You are welcome to another informative post on your favorite educational website, On this article, we intend to discuss extensively the matter of JAMB Form 2025. We will do our best to provide answers to UTME candidates including those asking when will JAMB form be out and how much is JAMB form. We will also take you through how to fill JAMB form, the price and of course, when JAMB form is closing. This article promises to cover all these crucial matters and much more.
Before we get into the gist for the day, I want to advise that you read very carefully. Many candidates lose the admission they are seeking at the point of JAMB registration, even before writing the UTME.
So listen very well!
About 1.8M candidates write JAMB yearly and roughly about 46.5% get admission at the end of the year. Sadly, more secondary school leavers join the race every year. So the competition is quite stiff and you have to do all you can to ensure that you succeed in your quest for admission this year.
So before you buy your JAMB form, I want to show you 3 things I believe you must know if you will succeed at the end. I will discuss those 3 things under three headings:
- Wrong Subject Combination / O’level Wahala
- Qualifying Credentials and Details
- Institutions Selection
Let’s now begin our discourse.
Table of Contents
1. Wrong Subject Combination / O’level Wahala
This is where most candidates miss it big time. Many don’t understand the fact that there are subjects that are required for each course and there are others that are not important at all. It’s worst now that there are many new compulsory subjects introduced in secondary schools that are not relevant in university admission.
You have to ensure that you KNOW the o’level subject combination for your course before filling your JAMB form. For example, you cannot say you want to study Law, Mass communication or Theater and film studies, and you did not pass Literature-in-English at credit level. The same is true for some other courses. There are subjects that are compulsory for certain courses and must be in your WAEC, NECO or GCE result.
More so, there is also the issue of UTME subject combination. Any mistake here will cost you the admission you seek. Four subjects are written in UTME and Use of English is compulsory for all courses. The remaining three subjects are picked according to or in line with your prospective course.
How to Make the Right Choice With Respect to JAMB Subject Combination
Let me explain this using an example. If you are aspiring to study any of the following courses:
- History and International Relations
- Mass Communication
- Social Work
- Public Administration
- Archaeology and Tourism
- Linguistics
- Theatre Art
- Anthropology and Sociology
you must do well to register these four (4) subjects in your JAMB form: Use of English, Literature, Government and Economics.
This is the best way to choose your UTME subjects and many candidates do not know this. The reason is because if you fail to reach the cut off mark for the course you are originally applying for, you can very easily switch to another course either in the faculty of Arts or Social sciences.
I hope you got the point I’m trying to make? Where possible, don’t choose subjects that will limit you to just one course option. Imagine a situation where a candidate chooses the following UTME subjects: Use of English, Literature, C.R.K and History. Such combination limits the candidate to Pure Arts.
Read Also: Top 5 Reasons Why Students Choose the Wrong Career
Advice to Aspirants of Courses Under the Faculty of Business Administration
If you are going for any of the courses under the Faculty of Business Administration, do well to register Use of English, Economics, Mathematics and Government. With this combination, you can still study one or two other courses outside the Faculty of Business Administration if you fail to get one from there. Now, that’s strategic wisdom.
For want of time, I cannot exhaust all the courses and faculties in this single post. There is much advice to give to Science Students going for Medical-related courses, Pharmacy, Health Sciences, Biological sciences, Natural Sciences, Engineering and Environmental sciences. If you are one of those, you can use the comment box below to ask any questions you may have and I will be there to sort them out.
Note the Following Carefully:
1. Though some people still argue over the point I’m about to make, it is in your own interest to pay attention it. It is not advisable to register any subject you failed in WAEC or NECO as part of your JAMB subject combination. You may have serious issue during your physical clearance.
2. It is not all universities that accept two sittings or a combination of o’level results. UNILAG and UNIBEN don’t. But schools like University of Nigeria, Nsukka, UNIABUJA,… accept combination of WAEC and NECO for some of their non-professional courses.
2. Qualifying Credentials and Details
This is another very important point. Ensure that your names rhyme in all your credentials and your JAMB profile including the one on your birth certificate and your WAEC result. Ensure that your date of birth is correct. You must not go to a CBT center to create your JAMB profile at the cost of N500 or more. You can create it yourself via >>this link<<. OR just follow these steps:
How to Create JAMB Profile 2024 Via SMS/Text
1. Send Surname, First Name & Middle Name (where applicable) to JAMB short code 55019. This should be maximum of 38 characters + 2 spaces between names = 40 characters in all.
2. One cell number (mobile number) can be used by one candidate only.
3. A confirmation code of 10 characters is received by the candidate on the same telephone number which will be used to procure the ePIN.
A Very Important Note: if you have jamb profile already, don’t create another one. The information is strictly for newbies who are making their debut in the JAMB Industry. If you have written JAMB before, this is not for you.
To purchase the form, all you need to do is to go to the bank with the email address you used in opening your account ONLY. Don’t give them your JAMB Password. Once you give them your authentic email address, you will be given your jamb pin number after you have made a payment of N4,500. From there, you can go to an accredited JAMB CBT in your area for registration. This should cost you not more than N700. Don’t forget to get the Novel for 2025. It costs N500. Then there is an optional N1000 fee for mock examination.
Read Also: Novel to Read for 2025 JAMB UTME & DE General Paper.
3. Institution Selection (What you Must Know)
This is the last point we will be dealing with but it is certainly not the least. Many JAMB candidates do not consider the issue of catchment area when selecting their prospective institutions on their JAMB form. Some just choose institutions because they like the name, or because of one or two other flimsy reasons but that should never be.
When making a choice of university, it is very advisable to choose one that has your area as one of its catchment areas. See how it works. Abiola from Ogun state selects UNILAG or OAU as institution and applies for medicine and surgery as a course. Abiola scores an average of 73 in UTME and Post UTME. If the merit cut off mark is 77.5 and Ogun state cut off is 72.76, Abiola will automatically gain admission on merit. But some other candidate whose state is not among the catchment areas must score the merit cut off mark go gain admission or change the course to a less competitive one for supplementary admission or wave good bye to the admission.
Some Universities Don’t Make Use of Catchment Areas
You must note, however, that there are universities that care less about catchment areas. Good examples are University of Ibadan and University of Abuja. For such universities, admission is strictly on merit. The only candidates they give consideration are those from Educational Less Developed States (ELDS) and their cut off mark is normally lower than merit cut off mark by a certain percentage.
Let me also show you how this works. Ismaili from, say Bornu, chose law and wants to study at the university of Lagos or UNIBEN and the merit cut off mark for law is 73.5. If ELDS cut off mark for law is 58.8 and Ismaili got 58.83% he will still get admitted on merit.
So before you choose a university in your JAMB form, especially federal university, please make sure you know their catchment areas and ascertain if your state is among them. The following might help…
- UNILAG (University of Lagos): All South West states are her catchment areas.
- UNN (University of Nigeria, Nsukka): all South South and South East state are her catchment areas.
- UNIBEN (University of Benin): all South South states are her catchment areas.
You can use the comment box below if you want to inquire about other schools.
Best Way to Make your Choice of Institution
Below is one of the best ways to go about your choice of institution:
First choice : any federal university of your choice (e.g. UNN, OAU, UI, UNILAG).
2nd choice : any polytechnic of your choice or a state university (i.e. if you can afford the cost). The advantage of choosing a polytechnic is that you can easily buy Direct Entry Form to a federal university after your ND. That is, if a federal university did not work out in the first place.
3rd choice : another polytechnic or state university or private university.
4th choice : College of education.
How Much is JAMB Form 2025
For JAMB form 2025, two e-pins are available:
- N5, 700 for without mock UTME (covers the cost of e-pin, reading text and registration).
- N6, 700 for with mock UTME (covers the cost of e-pin, reading text, registration and mock).
While the Direct Entry is N4,700. To buy the form, you require a valid email address. You are to use this email address to open an account on JAMB Portal. And then proceed to the bank with it.
The bank will give you a pin after you have made the payment of 4,500 Naira. With the pin, you can visit any accredited JAMB CBT in your area for registration. See the JAMB Accredited Professional Testing Centres (PTC) and Professional Registration Centres (PRC) in Nigeria.
The JAMB registration should cost you not more than N700. Don’t forget to get the Novel for 2025.
Beyond Buying JAMB Form, Here’s How to Pass JAMB 2025
Beyond buying the JAMB form and filling it correctly as prescribed, it is very important to prepare well so as to pass excellently. JAMB is a reputable external examination body with a track record of setting highly technical questions. A candidate who is not acquainted with JAMB technicalities and tricks may continue to come out with low scores. Such a candidate will become JAMB’s yearly customer.
So it’s absolutely important that candidates are armed with proven secrets and tips to passing JAMB excellently. I wrote extensively on this matter in an article I titled, How to Score Above 300 in JAMB 2025 (the Top JAMB Secrets). I encourage you to take some time out and read through the salient points made in that post. If you religiously apply them in your preparations, you will wave goodbye to JAMB after this year.
Finally, try to spend more time on this website and discover more information about that university of your dreams and the course you wish to study. Learn to use your data properly instead of just chatting away on social media. Be motivated. Study your way into the university of your dreams. JAMB keeps fine-tuning and getting better every year. The implication is that it is getting even more technical and schools Post-UTME still awaits you…
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This is for both Science and Art Students
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Am very happy for this very informations, thanks and God bless you.
Please can I use that postutme and direct entry screening preparatory handbook to read for jamb
Yes, you can. But not forgetting your JAMB recommended textbooks and JAMB past questions.
thanks. I have been making a series of mistakes last year I put law, unfortunately, I did a change of course to accounting not knowing the courses I wrote in jamb do not correlate.
It’s well bro. Knowledge is light.