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Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers Social Studies PDF

This is for BECE Candidates looking for Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers Social Studies. The Social Studies paper is compulsory for all candidates regardless of their school. So, here you will get genuine Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers for Social Studies. Your duty now is to read through them as many times as possible and get ready to smash your paper.

Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers Social Studies PDF

What are Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers Social Studies?

Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers are the questions you should expect in your Social Studies paper in 2023 BECE, together with their answers.

It is very important that every candidate preparing to sit for in the forthcoming 2023 BECE examination should catch a glimpse of these questions.

In so doing, they will know what to expect in the exam hall. Knowing exactly what to expect will boost their confidence and guarantee them a very high score.

Junior WAEC 2023 Social Studies Questions and Answers Revealed!

On this page, we shall reveal Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers for all candidates taking the Social Studies paper.

How lucky you are to stumble upon this important page!

The questions are genuine and the answers are accurate, and all are a product of our passion to see you excel in your BECE and proceed to Senior Secondary School.

In the following sections, you will read the Social Studies questions you are to expect in your 2023 Junior WAEC exam as well as their answers. You can use the comments section if you still need clarification over some of the questions. We will give you a more detailed explanation.

BECE is a very serious and important examination. You will answer 50 questions in BECE 2023 within 2 hours. So it’s important that you pay attention to the information revealed on this page.

Read Also: More Junior WAEC Questions and Answers on Social Studies

Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers Social Studies [Numbers 1 – 10]

junior waec candidates in bece hall

1. All these are dangers for abusing drugs EXCEPT……..
A. brain damage
B. rejection from family
C. health problem
D. academic progress

2. Select from the alternatives provided, one advantage of inter-ethnic marriage.
A. Promote inter-ethnic segregation
B. interfere with ethnic identity
C. Eliminate ethnicism
D. Encourage tribalism

3. Choose from the following one reason why man is referred to as a social animal.
A. He learns social studies
B. Man lives in a community
C. He acquires wealth
D. He interacts with others

4. From the options, identify one document that guarantees the right of citizens.
A. National passport
B. Birth certificate
C. Constitution
D. National ID card

5. The judgment a person makes of him/herself best describes……
A. Self esteem
B. Decision making
C. Values
D. Negotiation

6. From the various ways we express ourselves, pick out one of the most appropriate from the option listed.
A. Passiveness                B. Assertiveness
C. Aggressiveness          D. Manipulation

7. From the options, select ways of encouraging members of the school community.
A. Loyalty and respect
B. Discipline and cooperation
C. Reward and Award
D. Acceptance and Responsibilities

8. Marriage ceremony based on the law and custom of the bride is known as…………marriage
A. Customary           B. Traditional
C. Ordinance            D. Religious

9. Choose from the options provided the best way to determine the population a country.
A. Voting             B. Registration
C. Election           D. Census

10. Indicate from the following options the best strategy for achieving global cooperation.
A. Bilateral and multilateral agreement
B. Economic Dependence
C. Control of less developed countries
D. Use of Interpol to harass less developed state.

Answers to Question Number 1 – 10

1.D   2.C   3.D   4.C   5.A
6.B   7.C   8.B   9.D   10.A

Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers Social Studies [Numbers 11 – 20]

11. From the alternatives, select one skill necessary when seeking help.
A. Passiveness          B. Manipulation
C. Assertiveness       D. Shyness

12. Identify from the under-listed, one that is NOT an effect of gender stereotype.
A. Kills initiatives
B. Promotes gender equality
C. Can limit achievement
D. Encourages unnecessary rivalry

13. Indicate from the alternatives three voluntary organizations found in schools.
A. Girls guide, Rotary club, Inner Wheel
B. Boys brigade, Girls Brigade and Red cross
C. Man O’ war, Pirates and Sheriff guards
D. Red cross, Boys scout and Black axe

14. The Ibibio in the south-south region of Nigeria call God…….
A. Osalobua         B. Tamara
C. Oghene           D. Abasi

15. Choose from the following one that is NOT a characteristic of a good goal.
A. Achievable
B. Measurable
C. No time limit
D. Realistic

16. Living peacefully with people of different religion is called religious…..
A. tolerance            B. difference
C. Intolerance         D. faith

17. Kin relationship that could be traced to father lineage is known as……….
A. partridge             B. lineage
C. patrilineal            D. percentage

18. From the following, indicate one that is NOT a challenge in Marriage.
A. Death               B. Faithfulness
C. Quarrels           D. Separation

19. Which of the following is NOT one of the causes of corruption?
A. poverty        B. insecurity
C. greed           D. contentment

20. Taking drugs more than the prescribed dosage is a form of …….. Abuse.
A. stimulant           B. substance
C. drug                  D. medical

Answers to Question Number 11 – 20

11.C  12.B  13.B  14.D  15.C
16.A  17.C  18.B  19.D  20.B

Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers Social Studies [Numbers 21 – 30]

21. We can prevent HIV/AID by ………
A. Eating balance diet
B. Not playing together
C. Sharing sharp object
D. Use of screened blood

22.  ……. is a way of improving friendship?
A. Disagreeing with each other
B. Exchange of gifts
C. Making trouble
D. Quarreling

23. The following factors could destroy friendship EXCEPT ……..
A. Betrayal of trust
B. Gossiping
C. Honesty
D. Selfishness

24. Permanent separation of husband and wife is called………
A. Companionship         B. Divorce
C. Monogamy                D. Polygamy

25. The following are sources of population data EXCEPT …….
A. Birth rate        B. Census
C. Death rate      D. Wealth rate

26. Agents of socialization does not include ……….
A. Mass Media          B. Peer Group
C. Police                   D. Religious Institution

27. The institution responsible for the teaching of values and morals in our society is the ………. Institution.
A. economic           B. political
C. legal                   D. religious

28. The Nigeria economy is dominated by the export of ……… products.
A. chemical            B. crude oil
C. agriculture         D. engineering

29. The process by which a child acquires language, values and beliefs is known as.
A. specialization
B. integration
C. socialization
D. civilization

30. From the options below, indicate one advantage of a mono company.
A. Diversification
B. Deregulation
C. Industrialization
D. Specialization

Answers to Question Number 21 – 30

21.D   22.B   23.C   24.B   25.D
26.C   27.D   28.C   29.C   30.D

Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers Social Studies [Numbers 31 – 40]

31. The process by which government sells its shares in companies to individuals and groups is………
A. Commercialization
B. Deregulation
C. Import Trade
D. Privatization

32. The buying and selling of goods and service in order to satisfy human want is called?
A. Farming           B. Manufacturing
C. Marketing       D. Trading

33. The two systems of Farming are ………
A. Livestock and Arable farming
B. Mixed and dairy farming
C. Poultry and Fishing farming
D. Tradition and Mechanized farming

34. The conflict between Modakeke and Ife is……….. type of conflict.
A. Inter Communal
B. Inter nation
C. Inter Ethnic
D. International

35. The type of marriage performed according to the tradition and custom of a group of people is …………. marriage.
A. Court              B. Customary
C. Religion          D. Securities

36. The method of storing things in a refrigerator is known as ……….
A. Killing           B. Smoking
C. Salting          D. refrigeration

37. One of the following is NOT a primary role of the family?
A. Ensure continued existence of the community
B. Involve in child trafficking
C. Provide for the need of Family
D. Take care of the young ones

38. A person is said to be a ……… when he cannot live without a particular drug or substance.
A. Drug abuse
B. Drug baron
C. Drug addict
D. Drug trafficker

39. A place where teaching and learning takes place called a ……….
A. Hospital       B. Kitchen      C. Market        D. School

40. ……. Is a low land between two hills?
A. Delta       B. Hill       C. Lake        D. Valley

Answers to Question Number 31 – 40

31.D   32.D   33.D   34.A   35.B
36.D   37.B    38.C   39.D   40.D

Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers Social Studies [Numbers 41 – 50]

41. A situation in which a woman has more than one husband is ……………
A. endogamy            B. monogamy
C. polyandry             D. polygamy

42. Love, loyalty and willingness to serve one’s country is called……..
A. Bravery              B. Citizenship
C. Patriotism          D. Warmth

43. …….. Is an emblem which shows the unity of the country and stands for authority and powers?
A Coat of Arm
B. National Anthem
C. National Flag
D. National pledge

44. Friendship could be defined as ……..
A. a state of being cruel to others
B. a state of being emotionally attached to someone you like
C. a state of fighting one another
D. a state of loving one only things are good

45. A saying that “culture is dynamic” means ………
A. Culture has a lot of powers
B. Culture is a kind of dynamism
C. Culture does not remain the same
D. Culture and Dynamism are related

46. Choose from the following one that is NOT a main economic activity.
A. Industry         B. Education
C. Export            D. Farming

47. Indicate from the under-listed one that is NOT a function of marriage.
A. Security           B. Companionship
C. Procreation     D. Share of love

48. Select from the under-listed one that is NOT a characteristic of a secondary social group.
A. They are linked by occupation
B. Belong to the same family
D. Relate intimately with each other

49. The group of people related by blood is called……..
A. Family               B. Organization
C. Member           D. Father

50. There are ……… and ………. Classification of settlement.
A. region and urban
B. remote and rural
C. rural and rural
D. rural and urban

Answers to Question Number 41 – 50

41.C   42.C   43.A   44.B   45.C
46.D   47.A   48.B   49.A   50.D

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SECTION B: Theory Questions

Answer Three (3) Questions in this section

1. a. Define Conflicts?
b. Mention 4 examples of conflicts and explain each

2. Highlight five (5) ways of promoting peace in our society

3. State five (5) characteristic of low self esteem and explain

4. a. State five (5) group of cult in our society
b. Mention five (5) cause of cultism in Nigeria and explain

5.  Expatiate five (5) consequence of Harmful Tradition Practice


So here you have the 40 Questions you can expect in your 2023 BECE Social Studies examination. Read them again and again. Ensure that you get very familiar with each of them such that you can readily recognize them any time.

Remember that you can ask for more detailed explanation to any of the above questions in case you don’t fully understand it. Don’t be shy, just scroll down and use the comments section. Drop your questions and expect comprehensive answers as soon as possible.

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See you on the next article.

Read Also: Junior WAEC Time Table for BECE 2024 is Out

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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  1. thank you sir.

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