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5 Reasons Students Choose the Wrong Career

In this short article, we shall be looking at career meaning. After defining what is career, we shall examine the reasons why students choose the wrong career.


What is Career?

A career is a person’s journey through education and work. However, this journey can cover other aspects of the person’s life.

A person’s career takes up a significant period of their life and offers them opportunities for growth.

5 Reasons Students Choose the Wrong Career

Although no career is wrong in itself, a career might be wrong with respect to an individual.

The following are the top 5 reasons why students choose the wrong career.

1. Lack of Counseling

Many students jump into a career without counseling. They end up pursuing careers they are not talented or wired for.

2. Mismatch

Why should you pursue a course in the university that you lack the abilities to practice after school? Some people who cannot stand the sight of blood or wound insist on studying medical courses. That’s a mismatch. Many students have dropped out of school because of this problem.

3. Parental Control

Parents often choose career for their children but this is very wrong. Some of these parents are men and women with unfulfilled dreams. So they continue the pursuit of their dreams through their children. Others just want the social status of being identified as “Doctor XYZ’s mother”.

But most times, students are not happy studying the course they are not equipped for. Parents should not choose CAREER for their children. They should, however, provide the necessary guidance so that the children will not make mistakes.

4. Peer Pressure

The friends you keep could either make you or destroy you. This is true.

Something happened in my secondary school days. Over 60% of my classmates wanted to study medicine (including me). Sadly, many of us were not aware of the demands and requirements of the course. After two years, I realized that only about 5% actually made it to Medicine.

Please don’t let your friends influence your decision. Seek to discover yourself and what you were wired to do in life. If you choose the wrong career path, fulfillment will be far from you.

5. Panic

Many students sit for entrance examinations. And at the end of the day, the cut off mark is higher than their score. The fear of sitting for that examination again arises in them. They can’t see themselves going through the stress of reading and preparing for the same exam again.

So they accept any offer of admission. They make no inquiries about the CAREER they are venturing into.

If you are offered a course you did not apply for in JAMB, you need to first find out more about that course. Ask people who are already practicing the course what it’s all about. But most importantly, make sure that you are talented and equipped for that course.

Written by the Youthlife coach- Pastor Mike

Read Also: They Ruined our Team; The Lamentations of a Medical Doctor

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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