10 Vital Things You Must Know About UNN Post UTME if You Want to Excel. UNN Post UTME Tips. How to Score Very High in UNN Post UTME. Secrets to Passing UNN Post UTME.

I just saved a brother from making what I consider a colossal mistake. Imagine someone with an appetizing score of 263 contemplating to purchase the Change of Course form. According to him, he was told that medicine cut 280. I wonder where he got that from. It’s sad that many are being led astray. I was a victim too in the first year I attempted JAMB and it cost me my admission. Below encapsulates some invaluable information about cut off marks and preparation tips for success.
Table of Contents
Vital Things to Know About UNN Post UTME
About UNN Cut off Mark
1. There is what is called JAMB/general cut off mark. It is the same for all the courses in UNN. You are eligible to sit for Post UTME once you score up to that mark. Many years ago, UNN used to use 200 as JAMB cut off mark. Later it was reduced to 180. However, in 2021, UNN started placing her JAMB cut off mark at 160. So, UNN’s 2024 JAMB cut off mark is still likely to be 160. If you scored lower than this, see how you can gain admission with your low JAMB score.
About UNN Departmental Cut off Marks
2. After writing post-UTME, every department will have their own cut off mark. This determines whether you will be admitted on merit or not. The cut off mark is calculated thus: assuming OBI scored 240 in UTME and 250 in post-UTME, his total score is the average of both; i.e (240 + 250) divided by 2 which is 245. Assuming Obi’s prospective department cuts 240, Obi will be admitted on merit. However, if they cut like 250, Obi may not make the merit list. See UNN cut off marks for primary admission into Faculties.
3. What makes some departments e.g medicine to have high cut off marks is because of the high number of applicants and their performances. So they use the high cut off marks to ‘weed’ out many.
4. Cut off marks vary each year. It is dependent on the candidates performance that year. E.g Medicine cut around 305 in 2011 but in 2012 it was around 282. So, don’t bank on the cut off mark you saw last year. It might be higher this year. Work hard!
5. Merit is merit. That’s the best place your name can appear. Don’t listen to those who tell you that you must know a lecturer or be connected to be admitted. Many of us knew no one when we got admitted.
6. Don’t rest on your laurels. Having high JAMB score is not a guarantee for admission. You will not be admitted if you happen to score below the general cut off mark (180 or 200) in your post-UTME despite your high JAMB score. So work even harder.
7. For those with reasonably high JAMB scores, bear in mind that it is very possible that those with lower JAMB scores now can push you out of the merit list if they perform extra-ordinarily well in their UNN post-UTME exam. Will you create room for that? The ball is in your court.
About Preparation for UNN Post UTME
8. For medical aspirants, let me be blunt this time. If you have not read and mastered JAMB past questions from 1978 till date, you are lagging behind. If you solve and fail any question, don’t be happy with yourself. Go on hunger-strike, facebooking-strike or chatting-strike till you get it. If I were you, my target will be 400/400. Who said it’s not possible?
9. Any aspirant without the SURE SUCCESS UNN ADMISSION PREPARATORY HANDBOOK has not started preparing for admission yet. The SURE SUCCESS book contains genuine UNN Post UTME Past Questions with error-proof Answers. So you can see exactly what UNN Post UTME looks like and how it feels to answer the questions. It also contains Quick Revision Aid for your subjects and loads of admission success secrets and tips. Of a truth, after Divine help, no other material will be as invaluable as Sure Success. Click the link above to find out how to get a copy in your locality.
10. Commit your preparations into the hands of God. He has the final say.
Read Also: Key Things You Must Get Right When Applying for JAMB
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Good afternoon sir,
Is UNN going to conduct post UTME CBT test exam for 2023/2024 aspirant
Waiting for your positive response
Yes, the school has said that there will be screening test for 2023/2024 aspirants.
So be getting ready for it if you are an aspirant.