Carbohydrate
B. Fat and oil
C. Mineral
D. Protein
45. Which of the following crop is cultivated mainly for its protein content
A. Beans B. Cocoa
C. Maize D. Oil palm
46. Cotton is an example of ______
A. Beverage B. Cereal
C. Fibre D. Latex
47. Farm animal are classified based on the following criteria EXCEPT ______
A. Habitat
B. Produce
C. Size
D. Stomach type
48. Aquatic animal live in/on _____
A. Hole B. Water
C. Land D. Trees
49. Which of the following is NOT a use of farm animals?
A. Decoration B. Food
C. Protection D. Sport
50. Which of the following is NOT a canned food produce
A. Baked beans
B. Coca cola
C. Corn beef
D. Sardine
51. The following are the futures of dicotyledonous crop EXCEPT possession of _____
A. Leaves with net vain
B. Leaves with petioles
C. One seed leaf
D. Stem with many branch
52. The following are forms of farm animal EXCEPT ______ animal
A. Aquatic B. Diary
C. Guard D. Wild
53. Which of these farm animal is used for transportation of farm produce
A. Donkey B. Cattle
C. Goat D. Rabbit
54. Which of these farm animal is kept for production of wool
A. Cattle B. Dog
C. Rabbit D. Sheep
55. Which of these is used for work animal on the farm
A. Cattle B. Duck
C. Goat D. Rabbit
56. Jute is an examples of ______
A. Beverages B. Fibre
C. Forage D. Latex
57. ______ is an example of biting and chewing pests
A. tick
B. Cocoa myrids
C. Aphids
D. Grasshopper
58. _______ are living organisms that cause physical damage to plant
A. Pests B. Soil
C. Wind D. Water
59. The chemical used for weed control is called ______
A. Insecticide B. Herbicide
C. Pesticide D. Rodenticide
60. All of the following are example of weed that are not edible to man EXCEPT
A. Goat weed
B. Elephant grass
C. Spear grass
D. Water leaf
INSTRUCTION – Answer all four (4) questions in this section.
1. What is weed?
b. State and explain five uses of weeds.
c. Mention five weeds and their botanical names.
d. Explain the following:
i. Annual weeds
ii. Biennial weeds
iii. Perennial weeds
2. What are pets?
b. Explain the following:
i. Biting and chewing pests
ii. Piercing and sucking pests
iii. Boring insects pests
c. Enumerate five importance of insect pests in crop production.
3. Explain the following and list two examples of each:
i. Diary animal
ii. Work animal
iii. Beef Animal
iv. Poultry animals
v. Aquatic animals
b. State five importance of farm animals.
c. What is Monocotyledonous plant?
4. In a tabular form state five characteristics of each of these:
i. Cattle
ii. Pigs
Answers to Agricultural Science Exam Questions for JSS1 Second Term
Answers to Section A (Objective Test)
The following table gives the correct answers to the objective section of Agric Science exam questions for JSS1 second term. If you are using a mobile device, hold the table and scroll to the right or left for a complete view.
Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans | Q.No | Ans |
1 | B | 2 | C | 3 | D | 4 | D | 5 | C |
6 | B | 7 | C | 8 | C | 9 | B | 10 | B |
11 | B | 12 | A | 13 | C | 14 | C | 15 | A |
16 | D | 17 | B | 18 | D | 19 | C | 20 | D |
21 | C | 22 | B | 23 | C | 24 | C | 25 | C |
26 | D | 27 | B | 28 | A | 29 | C | 30 | C |
31 | A | 32 | C | 33 | B | 34 | A | 35 | C |
36 | A | 37 | D | 38 | A | 39 | D | 40 | A |
41 | D | 42 | A | 43 | D | 44 | A | 45 | A |
46 | C | 47 | C | 48 | B | 49 | A | 50 | B |
51 | C | 52 | D | 53 | A | 54 | D | 55 | A |
56 | B | 57 | D | 58 | A | 59 | B | 60 | D |
So here you have the answers to the objective section of Agricultural Science Exam Questions for JSS1 second term. Use the comments section to let me know if you have any questions you would want me to clarify or discuss further.
Answers to Section B (Theory)
1. What is weed?
- Weed is any plant growing where it is not wanted, often competing with crops for resources like water, light, and nutrients.
b. State and explain five uses of weeds:
- Medicinal Uses: Some weeds, like dandelion, are used for medicinal purposes.
- Forage: Certain weeds provide food for animals (e.g., clover for livestock).
- Soil Erosion Control: Weeds help prevent soil erosion by stabilizing the soil with their root systems.
- Green Manure: Weeds like legumes add nitrogen to the soil when they decompose.
- Bio-pesticides: Certain weeds are used to control pests or diseases in crops.
c. Mention five weeds and their botanical names:
- Goatweed – Ageratum conyzoides
- Elephant Grass – Pennisetum purpureum
- Spear Grass – Imperata cylindrica
- Creeping Charlie – Glechoma hederacea
- Pigweed – Amaranthus spp.
d. Explain the following:
i. Annual weeds: Weeds that complete their life cycle in one growing season, germinating, growing, flowering, and dying in a year (e.g., crabgrass).
ii. Biennial weeds: Weeds that take two years to complete their life cycle, growing in the first year and flowering in the second (e.g., wild carrot).
iii. Perennial weeds: Weeds that live for more than two years, often regrowing from roots or rhizomes after being cut or removed (e.g., bindweed).
2. What are pests?
- Pests are harmful organisms, including insects, fungi, and rodents, that cause damage to crops, animals, and the environment.
b. Explain the following:
i. Biting and chewing pests: Insects that feed by biting and chewing plant tissues (e.g., grasshoppers, caterpillars).
ii. Piercing and sucking pests: Insects that feed by piercing plant tissues and sucking out fluids (e.g., aphids, mealybugs).
iii. Boring insect pests: Insects that burrow into plant tissues, often causing internal damage (e.g., termites, wood borers).
c. Enumerate five importance of insect pests in crop production:
- Pollination: Some pests, like bees, help pollinate crops.
- Decomposition: Certain pests break down dead plant material, enriching the soil.
- Food Source: Pests provide food for other animals.
- Control of Other Pests: Some pests help control other harmful pests.
- Soil Aeration: Pests like earthworms create channels in the soil, aiding water and nutrient absorption.
3. Explain the following and list two examples of each:
i. Dairy animal: Animals kept primarily for milk production (e.g., cow, goat). ii. Work animal: Animals used for labor and transportation (e.g., donkey, ox). iii. Beef animal: Animals raised for meat production (e.g., cattle, buffalo). iv. Poultry animals: Birds raised for meat and egg production (e.g., chicken, turkey). v. Aquatic animals: Animals that live in water and are farmed for food (e.g., fish, shrimp).
b. State five importance of farm animals:
- Food: Farm animals provide meat, milk, eggs, and other products.
- Labor: Work animals assist in farming tasks like plowing.
- Fertilizer: Animal manure is used to fertilize crops.
- Income: Farm animals generate income through sale and products.
- Skin and Leather: Animals provide valuable materials like leather and wool.
c. What is Monocotyledonous plant?
- A Monocotyledonous plant is a plant that has one seed leaf (cotyledon) upon germination, such as grasses, maize, and wheat.
4. In a tabular form state five characteristics of each of these:
Cattle | Pigs |
1. Have cloven hooves | 1. Have hooves (not cloven) |
2. Produce milk (dairy) | 2. Produce meat (pork) |
3. Herbivores (eat plants) | 3. Omnivores (eat plants & animals) |
4. Large size and weight | 4. Medium to large size |
5. Provide leather and wool | 5. Produce manure for fertilization |
How to Pass Agric Science Exam Questions for JSS1 Second Term
Passing your Agricultural Science exam questions for JSS1 second term requires a combination of preparation, understanding, and strategy. Here are actionable tips to help you excel:
- Understand Key Topics: Focus on the basics such as plant growth, soil types, farm tools, and crop production. Make sure you understand the definitions and characteristics of plants and animals.
- Study Regularly: Break your study into small, manageable sessions. Revise important concepts weekly to retain the information.
- Practice Past Questions: Work through past exam papers to familiarize yourself with the question formats and common topics.
- Learn Definitions and Terms: Memorize important terms like “weeds,” “pests,” and “agricultural tools,” as they are often asked in exams.
- Use Diagrams: Practice drawing and labeling farm tools, plant parts, and animal types. Visual aids help you recall information faster.
- Review Class Notes: Go through your notes regularly and highlight key points.
- Ask for Clarification: If you don’t understand a topic, don’t hesitate to ask your teacher for help or clarification.
- Time Management: During the exam, read each question carefully and manage your time effectively to ensure you can answer all questions.
Best wishes
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