On this article, I’m going to show you how to write scholarship application letter. Thereafter, I will show you tips and guides to writing a good scholarship application letter. Then, I will conclude by showing you samples and templates of successful scholarship application letters.
Table of Contents
How to Write a Scholarship Application Letter [Quick Tips & Samples]
Every day, students around the world surf the Internet in search for schools, companies and organizations at home or abroad offering scholarship opportunities. But it’s one thing to browse and find the list of schools, companies and organizations offering these opportunities and it’s another thing to pen down the right words that would earn the desired scholarship.
So the ability to write a very good scholarship application letter is a major challenge to many students all over the world. Based on the observation above, we have decided on this post drop some quick and helpful tips. We shall as well drop samples that would help students interested in scholarship grants to write winning application letters.
So continue reading and you will find our Sample Application Letter for Scholarship Grant and Scholarship Application Letter Sample Doc towards the end of this post.
As you would expect, there are factors to be considered when writing a scholarship application letter if such a letter would be honored. So getting acquainted with these factors and learning the necessary tips could be a step to your getting that study abroad opportunity you desire.
The truth is that apart from writing a winning scholarship application letter, there are many other factors that determine, by their interplay, whether or not you are the right candidate for the scholarship. The implication is that the scholarship evaluation boards take a lot of information about the applicant into consideration.
Such information include academic excellence, communication skills, language skills, grades, overall academic records, or economic factors such as low income. So, if you have a good score judging by the factors outlined above, there is almost a certainty that you would receive a positive reply.
Read Also: Other Current Scholarship Opportunities Available for you.
Judging from the history, virtually all universities require that you write a scholarship application essay about yourself, in which you are expected to mention many significant points like the reason why you are applying for the scholarship program, and how the scholarship, if granted, will help you to accomplish your career goals and objectives.
So, we advise you to religiously follow the tips mentioned below to write your winning scholarship application letter that would be honoured.
Tips for Writing a Winning Scholarship Application Letter
The quick tips below will show you how to write winning scholarship application that will be honoured by scholarship evaluation boards.
Tip #1 for Writing a Winning Scholarship Application Letter
Succinctly explain why you are the best and most suitable candidate for the scholarship. Take advantage of the opportunity offered by the scholarship application letter to delineate your major strengths. State these from both professional and academic perspectives. Say something about your plans for future career growth and how the scholarship would benefit you if you are selected.
Tip #2 for Writing a Winning Scholarship Application Letter
You must bear in mind that scholarship application letter is a formal letter. As such, the structure, format and tone must formal. Ensure that your spellings and grammar are correct. If it means double-checking or using a grammar-checking app, do it.
You can go the extra mile to ensure spelling and grammatical accuracy. Do this by asking your peers or mentor to meticulously read it before submitting it. As is the case with every other formal letter, scholarship application letter must be concise, clear and straight to the point.
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Tip #3 for Writing a Winning Scholarship Application Letter
Know who the recipients of your scholarship application letter are. The recipients of your letter are members of the scholarship board. Their job is to sift all the applications and select the best candidates. So, it is very important that you read the scholarship notice thoroughly and fully understand what the application requires. If there is need, you can do a background research about the scholarship program. This can give you significant information that would guarantee that you would have an edge over other applicants.
Tip #4 for Writing a Winning Scholarship Application Letter
Do your best to match your application to the context. By this you know that there are various situations in which you might be required to write an application letter. For example, you might be applying for a full university scholarship or you may be applying for the scholarship to lessen the tuition fees.
So, based on all we have covered above, if you are writing the scholarship application; then you should start a scholarship essay with formal addresses and greeting. Thereafter, write a short paragraph citing your academic achievements and skills. In the following paragraph, explain the major reason(s) why you require a scholarship for your studies. Then state how the scholarship will benefit you if granted. Close the final paragraph of the application with a formal farewell.
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If, on the other hand, you are writing a scholarship application requesting lessening of tuition fees, there are a few parts of the description above that you can skip. Of course, the introduction should be similar to what you have above. But in the second paragraph, you must make mention of your financial condition. And state why you direly need the scholarship for mitigation of tuition fees. In a third paragraph, explain why you chose to study at the institution and how your course would contribute to accomplishing your career goals.
Scholarship Application Letter Sample
Please click on the image below to see a sample cover letter for a grant application. Use it as a guide.

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