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Has JAMB Mock Been Postponed for 2024?

The aim of this post is to answer candidates asking the question. “Has JAMB Mock been postponed?” As usual, you will get genuine update you can trust here on this website.

has jamb mock been posponed

Has JAMB Mock Been Postponed for 2024?

For now, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, JAMB has not postponed the 2024 Mock-UTME. The 2024 JAMB Mock was scheduled to hold on Thursday, March 7 and the date is still sacrosanct.

Why Does JAMB Organize Mock Examinations?

JAMB organizes the Mock exam for the following reasons:

1. JAMB Mock is an optional examination by JAMB whereby they offer candidates opportunity to have hands-on experience with the system.

2. It also affords JAMB an opportunity to ascertain its readiness and that of its partners for the main UTME. In case you don’t know, the main UTME examination will hold nationwide between April 29 and May 12, 2024.

Innovations JAMB Would Introduce in 2024 UTME

JAMB has said that they will introduce some ground-breaking innovations with respect to the 2024 UTME. These innovations would be geared towards addressing infractions and center failures.

For example, if there is a delay of up to one hour before the commencement of a particular session, JAMB would cancel that session. Shortly after the cancellation, JAMB will reschedule both the session and the candidates.

However, for candidates affected by rescheduling, such candidates must be notified of their new sessions or centers. And they must receive the notification before they leave their original center.

In addition, no candidate would be allowed to spend less than one hour before submission of responses during the UTME.

More so, it would be impossible for candidates to login after one hour of activation of examination.

If for any reason an examination session cannot hold, candidates are not to panic for any reason. JAMB will simply schedule them for the next available session which could be that same day.

There will be a “Holding Area” where candidates who might experience delays to log into the system can move to for further instructions.

In the 2024 main JAMB exam, many sessions will be cancelled for various reasons but JAMB will reschedule those sessions. So there is no cause for alarm.

However, candidates must note that the rescheduled sessions are exclusive for those whose examination session could not hold for one reason or another. It is not for those who were marked LATE or ABSENT for their session.

Read Also: How to Retrieve Your JAMB Profile Code Easily


Here’s where we end this very informative article trusting that it is helpful. We answered the question, “Has JAMB Mock Been Postponed for 2024?”

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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