This is for BECE Candidates looking for Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers Agricultural Science. The Agricultural Science paper is compulsory for all candidates regardless of their school. So, here you will get genuine Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers for Agricultural Science. Your duty now is to read through them as many times as possible and get ready to smash your paper.

Table of Contents
What are Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers Agricultural Science?
Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers are the questions you should expect in your Agricultural Science paper in 2023 BECE, together with their answers.
It is very important that every candidate preparing to sit for in the forthcoming 2023 BECE examination should catch a glimpse of these questions.
In so doing, they will know what to expect in the exam hall. Knowing exactly what to expect will boost their confidence and guarantee them a very high score.
Junior WAEC 2023 Agricultural Science Questions and Answers Revealed!
On this page, we shall reveal Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers for all candidates taking the Agricultural Science paper.
How lucky you are to stumble upon this important page!
The questions are genuine and the answers are accurate, and all are a product of our passion to see you excel in your BECE and proceed to Senior Secondary School.
In the following sections, you will read the Agricultural Science questions you are to expect in your 2023 Junior WAEC exam as well as their answers. You can use the comments section if you still need clarification over some of the questions. We will give you a more detailed explanation.
BECE is a very serious and important examination. You will answer 50 questions in BECE 2023 within 2 hours. So it’s important that you pay attention to the information revealed on this page.
Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers Agricultural Science [Numbers 1 – 10]
1. Which of the following farm animals is a NON-RUMINANT?
A. Billy B. Bull
C. Ewe D. Sow
2. An industrial raw material which is a by-product of poultry is ………
A. Bones B. Milk
C. Skin D. feather
3. An example of a non-mammal is ………
A. Boar B. Buck
C. Cock D. Mare
4. Fishes are referred to as NON-MAMMALIA because they ……
A. have scales
B. live in water
C. produce in water
D. do not have mammary gland
5. Pre-planting operations include the following EXCEPT ………
A. Farm layout
B. Stumping
C. harrowing
D. Weeding
6. For planting operation, a farmer will select the following seeds for fast growth and maturity EXCEPT ………..
A. seeds free from insect holes
B. large sized seeds
C. newly harvested seeds
D. well filled seeds
7. ……… is the act of breaking up the soil clods and destroying weed seeds.
A. Clearing B. Harvesting
C. Ploughing D. Ridging
8. ……… is the tool used for transplanting seedlings.
A. Cutlass B. Hand fork
C. Hand trowel D. Hoe
9. Maintenance ration is an animal feed that is required to ……….
A. give adequate amount of nutrients in right proportion
B. produce energy for all metabolic activities
C. provide nutrients needed for growth and reproduction
D. sustain weaners
10. ……… is the act of changing the form of farm produce in order to increase its value and utilization.
A. Grading
B. Packaging
C. Processing
D. Storage
Answers to Question Number 1 – 10
Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers Agricultural Science [Numbers 11 – 20]
11. The distribution of agricultural produce involves the following EXCEPT ………
A. Production
B. Storage
C. Transportation
D. Stacking
12. Which of the following preservation methods is not used for fish and fish products?
A. Drying B. Freezing
C. frying D. Sugaring
13. Which of the following is not an agricultural product?
A. Cocoa B. Hides
C. Petroleum D. Groundnut
14. Cotton is an example of …………
A. Fibre B. Latex
C. Cereal D. Spice
15. ……. is cultivated mainly for its high protein content.
A. Rice B. Beans
C. Cocoa D. Maize
16. A farmer can control endoparasites in his flock by …………
A. grazing animals together
B. feeding animals adequately
C. regular deworming
D. selling animals at maturity
17. Non-ruminants include the following EXCEPT ……….
A. Rabbit B. Guinea pigs
C. Dogs D. Donkeys
18. Livestock feeds of ruminants should be ………..
A. Rich in protein/Low in fibre
B. Rich in fibre/ Low in protein
C. Rich in protein
D. Low in fibre
19. The following are oviparous farm animals EXCEPT …………
A. Turkey B. Rabbit
C. Geese D. Fish
20. The following are mammals EXCEPT ………………..
B. Goat B. Rabbit
C. Guinea pig D. Guinea fowl
Answers to Question Number 11 – 20
Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers Agricultural Science [Numbers 21 – 30]
21. The following crops are classified as legume EXCEPT ……………
A. Cowpea B. Soyabean
C. Melon D. Oil palm
22. Which of the following animal feeds is classified as roughages?………………
A. Grass silage B. Maize
C. Groundnut cake D. Soyabean meal
23. A fertile soil must have the following characteristics EXCEPT ………………..
A. Adequate organic matters and humus
B. essential elements in right proportion
C. good water holding capacity
D. excess poisonous metallic compounds
24. Threshing and winnowing are common processing methods of …………
A. forage crops B. spices
C. cereals D. tuber crops
25. The term aquaculture refers to the study of ……………
A. Agriculture B. livestock rearing
C. water habitants D. snail rearing
26. Leather for production of wallets, belts and shoes is obtained from the skin of ………
A. catfish B. tilapia
C. crocodile D. mackerel
27. A youth wishing to earn a living through crop production will produce ………………….
A. Eggs B. Meat
C. Fruits D. Wool
28. There is low population of ruminants in Southern part of Nigeria due to ………….. .
A. availability of pasture
B. hot temperature
C. low rainfall
D. prevalence of tse-tse flies
29. Aquatic animals live in the following EXCEPT ……………. .
A. Seas B. Oceans
C. Land D. Lakes
30. Which of the following is an aquatic animal …………… .
A. Cattle B. Rabbit
C. Prawn D. Goat
Answers to Question Number 21 – 30
Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers Agricultural Science [Numbers 31 – 40]
31. Rubber is an example of …………. .
A. Fibre crop B. Beverage crop
C. Latex crop D. Oil crop
32. The following crops belong to the spices group EXCEPT …………. .
A. Garlic B. Ginger
C. Carrot D. Onion
33. Farm animals are classified based on the following EXCEPT ………… .
A. Habitat B. Size
C. Product D. Uses
34. The distribution of farm animals in Nigeria is affected by …………….. .
A. Farmer’s income
B. Farming system
C. Government policies
D. religion
35. Farm animals are useful to man in the following EXCEPT ……………. .
A. Clothing B. Farm power
C. Herbs D. Fertilizer
36. Diary cattle is reared primarily for …………… .
A. Meat B. Sports
C. Milk D. Work
37. Sexual propagation requires …………… .
A. seeds B. bulbs
C. rhizomes D. suckers
38. Which of the following is a planting operation?
A. Fertilizer application
B. Ridging
C. Supplying
D. Spacing
39. Which of the following is not a routine management practice in cattle production?
A. Castration B. Dehorning
C. Debeaking D. Weaning
40. The main aim of a poultry farmer is to produce …………..
A. Eggs and feathers
B. meat and skin
C. eggs and meat
D. eggs and manure
Answers to Question Number 31 – 40
Junior WAEC 2023 Questions and Answers Agricultural Science [Numbers 41 – 50]
41. Hutches refers to the housing unit for ….……… .
A. fowls B. pigs
C. rabbits D. sheep
42. The process of separating young animals from their mother for independent feeding is called …………. .
A. Culling B. Rearing
C. Culling D. Quarantine
43. Fish can provide the following by-products EXCEPT ……….. .
A. Cod liver oil
B. fertilizer
C. Animal feeds
D. wool
44. Weed control measures include the following EXCEPT …………….. .
A. Hand pulling B. Crop rotation
C. Bush burning D. Use of pesticide
45. Which of the following is not a pest on farmland?
A. Squirrel B. Termite
C. Caterpillar D. Earthworm
46. The movement of soil nutrients deep down the subsoil beyond the reach of plants is called ………………
A. Erosion B. Evaporation
C. Leaching D. Percolation
47. The placement of leaves on the surface of the soil to prevent evapo-transpiration is called ………………
A. Leaching B. Manuring
C. fallowing D. Mulching
48. Diseases in crop plants are caused by the following micro-organisms EXCEPT ……………….
A. Bacteria B. Fungi
C. Protozoa D. Nematodes
49. Which of the following farm produce can be stored in a crib?
A. Maize B. Rice
C. Cowpea D. Groundnut
50. The following are common symptoms of diseases of farm animals EXCEPT …………… .
A. Abortion
B. Loss of hair
C. Loss of weight
D. Increased food consumption
Answers to Question Number 41 – 50
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SECTION B: Theory Questions
1a. Define Agricultural Science
b. Enumerate five important of Agriculture
c. State and explain Relationship between Industry and Agriculture
2a. Define the term Land Tenure System
b. Discuss briefly Land Use Decree
c. In a tabular form, state six differences between subsistence and commercial agric
3a. State five agricultural programs initiated in Nigeria
b. Outline five ways by which non-governmental organizations have contributed to the development of agriculture in Nigeria
c. Suggest two possible solutions to the problem of poor marketing channel
4a. Define Land
b. Enumerate five uses of Land for agricultural purpose
c. State five factors affecting Land availability
5a. State five roles of science and technology in agriculture provision
b. Mention one industry that uses each of the following agricultural produce as raw material
i. Cocoa ii. Rubber iii. Cotton iv. Groundnut v. Cassava
c. Suggest two possible solutions to the problem of inadequate finance
So here you have the 40 Questions you can expect in your 2023 BECE Agricultural Science examination. Read them again and again. Ensure that you get very familiar with each of them such that you can readily recognize them any time.
Remember that you can ask for more detailed explanation to any of the above questions in case you don’t fully understand it. Don’t be shy, just scroll down and use the comments section. Drop your questions and expect comprehensive answers as soon as possible.
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