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How to Gain Admission With Low JAMB Score 2024

Those searching for the following will find this post helpful. How to gain admission with low JAMB score. Also, those looking for universities that accept low jamb score. I will show you how to gain admission to university and how to gain admission into polytechnic. So just try to read through the entire post as I will also leave you with the link to a List of federal university that accept 170 – 180, and the lowest of scores as cut off mark.

How to Gain Admission

Good day to anyone reading this article. My name is Chimex. I’m a 2013 Graduate of UNN. I’ve been part of the SureSuccess Project since 2011 and by God’s grace a former staff of ICT, UNEC.

For the past 5 years, we have been working and researching on how to make admission easy for JAMBITES. Our goal is to make sure they get admission in the right way as we do not believe in paying to get admission in the SureSuccess Project. We believe in following the right way to get admission.

Many of our students are already graduates working in various establishments. A lot of others are currently doing their NYSC while more are currently in school.

Whatever you will read in the next few lines is part of what I wrote in my upcoming book “Getting Admission in One Sitting in a Nigerian University.” Thanks to Uncle Henry Divine for lending me his platform.

Getting Admission

The journey to getting admission into a university in Nigeria starts from the day you filled your JAMB form. If you will agree with me, so many of you only had your first choice institution in mind while going to fill your JAMB form. You only decided the other choices at the CBT registration center.

Some of you allowed those operating the CBT registration centers to choose other institutions and courses for you. You never cared because your mind was already made up on the course you want to study.

That’s a very unfortunate approach to seeking admission. I said this because you are supposed to sit down and keenly research on the courses and institutions you want to go to. Then make your decisions before going to buy JAMB form. Sadly, that is now in the past.

What to do if you Had a Low JAMB Score

Candidates with Low JAMB ScoresJAMB exam Exam has come and gone. So there is no need to write on how to prepare for JAMB since it’s now in the past. The UTME result is out. Many people passed well and many candidates also failed.

If you really prepared well but had a poor result, please don’t blame yourself. Don’t start thinking that you are not intelligent or that something is wrong with you. You are very intelligent. Yes, you are!

Let me give you a clear example. I have a relative whose best subject is CRK. Guess what? She was given 32/100 in CRK.

Many candidates are like her. For one reason or the other, JAMB gave them a very low score. And if you are one of such people, you can attest to the fact that it hasn’t been easy coping with friends, parents and relatives.

Friends who were ‘favored’ by JAMB may tell you that you did not study well. Your parents and relatives may even accuse you of not being serious with your books.

My friend, don’t take that to heart. Don’t brood over or dwell too much on their words. This is for the sake of your mental sanity. Yes, because they may never understand.

I personally understand because I’m in touch with so many students from SSNG Online Academy who are very intelligent but are unfortunate ‘victims’ of JAMB.

A black student crying

If you are still crying that your score is bad, I can tell you about a girl I know. So this girl, for several unpleasant reasons, scored 175 in JAMB last year. Guess what? This year, her center had a terrible issue during her session. It was so bad that they could not even finish their exam. When she checked her result, she scored 100/400.

Now, does it mean that she is a dullard? NO! She is not..

Any Hope for Candidates with Low JAMB Score in 2024?

Hope for students with low JAMB score

It is widely believed that last year’s JAMB favored art students more than science students. Many believe that the reverse is the case this year. More Science students are favored in this years’ JAMB.

While this belief may be true, there is a very high probability that it is false. After all, none of the candidates had access to the entire database of JAMB results.

But whatever be the case, don’t be surprised if you see very high scores as cut off marks for most professional courses this year. However, many schools may not bring down their cut off marks below what it was last year.

If you applied for any of the top universities in Nigeria, you need to be careful while taking certain decisions that have to do with your admission.

Now the question is, is there hope for candidates with low JAMB Scores?

The answer is a resounding YES!

Let’s get down on it.

How to Gain Admission With Low JAMB Score 2024

The following are the ways you can gain admission with low JAMB score;

  • Change your prospective course.
  • Change your institution.
  • Consider Affiliated Institutions.
  • Apply to a polytechnic.
  • Explore the College of Education option.
  • Go for a pre-degree / preliminary program.
  • Apply to a School of Nursing and Midwifery.
  • You can go for JUPEB admission.

I’m going to spend the next few sections explaining how to gain admission with low JAMB score in 2024.

1. Change Your Prospective Course of Study | How to Gain Admission With Low JAMB Score

jamb change of course and institution

This is one of the most popular actions candidates takes when they are exploring how to gain admission with low JAMB score.

Now, if you can recall very well. When you were applying for JAMB you had 5 choices:

1. First Choice : Universities are what most people chose here.
2. Preferred Choice: Universities including Affiliation
3. 2nd Choice : Polytechnics
4. 3rd Choice: College of Education
5. 4th Choice: National Diploma

There is a saying that “When you are not informed, you are deformed.” This is very true especially as it has to do with candidates seeking admission in Nigeria. You need to be well informed so as to be able to make the right choices and decisions.

The truth is that some of the courses that a large percentage of candidates applied for are just too competitive. The same goes for the schools. They are just over-subscribed. Imagine a school with a carrying capacity of 11,000 first year students getting over 70,000 applications from aspirants. Think about a course that has a carrying capacity of 200 freshers getting over 10,000 applications?

What do you think would be the outcome?

Read Also: MEDICINE & SURGERY ASPIRANTS: Change your Course to any of these if you Have a Low JAMB Score

Very high departmental cut off marks, of course.

So those with low JAMB score would not be considered.

What’s the reasonable thing to do if you applied for a very competitive course/institution but had a low JAMB score? The reasonable thing is to change your course. And where needful, also change the prospective institution.

When we give this kind of advice, many think that we don’t have faith or that we don’t believe in God. But we do. It’s just that we also believe in being realistic.

There is a kind of low score you will get in JAMB and you can never reach the departmental cut off mark even if you score 100% in Post UTME Screening. In that case, it would only take the intervention of very senior lecturers (with official admission quota), reputable politicians or other prominent people you may have connection with in the society.

2. Change Your Institution | How to Gain Admission With Low JAMB Score

Notice that under preferred Institution, JAMB listed over 127 Universities in Nigeria (Including affiliates ) as preferred Universities. So, if you did not score up to 200 or even 180 in JAMB, or if you want to broaden your admission chances; don’t joke with these preferred institutions.

In fact, so many of these preferred institutions will invite you for Post UTME whether you chose them or not. So it’s preferable not to use preferred institution as a first choice but rather as a preferred choice to increase your admission chances. I call it, ‘Not laying all eggs in one basket.’ See the list of Preferred Institutions here.

Note that Private Universities also fall under this.

3. Consider Affiliated Institutions | How to Gain Admission With Low JAMB Score

You see, one of the easiest answers to the question of how to gain admission with low JAMB score is considering affiliated institutions.

But very sadly, many admission seekers are so ignorant of affiliation or affiliated schools. Because of this, they miss out on  opportunities in those institutions.

For instance, many schools are affiliated to UNN, especially Colleges of Education.

If you are admitted in a College of Education affiliated to UNN, it does not mean that you are attending a college of education. Rather, it means you are attending a university but in a college of education setting. And this is simply because some of the courses there fall under the faculty of education.

At the end of the day, you will be awarded a Degree not an NCE.

For instance, Nwafor Orizu College of Education is affiliated to UNN. It means they run two programmes there – NCE Programme and Degree Program. So when you see Nwafor Orizu College of Education under Preferred Choice, it will be written in bracket (Affiliated to University of Nigeria, Nsukka).

I have a friend who wanted UNN so badly last 5 years and could not get it. She had wanted to study Economics in UNN but could not get it. So I advised her to try Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe (Affiliated to UNN). She applied for Economics Education there, she came for the last convocation in UNN, because they all come to UNN for convocation.

Read Also: How to prepare for Post UTME Screening and Scoré Above 340.

She got a Second Class Honours Upper Division in Economics Education Bearing University of Nigeria, Nsukka NOT Nwafor Orizu College of Education. She can boldly say she is a super lioness (a UNN graduate) though she did not attend lectures in Nsukka.

One thing about UNN affiliated institutions is that they go for NYSC fast, not like some normal conventional universities where you wait for 5 sets above you to go for NYSC before you dream of going for NYSC. The same true of other affiliated institutions in the country.

That is how my friend from one of those schools I don’t want to mention stayed extra 4 years at home waiting for sets above him to go for NYSC first.

4. Apply to a Polytechnic | How to Gain Admission With Low JAMB Score


Eastern Polytechnic Port-Harcourt

Apart from changing your course from a very competitive one to a relatively less competitive one, applying to a polytechnic is another viable option.

This is because admission into polytechnic is less competitive compared to university.

Many polytechnics bring down their JAMB cut off mark to as low as 140.

So if you are not the type that is hell-bent on attending a university, you can try this option.

I know that fresh secondary school leavers may not understand what I’m trying say in this section. However, those who have attempted JAMB two or three time will understand the frustration of spending even a year at home.

Yes, you need to move forward.

Enter a Polytechnic. Apply for JAMB and write it while in first year. Switch to the university of your choice if you succeed. Otherwise, apply for Direct Entry Admission after your ND or HND.

5. Explore the College of Education Option | How to Gain Admission With Low JAMB Score

College of Education Students

If your JAMB score is low this year, seeking admission into a College of Education is a very good option. Most Colleges of Education in Nigeria run two years program. The certificate can be used to seek Direct Entry Admission into the University. Other Colleges of Education (in affiliation with universities) have options for degree programmes.

6. Go for a Pre-degree / Preliminary Program | How to Gain Admission With Low JAMB Score

Pre-degree Students in a study group

Pre-degree program is usually a one year preliminary program for candidates seeking admission into the university. If a candidate does the program well, they can use the result to gain admission into 100 level solely in the institution that organized the program.

So, for universities that organize pre-degree programs, it is another ‘easy’ or alternative way to gain admission.

The advantages of applying for pre-degree programs:

  • It keeps you busy in school rather than at home.
  • Your final outcome will be the result of cumulative tests and assessments rather than a single exam like JAMB.
  • You are meant to also apply for JAMB, thereby doubling your admission chances.
  • When you eventually gain admission into first year, they will repeat some of the topics you were taught in pre-degree program.

Note, however, that you must be on top of your game if you must go through a pre-degree program successfully. I said this because it is not everyone that offers the program that ends up gaining admission into their dream course. Some would be given other less-desired courses depending on their results and other factors.

7. Apply to a School of Nursing and Midwifery | How to Gain Admission With Low JAMB Score

School of Nursing and Midwifery

This option is strictly for science students with low JAMB scores. I’m sure someone will also say it’s for ladies only but it’s for both genders. It’s all about having a passion for Nursing Science.

Schools of Nursing and Midwifery are institutions that train nurses in Nigeria. Some of these school emphasize only O’level qualification as entry requirement. The students graduate as Registered Nurses (RN) after three years.

Students with RN certificate have two options:

  1. They can use the certificate to apply for Direct Entry Admission into any NUC recognized university.
  2. They can also choose to go into full time practice.

If you are science student with an inclination to medical sciences, you can go for Nursing. There are countless local and international opportunities for nurses. If you don’t mind, you can Check the List of Accredited Schools of Nursing in Nigeria.

8. You can go for JUPEB Admission | How to Gain Admission With Low JAMB Score


In case you are meeting the word for the first time, JUPEB stands for Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board. It is a program like the pre-degree program as it runs for the duration of one year. The difference is that if you succeed and clear your JUPEB papers, you will gain Direct Entry Admission into 200 level.

You have to note that even JUPEB programs are competitive. You need to work real hard in your studies to get very high points in your subjects. Otherwise, you will not qualify for admission.

JUPEB students offer three subjects in the program. The subjects a candidate would offer depends on their prospective course.

Here is a list of some of the schools offering JUPEB program:

  • Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU)
  • University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT)
  • University of Benin (UNIBEN)
  • Delta State University, Abraka (DELSU)
  • University of Calabar (UNICAL)
  • Niger Delta University (NDU)
  • University of Illorin, Illorin (UNILORIN)
  • Federal University of Technology, Akure
  • University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN)
  • Federal University of Technology, Owerri
  • University of Lagos (UNILAG)

You can get a full list of other schools offering JUPEB program and accepting JUPEB certificate >>here<<.

Author’s Recommendation to Candidates Seeking to know How to Gain Admission with Low JAMB Score

In this very informative article, I set out to expose how to gain admission with low JAMB score. I believe the article did justice to the topic as a great deal of knowledge has been dispensed here.

Knowledge is an essential key to successful admission search. I implore you to take some time and go through this article again. Come to terms with the various options available to you in view of your low JAMB score.

When you are done reading and still have questions, feel free to use the comments section below. I will be there to attend to you as soon as possible.

Furthermore, kindly help us to reach others with this post. Share with friends on Social Media. Just scroll down to see the Facebook and Twitter and WhatsApp buttons. Thank you so much!

See you on the next article.

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About Henry Divine

Henry Divine is a passionate educator and seasoned blogger with a strong commitment to providing valuable insights and resources to the education community. With over 6 years of experience in the field, Henry's articles are well-researched, authoritative, and tailored to meet the needs of teachers, students, and parents alike. Through his blog, Henry aims to empower readers with practical tips, innovative strategies, and evidence-based practices to foster lifelong learning and academic success. Follow Henry for the latest updates and expert advice on all things education.

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  1. Sir , is it true that the UNN cut-off mark for medicine 2019 was up to 320? And is it possible to score 400 in post UTME exans

    • The cutoff mark was 323.

      Get the past questions and see if you can answer all questions correctly. If you can, you can score 400.

  2. Pls sir I got 203 in my jamb And I want study law will be admitted in writing post utme in unn because is my dream school

    • If you are asking whether you are qualified to write UNN Post-UTME with a JAMB score of 203, the answer is Yes.

      But your chances of getting admitted into Law faculty is slim. You may need to change the course to something less competitive.

  3. Guday sir divine,pls is there any chance for psycology with189 as average, from enugu based in porthacourt,thanx.

  4. Anozie Hilary Chukwuebuka

    Pls I chose nursing with an aggregate of 276 any hope for me if no hope then what should I do

  5. Goodday Henry Divine
    I had 308 in my Jamb and 260 in the just released post-UTME result.
    Am going for medicine and surgery.
    My WAEC result was 3A 3B and 3C
    I had Unn as first choice.
    Any hope?

    • Concerning Medicine and Surgery, your chances of merit admission is very slim.
      But there is hope if you have what it takes to follow it up.

  6. Sir Henry….wot about scoring 231in jamb and later in postutme u scored 350…pls sir wot is the hope of admission

  7. Sir, in this sure success post utme and de screening exam past questions,DE questions _ are they of the same nature with ordinary post utme questions cos I’m a bit confused.

    I’m for direct entry

  8. Please, Sir I’m finding it very difficult uploading my certificates for the Post UTME form. I have scanned, converted to jpg and reduced to less than 100kb size yet the page keep refreshing.
    Please, I really need help, advice or whatever cos I have tried all possible I know.

    • Are you doing it yourself?

      If you are, you need to go to a registration centre so that an experienced attendant would help you to do it.

  9. Sir Henry , please i scored 192 in my jamb and i want to study med lab so please what will be my aiming score in post utme

  10. Sir I score 183in jamb and I want to study survey & geoinformatic , which score am I suppose to have in my post utme that will give the chance of getting admission to UNN

  11. Mary Okiebunor

    Mr Henry, I’m a bit confused about the scoring of the UNN post utme. Many post online that the jamb score which is over 400 is multiplied by 0.6 and the post jamb score is multiplied by 0.4 to reach a total score over 400. For example Architecture had 226 as the cut off mark. I’m thinking over 400. Studying the past questions, I discovered there are 15 questions to each subject which brings it down to a total of 60. My jamb score; 254 X 0.6 = 152.4. Pls can you help me clarify how I’m going to beat the cut off with at least 250.

    Yet another question. Will I be admitted with two sittings? Because the brochure doesn’t say whether one or two. Thanks.

    • Thanks for writing @Mary.
      You must appreciate the fact that the information you have is incorrect. The school takes a simple average of your UTME and Post-UTME scores and with that, determine if you are qualified for admission.
      The UNN post utme questions are 60 in all (covering your four utme subjects) and marked over 400 just like JAMB.

      Also, remember that the cut-off mark you quoted is likely to be for a previous year (if at all it is correct) and has nothing to do with 2019 admissions.

      You can be admitted with two sittings into almost all courses apart from Medicine and Dentistry.

  12. I had a low jamb score of 214n aspiringfor med lab. Wat’s my probanility of gaining admissions into unn

    • Assuming you told me exactly what you would score in the forthcoming UNN Post-UTME, I would have been able to tell you the exact probability.

      What I’m saying is that post utme is still ahead, whether or not you will get admission depends on the extent to which you are able to augment your low JAMB score with a very high post utme score.

      So what towards it.

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