In this article, you will discover the top 50 best medical university in Nigeria. Best private universities for medicine in Nigeria. Top 10 medical universities in Nigeria. Best university to study medicine and surgery in nigeria 2022. List of medical schools in Nigeria. Best state university in Nigeria for medicine and surgery. Cheapest medical schools in Nigeria. Best university to study medicine in the world. And so on.
Table of Contents
By way of introduction, medicine is a very vital part of the life of every living thing. It is one of the few most important sectors of every society or economy. In Nigeria, for example, there are millions of people who need one form of medical attention or the other at any given time. However, there are not enough standard medical colleges in Nigeria to supply the much needed trained doctors. So, there is dire need of sufficient certified doctors to cater for the teeming patients in the populace.
A medical school is an institution or college with a curriculum leading to the award of a degree in medicine. That is where doctors are trained and certified to practice medicine. However, you need to realize that studying medicine in Nigeria is not a mean feat. There are many challenges and barriers to face and overcome before one can become a doctor in Nigeria.
The Challenge…
The challenges range from struggling to get admitted into your preferred College of Medicine to the high cost of tuition and study materials.
In the addition to the above challenges, the job of a doctor requires a lot of discipline. More so, the job comes with a lot of responsibilities. You must be willing and ready to offer all that it takes to be a medical doctor.
Since there would be no doctors without medical schools, we have examined the over 50 schools of medicine in Nigeria in order to sift out the best 20. We are doing this so that candidates interested in studying medicine will be well guided.
The truth is that there are many schools in Nigeria offering medicine. But you need information on each of them in order to make the best choice.
In the following sections, I will give you information about top 20 best and fully accredited medical universities in Nigeria. But this does not mean that other universities do not perform well.
What it simply means is that the schools I will be listing here take the teaching and study of medicine as their priority. Consequently, they do everything within their capacity to have a cutting edge. That’s why they rank among the best as far as medicine is concerned.
List of the Top 20 Best Medical Schools in Nigeria
If you are interested in studying medicine to become a medical doctor in Nigeria, it is very important to select a medical school carefully. Apart from the decision to become a doctor, the choice of a medical school is one of the most important decisions you would ever make. You, therefore, need to be armed with relevant facts and figures in order to choose right.
From the foregoing, you can obviously tell that all medical schools in Nigeria are not the same in terms of structures, facilities, personnel, and even proximity. In addition to that, these medical schools also vary based on tuition fees.
In this article, I would examine the top 20 best medical schools in Nigeria and show you why they are among the best in the country. Each of the mentioned schools also offers an Undergraduate, Masters and Ph.D. degree in the medicine program.
Here’s the list of the top 20 best medical schools in Nigeria:
- College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Oyo State.
- The University of Lagos, College of Medicine.
- College of health sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife.
- College of Medicine, University of Ilorin, Kwara state.
- Faculty of Medicine, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Kaduna state.
- College of Medicine, University of Nigeria, Ituku-Ozalla, Enugu state.
- Lagos State Teaching Hospital (LASUTH).
- Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma.
- College of Health Science, Delta State University, Abraka (DELSU).
- College of Medical Science, University of Benin, Benin-City, Edo State.
- Niger Delta University (NDU).
- Abia State University (ABSU).
- Ebonyi State University (EBSU).
- University of Port-Harcourt (UNIPORT).
- University of Calabar (UNICAL).
- Bayero University Kano (BUK).
- Madonna University, Okija.
- University of Jos, Medical school.
- Usmanu Danfodio University Sokoto.
- College of Medicine, Idi Araba.
1. The College of Medicine, University of Ibadan
- Address: P.M.B 3017 G.P.O Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.
- Year Founded: 1948.
- Teaching Hospital: University College Hospital (UCH)
The university of Ibadan (or UI) is the first university established in Nigeria. It has one the best medical colleges in Nigeria. If you really want to get a standard professional education in medical sciences, then the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan should be your choice. Like you’ve already read above, the University is located in the heart of Ibadan town, in the Western part of Nigeria.

The College of Medicine, University of Ibadan is not only well-equipped with modern medical teaching, learning and practical facilities, it is well-recognized all over the world. In fact, because of the college’s affiliation with London, her graduates were given certificates bearing “M.B;B.S Degree of the University of London”. Although other graduates that have qualified since 1967 to date received the degree of M.B;B.S (Ibadan).
The University of Ibadan is the oldest university in Nigeria. It is also considered the best. So, if you desire to be trained by the best with the most comprehensive medical curriculum, then, settle for UNIBADAN.
Note, however, that the demand for places in the medical school is enormous and the standard of entrants accepted by the University is high. So just get ready for a very serious competition if you want to be accepted by the school.
The college of medicine is a fully accredited medical school in Nigeria with four faculties and many specialized departments.
The faculties include:
- Faculty of Basic Medical Science.
- The Faculty of Clinical Sciences.
- Faculty of Dentistry.
- The Faculty of Public Health.
2. The University of Lagos, College of Medicine
- Address: University of Lagos, University Road Lagos Mainland, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos.
- Year Founded: 1962
- Teaching Hospital: Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH)
The College of Medicine was conceived by the founding fathers as a Medical School which is an autonomous entity within the University of Lagos. It was founded to produce highly trained medical manpower to provide specialized medical services and to conduct research into health-related problems.
Most services in College of Medicine, UNILAG is computerized including students records. More so, the Biomedical Communication unit is well-enhanced with computerized production facility. Biomedical Engineering unit is poised to give technological support for computer-related problems within the College. There is also a glass-blowing unit to provide all needed glassware.
The college receives grants and subventions from the federal government to embark on research and development. This also provides the means to send their staff abroad for specialized training.

The College of Medicine, University of Lagos is highly developed and specialized, and it keeps growing.
It has three faculties:
- Basic Medical Sciences,
- Clinical Sciences and
- Dental Sciences.
Each of the three faculties is robust and excellent. For example, the Faculty of Dental Sciences is today the center of Excellence for Dentistry in Nigeria. The College consists of 32 departments with a student population of almost 2000 students and a staff strength of 1,850. The College has to date produced over 6,000 graduates in disciplines of Medicine, Dentistry, Microbiology, Physiotherapy, Physiology, Radiography and Pharmacology.
UNILAG is one of the several accredited medical schools in Nigeriâ and also one of the best medical schools in Nigeria. The environment around the school is very serene; the atmosphere is cordial and warm. The school guarantees campus hostel accommodation for medical students, as well as the security of life and property.
School of Medicine
3. College of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife
- Address: Ile Ife, Osun State.
- Year Founded: 1971
- Teaching Hospital: Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex (OAUTHC)
The College of Health Sciences, OAU is domiciled in the South-Western region of Nigeria. The school is renowned as a centre of excellence when it comes to Health Sciences courses. Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex (OAUTHC) has a track record of successfully treating rare diseases and chronic ailments. This is partly because the hospital complex boasts of the best modern medical facilities in Nigeria.
The College of Medicine of Obafemi Awolowo University is one of the Top 5 most competitive medical schools in Nigeria. Thousands of candidates apply to study in the school every year because it is student-centered. More over, the school has the best medical learning facilities, including large laboratories, lecture halls, digital libraries and comfortable hostel accommodation facilities.
Of course, College of Medicine of Obafemi Awolowo University is one of the fully accredited medical schools in Nigeria by the NUC.
The college has three faculties and one institute, namely:
- Basic Medical Science Faculty.
- Clinical Sciences Faculty.
- Faculty of Dentistry.
- Institute of Public Health.
The three faculties are made up of departments of various medical disciplines while the institute focuses on multidisciplinary public health research and development efforts.
The College of Medicine of Obafemi Awolowo University is highly recommended if you want the best medical training and are desirous to study in the Western Region of Nigeria.
School of Medicine
4. College of Medicine, University of Ilorin, Kwara state.
- Address: No C2, Studiopedia, Off Ministry of Health, Fate Tanke Road, Ilorin.
- Year Founded: 1977
- Teaching Hospital: University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital (UITH)
The Medical School of the University of Ilorin was established as a second generation Medical School and started as the Faculty of Health Sciences with Professor Eldryd Hugh Owen Parry as the Foundation Dean from October 1977- February 1979. It was founded to run an innovative medical curriculum which was to be community oriented, student centered and with integrated teaching and problem based learning.
The Medical School of the University of Ilorin is one of the best schools to study medicine in Nigeria. Their facilities are modern and top-notch. They hardly experience academic interruptions due to strikes. Because the system is constantly running, the school is one of the fastest and most efficient in the country.
There are a lot of facilities in University of Ilorin but the Medical faculty is one of the best in the country. Truly speaking, studying medicine in this school is like studying medicine abroad.
This college of Medicine also have two faculties namely:
- Faculty of Basic Medical Science
- The Faculty of Clinical Sciences
So, what are you thinking? Send your application to UNILORIN and achieve your dreams there.
School of Medicine
5. Faculty of Medicine, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Kaduna State.
- Address: Samaru campus, Community market, 810211 Zaria.
- Year Founded: 1962
- Teaching Hospital: Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital (ABUTH)
Although Ahmadu Bello University was established in 1962, the College of Medical Sciences came into being in 1967, the first of such in northern Nigeria. The College of Medical Sciences has since grown to become the largest in this university; with a total of 17 departments.
The College of Medical Sciences of the largest and most cosmopolitan University in Africa, South of the Sahara has a tall mission. The mission is to advance the frontiers of learning of Medicine and Medical Sciences, and break new grounds through teaching, research and dissemination of knowledge. To produce high-level medical professionals and enhance medical skills and disease diagnosis and treatment capability through retraining, in order to meet the needs and health challenges of the catchment area, Nigeria and beyond.
If you live in the Northern part of Nigeria or desire to study there, ABU is the best school up North. The school has no rival in the North when it comes to medical studies. The faculty is big, well equipped and fully accredited.
Apply to College of Medical Sciences, OAU. Get the best.
6. College of Medicine, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Enugu State.
- Address: University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus. UNTH, Ituku-Ozalla, Enugu.
- Year Founded: 1982.
- Teaching Hospital: University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH), Ituku-Ozalla, Enugu.
- Basic Medical Science.
- Dentistry.
- Health Sciences and Technology.
- Medical Science.
The UNN College of Medicine boasts of many affiliated hospitals including
- University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH)
- National Orthopedic Hospital (NOH) and,
- National Neuropsychiatric Hospital (NNH).
All the mentioned affiliated hospitals have thousands of bed spaces to serve as a place of education, training and research for the undergraduate and post graduate students. The College also has a centre for for Medical Simulation, and many communities-based health centers

So, if you want to pass through one of the best medical schools in Nigeria, apply to University of Nigeria Nsukka. The college has all that is required to give you the best professional medical education as far as Nigeria is concerned. More so, the academic standard and the level of competitiveness among the students of the school is second to none.
7. Lagos State Teaching Hospital (LASUTH).
- Address:
- Year Founded: 1983
- Teaching Hospital: Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH)
Lagos state is rich in educational establishments and this is true for medical schools as well. The University has its teaching hospital and college of medicine. It should be noted that this medical school is a public one. This university is owned by the Lagos state government and it is financed by the Lagos state government teaching hospital is ranked number 5, as one of the best Medical facilities in the country because it has a very wide record of saving people even at the point of death, or when they have been rejected by other hospitals.
This hospital has a wide number of question every day and there’s no rest in time for the Doctors in this teaching hospital. It is also a teaching hospital for Medical students at the University of Lagos. This university is among the accredited medical schools in Nigeria and also one of the best medical schools in Nigeria.
8. Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma.
- Address: KM 70 Benin Auchi Road, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria.
- Year Founded: 1981
- Teaching Hospital: Irua Specialist Hospital, Ekpoma.
This University also located in Edo state is a top accredited medical school in Nigeria University in the Medical field, and it has the Medical profession with the best set of Doctors since its commencement of duties. The school presently awards the following: B.S.C, Medical Physiology, and Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences.
However, the MBBS degree is without honor classification but the B.S.C. Physiology and Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences are with classification based on CGPA. This is also one of the best medical schools in Nigeria.
School of Medicine
University Link
9. College of Health Science, Delta State University, Abraka (DELSU).
- Address: Anwai Campus, Asaba, Delta State
- Year Founded: 1992
- Teaching Hospital: Delta State Teaching Hospital (DSTH), Oghara.
This is one of the accredited medical schools in Nigeria with traces of excellence. It’s also one of the best medical schools in Nigeria. it also has a lot of professors that give their very best to the students no matter what. It also has four faculties namely:
- Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- Family Medicine
- Anatomy and
- Medicine
School of Medicine
University Link
10. College of Medical Science, University of Benin, Benin-City, Edo State.
- Address:
- Year Founded:
- Teaching Hospital:
It is often said that it is one of the first Nigerian medical colleges. Reports have it that a lot of the leading medical specialists in Nigeria graduated from the University of Benin. This university has good medical classes and is very popular among prospective students. A lot of people have chosen this university to learn medicine and surgery.
This university is located in the state of Edo and has one of the largest facilities for medical students in Nigeria. Students who pass the University of Benin as medical students do not always go as they are, because they come out better than they expected. This school is very interesting to study medicine, and independently, the students go here and do the best they can.
School of Medicine
11. Niger Delta University (NDU)
- Address: Wilberforce Island, Amassama, Bayelsa State.
- Year Founded: 2000
- Teaching Hospital: Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital (NDUTH) Okolobiri.
NDU is one of the best medical schools in Nigeria. It is a challenge when it comes to the medical facility that is said to be the best in Bayelsa because it helps students achieve the best in themselves. It also has a good and useful medical school for students, which they attend to learn and practice as doctors. This university, derived from the various testimonies of the people of Bayelsa, and even from outsiders, is one of the universities with the highest priority in the country when it comes to medicine.
So just go ahead. And Get the best.
School of Medicine
12. Abia State University (ABSU)
- Address:
- Year Founded:
- Teaching Hospital:
This university is located at the Eastern part of Country Nigeria, and it is praised for its top Medical facilities in the state and Country. This university is also one best medical schools in Nigeria and accredited medical schools in Nigeria.
13. Ebonyi State University (EBSU)
- Address:
- Year Founded:
- Teaching Hospital:
What is today known as Ebonyi State University started with a resolution of the then Military Administration of Anambra State which was later upheld under Chief Jim Nwobodo civilian administration?
This University is accredited for Medical services and courses also listed among one of the very best. This is so, taking from a lot of compliments from people in and out of Ebonyi state.
School of Medicine
University Link
14. University of Port-Harcourt (UNIPORT)
- Address:
- Year Founded:
- Teaching Hospital:
The University of Port Harcourt is a university in the Nigerian city of Port-Harcourt. It was established in 1975 as University College, PortHarcourt and was given University status in 1977. The University of Port Harcourt was ranked the sixth in Africa and the first in Nigeria by Times Higher Education in 2015.
We also know this university for its top Medical facilities in the state and in the country. So This university is also one best medical schools in Nigeria and accredited medical schools in Nigeria. We also know this university
15. University of Calabar (UNICAL)
- Address:
- Year Founded:
- Teaching Hospital:
This is one of Nigeria’s second generation federal universities. The University of Calabar was a campus of the University of Nigeria until 1975. The architecture was designed by John Elliott. It was established by decree to fulfill this traditional mandate, its motto “Knowledge for Service”.
This is also one of the best medical Universities in Nigeria, the university has challenged so many students to do better and become better in the Medical field and it runs a very smooth and conductive program for Medical students. The University is in Cross River state.
School of Medicine
University Link
16. Bayero University, Kano (BUK)
- Address:
- Year Founded:
- Teaching Hospital:
This University happens to own one of the top quality Medical facility history, and so many people go to this University to be a part of the Medical program at all cost. It has produced so many northern Doctors that are doing very well in the country. It is also among the List of best medical schools in Nigeria.
School of Medicine
University Link
17. Madonna University, Okija
- Address:
- Year Founded:
- Teaching Hospital:
This University is own by a Priest, who wants nothing but orderliness and discipline in the school at all times. The school focuses its attention on the Medical sectors as it believes in not graduating half-baked Doctors into society. This also among the List of best medical schools in Nigeria and also among the accredited medical schools in Nigeria.
School of Medicine
University Link
18. University of Jos, Medical school
- Address:
- Year Founded: 1997
- Teaching Hospital:
School of Medicine
University Link
19. Usmanu Danfodio University Sokoto, College of Health Sciences
- Address:
- Year Founded: 1975
- Teaching Hospital: Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto Nigeria.
School of Medicine
University Link
20. College of Medicine, Idi Araba
- Address: Idi-Araba, Lagos.
- Year Founded: 1962
- Teaching Hospital: Lagos University Teaching Hospital.
College of Medicine, Idi Araba is the medical school affiliated with the University of Lagos, UNILAG. It is otherwise known as College of Medicine, University of Lagos or Medilag.
The school is located in Idi-Araba, Lagos. This location is very close to the Lagos University Teaching Hospital. As at the time of compiling this report, the college has a total staff strength of 1,850 working in 32 departments.
More so, the College has 3 faculties.
- Basic Medical Sciences Faculty
- Clinical Sciences Faculty
- Dental Sciences Faculty
Altogether, these faculties award about 9 bachelors degree including MB;BS, BDS, BPharm, BSc. Physio, BN.Sc, BSc. Physiology, BSc. Pharmacology, BSc. Radiography and BMLS.
The college also offers postgraduate training in Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Public Health.
School of Medicine
University Link
Go to the best medical school. Get the best medical training. So that your life will change. Become the best you can be. Don’t be afraid of distance. Be willing to go far from home as long as you get the best. It’s your life we are talking about here. It’s all about your future. So? Is there something good you may not do for the future of your dreams.
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I wanted Bayero University but where am currently studying is also good.