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Principles, Methods and Skills of Teaching

The teaching profession is one that has to do directly with building lives and human structures. Like every such profession, it has some principles that guide it. There are also some methods and skills that guide it.  The goal of this post is to show you those principles, methods and skills involved in the teaching profession. You will also learn qualities and roles of a good teacher.

Principles, Methods and Skills of Teaching

Principles of Teaching

1. Proceed from simple to complex
2. Proceed from known to unknown
3. Proceed from part to whole
4. Proceed from particular to general
5. Motivate learners to learn
6. Do not teach in isolation
7. Teach to learners’ individual difference

Methods of Teaching

1. Problem solving method
2. Play way method
3. Story telling method
4. Lecture method
5. Discussion method
6. Field trip/excursion method
7. Assignment method
8. Project method
9. Demonstration method


1. Good class control
2. Good characters
3. Keeping the diary
4. Neatness
5. Kindness
6. Mastery of subjects
7. Effective communication
8. Initiating contact with parents
9. Able to face reality
10. Flexibility


1. learning facilitator
2. School leader
3. Curriculum specialist
4. Instructional specialist
5. Classroom supporter
6. Resource provider
7. Mentor


1. Patience
2. Confidence
3. Communication
4. Enthusiasm
5. Creativity
6. Dedication
7. Organization

You can visit the TRCN Official website

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This is for both Science and Art Students

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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