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UNEC — Portal, Faculties and Other Amazing Facts

University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus (UNEC)

UNEC is the short for University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus. In other words, it is the Enugu campus of UNN. In this article, I will talk about the UNEC Portal, location, meaning and other amazing facts about the institution. I will also highlight the faculties, life in UNEC, the love …

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How to Write a Composition About Myself [For All Classes]

essay writing

Today in our tutorial series, I would be teaching you about composition. By way of introduction, composition is all about putting words and sentences together to create a meaningful piece of written work. The work in question may be an essay or a story about someone or something, or even …

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Best Graduation Songs for Primary School Download

In many countries, primary education comes after nursery school and just before secondary education. Primary education lasts for 6 years, after which the pupils graduate into secondary school. The graduation is always marked by an elaborate ceremony where the graduands are awarded their certificates. The auspicious occasion is made colorful …

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