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Share Your 2024 JAMB Score and Course, Let me Guide You

Since the release of JAMB 2024 UTME results, many candidates who have checked their results have been calling and asking questions. Most of their questions border on the possibility of gaining admission into their desired course given their UTME scores. Many of them also want to know what should be their next line of action.

I want to handle all those concerns here in the public. The idea is so that candidates can benefit both from the answers given to their question(s) and those given to others’ questions.

Here, you will get to know your chances of securing admission. I will tell you whether or not you need a change of course and institutión. If you are yet to check your result, please see instructions on How to CHECK 2024 UTME Results Heré.

Share Your JAMB Score, Course & School, Let's Guide You


In your question, indicate your genuine JAMB score and your prospective course, among other concerns you may have, and will respond to you accordingly giving you guides based verified information like stipulated admission guidelines and requirements of the school.

Meanwhile, your favorite SURE SUCCESS UNN Post-UTME Past Questions and Answers is now available in our various distribution outlets. To find the SureSuccess distribution outlet very close to you, please visit the provided link.

Please note that your comments are moderated and approved before they show up.


Read Also: List of Universities and Polytechnics That Accept Low JAMB Scores of 180, 170, 160, 150, 140, 130, 120 as Cut-Off Mark for Admission

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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  1. Hi sir
    Am from anambra state, i scored 191 in my jamb going for zoology z dere any chance of gaining d admission…
    Was aspiring fr medicine but seeing d score i had to change to zoology…
    Am also passing through some hard times now in d area of reading concerning dis post UTME.. i dnt understand wat is happening.

    • As you already acknowledged, your JAMB score is very low. If UNN happens to reduce this year’s JAMB cut-off mark, to say 180, you will stand a chance to at least partake in the post-utme screening examination.

      If that happens, it will be disappointing to say you are “passing through some hard times now in d area of reading concerning dis post UTME” and then perform poorly. You will have one extra year to grapple with at home.

      So motivate yourself and start reading. Get the SureSuccess in UNN Post-UTME, read through the SUCCESS QUOTES, get motivated and read and read and read…

      Good luck.

  2. unachukwu precious

    i scored 235 in my utme and am from imo state. Do i have any chance of getting admission in my dreamt school unn with competitive course med/surg.? And can i be admitted both merit or 2nd list

    • Reasons why you need to change your course:

      1. Medicine and surgery is very competitive.
      2. Your jamb score is low.
      3. You are from Imo state.

  3. Pls sir, i got 228 in JAMB..can i get nutrition and dietetics? i’m 4rm Anambra state

  4. James Benjamin kelechi

    Good day sir Henry i got 211 in utme and am appling for civil engineering,pls sir is the course competitive and do i have a chance?
    I’ve gotten my own sure success pq and my highest so far is 12/15 in english bt i havent entered others.
    Am from Enugu isi uzo to be precise bt i live in Abuja

    • Yes, civil engineering is competitive and a UTME score of 211 is not very good.
      If you can perform much better in your post-utme, then you may still stand a chance.

  5. please boss I scored 229 in jamb aspiring to study theater film studies what de Chance of me been admitted…….

    • The chance is 50%.

      • I had a score of 287 in the utme exams. From anambra state. Applied for medicine and surgery.
        Please I am aware a lot of candidates scored higher. What do I need to aim for in the post utme to stand a chance?
        Also is my state in the cashment area for unn

        • UNN is a federal university and as such “all” the states of the federation are within her catchment but you need to appreciate the fact that there are different levels of catchment.

          Concerning what you need to aim for in the post utme to stand a chance, let your aim be to give it your very best.

  6. I scored 211 with a subject combination of English,Chen,phy,biology. I applied for medical radiography and am from Enugu State
    What’s my tendency of being admitted

    • I think you need to change your course.

      • Hello. My name is Emmanuella and i am delta state. i scored 306 in jamb and i am going for medicine and surgery. So i want to ask what should i score in post utme to guarantee 100% admission?

        • Hello Emmanuella, I must congratulate you on your wonderful JAMB score. It’s obviously one of the best scores as far as 2019 UTME is concerned.

          Your question about what you should score in post utme to guarantee 100% admission is a difficult one seeing that the PUTME has not been written and that departmental cut-off marks would depend on general performance.

          So the best advice is that you work even harder and give it the best that you can. If you can score up to 340 – 350, you might have 100% guarantee.

  7. I scored 211,I applied for medical radiography with a course combination of English,chemistry, physics and biology, am from Enugu State what’s you advice Pls

  8. Uchechi Abraham

    Gudevenig sir Henry, I score 211 in my jamb is their any chance of me getting admission and I apply for accounting in unn

    • You can still make it to accountancy department if you work real hard. But if you are not sure of yourself, you are advised to change the course.

  9. Good day sir.
    I had 217 in Jamb and I don’t know if there is possible to study Human Anatomy.
    With a subject combination of:Eng, phy, Chem and Bio.

  10. I scored 221 in my jamb and I applied for education and chemistry……. Is there any hope???

  11. Uchechi Abraham

    I score 211 in my utme and I apply for accounting. Please what is my chance of getting admission am from Abia state

  12. Chigbundu prosper

    Good day Mr Henry divine thanks for this platform.
    I scored 218 in jamb and applied for computer science in UNN. Is that good enough.

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