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Junior WAEC 2024 Questions and Answers Igbo Language

This is for BECE Candidates looking for Junior WAEC 2024 questions and Answers Igbo Language. The Igbo Language paper is compulsory for all candidates regardless of their school. So, here you will get genuine Junior WAEC 2024 questions and Answers for Igbo Language. Your duty now is to read through them as many times as possible and get ready to smash your Igbo Language paper.

Junior WAEC 2024 Questions and Answers Igbo Language

What are Junior WAEC 2024 questions and Answers Igbo Language

Junior WAEC 2024 questions and Answers Igbo Language are the questions you should expect in your Igbo Language paper in 2024 BECE, together with their answers.

It is very important that every candidate preparing to sit for Igbo Language in the forthcoming 2024 BECE examination should catch a glimpse of these questions.

In so doing, they will know what to expect in the exam hall. Knowing exactly what to expect will boost their confidence and guarantee them a very high score.

Junior WAEC 2024 Igbo Language questions and Answers Revealed!

On this page, we shall reveal Junior WAEC 2024 questions and Answers Igbo Language for all candidates taking the Igbo Language paper.

How lucky you are to stumble upon this important page!

The questions are genuine and the answers are accurate, and all are a product of our passion to see you excel in your BECE and proceed to Senior Secondary School.

In the following sections, you will read the Igbo Language questions you are to expect in your 2024 Junior WAEC exam as well as their answers. You can use the comments section if you still need clarification over some of the questions. We will give you a more detailed explanation.

BECE is a very serious and important examination. You will answer 60 questions in BECE Igbo Language 2024 within 2 hours. So it’s important that you pay attention to the information revealed on this page.

junior waec candidates in bece hall

Junior WAEC 2024 questions and Answers Igbo Language [Numbers 1 – 10]

Guo Edemede A Ma Zaa Ajuju Ndi na-Eso yo

Ihe kpatara dikeugo jiri mecha luo nkechi Ohaekee bu ihe mmadu enweghį ike įkowa. The onye obulu were ya bu na oburu na o bughi egwu o buru ogwụ, maka na udi ndu o biri n’agboghợ bu ekwute a kata. E wepų nka, ohi o zuru mgbe o biara ilete ala be di ya ezuola ihe umunna ji uche ha eme ihe ga-eji dulaa nwanyi.

Ozigbo obiliri lawa ka Akueyi chobara ichafu Nkeonyere, ada di ya, nyere ya dobere ya. Ihe mapunahuchara ya obi bu ego ndi inyom id ya, puku naira abuo, nyere ya jide. Ego a foro nari naira ise ka o zuo ego isusu ha na-aturu nne di ya. O bụ ichafu ego a di n’ime ya ka nwanyi ohuru biara ileta ala tutuuru lawa.

A kueyinea abughi onye ji akpa ochị.

O chubakwara ya ozigbo jide ya, nata ya ego ahu. O bu ya kaara nwanna di ya na nkechi abughi nwanyi olulu n’ihi na o na ezu ohi na akwugharikwa n’uzo.


1. Aha kacha mma inye ederede a bu
A. Nkechi bu onye ohi
B. Ilete ala nwunye Dikeugo biara
CH. Ummunwanyi na nkwughari
D. Akueyi bu oke nwanyi

2. Ihe kpatara Dikeugo jiri luba Nkech bu
A. egwu
B. ogwu
Ch. ihunaya
D. Akueyi

3. Ndu Nkechi biri n’agboghobia bu nke
A. mara mma
B. Kwesiri nnomi
Ch. di ebube
D. ekwute akata

4. Ihe putara ihe Nkechi mere be di ya bụ
A. izu ohi
B. igba amma
Ch. Imunwa
D. igba mbo

5. Umunna nwere ike idula nwanyi ma
A. ọ mụo nwa nwoke
B. O muo nwa nywanyi
Ch. o zuo ohi ego
D. ogbaa ezigbo ama

6. Akueyinwa bu Nwunye
A. di Nkechi
B. di Neonyere
Ch. be Dideugo
D. gha obodo

7. The jikoro Akueyi na Nkeonyere bu na
A. ha bu nwunydi
B. Ha bu umunne di
Ch. Akueyi bụ Nkeonyere nwanne di
D. Nkeonyere bu nwanne di Akueyi

8. Ego Nkechi zuru n’ohi di puku naira
A. abuo
B. abuo n’se
Ch. ise
D. ise na abuo

9. Onye nwe ego na-acho ife efu bu
A. Akueyi
B. Nkeonyere
Ch. Nkechi
D. nne di ya

10. N’ikpeazų
A. Ego a mechara fuo
B. Akueyi mechara chota ya
Ch. Nkechi mechara zube ohi
D. nne di ya mechara nwuo

Answers to Igbo Language Question Number 1 – 10

1.B   2.Ch   3.D   4.A   5.Ch   6.A   7.D   8.A   9.D   10.B

Junior WAEC 2024 questions and Answers Igbo Language [Numbers 11 – 20]

11. Nani otu uzo na ndi a bu agumagu odinala
A. Ukabuilu, atumatu okwu na abu
B. Abu Ifo na egwuaja
Ch. Akuko ejije na abu
D. Egwu onwa, ukwe na akuko

12. Otu ebe a esoghi n’akara
A. Mbuuzo
B. Nju ajuju
Ch. Akara ngwe
D. Akara uhie

13. Obi na-aga ahia “Na” ebe a bu
A. mkpoaha
B. nkowaaha
Ch. nnochiah
D. nnyemakanwaa

14. Puku asaa nari isii na ire ise bu
A. 7650
B. 7000,600,60
Ch. 70,650
D. 7,6050

15. Olee nke e deziri edezi?
A. Akwa din eelu oche
B. Akwa di n’elu oche
Ch. Akwa di n’elu ache
D. Akwa di nelu oche

16. Mkpuru edemede ndi gbara mkpi di
A. abuo
B. isii
Ch. itolu
D. asato

17. Otu n’ime ndi a na-abia ikpeazu n’omumu asusu.
A. Ogugų
B. Odide
Ch. Ige nti
D. Okwukwu

18. Eji mkpuru abidi emebe otu nime di a
A. Nkejiokwu
B. Nkejiahiri
Ch. Mkpuruasusu
D. Mkpuruokwu

19. Otu n’ime ndi a abuchagi mgbochiume
A. f g gh h j
B. k kp kw l m
Ch. n n nw ny p
D. r s sh t u

20. Olee mkpuruoku nke mkponimi malitere ebe a?
A. Nyuo
B. Nwanne
Ch. Maamiri
D. Nkume

Answers to Igbo Language Question Number 11 – 20

11.Ch   12.A   13.D   14.A   15.B   16.Ch   17.B   18.D   19.D   20.D

Junior WAEC 2024 questions and Answers Igbo Language [Numbers 21 – 30]

21. Mejou ahiriokwu a ka o siri kwesi n’asusu Igbo “Mmiri doro n’eju doóro
A. onye aka ya ruru inyi”
B. ndj obia
Ch. Ewu na okuku”
D. Nwa nkita.”

22. Njirimara Nkebiahiri bu
A. g na-abu ahitokwo ma ne- enwe ngwaa.
B. O na-enwe ngwaa mag naghi abu ahiriokwu.
Ch. O naghi enwe ngwaa.
D. o nwere ike kwuuoro onwe ya

23. Mezuo nke a Nwa ewu gbuo ikpere n’ala
A. o kpere nna ya ekpere
B. o nuo nne ya ara
Ch. O bury onye nwuru anwu
D. o malite uwa mmebi.

24. Ndi na-anaghi eso iwu ndakorita udume bu okwu ndi
A. a gbazitere agbazite
B. E hi ere ahia
Ch. E ji ago oji
D. mmadų ji akparita uka

25. Kedu nke na-abughi oru umuaka n’ezi na ulo?
A. Ichere onye obia oji
B. Izacha mbara exi na ulo
Ch. Isacha ihe a ga-eji ri nri
D. isucha akwa na ihe ndi ozo ruru inyi

26. Oge nne mmady na-ezi ya ozi nke
a bu ihe na-eme
A. ejije
B. gwam gwam gwam
Ch. Aghutaazaa
D. egwuregwu

27. Mezuo nke a: Agbisi, gbaa otule …..
A. o buo oke ibu
B. o koo ya oko
Ch. o fuo ya ufu
D. o muru ako

28. Onye muru nwa a na-apiwa ony bu
A. Ede
B. Ukwa
Ch. Udara
D. Akpu

29. Olee nke bu egwu agha?
A. Ma obughi ma nwa onye ga- enye m
B. Choo choo choo anyi achoo ya anyi ahughi ya.
Ch. Nwa nnunu nwa nynunta turu zam zam turu nza
D. Nzogbu Nzogbu Enyi mba enyi

30. 10.00 p.m. putara?
A. Elekere in na efu nke ututu
B. Elekere iri na efu
Ch. Elekere in
D. Elekere iri nke abali

Answers to Igbo Language Question Number 21 – 30

21.D   22.B   23.B   24.A   25.A   26.Ch   27.D   28.Ch   29.D   30.D

Junior WAEC 2024 questions and Answers Igbo Language [Numbers 31 – 40]

31. Gaa zutara m mmanya otobiribiri. ‘Otubiribiri’ putara
A. uduauda
B. ejiudamara
Ch. Nnochiuda
D. Igbo izugbe

32. Kedu nke bu echimechi ndi igbo?
A. Ozó
B. Ozo
Ch. Oző
D. Ozo

33. Kedu nke e ji aga ije
A. Ukwű
B. Ukwù
Ch. Ukwù
D. Ukwu

34. Kedu nke nsupe ya di mma
A. Nwa new gso
B. Nwenne oso
Ch. New nweoso
D. Nwemwe oso

35. Kedu nke edere nke oma
A. Osiso
B. Osiiso
Ch. Osi iso
D. Osisoo

36. Nke e detara otu e siri kwokorita bu.
A. Nwa
B. Nnwa
B. Mnwa
D. Mwa

37. Kedu nke bu Ahiri Ajuju?
A. Ojeela ahia
B. Ojee ahja?
C. Ojere ahia
D. O ere ahie

38. Olee nmeju okwu a: “Agwo, otu onye huru ……..”?
A. na-agba oke oso.
B. na-gho eke
Ch. Na-ebu oke ibu
D. na-ari elu oji

39. Kedu nke di iche n’omenala ndi a?
A. I wa oji
B. Ichi ozo
Ch. Igba mgba
D. Ikechi onu

40. Ma gji adighj n’ylo onye nwe ulo
A. e gbo ewu
B. a syo nso oji
Ch. agba onye o bula nkiti
D. agbapu n’ ulo ya

Answers to Igbo Language Question Number 31 – 40

31.B   32.Ch   33.A   34.D   35.B   36.A   37.B   38.B   39.D   40.B

Junior WAEC 2024 questions and Answers Igbo Language [Numbers 41 – 50]

41. Mkpuru edemede nke iri na ise bu
A. K
B. Kp
Ch. M
D. N

42. “Anyi nile no ebe ahu” N’ahiriokwu a, ngwaa di na ya bu
a. anyi
B. nile
Ch. no
D. ebe ahu

43. N’ahirimfe a na-enwe har otu. n’ime ya
A. ahiri
B. ngwaa
Ch. mpkuruokwu
D. mbuuzo

44. Ngwaa anaghi adi n’otu n’ime ndi a
A. Ahiriokwu
B. Nkebiahiri
Ch. nkebigkwu
D. ilu

45. Oge e ji amutakari agumagu odinala bu
A. n’ututų ma e riwe nri
B. N’ehihie ma a rahu ura
Ch. Na mgbede ma e jewe ozi
D n’abaili ma onwa na eti

46. N’ala igbo a na-ebi nwata nwoke ugwu mgbe o di abali
A. ano
B. isii
Ch. asato
D. iri na abuo

47. Hoputa nke bu nkebiokwu na ndi a
A. O di mma
B. My na nwanne na
Ch. O zuru ohi
D. O jere ije

48. Ijirimara nkebiahirį bu na
A. g na-enwe ngwaa ma o naghi abu ahjrjokwu
B. 9 na-enwe ngwaa ma burukwa ahiriokwu
Ch. o na-au ahirjokwu ma o naghi enwe ngwaa
D. o na abu ahiriokwu ma nwekwaa ngwaa

49. Hoputa nke anyi, na-esite n’ulo amuta n’omumu asusu Igbo.
A. Odibe
B. Ikwu ekwu
Ch. Ogụgụ
D. Aha

50. Kėdu nke na-abughi eziokwu na ndi a? ‘M’ na ‘N’ bu myiriųdaume mgbe
A. ha na-enwe udainu
B. Mbochiume na-eso ha
Ch. udaume na-eso ha
D. ha nwere ike ijedebe okwu igbo

Answers to Igbo Language Question Number 41 – 50

41.A   42.Ch   43.B   44.Ch   45.D   46.Ch   47.B   48.A   49.B   50.B

Junior WAEC 2024 questions and Answers Igbo Language [Numbers 51 – 60]

51. Kedy ebe “Na” no onodu di ka Nyemaka Ngwaa
A. Ha gara n’ahia
B. Onye nkuzi bi na Nsukka
Ch. O siri na nri ahy dito
D. Anyi na-agu akwukwo

52. Hoputa ahirjokwu zuru oke n’ime ndi a.
A. My na enyi m
B. Ndi nile toro ogologo
Ch. Ha kwuru okwu n’ehihie
D. N’otu obodo ahu

53. O na-agu akwukwo “Na-agu” na egosi “Na” di ka
A. nnyemaka ngwaa
B. Mbuuzo
Ch. njiko
D. nnochiaha

54. Mgbe “na” na-eso okwu iji gosi ebe ihe di, ka a na akpo?
A. mbuuzo
B. nganiru
Ch. nsonaazy
D. ngwaa

55. Otu n’ime okwu ndi a na-eziputa ‘m’ di ka nyiriudaume.
A. Muta
B. Muru
Ch. Maputa
D. Mmadu

56. Otu ebe a esoghi n’ekwumekwu Igbo.
A. Akpaalaokwu
B. Egwuregwu
Ch. Ukabuilu
D. Agwugwa

57. Izu ato putara abali
A. ise
B. iri abuo
Ch. ano
D. iri na about

58. Nkebiokwu bu ahirjokwu
A. nwere aha
B. enweghi aha
Ch. Nwere ngwaa
D. enweghi ngwaa

59. Na MBE DIOGU, akuko Mbe na Ezi kowara ihe mere
A. Mbe ji aga nwayo nwayo
B. Ezi ji asoghari onu iala
Ch. Anu Ezi jiri maa oke abuba
D. na Mbe anaghiari elu

60. Onye Dere Akwukwo “Nwangwii Puo Eze” bu Igbo
A. Tony Ubasie
B. F. C. Ogbalu
Ch. Berthram Osuagwu
D. Goddy Onyekonwu

Answers to Igbo Language Question Number 51 – 60

51.D   52.Ch   53.A   54.A   55.D   56.B   57.D   58.D   59.B   60.Ch



Dee otuihu akwukwo etu gi na umu nne gi si wee mee emume Ekeresimes

Junior WAEC 2024 Questions and Answers Igbo Language PDF Download

Here is junior WAEC 2024 questions and answers Igbo Language PDF download link for you: >>JSCE Igbo Language 2024<<


So here you have the 60 Igbo Language Questions you can expect in your 2024 BECE Igbo Language examination. Read them again and again. Ensure that you get very familiar with each of them such that you can readily recognize them any time.

Remember that you can ask for more detailed explanation to any of the above questions in case you don’t fully understand it. Don’t be shy, just scroll down and use the comments section. Drop your questions and expect comprehensive answers as soon as possible.

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See you on the next article.

Read Also: Juniour WAEC Time Table 2024 is Out

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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